Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect - #26

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This makes me think that the 2 Russians/Ukranians LE was looking for was related to the LW/NF/CB incident.
Perhaps they could have been witnesses to what's mentioned above rather than anything to do with MM.

Perhaps to ascertain if it was possible LW conceived while she ran away, or could have perhaps already been pregnant? Or spoke to them of any abuse? NF apparently attended a station and spoke to police ‘on behalf’ of LW on her return, assured them no sexual activity took place while she was missing and told them there was no need to investigate. Did she already know at this stage that LW was pregnant and didn’t want them investigating incase the date of conception didn’t correspond to her running away?
CM "titles" are written for people that already accepted CB as guilty or that want for him to be guilty. CM titles lack logic.

If CB did abuse "many"/"several" German girls on the Algarve instituition wouldn't it to be expected that the girls when returning to German would report the abuse ?

Also "CMTV have a show on tonight at 21.10 about where the investigation is at present."

How would CM know "where the investigation is at present" ? Only BKA would know that, not CM with some documents provided by GA that were provided to him by someone on PJ that were provided by BKA last year, etc .... Publicity and more publicity ....

More of that "CB did kill MM for sure" but ... no evidence, no charge, not even questioning ...

And now goes to the extent of witness going to the press saying that they will sue GA for what he wrote on the book ... ok .... if that is true at all for me this has gone way to far ....

This is no longer reasonable and any investigator with any sort of experience in missing children cases would be by now saying .... wtf is this ....

They should compile what they have and charge if they must, and question if they must ... but it's like i posted some days ago ...

Now this is a day novel, like a novel you see on TV about a story that is long and keeps on dragging and on the middle they add all sort of stuff to make the viewers keep following ....

Now we even have HCW saying that GA is a bad police and it's good he is no longer in PJ, GA saying that all that "Rechen" is a "set up" and witness claiming they will sue GA ... and ... WHAT ABOUT MM ? what about justice ? What about finding what really happened ?
And the way the media do tend to bring MM case and CB on other ACTIVE missing children cases is beyond appauling.... They even placed a good piece of story about MM and CB (as the one they are 100% sure that killed her) on an article that should be about another child that was kidnapped 11 days ago on Australia .... Too bad CB is in jail otherwise he would be by now the prime suspect for abducting another little one ... :mad::mad::mad:

So yes, i'm "skipping" those faked/re-used news and will wait (maybe forever) for some charge/trial/something official from BKA ....
Summary of CM article published tonight, 25/20/21 at 21.32. I assume taken from the CMTV programme.

  • Friend’s witness testimony describes CB as a ‘psychopath’ and ‘sadist’ that abused troubled teens brought to Portugal from Germany.
  • Friend stayed at his “isolated” house with another friend named as “Michael” (MT?).
  • States CB was a “rock climbing artist” that scaled facades of tourist accommodations to burgle them, stealing whatever he could carry.
  • According to German case files, evidence collected in the 2016 box factory raid included computers, hard drives and “many” telephones. Apparently no link had yet been made between CB and MM at this point. (What about his 2013 summons for questioning?)
  • DNA was collected from CB’s motor home during this raid and apparently “recently compared with MM’s”, possibly alerting LE to a link (DNA is forensic evidence. HCW says they don’t have that, so I call sensationalism here).
Amigo de Bruckner conta que suspeito de matar Maddie abusou de menores em Portugal
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There was a reward for information back in 2008 wasn't there ? Why did this " friend " not seek to claim it?

Some people aren't motivated by money, some don't want get involved, for their own personal reasons, possibly that simple
CM "titles" are written for people that already accepted CB as guilty or that want for him to be guilty. CM titles lack logic.

If CB did abuse "many"/"several" German girls on the Algarve instituition wouldn't it to be expected that the girls when returning to German would report the abuse ?

Also "CMTV have a show on tonight at 21.10 about where the investigation is at present."

How would CM know "where the investigation is at present" ? Only BKA would know that, not CM with some documents provided by GA that were provided to him by someone on PJ that were provided by BKA last year, etc .... Publicity and more publicity ....

More of that "CB did kill MM for sure" but ... no evidence, no charge, not even questioning ...

And now goes to the extent of witness going to the press saying that they will sue GA for what he wrote on the book ... ok .... if that is true at all for me this has gone way to far ....

This is no longer reasonable and any investigator with any sort of experience in missing children cases would be by now saying .... wtf is this ....

They should compile what they have and charge if they must, and question if they must ... but it's like i posted some days ago ...

Now this is a day novel, like a novel you see on TV about a story that is long and keeps on dragging and on the middle they add all sort of stuff to make the viewers keep following ....

Now we even have HCW saying that GA is a bad police and it's good he is no longer in PJ, GA saying that all that "Rechen" is a "set up" and witness claiming they will sue GA ... and ... WHAT ABOUT MM ? what about justice ? What about finding what really happened ?

The point about if girls had been adused, do you actually think they would of been believed, as most cases of sexual abuse in care homes etc, don't get believed, looking at casa pia, the Jersey home for children to name just 2, they weren't believed until the became adults, I'm sure they reported at the time, and I'm sure there are many more,
Also, these are children from troubled backgrounds who may already have been victims of abuse therefore unfortunately expect that behaviour from adults. Abusers are often good at manipulation and picking out vulnerable people who are less likely to tell others.
Also, these are children from troubled backgrounds who may already have been victims of abuse therefore unfortunately expect that behaviour from adults. Abusers are often good at manipulation and picking out vulnerable people who are less likely to tell others.

The children may not have considered it abuse at the time.
If CB did abuse "many"/"several" German girls on the Algarve instituition wouldn't it to be expected that the girls when returning to German would report the abuse ?

No. I would not expect past victims, if there were more, to necessarily report it, for numerous reasons.
We all know that victims of sexual assault often don't report it.
Some people aren't motivated by money, some don't want get involved, for their own personal reasons, possibly that simple


I was once an expert witness in a case of fraud by employees against their ex-employer. The employees' defence was essentially "Don't believe anything our ex-employer says about us, they're crooks. We know that because we used to work there. And we're crooks".

This imaginative defence didn't work, but it may be what was happening here. Anyone who's enough in with these people to have the goods on CB is probably an offender himself. JC's book indicates that CB's stash of paedophile material was not downloaded from the net (because CB knew this was too dangerous), but was handed over in person, on USB sticks and memory cards. So all these people know each other well enough to be able to find and probably name one another. Denounce him for a reward, and he denounces you back.
One theory I think is possible, is that "the perfect suspect" talks himself into the frame via psychopathic boasting. So he is a local pedo. He is a burglar, including of OC. He is a violent rapist. He craves notoriety.

In separate incidents, he boasts of intent. Of involvement. Even of a murder.

Police begin to take an interest. The more they look, the more they find confirmation. Confessions. proximity. A phonecall. Prior incidents. Maybe they can even tie him to an OC burglary - exactly fitting the Met theory of the case. Maybe he can be linked to the Hannover prostitute.

So in this way they find hard confirming evidence - but never anything that will link him to a body - because his stories rest on a foundation of truth but are fantasy

I seriously doubt this goober murdered any girlfriend, for example. He strikes me as a small time loser.

While I can believe that HCW really believes he/the BKA are 100% on the right path, I'm as sceptical as you are. For me, it's not just that CB's always, at base, come across as an opportunistic grifting and not particularly accomplished (since he's always getting caught) low-life, it's also that I just can't fit him into the 3rd May picture. I've tried but I can't.

Until I/we know what's on the table, I can't make much sense of things.
The big reward was for info that led to the "safe return of Madeleine McCann".

I've always thought that was such a strange criterion - the pre-condition - upon which to offer a reward.

I wonder why it wasn't just offered for info that lead to what happened to her?
I’m almost afraid to ask… But have any Portugal-based folk managed to catch that CMTV programme tonight?

I saw it today. My TV box records all stations for 7 days so i went back and saw yesterday program.

I'm very disturbed/upset by other case here at WS that I'm following up now and comenting on because I do strongly WANT for the little one to be rescued alive so i'm not paying any attention to all of that MM "repetition" and wrong information. I'm just skipping stuff that for me is not relevant or are simply wrong.

Also I can't post much because of WS rules as well, i can't disclose "stuff" that is not known to general public and it's on process files of other cases, etc so i can't argue with what was stated on CM but if one wants to believe me some of the stuff that was stated on CM program IS NOT TRUE (unless they are reading a different file)... So in my oppinion they are just making stuff looks more sinister than it really is.
Summary of CM article published tonight, 25/20/21 at 21.32. I assume taken from the CMTV programme.

  • Friend’s witness testimony describes CB as a ‘psychopath’ and ‘sadist’ that abused troubled teens brought to Portugal from Germany.
  • Friend stayed at his “isolated” house with another friend named as “Michael” (MT?).
  • States CB was a “rock climbing artist” that scaled facades of tourist accommodations to burgle them, stealing whatever he could carry.
  • According to German case files, evidence collected in the 2016 box factory raid included computers, hard drives and “many” telephones. Apparently no link had yet been made between CB and MM at this point. (What about his 2013 summons for questioning?)
  • DNA was collected from CB’s motor home during this raid and apparently “recently compared with MM’s”, possibly alerting LE to a link (DNA is forensic evidence. HCW says they don’t have that, so I call sensationalism here).
Amigo de Bruckner conta que suspeito de matar Maddie abusou de menores em Portugal

For me - my oppinion only :

What was stated is indeed what was posted here but :

- "Friend of CB" on CM interview by the statments posted is Manfred S. without doubth. He describes 2 rapes that he saw on the tapes (Italian and 14 yo German girl) but there are some discrepancies from what "i did believe" (i will call it that so that my posts are not deleted). On CM interview witness talk about 1 camera, Helge would say 2 cameras in 2 positions, 3 rapes on CB house. Manfred would say 1 camera and 3 rapes, on CM they talk only about 2 rapes.

- On CM "Manfred" talked about 14yo German girl to be fully naked, having long hair, not remembering if CB did had a mask or not, what i did believe that it was on other files would be a German 14-16yo with glasses.

- On CM they talk as if Manfred would testify as CB making many sexual abuses of children/german problematic children, what i know/believed is that he stated not to know anything apart from the rape tapes with just one abused German girl (plus italian and uk woman).

- CM makes it as if CB had to do "oral sex" on the Italian woman, what i did believe is that on original Manfred statment it was the German girl that had to do that.

And so on ....
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  • According to German case files, evidence collected in the 2016 box factory raid included computers, hard drives and “many” telephones. Apparently no link had yet been made between CB and MM at this point. (What about his 2013 summons for questioning?)
  • DNA was collected from CB’s motor home during this raid and apparently “recently compared with MM’s”, possibly alerting LE to a link (DNA is forensic evidence. HCW says they don’t have that, so I call sensationalism here).

But in my opinion only and just that (so please don't delete my post because this is JUST WHAT I THINK :

- There were SEVERAL raids to CB allotment in 2014/2016 and NOT one.

02/07/2014 - In relation to an operation agaist child abuse distribuition there is an apreension on CB allotment. LEA aquire some supports for data, image and video.

- It's found the chat that CB did had in 2013

14/01/2016 - Neighbour calls local police because of the smell that was comming from CB allotment where he did live inside his auto-caravan. Police finds the "body" of CB dog + a LIDL bag with "wood to burn" On the bag they find 6 pen drives + 2 memory cards with photos of CB, Photos of child abuse + word documents that LE describe as writting about severe sexual abuse against children.

23/02/2016 - There is another "search" on the allotment of CB. Suspect was not there and LEA do get the auto-caravan and the swimming suits. They got some child toys, data supports/media, mobile phones, and a Toshiba laptop of green color.

- Tribunal later decide to return to CB the swimming suits but he didn't had interest in getting those returned to him and doesn't opose to the destruction of the same. CB had told to a girlfriend that those items are aquired on the internet. At the time the cloths were not examined with molecular technology but it ended up being done in 2018.

- It's also found one smartphone that belongs to an UK guy that claimed the phone was robbed in his vacation residence in "Carvoeiro" - few km from PDL on 22/08/2007.

12/07/2018 - It's known the result of laboratory check on the swimming suits. They found 3 ADN profiles of female and 1 profile of male. In 2 of the swimming suits there was ADN of CB. They don't know the biologic origin of the samples (if it's semen, blod, etc). Then they assumed that DNA could be of victims and compared the samples found with DNA of missing children (and adults) as well and non-identifyed bodies found on German database. They compared it with missing persons, dead people that was not ID, etc but THERE WASN'T ANY MATCH. Meaning the DNA on the cloths/swimming suits didn't belong to any missing kid, (at least on Germany) (I'm not aware if the database is national or international).

19to21/06/2018 - LEA do a new search on CB allotment and this time they intend/expect to get/retrieve the following items - Swimming glasses, data supports/media, child cloth, personal computers, written records/texts, human biological remains. They assumed CB wouldn't destroy items aquired on PT crimes but would somehow store them.

They were also searching for stuff to link him to 2005 rape, etc. Nothing was found.

-They wanted to do the same molecular biological search on all CB cars(vans) and compare with database of missing/non-id dead people on Germany (maybe international ?). No traces were found of anything like blod, etc but they did found a card for a turistic place in "Vale do Lobo" in one Jaguar with validity of 05/09/2007

So information on CM is misleading. They claim that it was not possible to determine anything from exams on swimming suits and it's not true (or so i believe) and they claim results are not know when in fact they (LEA) do know the results, it's just that CM do have "other files".

MY OPPINION ONLY so just it's either take it or leave it !
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