Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect - #15

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[QUOTE="Lyndaloo, post: 16276394, member: 240367"
However I dunno whether I should take offence to being referred to as loony lol :D I probably shouldn’t post at this late hour o_O x[/QUOTE]
I got you muddled up with a loobyloo that I once knew, and then it auto’corrected’! I would not dream of taking away the ‘crazy’ title from CB.
I thought about CB, MM and the darknet again.

We are talking about the year 2006/2007, during which time CB and MT served an eight month prison sentence in Portugal. After their release from prison their ways separated. MT set off for Spain; CB continued to stray through South Portugal.

A few weeks after MM's disappearance - at the end of May or beginning of June - CB is said to have appeared in Spain with a large mobile home at MT's former place of residence. This information is based on statements by MT.

After that they seem to have had no further contact worth mentioning.

MT is the one who claimed that CB had spent a lot of time in darkweb. So this would have to have been at the beginning of 2006 or during the short visit to Spain in 2007. In prison the two of them will hardly have been online all the time.

What content did darknet have to offer in those years? Sure, it's been around a lot longer than that, and from around 2005 onward, there were more and more normal middle-class people who used Tor to access the Internet to escape government surveillance and data storage. But did darknet at that time already offer easy to reach platforms where people could exchange ideas about the abuse of small children? Quasi an everyday communication and file sharing?

I'm sceptical about this, but would be happy if someone here in the forum knows more and can enlighten me.

Certain is that the instant messaging service "Telegram", which is used by dubious circles for their communication in "secret chats", has only existed since 2013.

So I think it will be difficult to find anything about MM on the websites and in the chats of pedophiles. At best, CB might have put the stuff on the net later - in the 2010s. But these are vague hypotheses.

What makes my assumption - CB does not exchange his pictures and films - is the statement of the profiler Mark Hoffmann. Recently he explained the behaviour of some sex offenders (with reference to CB) on German television as follows: There are offenders who film their deeds exclusively for themselves and not to share these images with others. This kind of sexual obsession is also not based on obtaining satisfaction during the act. It is only when they watch the filmed action later that they get the sexual satisfaction they long for.

I conclude from this, especially in view of the rape of the 72-year-old woman, during which the camera was also constantly running, that CB belongs to exactly this group. This would mean that he sees the footage as a "holy prey, a trophy" which he would never give away.

A quick word about MT. Who is this guy? He's being referred to in the media as a hippie. In 2007 the time of the hippies was long gone, a few so-called old hippies were still hanging around here and there. But MT does not belong to this age group, he is too young for that. And besides, these old hippies may smoke pot here and there, but they are not criminals per se.

MT is cut from a different cloth. For me he is a petty criminal loser. And to such a lame duck suddenly - by the time the world has its eyes on CB and MM - the English tabloid press comes and pulls him by his few remaining dreadlocks from the Corona swamp of isolation.

This was the opportunity to stand at the front line, grinning with a fat headline and colour photo from the newspaper pages. Probably at that moment his imagination took him on a roller coaster and his memory became more and more colourful.

My personal conclusion: The witness is quite unreliable.

Everything you can believe him: He and CB stole diesel fuel together. He and CB were in jail together. CB came to him in May or June 2007 for a few days in Spain with his big camper.

What I doubt about his statements to the press: He brought darknet into play because the headlines of those days about the German paedo ring had inspired him to do so. Sell girls to Morocco? This was also in the press reports about CB and MM before MT was mentioned.

I think he has good stuff to smoke. With it he should become happy and spread his colourful stories within his close friends.

A few quick points about MT

MT said he lived at CB's farmhouse in a van before the arrest.
MT first went to Austria, then returned to the Algarve in Feb and met up with CB. (IMO, MT is not be the green eyed person CB was hanging out with from the witness sighting.)
Soon after MT went to the Dragon Festival and started his 'new' life in Orgiva Spain.

With his story, MT made himself one of the last people to have seen CB before 03 May (excl. DF) and the first person to have seen CB after the 03 May in Orgiva May/June.

Most of the speculations are based on MT and DF's stories and their credibility. We should be very careful of that I think.

You mentioned that the 2 witnesses in the rape case got a "guilty conscience" and handed themselves in and that you would check if indeed that was the case and that they were not visited by LE after the MT interview. Any confirmation of that yet?
A few quick points about MT

MT said he lived at CB's farmhouse in a van before the arrest.
MT first went to Austria, then returned to the Algarve in Feb and met up with CB. (IMO, MT is not be the green eyed person CB was hanging out with from the witness sighting.)
Soon after MT went to the Dragon Festival and started his 'new' life in Orgiva Spain.

With his story, MT made himself one of the last people to have seen CB before 03 May (excl. DF) and the first person to have seen CB after the 03 May in Orgiva May/June.

Most of the speculations are based on MT and DF's stories and their credibility. We should be very careful of that I think.

You mentioned that the 2 witnesses in the rape case got a "guilty conscience" and handed themselves in and that you would check if indeed that was the case and that they were not visited by LE after the MT interview. Any confirmation of that yet?

I totally agree that we shouldn't take MT & DF stories at face value, I have always questioned their credibility.
I also doubt that the 2 witnesses got guilty consciences & went to LE all those years later...I think they spoke out when LE paid them a visit, but that all just moo.
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