Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect

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He is an obvious threat to the public due to his history, and that's only the things he's been caught doing. So he sure looks good for this.

He's been on the radar a long time as a sexual predator in addition to a general criminal and he was in the area when Madeleine disappeared and was cleared. WTH? Along with crimes he was allegedly committing in Portugal at the time in addition to the child molesting,but never arrested? And LE seems pretty clear that he was committing crimes during his time in the Algarve.

I don't understand that at all. Were LE not all over every sketchy person in the area when Maddie went missing? Isn't that pretty basic policing? Are they that bad in Portugal? Even if they had questions about the McCanns, wouldn't they still look to find out where the local predators were?

(I came into this late, about five years ago and although I've read a whole heck of a lot about it, it's a complex case with lots of people. I'm not familiar with the early days of the investigation at all.)

I wonder if the Irish couple who were suspicious of the guy photographing kids recognize this guy?

Also, trivial, but I hope that sweet dog in the pub picture was the pub dog and not his.

He looks good on paper, but I'm not wholly convinced.

If I'm not mistaken, they said the spots looked like spots from shaving.

I’m rewatching the last episode of the Netflix doc series on Madeleine and they said a big nose and “pock-marked” face. To me, pock-marked is a very specific kind of look, not like cuts or shaving incidents.

I wonder if the police have been in touch with the lady that is in this doc talking about seeing the two blonde men outside the apartment, while she was with her friend. Would be interesting to hear her opinion on if one of the guys looked like this new suspect.
Moment of scepticism..

This is a man living in the vicinity with a record of sexual abuse of little girls. Why was he written off as a suspect initially?
The DM seems to answer this question (I dislike relying on the DM but the timeline appears to be accurate). Madeleine McCann: German police reveal photo of suspect | Daily Mail Online

He was convicted of a sex offence as a juvenile in Germany in 1994. Often, juvenile offences are not on record unless the person commits a similar offence as an adult. So, if Portuguese police looked him up, that offense may not have popped up for them. The other convictions all appear to have happened after 2008.

Still, the guy was committing burglaries and selling drugs under the very noses of Portuguese police. He had no fixed address and no job, and was right near the scene of the crime 1 hour before the abduction. So I agree with the speculation that he got someone to give him an alibi.
I respectfully disagree. The man was an absolute shambles. From the beginning, just the way the crime scene was treated says it all.

No, he wasn't. The portuguese LE was stalked by the british media, were painted as lazy drunks and completely tarnished during the early stages of the investigation.

I think people in Europe keep vehicles longer than they do here in Canada. Most people I know have vehicles that are less than 5 years old. I don't know if that because salt and de-icer can really cause damage to vehicles over time.
My car is 20 years old.

Really? I thought there was witness reports of a man carrying a young girl down the street that evening. I thought she was alive at that point---if it was her....
Which really doesn't mean that the child left the home alive. A man can carry a dead child.

Former Portuguese police chief Goncalo Amoral says Madeleine McCann suspect is in German prison

Goncalo Amaral stated in November 2019 that a German pedophile was suspected in the case. He said the man had been cleared as a suspect in 2008, but was later found to have committed other sex crimes. I wonder whether the photos of the cars and house were taken in 2007/2008?
In my opinion, those pictures aren't recent. I believe he was investigated at some point, much earlier than 2017. The car seems to be in some sort of "storage" facility.

Now that Amaral believes that it was the suspect in question I wonder if he regrets blaming the parents, MI5 and the UK government for a cover-up and writing a book that will be filed under fiction.
He did his job. If he and the rest of his team didn't look at the parents, everyone would be going crazy and accusing him of being incompetent. It would make a lot of sense if the parents did, in fact, cause Madeleine's death. To be fair, the evidence pointed to them. Their behaviour also pointed to them. He did his job, and so did the rest of the portuguese LE team.

Let’s just see if it turns out to be the German suspect after all. It’s not just Amaral that suspected Kate and Gerry, so did lots of people. To be brutally honest with you I believe if they were not professional people with good social links they would of had the other 2 children removed from their care after leaving poor Madaleine to fend for herself.
Amaral never had any sort of vendetta against Kate and Gerry, people love to think he was this terrible monster that was stalking the McCann's, when in fact, he was just trying to help them find their child. The case pointed to them, and, in my opinion, still does.

Sounds like they’re begging for the person who alibi’d him to change their story in order look like they’re doing something that justifies more cash grabs. Meh.
Yep, I would think that, if they had evidence that proved without a doubt that he was involved in any way, he would've charged him already. This move seems like they want people to come out of God knows where and pin it on him. They have to have something significant on him, but it's obviously not enough.

Miya are you German? If so can you explain how car registration works? I don’t understand the significance of the suspect changing the car registration. Obviously the date he did it is very interesting but I am curious how it would help him. I assume it’s done online?
Changing the car registration means that he car wouldn't legally be his anymore. He changed the registration, the car was not under his name anymore. It was a stupid move because it makes him even more suspicious.

Yeah, why do you even have to register a car, if I buy new shoes, I don't have to register them either. ;)
I'm sorry, what? Is your car not registered under your name? That's your car... If you sell your car to a friend, for example, are you not going to go to the whole process of changing the name of the owner? I'm so confused by your post lol.

Yes, that was a bad choice. But that is not true at all. We know about it because of what happened after they were left alone. Parents who make a bad choice and nothing bad comes of it don't make the news. Kidnappings and murders do. People always seem so eager to twist everything to make the parents the biggest bad guys here, why not place that on the person who took advantage of their bad choice and actually hurt the child?
It was not a "bad choice". It was pure neglect, I'm sorry if this sounds cruel but they put their children in a dangerous position. Sure, nobody has any business kidnapping a child but God, parents have to protect their children and that means that leaving three toddlers alone on a resort in a foreign country is nothing but neglect.

I lived on a small street that had block parties in the summer. People would sit outside with their drinks, playing music and sharing potluck food. After dark parents would put their kids to bed and go back and check on them occassionally. Nothing ever happened to any of those kids. Looking back in retrospect it was pretty foolish because outcomes like what happened to MM could have happened.
The McCann's didn't leave their three children alone in their home, on a small street, on a familiar place though. They left three babies alone in a resort, full of strangers coming and going in a foreign country.

I’ll be honest, i feel much more confident having the German police investigate this as opposed to the Portuguese police or even the Met to be honest. We’re in good hands lol.
I find this post extremely distasteful. These comments perpetuate the narrative that the portuguese are nothing but lazy bums that do nothing but spend money that they don't have, that love to eat and drink and that don't work. These observations should be made in a more tasteful, careful way. You probably don't mean it like that, but it is what it is.

The Portuguese police, media, and tourist board did not want there to be a child abductor lurking in one of their main holiday resorts; it was preferable for them to blame the parents.

I'm not saying this is right or wrong, but it happens all over the world. I've followed many 'tourist abroad' cases on here and often think the official narrative is biased.
That's is 100% false. Algarve is not only an "holiday" spot, many, many, many foreign people move to Algarve to work, raise their children or simply enjoy their retirement. This has been Algarve's reality for decades and still is. Algarve is also the main holiday spot for the portuguese and will always be. The portuguese tourism has been booming for years, and that boom happened after Madeleine's disappearance. The whole country is a big tourist spot in Europe and the World. What happened to Madeleine is a tragedy, but it wasn't Portugal or the portuguese's fault, it didn't affect the tourism either. Did it affect the resort? Yes, but not the tourism in general. People still came and still come, not only during the Summer, but all year. This assumption is not true at all.
It appears he became a suspect in the McCann case in 2017, that was when he made a confession in the bar, which I guess was soon after reported to police. At that time, he was likely in Germany, and a free man. So, German police would have at that point been asked to investigate him.

Subsequently, he's been arrested and prosecuted for the rape case in 2006. I suspect that, in questioning his former associates in Portugual, the issue of the rape incident emerge, his DNA was tested and matched to that case. German police arrested him, but, IMO, would not want to send him to Portugual for trial, in case he was acquitted, released, and disappeared.

So, my suspicion is, he is in Germany because he's suspected of Maddie's murder, and no one trusts Portugual police or courts any more. JMO
there is a timeline of sorts here. near the bottom of the article.
it does seem odd that he was extradited to germany [from italy] for a crime committed in portugal. that was mentioned earlier as his dispute during the rape trial.

Madeleine McCann: German police reveal photo of suspect | Daily Mail Online
on at all.)

I wonder if the Irish couple who were suspicious of the guy photographing kids recognize this guy?


What?! I reported earlier (twice) about similar along the coast asking for thoughts but no-one commented. What is this about man photographing kids and an Irish couple? I thought it was just German or Dutch men on a balcony a few doors from McCann apartment? Can someone fill me in?
He is an obvious threat to the public due to his history, and that's only the things he's been caught doing. So he sure looks good for this.

He's been on the radar a long time as a sexual predator in addition to a general criminal and he was in the area when Madeleine disappeared and was cleared. WTH? Along with crimes he was allegedly committing in Portugal at the time in addition to the child molesting,but never arrested? And LE seems pretty clear that he was committing crimes during his time in the Algarve.

I don't understand that at all. Were LE not all over every sketchy person in the area when Maddie went missing? Isn't that pretty basic policing? Are they that bad in Portugal? Even if they had questions about the McCanns, wouldn't they still look to find out where the local predators were?

(I came into this late, about five years ago and although I've read a whole heck of a lot about it, it's a complex case with lots of people. I'm not familiar with the early days of the investigation at all.)

I wonder if the Irish couple who were suspicious of the guy photographing kids recognize this guy?

Also, trivial, but I hope that sweet dog in the pub picture was the pub dog and not his.

He looks good on paper, but I'm not wholly convinced.

Uh? Why are you implying that the portuguese LE exclusively looked at the McCann's? That's not true... did you just forget about Robert Murat? This ivestigation had 600 suspects. These comments about how "bad" the portuguese LE is are so... distateful. The media said they're bad, so they have to be. Right. Sure.
there is a timeline of sorts here. near the bottom of the article.
it does seem odd that he was extradited to germany [from italy] for a crime committed in portugal. that was mentioned earlier as his dispute during the rape trial.

Madeleine McCann: German police reveal photo of suspect | Daily Mail Online
If Germany asked Portugal to deal with him, my guess would be that Portugal would let them. The victim was from the US, if she was portuguese I doubt they would've let him. Also, the fact that he had priors in Germany was probably a big factor for him to have his trial in Germany. I don't really believe he's in jail just because of the rape case, to be honest.
No, he wasn't. The portuguese LE was stalked by the british media, were painted as lazy drunks and completely tarnished during the early stages of the investigation.


Well my opinion is that any detective who is in charge of a suspected crime scene, who allows officers to be smoking in it, in my eyes is running a shambles.

This one thing among many, many others.

Funnily enough I'd watched a YouTube video by the psychiatrist Dr Todd Grande on Maddie a few days ago, and he made me realise how categorical my thinking had become.

In fact, having been convinced that the parents were involved in what happened to Maddie, after many years I changed my view, and I suspect I might know what happened, and that yes, she was indeed abducted.

So seeing this new news is incredible timing indeed.

I think that for me the obvious lies of the parents and their changing stories were what convinced me of their guilt, and probably also convinced the Portugeuse Police too, and I think the failure of the investigation lies at their feet, but this is what I suspect *might* have happened, and why they lied.

They were unqestionably irresponsible, they left their children unattended while they went out to party, and worse than that in an unlocked apartment.

As I remember it first they insisted that the room was locked, and the intruder must have got in through the window, by forcing it from the outside.

When this possibility was disproven they remebered they had in fact not been entering through the front door, with keys, but through the unlocked patio doors, and the intruder must have opened the window "as a red herring" - quite what red herring that was always escaped me - Maddie was missing, what was the intruder doing to mislead the Police from the primary situation?

The only fingerprints on the window were Kates, it hadn't been tampered with from the outside.

So imagine this - you have been utterly irresponsible, your child is now missing and you know you're for the high jump - possible criminal charges, might have your kids taken from you, lose your jobs lose everything.

In the head of a narcissist for example, you might think that unfair, I mean it's not really your fault after all - if it hadn't been for that pesky peadophile - he's the real villian, not us.

So to protect yourself a bit you might think "well, Maddie has been taken, that's the main thing and the thing the Police need to look at - so how does it matter if the abducter got in through the door or the window? If we say the door was locked we need to show how he got in, so if we open the window it'll look like that's how he did it. And since we're so super smart and they're as think as 10 short planks and we're doctors and important, they'll just believe that. But the important thing is they'll be looking for maddie".

Unfortunately they over estimated their own intellect and under estimated the intellect of the Police.

So when the Police say"no, not possible" - they have to find another way to explain how the intuder enetered - so they "remember" that oh, no actually the door was unlocked.

But now they have to explain away why the window was opened - you know, so they don't look like totally self absorbed and selfish monsters.

The Police know they are lying, and can't understand why, the whole thing now looks fishy, so the investigation focuses on the McCann parents.

And vital resources, hours days and months are lost trying to unpick the lies they've told to protect themselves from the stupidity and wrecklessness they displayed that led to the whole sorry episode.

If they'd just have said - we were stupid, we made a mistake, and not tried to fabricate evidence then they'd never have been suspects in the first place.

And Maddie might have been found.

But to look after their own interests, because that's all that matters to them, they tried to create a lie to cover their own faults, and that led the whole thing down a rabbit hole that never even existed in the first place.

Maybe - might have - etc for legal reasons - hey they sue you if you look at them funny.

But to my mind now - i've gone from they did it, to they didn't do it, to they're still the problem and caused all kinds of unnecessary problems through their own selfishness.

End of might be, maybe theory.
Uh? Why are you implying that the portuguese LE exclusively looked at the McCann's? That's not true... did you just forget about Robert Murat? This ivestigation had 600 suspects. These comments about how "bad" the portuguese LE is are so... distateful. The media said they're bad, so they have to be. Right. Sure.
If you'll notice, at the bottom of the post it says "MOO", My Opinion Only. I would suggest writing something similar under and inside your posts as well, or use the phrase "IMO", In MY Opinion.

Because that's what these kinds of comments are, they are all just opinions. I prefer to discuss facts, myself.
I find this post extremely distasteful. These comments perpetuate the narrative that the portuguese are nothing but lazy bums that do nothing but spend money that they don't have, that love to eat and drink and that don't work. These observations should be made in a more tasteful, careful way. You probably don't mean it like that, but it is what it is.

It’s my opinion that the Portuguese police were massively incompetent from the start. I have much more faith in the German police and the fact they are leading this investigation. Amaral in particular should feel ashamed at what he wrote in his book (accusing the McCanns, British police and even MI5 of a cover up) especially if this suspect turns out to be maddies killer, Sorry if that offends you though. It’s only my opinion.
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I think the same thing happened with regard to Ben Needham and Meredith Kercher. A complete botch up by the local police from the first instance.

You only have to look at Thailand for a number of recent cases, too. A beautiful place with often a dark heart.

A good friend of mine lives in Praia Da Luz for part of the year and there has been local chatter about German suspects for a long time, so I am unsurprised by the new connection. I am very glad Germany have got involved in this case now.

I have been into the resort Madeleine vanished from, past the tapas bar, pool, apartment, and onto the side street. I wasn't quite so sleuthy back then (around the year anniversary in 2008) and only had a few minutes, but it was very strange being in the exact spots that were all over the newspapers again.

I hope this latest news brings some sort of resolution, I really do, but we shall see.
If Germany asked Portugal to deal with him, my guess would be that Portugal would let them. The victim was from the US, if she was portuguese I doubt they would've let him. Also, the fact that he had priors in Germany was probably a big factor for him to have his trial in Germany. I don't really believe he's in jail just because of the rape case, to be honest.
you mean he is in jail for something else? another case worse than that rape torture case. then he would be doing more that 7 years imo. and surely the daily mail would know about it.)))
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