Madeleine McCann General Discussion Thread No. 26

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An interesting theory mentioned by Stevo on 3As....

"Matt Seymour's email to Interpol describing a resting place at Alentejo and being visited on the weekend of June 8-12th.

For those that don't know the history, Mr Seymour started a website inviting payments to finance a search operation in Portugal. He was rapidly shot down in flames in this forum and other places for being a crank.

Maybe his modus operandi was initially a bit hamfisted but it's interesting because there's a connection between Mr Seymour's suggestion of a final resting place and Duarte Levy's info after we found out Justine McGuiness had left some paperwork behind in the villa. Alentejo was mentioned in that article.

Maybe there was something in Mr Seymour's theories..."

A second thread was opened with the theory laid out:

21/22 of May

Gerry McCann is in the United Kingdom. Will Gerry McCann use this opportunity, in the privacy of his house, to investigate places appropriate for the grave? I think it very probable due to the attitudes of the McCanns after the return of Gerry to Portugal.

23 of May (One day after Gerry's return to Portugal)

Gerry and Kate McCann travel for Fátima passing through many zones of Portugal. I believe that this travel was done so that the McCann could see more zones where there were some of the religious buildings. Though the chapel in the Alentejo/Portel is at the top of a hill, I do not know if they managed to see it during this travel to Fátima, but they can have seen the zone on the return.

With the decided location, the McCanns passed the next days planning how to transport Madeleine for the grave in the Alentejo.

28 of May

The McCann rented the Renault Scenic himself knowing that they were going to leave for Rome the next day and that they would not be going to use it. Did they rent the Renault BEFORE leaving for Rome deliberately so that someone could use it to transport Madeleine's body while they were gone? Is this why they rented it precisely at this time?

While going to Rome the McCanns had the eyes of the whole world with them, leaving it free for someone to take Madeleine to the Alentejo.

29/30 of May

The McCanns are in Rome with the Pope. What better place to be while their daughter is buried? Without being able to make a worthy funeral for Madeleine, the best thing to do is to get a blessing of the Pope. I believe firmly that Madeleine McCann was buried while the McCanns had been in Rome.

I believe what is said that the Renault Scenic had excessive mileage. Alentejo/Portel lies more than 160km from the Beach at Luz and it explains that.

10 of June

Gerry and Kate McCann leave the Beach of Luz at the end of the afternoon to go by car up to Lisbon and to catch an aeroplane for Morocco. For what reason did the McCanns go by car to Lisbon to fly to Morocco by aeroplane when they could catch the aeroplane in Faro? Did they use this opportunity to visit Madeleine's gravestone? It is about 20 minutes by car out of Lisbon.

I noticed that with the whole detail. The chapel in the Alentejo/Portel is not a place represented by one of the black symbols, but it is great near to one of them.

I checked all the chapels, churches and religious buildings of the North of Portugal and the chapel what I retire the most obvious thing is. There is no another religious building without use that could suit more to the McCann. If I was the McCann, it would have chosen the chapel of Portel in the Alentejo. It is a sufficiently pleasant and remote place to make easy the grave of a body without being visited by anybody. It is perfect.

They do not go only for me. Glance and see if they find a better place.

Given which Madeleine is probably buried inside a bag (it is what the examinations suggest laboratoriais done to the car) they will be able to think it perhaps with a metal detector.

I wait what inform of this message the appropriate persons. I sent elements on this building to the P.J. of Portimão, but perhaps the officials of Lisbon are more well placed to proceed to investigations.

It fits in with the "paperwork" that may have been left behind by Justine McGuiness on her departure.

Thanks Colomom, That is mind boggling :eek: I'll have to go read that thread tonight.

Have the PJ gone there to inspect the area? They need to take Eddie there, right? Have you read about that being a possibility?

OH, I wish I had the money and I would wire it to the PJ for that purpose. Just think if they found her body. I'm going to look up that Portel chapel. xox

Hope everyone had a wonderful New Year!
I Googled Chapel of Portal in the Alentejo and it didn't come up. What I learned is that every church and chapel does have a portal, a great window.
Thanks to X and Summer

Copied from: #196


The Madeleine Foundation - A Pledge with the Portuguese Authorities

The Madeleine Foundation has opened the New Year with a message that was submitted to several Portuguese institutions, including the Ministry of Justice, pleading for an inquest – or its equivalent under Portuguese law – to be performed in the case of the disappearance of Madeleine McCann

Deborah Butler, chairman of the private organisation, and Anthony Bennett, a retired solicitor and present secretary of the foundation, request the Portuguese authorities to pursue further measures, in order to fully clarify the circumstances under which Madeleine McCann disappeared, on May 3rd 2007, from Praia da Luz. They have mailed a copy of their book, "What Really Happened to Madeleine McCann? - 60 Reasons which suggest that she was not abducted", together with the letter that we reproduce below.


Dr. Alberto Costa
Ministério da Justiça
Praça do Comércio
1149 - 019 Lisboa

Dear Dr. Costa,

Please find below our letter asking you to hold an inquest into the disappearance or death of Madeleine McCann.

So many of us in the United Kingdom and Portugal believe that Madeleine deserves an enquiry into how she disappeared - or perhaps died in Praia da Luz on or before 3 May 2007.

For your information, together with this letter we enclose a copy of our book: "What Really Happened to Madeleine McCann? - 60 Reasons wich suggest she was not abducted", which has been on sale in the U.K. since 8 December.

Also for your information, here is a list of other Portuguese agencies to whom we have sent this letter:

Direcção Geral da Administração da Justiça
Av. 5 de Outubro, nº 125
1069 - 044 Lisboa

PGR Attorney General's Office
Procuradoria Geral da República
Dr. Pinto Monteiro
Rua da Escola Politécnica, 140
1269 - 269 Lisboa

Bar Association
Ordem dos Advogados
Conselho Geral
Largo de São Domingos, 14 - 1º
1169 - 060 Lisboa

Head of the Criminal Department
Policia Judiciara Criminal Department,
Rua Pé da Cruz, 2,
8500-640 Portimão

Yours with great respect,

Deborah Butler, Chairman
Anthony Bennett, Secretary
The Madeleine Foundation
66 Chippingfield
CM17 0DJ
Tel: 0044 1279 635 789
Mobile: 07835 716537

The Madeleine Foundation
Combating child neglect

Registered address:
66 Chippingfield, HARLOW, Essex CM17 0DJ

Dr. Alberto Costa Thursday 1 January 2009
Ministério da Justiça
Praça do Comércio
1149 - 019 LISBOA

Dear Dr Costa

re: Holding of an Inquest into Madeleine McCann's disappearance /death

I write to you on behalf of The Madeleine Foundation, a membership organisation in the United Kingdom dedicated primarily to keeping alive the issue of child neglect, which we feel lies at the very heart of the case of the 'disappearance' of Madeleine McCann. At the same time, I am pleased to enclose for your attention the booklet we have published this week, titled: "What Really Happened to Madeleine McCann? - 60 Reasons which suggest that she was not abducted". It is not yet available in Portuguese.

We have examined the statement of the Portuguese Attorney-General, made in July this year [2008], in which he announced that the investigation into Madeleine McCann's disappearance/death will be 'archived', or shelved, pending new evidence becoming available. We have also seen translation of police documents and DVDs on the case released over the past few months by the Portuguese police.

It is our view, based on the evidence – and shared we understand with the former lead investigator in the case, Goncalo Amaral - that Madeleine died in Apartment 5A in Praia da Luz, and that the parents, together perhaps with some of their other friends who were with them in Portugal, have covered up the death and know what has happened to Madeleine's body. According to the police reports and other indications, there is much evidence pointing that way. In summary, it includes:

a) the powerful evidence of the cadaver dogs, who located the smell of death, i.e. human cadaverine, in three or four locations in Apartment 5A, in the McCanns' hired car, their Renault Scenic, on the clothes of Kate McCann and on the T-shirt of one of the children, and on the soft toy known as 'Cuddle Cat'
b) evidence from DNA samples of body fluids which we understand, in summary, indicates that Madeleine died in apartment 5A but does not prove it
c) contradictory statements by the McCanns themselves and their friends about the events of 1st, 2nd and 3rd May, including various changes of story by the McCanns, and contradictions between what they, their friends and other witnesses say about the events of 1st to 3rd May 2007.

Goncalo Amaral in his book: 'The Truth about a Lie" suggests that Madeleine died in Apartment 5A and that the McCanns faked the abduction. We think his conclusion is very possible.

Had these events occurred in the United Kingdom, an inquest would - sooner or later - be held. In the U.K., inquests can be held, even in the absence of a body, if there is some evidence that the person (or child) is dead. For example, an inquest was held a few years ago on a canoeist whose kayak was found drifting in the North Sea, though no body had been found.

We write therefore to enquire if there is any similar provision in Portuguese law. Our concern is that, now that the police investigation has in effect been suspended, there is a real risk that all the circumstances surrounding Madeleine McCann's disappearance will not become known. An inquest provides an ideal opportunity for all relevant witnesses to be required to give their testimony, and be questioned. The sooner this takes place, the better, as witnesses' recollections fade, and evidence is lost.

There is much evidence in this case, thousands of pages of it according to the Policia Judiciara report released in July and since. We believe it is vital that this evidence should be presented in a court as soon as possible.

Could you please advise us as soon as possible if there is any provision in the Portuguese judicial system for holding an inquest, or any other similar public enquiry into a person's disappearance and possible death in Portugal - and also please inform us whether any moves have yet been made in Portugal to hold such an inquest or inquiry into Madeleine's 'disappearance'.

I await hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

Deborah Butler
Chairman, The Madeleine Foundation


Hey Tony are

Great letters, hope replies will be forthcoming.

The Alentejo theory sounds extremely possible! It definitely makes a lot of sense that Madeleine was buried while the McCanns were in Rome!

Great letters, hope replies will be forthcoming.

Ditto Barnaby!

Tony, there sure is a lot that can be said about body language and also their "funny" sayings. Most of which made my skin crawl.

I got my booklet yesterday :) Brilliant reading. Excellent work Tony.

Anyone else started reading their booklet yet?
Way to go Tony!!!!!!

I hope you get a positive reply. If not, maybe a petition would be in order? We can NOT do that through WS, but if you set one up and let us know, we could visit the site.....

Ditto Barnaby!

Tony, there sure is a lot that can be said about body language and also their "funny" sayings. Most of which made my skin crawl.

I got my booklet yesterday :) Brilliant reading. Excellent work Tony.

Anyone else started reading their booklet yet?

I devoured are correct, it is very well written. I think we will see some sort of response due to Tony's fantastic work.
I can't wait to get my copy.

I have always thought it very plausible that the McCanns' visit to the Pope had hidden meaning. They did not have a meeting with the Pope, as the tabloids reported. Instead, they only joined a line of people who saw the Pope as he passed by--no private meeting or even group meeting--and they held up a photo of Madeleine to be blessed by the Pope. It was a drive by, to put it bluntly.

Their visit to the Pope was the only funeral Mass that Madeleine had, and they knew it.

Looking forward to getting the booklet, for sure.
I agree Texana! Who would go to visit the pope if their child was missing such a short time? Who would have time to do that? Kinda like that "fund" they got established in 11 days........

These are the kind of things that really make you go hmmmmmm..... who cares about the makeup and the jewlry and the jogging - those can all be explained as "busy hands" to ease the mind. But the traveling? and the money? And the pope? all within in days of Maddie going missing - not weeks or months, but days..... the most horrible of days when most parents would still be trying to figure out how to cope, would be scared to leave the side of LE in the event that she was found and NEEDED her parents....... they really didn't give her much thought, did they? They tried to make it look like they were thinking about her, but they weren't really....

My opinion,

I wish Madeleine had disappeared in the United States. People here could search suspicious places like the river near Spain and this chapel. I wonder if there are people in Portugal who still look for Madeleine.
I wish Madeleine had disappeared in the United States. People here could search suspicious places like the river near Spain and this chapel. I wonder if there are people in Portugal who still look for Madeleine.

I also wonder if people in Portugal are physically looking for Madeleine. My SIL lives out there as was to come back to the UK for a couple of weeks during the christmas holidays, sadly that didn't happen as her son had an accident the morning she was due to fly. Hopefully she will be coming over now the end of January or the beginning of February.
I wish Madeleine had disappeared in the United States. People here could search suspicious places like the river near Spain and this chapel. I wonder if there are people in Portugal who still look for Madeleine.

Ohhhhhh...... ME TOO!!!! I would take every vacation to look for her. I want to go to Portugal so badly.

Not to mention if she had gone missing in the US, I have a pretty good feeling that the McCanns would be KC's neighbors in the pokey. One of the biggest mess ups in Maddie's case was the heat that Portugal LE took because of the McCanns's connections. Portugal LE was not allowed to do their job completely. They were called bumblers and of course they did not have the technology that England had - so English LE was called in and in my opinion that undermined the integrity of the entire investigation. I do believe Portugal LE learned alot about processing crime scenes and using trained dogs right away, etc. But I really feel the English in the end, stemmied this case.

Ohhhhhh...... ME TOO!!!! I would take every vacation to look for her. I want to go to Portugal so badly.




ME THREE!!!! I want to go to Portugal, I have some very specific spots I would like to check out.

Let's make a promise....if any of us comes into a ton of money (I bought a ticket for the $105 million Powerball) we will take a group with us and go!!

I have about 7 of you guys and about the same from Proboards and I would probably invite 3 or 4 from 3A's. I would pay for flights and lodging and I would reserve the Tapas for every night we were there.

What a wonderful dream.....

Hope I'm among the 7 Colomon I would so love to go, not to mention meeting you all! Hope you win!

I could go to Portugal but wouldn't feel right being there alone, would need you guys!
What a dream! Dream big! I love it!

Seriously, the visit with the Pope has always nagged at me. They held up a photo of Madeleine for the Pope to bless.

They didn't release Madeleine's exact height and weight, and to this day we don't seem to have an answer. They never released on their own an age-progressed or appearance changed drawing of Maddie. They never gave an exact time line of what happened before she went missing.

But they were able to travel to a town that was closed for a holiday to put up posters of Maddie, and Gerry came to the U.S. only days after Madeleine went missing, to talk to the U.S. Attorney General, presumably about a European Amber alert.

The visit to the Pope was their memorial service for Madeleine.

That's it.
I agree with you Tex! 100%. What could the pope have done to help them at that point? Nothing. So why would you leave the immediate area and the LE of the place where she went missing? I understand you might travel at some point, but not in the first 2 or 3 weeks. How could you stand it!?! AND they both went....... Never happen in my family. If we had to go, one would go and one would stay. What if they found her?

colomom - I bought a lotto ticket too! If I win, we will go to Portugal!

I agree with you Tex! 100%. What could the pope have done to help them at that point? Nothing. So why would you leave the immediate area and the LE of the place where she went missing? I understand you might travel at some point, but not in the first 2 or 3 weeks. How could you stand it!?! AND they both went....... Never happen in my family. If we had to go, one would go and one would stay. What if they found her?

colomom - I bought a lotto ticket too! If I win, we will go to Portugal!


Fingers and toes crossed Salem!!!

Cologirl is sending you lucky vibes because she wants to go to Portugal too!!
I hope you win Colomom. Not dismissing Portugal's police, but someone should be looking for Madeleine who really wants her found.
[Gonçalo Amaral helps English lawyer to "frame" (* ) the McCann]

24 horas
8 Janeiro 2009

Former English lawyer counts on ex-Pj inspector
Amaral strikes again against the McCann

In translations:

Hi Colomom and Everyone,

I want to get everyone's thoughts on this. Negligence is a start. I am concerned about the coverup of her death and hiding the body from the law. That is if she didn't die from a hard slap to the head which could have snapped her neck and caused a fine spray of spinal fluid and blood to land on the wall behind the couch! Maybe this is the right starting point to find out the truth and lead to the cause of death and the responsibility thereof.

As to the word FRAME, I think it has a different connotation than to 'CATCH WITH A NET' which was what I thought the word tarder {tarter} says in portugues.

When you frame someone you set them up for a fall even if there is no guilt. You do it to put the blame on someone or somewhere else. IMO

To catch in a net is to position it just right so there is no way from which they can escape.

I think short of NAILING 'EM there is a better word. Maybe I'm wrong. xox
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