Madeleine McCann: German Prisoner Identified as Suspect, #37

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This thread is dedicated to discussion of CB as the suspect in Madeleine's case.

The thread is NOT for rehashing anything to do with the McCanns who were formally cleared.

Members who persist in bringing up the suggestion or possibility of the McCanns being responsibile for their daughter's disappearance will have posts removed and may face a temporary or permanent loss of posting privileges.

This thread is about Christian Bueckner as the suspect in Madeleine's disappearance.

Dogs and the McCanns are off topic in this discussion.

Also, stop the snark and bickering in this thread.

Thank you.
I think what he was saying was clear with this:



If HB didn’t come forward until 2020, the five cases cannot pre date 2020.

Best if I leave it to Superdad to elucidate since it is he you are quoting.

For me as far as HB case is concerned ~ it really doesn't matter when she asked police to investigate on her behalf the only cases being investigated at the time were filed in 2018 and that was the file under which her case was investigated.

Who knows when any of the four cases for which CB was indicted were added or some may even have have been subtracted. Each case had to be investigated on its merits before it could be added to the investigation filed under 2018 as stand alone cases.

Had DM's case not been done and dusted by then very likely they would have shared a case number, whatever that may have been.

I think it is logical that HB's individual case shared the same case file as the other four individual cases. None were numbered independently. All are 2018.
My opinion.
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I don’t know if a specific fund but in a country like Germany with no doubt a strong legal industry, I’m confident they exist.

My point was a simple one, that there is likely an honest answer to who is paying CB’s legal fees rather than a nefarious one and I don’t have an interest in debating it further.
Not a problem if you are finished with the discussion I don't think we could have taken it any further anyway. I agree it is boring when one just does not have the facts to hand which if we had would clear up in a jiffy whether or not the anonymous philanthropists' motive is honest or nefarious.
It did strike me as strange too, given his penchant for burying data devices but perhaps there is a reasonable explanation for CB not having retrieved his potentially incrimiating belongings from AB. If an USB stick containing solely CSA images and a picture of MM, was recovered from AB's premises, how would ownership be determined? My (confused) mind is linking that to the transfer of CB's Jag registration on 4th May and the implications for AB.
I think anyone who had the slightest relationship with CB must initially have been appalled when they first heard what he was suspected of. Then it would have dawned on them that they could end up being suspects too.

I don't have a problem with thinking that AB didn't do anything with CB's possessions and still had them despite the time lapse.

I think the police probably got a lot of information they wouldn't have normally from people who realised that might be the best way of getting their name out of the frame.
It did strike me as strange too, given his penchant for burying data devices but perhaps there is a reasonable explanation for CB not having retrieved his potentially incrimiating belongings from AB. If an USB stick containing solely CSA images and a picture of MM, was recovered from AB's premises, how would ownership be determined? My (confused) mind is linking that to the transfer of CB's Jag registration on 4th May and the implications for AB.
IIRC, when CB returned from Portugal to Germany after 2007, I think he stayed with AB.

So you are saying it wouldn’t be a problem for CB providing nothing on the images could be traced to him - right?

I think AB, for obvious reasons would tell m the evidence belonged to CB. Analysis of the information contained on the storage device could determine the last time it was accessed/updated and if it coincided with the dates CB is confirmed to be living at AB’s, then it’s easy to prove they were his.

I’m not sure we need to go any further, I just find it hard to believe CB would have left images of MM in AB’s apartment for a decade, ultimately for the BKA to find - remember that CB was tipped-off regarding MM in 2013, are we expected to believe that he left photographic evidence proving he committed this crime in a flat where he used to live?
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I don’t know if a specific fund but in a country like Germany with no doubt a strong legal industry, I’m confident they exist.

My point was a simple one, that there is likely an honest answer to who is paying CB’s legal fees rather than a nefarious one and I don’t have an interest in debating it further.
What does it matter, although there seems to be some angst among some posters that a defendant (who in the eyes of the law at least is innocent )is entitled to a defence where ever its funded from.
I agree with your comments to a certain extent. However, if the USB's were encrypted and required user authentication then AB wouldn't have been able access them anyway. Possibly CB thought AB would have disposed of all the belongings left behind and there was no risk. The original data probably was/is on the dark web somewhere.
Let's run with an image of MM being found and let's be honest here it's all speculation there is one , if the original data is on the dark web who put it there , did CB download it, does it even exist.HCW can't ask CB until he charges him can he?
I’m not saying that this isn’t true but this apartment is AB’s home. This means:

1. CB left footage or photos on MM here;
2. CB left here in an acrimonious split with AB, he was thrown out;
3. The evidence was left here for 10 years;
4. In this time AB neither found, viewed nor threw out this evidence;
5. CB seemingly made no effort to recover this evidence.

I just find it unlikely that AB wouldn’t have thrown out his former lodger’s stuff who he kicked out for being a drug dealer.
In the Discovery Plus doc AB says investigators took material away but he doesn't actually say any of the material they took belonged to CB. Neither does the documentation the doc mentions and briefly shows - a couple of screenshots much loved by several folks here. But there's zero evidence as far as we know that anything relevant was discovered in that material. Folks have built a huge tower of supposition on top of a very dodgy foundation.
In the Discovery Plus doc AB says investigators took material away but he doesn't actually say any of the material they took belonged to CB. Neither does the documentation the doc mentions and briefly shows - a couple of screenshots much loved by several folks here. But there's zero evidence as far as we know that anything relevant was discovered in that material. Folks have built a huge tower of supposition on top of a very dodgy foundation.
Running sand.
I have 2 case #s that I jotted down when someone here posted the court items. Now I can not find the first one that was posted - that is case #JS 52790/18.

Braunschweig Regional District Court Case #Az.2KLs 213 JS 13865/18 & JS 52790/18 (15/22)

Anyone have the court files for that one?
I have 2 case #s that I jotted down when someone here posted the court items. Now I can not find the first one that was posted - that is case #JS 52790/18.

Braunschweig Regional District Court Case #Az.2KLs 213 JS 13865/18 & JS 52790/18 (15/22)

Anyone have the court files for that one?
This is the recent charge.

2 KLs 213 Js 52790/18 (15/22)

The bracket addition (15/22) indicates, that at least two investigations had been put together. So the charge includes investigations from 2018 and some investigations from 2022.

No further info availabe for the investigation with the number 2KLs 213 JS 13865/18. It must include other possible charges, maybe it's the MM case itself. Maybe a totally different investigation.

After the allotment raid in Hannover, FF has been asked if he knows, what has been found or if there will be something to find there. As far as i remember, FF gave an answer like "Nothing in relation to MM.". Maybe some other investigations have been kept successfully under the carpet at the moment. Maybe the Hannover raid was related to the Monika Pawlak case?!

Who knows!
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What does it matter, although there seems to be some angst among some posters that a defendant (who in the eyes of the law at least is innocent )is entitled to a defence where ever its funded from.
Quite possibly you've hit the nail on the head. On the other hand, I can't think of any other case in which us sleuths wouldn't express curiosity if given exactly that information about the prime suspect who is awaiting trial for the indictments against him..
We hear the argument about CB getting what he deserves a lot on this forum.

I think we need to separate the person from the process. Yes, CB is an abhorrent human being, But, IMO, it’s very important in a case like this that the process applied to him is fair - to me, so far it hasn’t been, but perhaps that’s because I have British heritage.

I say this because there has been so much doubt, confusion and untruths in this case. I’m reminded of Colin Sutton saying, “The parents need to be officially investigated by OG for their own sake, so they can be cleared if that is the case.”

I think there are similar issues at play here. Calling out CB as guilty before a trial will forever cast a shadow on any verdict. Some people will forever think evidence was found to fit a theory rather than a theory developed from evidence.

Just because CB is a bad person, it doesn’t mean the legal rulebook should be thrown out of the window. It’s important he gets a fair trial and the media circus, however we’ll meaning, has been fuelled by the McCanns and HCW and IMO, this has been very problematic for the case and any future verdict.

We hear the argument about CB getting what he deserves a lot on this forum.

I think we need to separate the person from the process. Yes, CB is an abhorrent human being, But, IMO, it’s very important in a case like this that the process applied to him is fair - to me, so far it hasn’t been, but perhaps that’s because I have British heritage.

I say this because there has been so much doubt, confusion and untruths in this case. I’m reminded of Colin Sutton saying, “The parents need to be officially investigated by OG for their own sake, so they can be cleared if that is the case.”

I think there are similar issues at play here. Calling out CB as guilty before a trial will forever cast a shadow on any verdict. Some people will forever think evidence was found to fit a theory rather than a theory developed from evidence.

Just because CB is a bad person, it doesn’t mean the legal rulebook should be thrown out of the window. It’s important he gets a fair trial and the media circus, however we’ll meaning, has been fuelled by the McCanns and HCW and IMO, this has been very problematic for the case and any future verdict.
CB will be judged on the available evidence....he will get a fair trial..I'm sure if that
In the Discovery Plus doc AB says investigators took material away but he doesn't actually say any of the material they took belonged to CB. Neither does the documentation the doc mentions and briefly shows - a couple of screenshots much loved by several folks here. But there's zero evidence as far as we know that anything relevant was discovered in that material. Folks have built a huge tower of supposition on top of a very dodgy foundation.
I think you are correct when you say our ruminations may be based on speculation. But the fact remains that the police investigators will have built their foundations very firmly on the evidence they have been working to amass.

They know exactly what that is. We don't. Which is why we need to have recourse to speculation with nothing much to guide us which tack to follow. The investigators have the advantage over us because of their superior knowledge.
My opinion
CB will be judged on the available evidence....he will get a fair trial..I'm sure if that
I wasn’t talking about the trial; I was talking about the precursor, the media trial where guilt is expressed without any evidence.
I think you are correct when you say our ruminations may be based on speculation. But the fact remains that the police investigators will have built their foundations very firmly on the evidence they have been working to amass.

They know exactly what that is. We don't. Which is why we need to have recourse to speculation with nothing much to guide us which tack to follow. The investigators have the advantage over us because of their superior knowledge.
My opinion
They also have the responsibility though. After starting off so obviously gung ho. Big pressure they put themselves under. Someone should have told them the MM case is not that easily solved. Imo.
Der Spiegel article, June 4 2020:

The strongest evidence against B. is that a mobile phone that he used in 2005 "with a probability bordering on certainty" according to the BKA was being used at the time of the crime in the place from which Maddie disappeared. So he must have been there.

Fall Madeleine McCann: Was über den Verdächtigen bekannt ist

:rolleyes: Oh dear.
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Der Spiegel article, June 4 2020:

The strongest evidence against B. is that a mobile phone that he used in 2005 "with a probability bordering on certainty" according to the BKA was being used at the time of the crime in the place from which Maddie disappeared. So he must have been there.

Fall Madeleine McCann: Was über den Verdächtigen bekannt ist

:rolleyes: Oh dear.
Hopefully there are more pieces of the jigsaw in place since 2020. Not to mention advances in forensic recovery.
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