Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect - #15

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Jan 24, 2017
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ETA: Typo > "now" was intended to be "not". Big difference there ;)
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... All the below have been named in MSM in relation to the MM case and their initials used throughout these threads.

Thank you Dlk79. Great work.

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Madeleine suspect's neighbours fear 'German Maddie could be buried in cellar'
The current tenant of the home in Braunschweig, tour guide Sabina Sellag, is said to be in “such a panic” that she has been sleeping outside

Her friend Thomas Tager told The Sun: “She is terrified.

“She has begged police to come with search dogs. She said to me ‘I’m worried I am sleeping on a dead body’.”

A neighbour, who did not wish to be named, told the Mirror: “She is convinced Inga is under there. That cellar was built by a previous tenant.

"Christian B removed the floorboards and jumped into it.

"There was loads of rubbish inside and he added to it. The new tenant is in such a panic.

"She has spent a week sleeping outside.

"It is strange there is a cellar as they are forbidden in gardens. He was a small-time criminal.”

It comes after officers this week launched a two-day search at an address in Hanover where Christian B allegedly stayed in 2010.

The 43-year-old child sex fiend, who is the prime suspect in the search for Madeleine, lived at the isolated garden house in Hanover for three years.

Now locals in Braunschweig want a similar search of a small garden house where he lived from 2013 to 2016.

They claim he lifted floorboards to access a 20ft cellar there and fear he may have hidden Inga's body there.
"Madeleine McCann's suspected kidnapper has launched a fresh attempt to get out of prison just two days after scrapping his first parole bid."

"The lawyer, who maintains Bruecker had nothing to do with Madeleine's disappearance, claims the police have known about the allotment for years.

He said: 'The site has been known to the authorities for years. So far, however, it has not been of any interest."

Madeleine McCann suspect launches SECOND bid to walk free | Daily Mail Online
"Madeleine McCann's suspected kidnapper has launched a fresh attempt to get out of prison just two days after scrapping his first parole bid."

"The lawyer, who maintains Bruecker had nothing to do with Madeleine's disappearance, claims the police have known about the allotment for years.

He said: 'The site has been known to the authorities for years. So far, however, it has not been of any interest."

Madeleine McCann suspect launches SECOND bid to walk free | Daily Mail Online

According to Fülscher the allotment was known to the authorities in the investigation of another case for years, yes. But that doesn't mean anything, even if that investiagion had nothing to do with the current murder-investigation. Why should there have been the need to excavate the ground, if L.E. investigated for driving without licence e.g. and knew CB's possible whereabouts?

IMO Fülscher just babbles around a bit, because he couldn't do anything else in that media-effected case by now.
Yes, exactly that. I know it's highly speculative and subjective, and not necessarily in the spirit of sleuthing, but there's a lot to be said for hunches IMO, especially from those who have been watching the case from the outset. I'm not sure any previous suspects linked to the MM case have had such prominence or length of time in the public eye?

I would be very concerned about the state of our justice/media complex if CB turned out to be innocent of these crimes that he is directly or indirectly being linked to.

Thanks for your response. :)
Madeleine suspect's neighbours fear 'German Maddie could be buried in cellar'
The current tenant of the home in Braunschweig, tour guide Sabina Sellag, is said to be in “such a panic” that she has been sleeping outside

Her friend Thomas Tager told The Sun: “She is terrified.

“She has begged police to come with search dogs. She said to me ‘I’m worried I am sleeping on a dead body’.”

A neighbour, who did not wish to be named, told the Mirror: “She is convinced Inga is under there. That cellar was built by a previous tenant.

"Christian B removed the floorboards and jumped into it.

"There was loads of rubbish inside and he added to it. The new tenant is in such a panic.

"She has spent a week sleeping outside.

"It is strange there is a cellar as they are forbidden in gardens. He was a small-time criminal.”

It comes after officers this week launched a two-day search at an address in Hanover where Christian B allegedly stayed in 2010.

The 43-year-old child sex fiend, who is the prime suspect in the search for Madeleine, lived at the isolated garden house in Hanover for three years.

Now locals in Braunschweig want a similar search of a small garden house where he lived from 2013 to 2016.

They claim he lifted floorboards to access a 20ft cellar there and fear he may have hidden Inga's body there.

"Madeleine McCann's suspected kidnapper has launched a fresh attempt to get out of prison just two days after scrapping his first parole bid."

"The lawyer, who maintains Bruecker had nothing to do with Madeleine's disappearance, claims the police have known about the allotment for years.

He said: 'The site has been known to the authorities for years. So far, however, it has not been of any interest."

Madeleine McCann suspect launches SECOND bid to walk free | Daily Mail Online

Any experts on German law know what the evidence required for a warrant is?

I feel the LE will know nearly everything about CBs life. They'll have records in various systems and administrative departments, even if he's went off grid and tried to use cash, it's impossible to go completely under the radar as he needs some level of access to public services and administration (e.g. vehicles). I'm certainly sure they'll know where he's lived and his social circles - there's the implication that there's been digital forensics in the past so I think it's likely they've been able to create a picture that way.

That suggests to me that the first search is really significant as it would imply that they have some probably cause, in relation to MM, to take to a judge/justice dept. If it was a case of them being able to say 'well this guy is a bit dodgy and we can pin him for [x] heinous crimes so speculate he could have done this', I'm not so sure if that's quite enough for deep searches of everywhere he's been over his entire life.

It could perhaps be that this search gives the necessary info the LE need to get other searches.
I have been thinking about how could he manage it all both financially and in between jail times.
How dedicated someone could be to kind of keep building cellars, travelling to Portugal and back, changing towns.
Maybe the cellars were for drugs growing, too? Or maybe he lived of these videos he was making?

have you tried to map a financial chronology for CB from as early as 1995?..

to me there is a hint of him being 'less desperate' after 1996 and 2007. And I dont know how he afforded to set up a kiosk and own or leased all of these different properties, have more than 1 car, etc.

I'm not convinced that his Kiosk was anything more than a way to be near kids, and didnt make any actual profit.

Whilst i dont know either way, ive been advocating the angle of many people involved, and i know others are advocating CB essentially on his own, so in the interest of keeping that going, suppose he received payment for an abduction in 1996?

this allowed him to put down lease payments for one or more properties, and perhaps large quantities of weed (50kg+), which he then traded back and forth from Germany to Portugal/Holland/Spain. At 50kg thats not far from $500k Australian (200k Euro/$350k US), so he'd be making $20k+ per transaction i would guess.

Returns diminish though unless you are not spending and doing petty theft only, the money eventually runs out. So you look for a new big payday.

Rinse and Repeat.
So a German bought the VW van for 5000€ and then let deteriorate parked as scrap?
Sounds fraudulent in some way.

There's a number of things about BP that don't seem right. There was however this article (and similar others) with quotes from his son about the vehicle:

The son of the German scrap dealer who bought a VW camper van from the McCann suspect told how police turned up last year to take it away for forensic examination.

He said Brueckner would occasionally leave the van at their premises but in 2015 sold it to his father for £4,500.

Last year Portuguese police seized the vehicle.

The son, who did not want to be named, said: ‘Christian sold my dad the van around 2015 and we used it afterwards as our family vehicle.

‘It was a little rusty but had a good engine.

Maddie McCann suspect sold his VW campervan in 2015 to a car scrapyard - Culture - ReadSector

He was quoted as being a car dealer early on in this, that's a very easy front from money laundering. I could see why it's something LE are really interested in. I don't think they are accusing anyone he's ever sold to as being criminals but if one of them come out and said "Oh, we actually bought that piece of *advertiser censored* for a few hundred euros and he reported it ten fold", that could be really important.
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