Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect - #14

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ETA: Typo > "now" was intended to be "not". Big difference there ;)
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What we don’t want, is CB the coward he is, to commit suicide before a trial.

I hope he’s under very very strict surveillance. If he is the perpetrator, I am sure he’s aware the world is about to hate on him severely.
I think I can see things here in road's van pic.

Red square: a house? (on top of some hill or something high).

Black square: top of an aqueduct or water spring?

There's nothing to be seen ......
What we don’t want, is CB the coward he is, to commit suicide before a trial.

I hope he’s under very very strict surveillance. If he is the perpetrator, I am sure he’s aware the world is about to hate on him severely.

i read a quote that his fellow inmates consider him to be the 'most hated man on the planet'..and CB was aware of that.
It places a pre-paid phone that CB was known to have used in 2007 in PDL, just prior to the abduction. Where did he tell police he was on that night when they questioned him in 2013? In PDL or somewhere else? It's just some of the million questions we don't know the answers to at this stage and I personally don't see any reason to read much into that.

Why would we be told what evidence German LE have right now? They have been appealing for the other phone number to confirm it was indeed CB on the phone, and have said if that happens, they have enough to proceed with a charge (although they would also like more evidence - to ensure conviction). IMO they have something major tying him to this crime, hence the very unusual way they've gone about insisting his guilt. They don't have a body or any forensics, so to insist his guilt they must have a lot more than hearsay, unfortunately to get a conviction you need forensics, a body or witnesses.

JMO but I think they have a video or witnesses to a video but that isn't enough to ensure a conviction against CB if he can't be identified in it.

They may have any number of things

I was simply reacting to the idea this places him 'at the scene'

Based on other cases I have followed' detailed evidence over basic tower pings may not even place him in PDL depending on tower range.

A lot is being assumed based on accusation and propensity evidence but we still have not one piece of evidence tying him to the crime.

I am also going to bet there is no video.

If there was a video, the parents would have been informed the victim was abducted.
There is a good photo of the sliding window and the size of its opening being checked by Rebelo it is photo #6 at
Maddie McCann foi avistada 8685 vezes em 101 países - Portugal - Correio da Manhã
I'd always thought MMs bed was under that window but I've since looked at the layout and from what I can gather she slept at the opposite side of a small room with 2 travel cots. So if the window was the route out he'd also have squeezed past the twins

But her bed was almost as close to the front door faced the same direction led to the same car park and would be a far better exit. And less obvious should anyone walk past.

Doors were unlocked as we know from the statements but it's difficult to determine which ones. I suspect the patio door on the opposite side of the flat which faced the Tapas bar but couldn't really be seen was unlocked was could have been the one used by MO.

Has the flat layout already been discussed so I catch up

Also thinking of Smithman. CB seems to have had two quite distinctive vehicles - Jag and campervan - which people would have noticed . Were either reported in the area that night? If not it makes Smithman more interesting. Get her away from the vicinity before accessing distinctive vehicles

So the window now seems a real oddity. Neither a good way in or out. Unless he did hand her to someone.

ETA to add details of vehicles
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According to whom or to what?

mrjitty's made a point that whilst the police have reported that they can place him at the scene from the mobile phone, he contests that you cannot pinpoint his location.

obviously he is questioning the information that has been released, as it didnt explicitly explain how they know of his location.

personally i think its moot but the mast analysis must have merit and geolocation services were alive and well in 2007 and his location on the night probably isnt the most damning evidence anyway.
I'd always thought MMs bed was under that window but I've since looked at the layout and from what I can gather she slept at the opposite side of a small room with 2 travel cots. So if the window was the route out he'd also have squeezed past the twins

But her bed was almost as close to the front door faced the same direction and would be a far better exit. And less obvious should anyone walk past.

Doors were unlocked as we know from the statements but it's difficult to determine which ones. I suspect the patio door on the opposite side of the flat which faced the Tapas bar but couldn't really be seen was unlocked was could have been the one used by MO.

So the window now seems a real oddity. Neither a good way in or out. Unless he did hand her to someone

he handed her to someone.
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