Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect - #19

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Jan 24, 2017
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ETA: Typo > "now" was intended to be "not". Big difference there ;)
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I think the only possible material evidence is a video footage or pictures of her dead BARD. Nothing else is credible.

like I said before, I really doubt they have pictures of MM dead. If they did have that, they would announce it. Alive is scarecely plausible IMO but dead? They would share that with the parents.
According to profiler Mark T. Hofmann, the contradictory statements of the prosecuters are likely made due to video evidence, without a BARD recognizable perp. Keeping trophies is usual, often by keeping the footage. Because of that, prosecuters can be convinced of the victims death.

It's hard to solve a case, that happened in another country 13 years ago. Because there is no body, parts of it, any other forensics or a confession, almost only witnesses can be the key. And finding them, is hard work that takes time.

Around minutes 2:02 to 6:45

NDR Info

Thanks for this.

What I wonder about, is victim is also not 100%?

“It is understood that he gave his testimony to police in return for a reduction of a seven-year sentence for smuggling three migrants.” So HB is getting financial compensation AND a reduced sentence. To me, he is either getting a deal and HB is involved with MM in some way but isn’t the main perpetrator so he is getting a ‘reward’ for giving the info about CB and it would explain why he hasn’t come forward in so long as he did not have an incentive OR this info will lead to CBs arrest as it’s very vital.

The article also said that a child had been raped at the 2007 dragon festival which CB may have attended.
My thoughts too.

I also think that everything released by FF is strategic - persuasion is his job.

The statement re "wouldn't let CB look after my kids but dogs OK" = OK so I know my client isn't safe around kids but he's not that bad really.

The statement re falling off chairs in UK - is this like saying "I'm getting very afraid" and aiming to get someone to come forward?

Not sure whether this has been raised before but maybe the memory sticks that CB hid aren't all his, could have been stolen from someone else and maybe he has now given up information that implicates someone else. The "horrible job" - maybe nothing to do with MM, could refer to anything - a burglary perhaps?

I'm baffled by the death threats that FF says he has received. It's a high profile case, very emotive - but death threats? Who are they from and how many? (not really expecting answers, and maybe I'm being dim but I just don't get it)
The death threats could be from people unhappy that he’s defending CB - not uncommon to receive such threats in his line of work so he’d be used to that given he’s such a top defence lawyer ( let’s not feel sorry for him given the kind of people he works with)

However it could also be part of his strategy for putting across how explosive his evidence is. Maybe he’s trying to say that what he knows is so big that people are prepared to kill him to keep the evidence hidden?
Thanks for this.

What I wonder about, is victim is also not 100%?

I think they are sure it’s MM but not 100% certain, the parents would probably have to identify her in any images/videos which they can’t risk showing them as it may jeopardise the investigation which is very top secret, not even the parents know the evidence.
The death threats could be from people unhappy that he’s defending CB - not uncommon to receive such threats in his line of work so he’d be used to that given he’s such a top defence lawyer ( let’s not feel sorry for him given the kind of people he works with)

However it could also be part of his strategy for putting across how explosive his evidence is. Maybe he’s trying to say that what he knows is so big that people are prepared to kill him to keep the evidence hidden?

If a suspect is a part of a darkweb underground society that is usually working on trade or money-business, some of them see a thread in being investigated either. So i can imagine very well, that some of them react nervous maybe.
I think they are sure it’s MM but not 100% certain, the parents would probably have to identify her in any images/videos which they can’t risk showing them as it may jeopardise the investigation which is very top secret, not even the parents know the evidence.

Yeah - but again this is why i struggle because to me identifying the person in the images would be the most important thing to do.

There is something very strange about all this.
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