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The continuing anguish of MH370 families
FMT Staff | May 30, 2014
The families of those on board the missing MH370 feel that search efforts to-date was a total mess.

KUALA LUMPUR: The recent announcement made by the Australian-led Joint Agency Coordination Centre (JACC) suggesting that the missing MH370 may not have indeed ended in the south of the Indian Ocean has further ruffled the emotions of families of those on board the ill-fated plane.

The Perth wife of a passenger on the Malaysia Airlines says she has difficulty processing news that searchers have given up on an area of the Indian Ocean where acoustic “pings” were detected.

Underwater drone Bluefin-21 has completed its scouring of the zone off the West Australian coast where the man-made sounds were picked up, and come up with nothing.
A massive broadening of the search area is now expected, based on a fresh analysis of data that led British satellite firm Inmarsat to conclude the plane crashed in the southern Indian Ocean.
My apologies if this has been posted.

Washington (CNN) -- Was the sound of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 striking the water captured by ocean devices used to listen for signs of nuclear blasts?

It's a long shot, but an Australian university is studying records from underwater listening devices in an effort to help find the missing plane.

"One signal has been detected on several receivers that could be related to the crash," said Alec Duncan of Curtin University's Centre for Marine Science and Technology (CMST).
Researchers are studying a very low frequency sound to see if it was "the impact of the aircraft on the water or the implosion of parts of the aircraft as it sank," Duncan said.
Officials: Flight 370 not in search area Expert: The frequencies were never right Bajc: 'This is intentional misdirection'

"But (the source of the noise) is just as likely to be a natural event," he said.
Malaysia Airlines Jet Searchers 'Cautiously Optimistic'

SYDNEY - Over the past few days of the endlessly perplexing hunt for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, much debate and confusion has swirled around what was once dubbed the most promising lead in the search: a series of underwater signals, or "pings," picked up by sound-detecting equipment scouring the remote Indian Ocean in early April.

At the time, officials said they were consistent with a plane's black boxes. But an underwater sub that spent weeks scouring the seabed in the area near where the signals were detected found nothing, and the Australian Transport Safety Bureau, which is helping head up the search, this week ruled the area out as the plane's final resting place.

The search is now on hold for two months while new, specialized equipment can be brought in to scan a 430-mile-by-50-mile arc of ocean that was largely identified by an analysis of hourly transmissions, or "handshakes," between the plane and a satellite. The seventh and final handshake involved a logon request consistent with a plane powering up its satellite communication equipment after a power interruption — leading investigators to believe the plane had nearly exhausted its fuel supply...
Mother of MH370 passenger with stolen passport breaks silence

May 31, 2014 12:30AM

HE was suspected to be terrorist and accused of killing all on board Malaysia Airlines flight 370, but Pouria Nourmohammadi was just an “ordinary kid” fleeing Iran in fear of religious persecution.

It was 12 weeks ago that his mother, Niloufar Vaezi Tehrani, was waiting for her son to land in Frankfurt.

Since then she has suffered in silence, isolation and under intense scrutiny after it was revealed Pouria and another Iranian passenger — 29-year-old Delavar Seyed Mohammad Reza — had used stolen passports to board the ill-fated flight.
Did ocean device capture Flight MH370's end?

By David Molko, Mike M. Ahlers and Rene Marsh, CNN

updated 11:36 AM EDT, Fri May 30, 2014

Washington (CNN) -- Was the sound of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 striking the water captured by ocean devices used to listen for signs of nuclear blasts?

It's a long shot, but an Australian university is studying records from underwater listening devices in an effort to help find the missing plane.

"One signal has been detected on several receivers that could be related to the crash," said Alec Duncan of Curtin University's Centre for Marine Science and Technology (CMST).

Researchers are studying a very low frequency sound to see if it was "the impact of the aircraft on the water or the implosion of parts of the aircraft as it sank," Duncan said...
Only one ship is still searching for MH370 in Southern Indian Ocean, and it’s Chinese

May 31, 2014

DEEP in the Southern Indian Ocean, a Chinese survey ship and two support vessels are all that remain of the sea search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.

The first phase of the search for MH370, which disappeared from air traffic control radar after taking off from Kuala Lumpur on a scheduled passenger service to Beijing, ended this week

Another contracted survey ship is due to arrive next month and a group of experts from around the world is crunching the numbers and figures to “review and refine” the complex radar and satellite data in a bid to narrow down exactly where MH370 plunged into the ocean

But Australian Transport Safety Bureau Chief Commissioner Martin Dolan insisted this week that the “complicated” and “challenging” search will go on.

So too did Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, speaking during a visit Friday to Beijing, who said Malaysia’s position remained that the search, in the southern Indian Ocean, was in the right place.
May 31, 2014

“We expect the search to begin in several months and take up to 12 months to complete,” Mr Dolan said.

“The search will be a major undertaking. The complexities and challenges involved are immense, but not impossible. The best minds from around the world have been reviewing, refining and localising the most likely area where the aircraft entered the water, which is why we remain confident of finding the aircraft.”

New ‘twist’ in MH370 search points to ‘giant cover-up’, say family members

KUALA LUMPUR, May 29 — Today’s admission by Australian officials that the southern Indian Ocean area where pings were detected is not the crash site of the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 has been described as evidence of “a giant cover-up” by some distraught family members of those on board the missing airliner.

Sarah Bajc told The Malay Mail Online that the new “twist” is “consistent with the tangled mess that is this supposed investigation”.

Bajc, partner of Philip Wood, and Pralhad, whose wife Kranti is still missing along with the rest of the people on board, alleged that the latest revelation that the plane was not in the southern Indian Ocean, was part of a consistent effort by several countries in hiding the truth.

“This cover up is demonstrated through initial delays in search and rescue, their statements, preliminary report with manipulated or incomplete information, delayed realise of manipulated and incomplete Inmarsat data, contradicting statements from Mr Najib and Mr Hishammuddin and not declaring complete cargo manifest, which has raised several doubts,” Pralhad told The Malay Mail Online via e-mail.

He alleged that the search in the southern Indian Ocean was to distract the families and the media from the truth.
Missing Malaysia Airlines plane: Where on earth is MH370?

June 01, 2014

SELAMAT Osmar answered his phone. It was Malaysian Airlines.

He listened with rising disappointment but could say nothing but thank you. He didn’t know what else to say. He didn’t really mean thank you. He was being polite.

What they told him was that four underwater “pings”, thought to have come from the black box of MH370 in early April off Perth, were in fact not from the black box.

The same call was being made to people around the world as the airline rushed to tell families the devastating news before they saw it in the media.
From that same report....

Malaysian authorities have released few details about the police probe into the case other than saying they believe the communications systems were deliberately turned off and that police are investigating four areas, including sabotage, terrorism, personal or psychological problems of someone on board. It has never been explained why authorities believe the shutting down of the communication systems was a deliberate act.
The Sydney Morning Herald:-

Malaysia Airlines flight MH370: Where were the fighters, asks Emirates chief

Emirates president Tim Clark says missing Malaysia Airlines flight 370 would have in most countries been intercepted by fighters if it flew off course, and says the industry should not change aircraft tracking until it has more facts about the disappearance.

Mr Clark questioned why MH370 wasn't circled by fighter jets after it was spotted by Malaysian's military on primary radar.
"If you were to fly from London to Oslo and then over the North Sea you turned off and then went west to Ireland, within two minutes you'd have Tornadoes, Eurofighters everything up around you," he said.

‘I thought I saw MH370 on fire,’ says Phuket yachtie

PHUKET: A British sailor crossing the Indian Ocean en route to Phuket in March has stepped forward to file a report that she may have seen the missing Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370.

Katherine Tee, 41, was sailing from Cochin, India to Phuket with her husband Marc Horn, 50, when she saw what looked like a plane on fire crossing the night sky, with a plume of black smoke trailing behind it.

Katherine, from Liverpool, was alone on deck at the time.

“I was on a night watch. My husband was asleep below deck and our one other crew member was asleep on deck,” she told the Phuket Gazette.

“I saw something that looked like a plane on fire. That’s what I thought it was. Then, I thought I must be mad… It caught my attention because I had never seen a plane with orange lights before, so I wondered what they were.

“I could see the outline of the plane, it looked longer than planes usually do. There was what appeared to be black smoke streaming from behind it.”

At least two other aircraft were visible in the night sky.

“There were two other planes passing well above it – moving the other way – at that time. They had normal navigation lights. I remember thinking that if it was a plane on fire that I was seeing, the other aircraft would report it,” Katherine said.
Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370: Search goes back to basics turning to the power of maths to solve the mystery

June 03, 2014 4:52PM

IT took two years and thousands of number-crunching hours. But statisticians eventually found Air France Flight 447. Can they do the same for MH370?

Search and rescue authorities had a rough idea where Air France Flight 447 went down with 228 passengers on board in 2009. It had been flying on a predetermined flight path, on schedule and on track.

But, after the aircraft went down in stormy weather over the mid-Atlantic — and despite debris being quickly found on the surface — the hunt for its wreckage on the bottom of the ocean went on for a year without success.

Exactly where would wind, waves, tide and time have deposited the aircraft — and the black boxes which represented the answer to the mystery of its demise?

One week after an elite group of statisticians came forward with their recommendations, the Airbus A330 was found — almost exactly where they said it would be.

Mother of MH370 passenger expects to die before plane's mystery solved

Irene Burrows doubts she'll know fate of her son 'in my lifetime', as other heartbroken families call for new search plan

The 84-year-old mother of an Australian passenger on the missing flight MH370 no longer expects to live to see the mystery of its disappearance solved.

Brisbane-based Rod Burrows and his wife Mary were beginning a holiday in China when the plane vanished soon after taking off from Kuala Lumpur on 2014 March 8.

"I doubt it will be in my lifetime," Irene Burrows said on Friday from her home in Biloela, central Queensland in north-east Australia. "All I just want is a bit of plane. It's all I want to know where they are."<snip>
Curtin University (in Perth, Aust) is recovering and reviewing its underwater recorders .. they have recorded something substantial just after 1:30am on March 8th when MH370 disappeared. This is in line with a signal picked up by another underwater recorder. They say there is a slim chance it is MH370-related, but it could be underwater-volcano-related. They will be recovering more recorders and investigating further. The Govt is supporting their efforts.

&#8220;Data from one of the [Rottnest] recorders showed a clear acoustic signal at a time that was reasonably consistent with other information relating to the disappearance of MH370," Dr Duncan said.

"We sent the data to search authorities and I got a phone call at 3am in the morning so they were definitely interested in it."

Dr Duncan said the timing of the signal (consistent with the disappearance of the aircraft), the fact that it was a long-distance event and the north-west direction of the frequency were the three factors that gave researchers hope the noise may have been caused by MH370.

&#8220;It has since been matched with a signal picked up by CTBTO&#8217;s station south-west of Cape Leeuwin," Dr Duncan said.

"We haven't given up on it. In the fullness of time we will be recovering other loggers that we have scattered around the country that we think have only a very low chance of having received the same event. But we will have a look at that data.
June 04, 2014 9:02PM

THE wreckage of a civilian jet missing for 56 years has been found by fishermen in the Taiwan Strait, close to where it was to believed to have crashed.

The PBY-5A amphibious aircraft, nicknamed the &#8220;Blue Goose&#8221; and also known as the &#8220;Blue Swan&#8221;, was carrying 11 American servicemen and four Taiwanese civilian crew members when it mysteriously vanished from the skies in October 1958.

Despite being more than half a century old, the case has some striking parallels with the missing Malaysia Airlines jet MH370, from the use of altitude to avoid radar to the conspiracy theories that circulated afterwards and the failure of investigators to determine what brought the planes down.

In the case of the Blue Goose there were rumours that the soldiers were forced to land the plane in China and had been taken prisoner. Some believed that it had been shot down or hijacked by the Chinese military.
Is mystery underwater sound the crash of Flight 370?

By David Molko, Mike M. Ahlers and Rene Marsh, CNN

updated 7:37 AM EDT, Wed June 4, 2014

(CNN) -- Australian researchers released an audio recording Wednesday of an underwater sound that they say could possibly be related to the final moments of missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370.

It's a long shot, but researchers at Curtin University near Perth, Australia, have been studying records from underwater listening devices, including those meant to monitor for signs of underwater nuclear explosions, in an effort to help find the missing plane.

"One signal has been detected on several receivers that could be related to the crash," said Alec Duncan with the university's Centre for Marine Science and Technology (CMST).

Researchers have been analyzing the very low frequency sound for weeks to see if it was "the impact of the aircraft on the water or the implosion of parts of the aircraft as it sank," Duncan said. "But (the source of the noise) is just as likely to be a natural event." ...
A case of better late than never and hopefully the search team can glean some information from their logs and her eye witness account..

she said the plane was heading southward
she said it was on fire

Could the plane have been on auto pilot?
How long would a plane on fire keep flying?
Could it have crashed further north of the current search area? JUNE 4, 2014

Ms Tee said the best she hoped for in coming forward was that she might help narrow down the search effort and see the plane recovered sooner.

"All I can confirm is that I have since learnt that we were in the right place at the right time, so it seems possible, but I chose to sweep it under the carpet and now I feel really bad.

"Maybe I should have had a little more confidence in myself. I am sorry I didn't take action sooner."

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