Malaysia airlines MH370 with 239 people on board, 8 March 2014 #26

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I can’t really run with this Christmas Island theory as Australia housed many asylum seekers there between 2011 and 2014. Our Navy and Border Force were constantly monitoring around this area. Surely they would have sighted a plane in distress and/or debris.
I can’t really run with this Christmas Island theory as Australia housed many asylum seekers there between 2011 and 2014. Our Navy and Border Force were constantly monitoring around this area. Surely they would have sighted a plane in distress and/or debris.

Agree. It's insane
Boy, he is far out there with some of his theories, but I'm thinking he may be on the right track as far as the location.

Remember back when they started doing the searches in the South Indian Ocean, we felt like they were way too far down. With several of the natives on the islands witnessing a plane flying real low in the horizon, I felt the plane was on the way down at that time and would not have the power to lift back up even if someone was actually piloting the plane. The plane did not have to go until it ran out of fuel. What if the plane got low enough, it crashed into those huge waves?

Can anyone find a map that shows the Christmas Island in relation to the search area and the arc where the signal could have been heard? I find one map showing the location of the Christmas Island but it doesn't have the arc showing on it.

The image of the map may not work so I'm also posting the link.


christmas island - Google Search:

Well, that map didn't work. I'll try this.
Boy, he is far out there with some of his theories, but I'm thinking he may be on the right track as far as the location.

Remember back when they started doing the searches in the South Indian Ocean, we felt like they were way too far down. With several of the natives on the islands witnessing a plane flying real low in the horizon, I felt the plane was on the way down at that time and would not have the power to lift back up even if someone was actually piloting the plane. The plane did not have to go until it ran out of fuel. What if the plane got low enough, it crashed into those huge waves?

Can anyone find a map that shows the Christmas Island in relation to the search area and the arc where the signal could have been heard? I find one map showing the location of the Christmas Island but it doesn't have the arc showing on it.

The image of the map may not work so I'm also posting the link.


christmas island - Google Search:

Well, that map didn't work. I'll try this.

I searched this way and several maps came up, Christmas Island is on the 7th arc. Some show the search area as well. Wikipedia has a great search area map and information as well but Christmas Island is not showing. Search area stopped well south of Christmas Island.
christmas island 7th arc map - Google Search
Search for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 - Wikipedia
I searched this way and several maps came up, Christmas Island is on the 7th arc. Some show the search area as well. Wikipedia has a great search area map and information as well but Christmas Island is not showing. Search area stopped well south of Christmas Island.
christmas island 7th arc map - Google Search
Search for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 - Wikipedia

Maybe the next search by the Ocean Infinity should begin near this area and work down toward the last search area?
I guess we would also need to look at the current drifts to see if they would match.
Hard to believe it will be five years in just a few months. It must be so hard for the victims families the not knowing what happened and not having your loved ones remains.

I do wonder when a memorial will be made for the victims but I know many families would be against one due to their belief that the plane didn’t crash. I don’t even know where a memorial would go when they don’t know where the nearest land is to the crash site.
Missing MH370 'could be in Kazakhstan' as 'key location' remains unsearched

Missing MH370 'could be in Kazakhstan' as 'key location' remains unsearched

Thanks for posting this.
I don't believe the new theory which was explained in the article but it was interesting.
The main part of the article continues on about the crash in the Indian Ocean and does contain pictures of the new debris found on the coast of Madagascar that was turned over to officials by relatives. One piece looks to be the size of a hand and the other four look about one sq foot each.

As the five pieces were handed over to Malaysia's government on Friday, Grace Nathan, a lawyer whose mother, Anne Daisy, was on the plane, said: "The fact that debris is still washing up now means that the investigation should still be live.
"It shouldn't be closed."
Mr Gibson said that “locals tell me there are many more pieces of debris washed up but it needs to Malaysia to offer rewards.”

The piece key piece of debris found at Sandravinany, south Madagascar, was identified using a fragment of a label still attached as part of a floor panel from a Boeing 777.
This analysis has been confirmed by the Malaysian authorities.
Mr. Gibson has been giving locals small rewards.

While the two extensive searches have not turned up the main body of wreckage, Mr Gibson believes that the main body of wreckage probably lies just outside the search area.
This is where MH370 crashed’: Fisherman claims he SAW plane go down and recorded the EXACT location on GPS, saying: 'It moved like a broken kite... no noise, just smoke'

An Indonesian fisherman who claims to know the exact spot where the ill-fated MH370 plane crashed into the Sumatra sea has handed over the co-coordinators to investigators.

Rusli Khusmin, 42, says he and his crew members witnessed the disaster, in which a Beijing-bound Malaysian Airlines flight carrying 239 people disappeared, on the morning of March 8, 2014.

Rusli recorded the co-ordinates of the site where he says the plane entered the water on a GPS device and held up a map to show reporters.

Fisherman claims he SAW MH370 go down and recorded the EXACT location on GPS | Daily Mail Online
Mr Gibson said that “locals tell me there are many more pieces of debris washed up but it needs to Malaysia to offer rewards.”

Does this mean that people are keeping debris and not turning it in unless they see an offer of money for it?

wth? What about just doing the right thing for the good of humanity.

I suppose if people are very poor they may be desperate for money then I could better understand it. The problem is if the government offers money for debri then I am betting that people will start to create fake metal debri and try to claim it is from the plane. Like taking old metal from old cars and stuff and trying to fake it for money. So I am not sure if offering money for debris is a good idea.
This is where MH370 crashed’: Fisherman claims he SAW plane go down and recorded the EXACT location on GPS, saying: 'It moved like a broken kite... no noise, just smoke'

An Indonesian fisherman who claims to know the exact spot where the ill-fated MH370 plane crashed into the Sumatra sea has handed over the co-coordinators to investigators.

Rusli Khusmin, 42, says he and his crew members witnessed the disaster, in which a Beijing-bound Malaysian Airlines flight carrying 239 people disappeared, on the morning of March 8, 2014.

Rusli recorded the co-ordinates of the site where he says the plane entered the water on a GPS device and held up a map to show reporters.

Fisherman claims he SAW MH370 go down and recorded the EXACT location on GPS | Daily Mail Online

The one alleged sighting that I felt may have been credible was those people on land that saw a low level plane flying way too low and passed over them. I cant even remember where that was and wondering if that was anywhere near where this fisherman is indicating.

He sounds credible so either he saw the MH370 plane or maybe another plane crash possibly.

We do have to wonder why his news is coming out now though. Unless authorities did not take him seriously before now and maybe he did share all this news at the time it happened.
This is where MH370 crashed’: Fisherman claims he SAW plane go down and recorded the EXACT location on GPS, saying: 'It moved like a broken kite... no noise, just smoke'

An Indonesian fisherman who claims to know the exact spot where the ill-fated MH370 plane crashed into the Sumatra sea has handed over the co-coordinators to investigators.

Rusli Khusmin, 42, says he and his crew members witnessed the disaster, in which a Beijing-bound Malaysian Airlines flight carrying 239 people disappeared, on the morning of March 8, 2014.

Rusli recorded the co-ordinates of the site where he says the plane entered the water on a GPS device and held up a map to show reporters.

Fisherman claims he SAW MH370 go down and recorded the EXACT location on GPS | Daily Mail Online

From the article -
The fishermen say they witnessed a damaged aircraft, black smoke and the smell of acidic fumes before the aircraft crashed.

Supposing all of them did see the plane, it does lend a little more credibility that just one person reporting it.

What could we surmise from these clues?
>Black smoke and fumes could indicate the results of a fire or explosion. The guy on the oil rig reported seeing a fire in the sky.
>If the damage on the aircraft was on the bottom of the plane near the hole, could the plane have flown that far? Could the batteries have exploded?
>Would the water current from that area carry debris to Africa?
>What was the last point the plane was tracked before the assumption of heading down into the Indian Ocean? Seems like it went over his "home" near Kuala Lumpur toward the airport there but then turned back to go down south. That would have been the Malacca Strait between Malaysia and Sumatra, same area as this new report.

One negative would be that the area is part of a big shipping route. Other people would have seen it. I don't know how deep it is but would a ship have bumped it? That area is near the Andaman Islands. I remember that name from the searching.

I tried to find where that fisherman was and came upon this old article which came out the day after the disappearance of MH370. It reports of many sightings, all of which were dismissed, but in the same area as this latest news.

Several ground witnesses claim they saw Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 - CNN

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