Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #11

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When the story first broke, ABC reported ..."Malaysia Airlines Flight Vanishes, Three Americans on Board - ABC News"
from the link:"A Malaysia Airlines flight with 227 passengers on board - including two adult Americans and an infant - has gone missing and a search and rescue team has been deployed to locate the aircraft, a spokeswoman has confirmed to ABC News."

I cannot remember a time when we didn't hear from the media the names and life-stories of people (Americans) involved in this kind of tragedy?

Something is odd to me about the lack of interest by the media in those three Americans on board-who is the child? (or children, because later I heard there were two children) who were they with?

I don't think it's a lack of interest. Malaysia is running the show here. Unfortunately.
Why are they paying out now? We dont even know if the passengers are alive or not. Or do we ?

Why would a family member take a payout?

It could be insurance on the plane itself paid to the airline?
When the story first broke, ABC reported ..."Malaysia Airlines Flight Vanishes, Three Americans on Board - ABC News"
from the link:"A Malaysia Airlines flight with 227 passengers on board - including two adult Americans and an infant - has gone missing and a search and rescue team has been deployed to locate the aircraft, a spokeswoman has confirmed to ABC News."

I cannot remember a time when we didn't hear from the media the names and life-stories of people (Americans) involved in this kind of tragedy?

Something is odd to me about the lack of interest by the media in those three Americans on board-who is the child? (or children, because later I heard there were two children) who were they with?

I've seen interviews with Mr. Wood's partner and his mother as far back as March 9th. His partner was on CNN yesterday (?) saying that she is packed and ready to go should they find the aircraft. The children were named, as well, but I haven't seen any family interviews.
Why are they paying out now? We dont even know if the passengers are alive or not. Or do we ?

Why would a family member take a payout?

It sounds like it's the plane right now, not the passengers:

German insurance company Allianz said Wednesday that it has made initial payments in connection with the missing plane. Spokesman Hugo Kidston declined to say how much had been paid, but said it was in line with contractual obligations when an aircraft is reported as missing.

Read more: Malaysia: Files were deleted from flight simulator - The Denver Post

bbm ibm
Well now CNN is reporting that something was wiped from the hard drive of the flight simulator the pilot owned. :banghead: The lies and coverup of facts that come out later is very upsetting here.

I had to step away from the whole thing for a day or so. Info comes out. Info is retracted. Families are crazy with grief and uncertainty, and nobody will tell them anything specific. It's infuriating. :banghead:
USA Today reports FBI will help analyze flight simulator data:

"WASHINGTON -- The FBI is formally joining the investigation into the missing Malaysian airliner and is expected to begin analyzing hard-drives from computers seized at the pilots' homes as soon as this week.

A federal law enforcement official said the material, including a flight simulator recovered from one of the pilot's homes, is likely to be shipped to the FBI's lab in Quantico, Va."

More at:
I was reading something last night (I think it was in comments somewhere, can't remember exactly), where a pilot said that pilots can actually CHANGE the 4-digit ID code of the plane (connected to the transponder).

I thought this was mind-boggling and why hasn't it been mentioned by one of the 500 pilots on CNN, FOX, etc.?

The pilot commenting was saying that it's possible that whoever took over 370 switched the identity of the plane with that of another plane.

So, what I'm thinking is that maybe the hijackers turned off the transponder to get out of Malaysian ATC (b/c surely Malay ATC would notice if a plane on their radar suddenly changed ID numbers).

Then, when it's entering some other country's radar (off of the intended flight path), it just simply changed its code to that of some other aircraft.

It's kind of confusing and I would have to have more information, b/c it was hard to undrestand from just a couple-paragraph comment.
JMO, but I don't think the plane landed, refueled, removed some identifying data, and started flying again. Wouldn't something being showing up on radar or satellite that is unidentified, and then contact would be initiated, no answer, and whatever protocol before being shot down begin?
Why are they paying out now? We dont even know if the passengers are alive or not. Or do we ?

Why would a family member take a payout?

The company may have made the offer to the families. Typically the insurance companies want families to sign off on the policies to avoid ligation. Lawsuits cost money and they know they will have to pay eventually. jmo
Why are they paying out now? We dont even know if the passengers are alive or not. Or do we ?

Why would a family member take a payout?

It didn't say they paid any families.

Kidston said the payments were in line with normal market practice and contractual obligations when an aircraft is reported as missing.

They could be paying out to help the families with lodging and other things. They could be paying for some of the search efforts. It seems like from the article they are paying what they have to pay when a plane is missing.....
JMO, but I don't think the plane landed, refueled, removed some identifying data, and started flying again. Wouldn't something being showing up on radar or satellite that is unidentified, and then contact would be initiated, no answer, and whatever protocol before being shot down begin?

Plus the engine data would be reported back to the manufacturer. The plane is no good without engines. jmo
China Expands Search for Missing Plane

Chinese vessels sailing toward new search areas as a multinational search mission for the missing Malaysian Airlines passenger jet enters its 12th day.

Nine vessels will leave from Singapore to waters southeast of the Bay of Bengal and west of Indonesia.

"The depth could reach beyond 3000 metres, and the waves will be huge in the Indian Ocean, meaning the search there will be much more difficult than in the Gulf of Thailand."
I was reading something last night (I think it was in comments somewhere, can't remember exactly), where a pilot said that pilots can actually CHANGE the 4-digit ID code of the plane (connected to the transponder).

I thought this was mind-boggling and why hasn't it been mentioned by one of the 500 pilots on CNN, FOX, etc.?

The pilot commenting was saying that it's possible that whoever took over 370 switched the identity of the plane with that of another plane.

So, what I'm thinking is that maybe the hijackers turned off the transponder to get out of Malaysian ATC (b/c surely Malay ATC would notice if a plane on their radar suddenly changed ID numbers).

Then, when it's entering some other country's radar (off of the intended flight path), it just simply changed its code to that of some other aircraft.

It's kind of confusing and I would have to have more information, b/c it was hard to undrestand from just a couple-paragraph comment.

Very intruiging and I had thought about this but dimissed it. It would make sense because a plane would service multiple routes. Much simpler than monkeying around with a bunch of electronics panels.

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- why fly that long? It would suggest either auto pilot or heading to a runway far away.

Does anyone know?

I just hit quote without looking to see if anyone else answered...oops!

To burn off all the fuel so it didn't leave an oil streak (the opinion of the pilot talking to Rush in the link I posted...) Makes sense to me.
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #10

Bringing above post over from last thread #10...

It is very interesting (IMO) that the German Insurance company , Allianz, has made payments in connection with the missing Malaysian airline...

Yet the amount... And who received the payment... Have not been revealed...

Thoughts anyone?



I find that Very, very, very Strange............Why..........there is NO answer yet of anything. How can they make a payment before any REAL concrete facts are known. Sure we know it is missing......but it still could be just hid.

I find that strange, and premature for an insurance company to do they. They are usually wait for a TOTAL investigation!!


I am going to try and explain how I came to the conclusion that my mad professor is one scary dude, with skills to do something of this magnitude and motive!

The original manifest and the one later blurred
--The manifest was released on Saturday AM . MAL airlines did not block out his name! However, when the Chinese got the manifest THEY blocked it out. It makes sense that in China their inteligence would know that passenger 84 is an educated terrorist involved with the Uighur movement in China.
Apparently on Chinese social media (i.e. netizens), there is a photo of a passengers list which includes all passenger names and information. On this picture, the name of passenger 84 is blurred out Unfortunately for them, the official version released by Malaysia Airlines did not have anyone’s name blurred out..

The mad professor:
--- Passenger 84 is the one that was deleted. His name is Lin Annanm. His skill set: “designed an integrated future soldier training system based on sensors, communication subsystems, integrated-helmet subsystems and performed simulations for real-time,” according to the CV. – He is passenger of Uighur descent. Uighurs are a terrorist group , in China, who are having severe with issues with Malyasia.

--He teaches at a Turkish University:: its aim of restoring to the Uyghurs—or more generally to the Turkic-speaking population of Xinjiang—the reins of political power within a truly autonomous or even independent entity. According to the man’s curriculum vitae (CV) found online, he is a PhD holder and is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, at a Turkish university. He was among 153 Chinese nationals on board MH370.

Besides extensive teaching and research experience in electronics, biomedical, and digital communications, the man had also spent slightly less than a year in 2004 as a researcher at a training and simulation center in Sweden.

The mistaken professor:
--The professor who is alive and well is Maimaitijiang Abula number 99 on the manifest. Maimaitijiang Abula, is a 34-year-old art teacher from China's far west Xinjiang region, home to China's Turkic-speaking Uighur ( I think this was some of the confusion) ethnic minority, was abroad for the first time and part of the group of painters and calligraphers in Malaysia for an exhibition.
Maimaitijiang was overjoyed by the accolades he received in Malaysia: he won an award, was interviewed by a Malaysian TV station and had one of his paintings curated by a gallery, the friend told the magazine.( I do not think he is a disgruntled individual!)

The conflict between Malaysia, the Chinese and the Ulgur Terrorist Group:
-- Malaysia accused over deporting Uighur asylum seekers to China. Rights group says forced return of ethnic Uighur Chinese is violation of international laws and has endangered their lives. But New York-based Human Rights Watch denounced the deportations and urged they be halted, saying Uighurs faced "grave risk of torture" in China.
--A terrorist group that might have a motive is the East Turkestan Islamic Movement, a separatist group in China founded by Uyghurs that has had some historical ties to al Qaeda and the Taliban. The Uyghurs are an ethnic group in western China who are Muslim. The group has conducted a number of terrorist attacks in China.
--Over the past twenty years, the unrest in Xinjiang has intensified and Uyghur nationalist feeling has strengthened. The Chinese regime then outlawed any kind of protest against the policies imposed on Xinjiang; it also closed up most of the spaces in which the culture and the religious convictions of the Uyghurs could be expressed. In this way it fed frustrations.

They have tried aviation before:
Uyghur terrorists might have a motive to hijack the Malaysia Airlines flight as it was bound for Beijing and most of the passengers were Chinese. But Uyghur militants have operated almost exclusively inside China. And when they have tried to mount hijackings in the past they have been complete flops.
On March 9, 2008, a 19-year old Uyghur woman attempted to set off some kind of explosive device on a flight from the Xinjiang Uyghur region en route to Beijing. The flight crew detained the woman before she could detonate the device.Four year later, on June 29, 2012, half a dozen Uyghur men attempted to take control of an aircraft flying in the Xinjiang Uyghur region using pieces of a metal crutch that had been sharpened to make crude weapons. This plot was also foiled.

--The assualt at the railway station in China largest station (again transportation assualt) occurred 7 days before MAL 370 took off. Twenty-nine people were killed and 130 were injured Saturday night when 10 men armed with long knives stormed the station in the southwest Chinese city of Kunming, the state news agency Xinhua reported.

Members of a separatist group from Xinjiang,(where Ulgurs reside) in northwest China, are believed to have carried out the assault, authorities said. The report referred to them as "terrorists."
-Beyond Uyghur militants or operatives of Jemaah Islamiyah, might there be other terrorist groups with the motivation and capability of pulling off the hijacking of the Malaysia Airlines flight? It doesn't seem so.

The flight chosen:

Where was flight 370 going – the capital of China? If you’re angry at the Chinese what flight would have the most liklihood of having the most Chinese nationalists? A flight to the capital. On a jumbo jet. A flight that is using the extended range model of the 777. It is a (777-200 ER). There is a difference in range between the two models. TIme of departure very late, will be flying all through night when staffing all over the globe is minimal and in all liklihood fatigued.

The takeover:
My professor and the passport kids. The passport kids jumped up and yelled we have bombs. The professor gets up approaches the Electronics bay (which is outside cockpit door)and killed ACARS. The "12 minutes" is thus accounted for and explains why ACARS was disabled first. It was the professor. Up to this point the copilot knows nothing. While the professor was in the bay the pilot entered new coordinates into FMS.He is the captain - the copilot during this 20 second undertaking is prepping for the handover.
Sadly the pilot was in on it. He lets the professor in cockpit, they bash the copilot over the head which is why he sounded muffled ......he was dying. They told him (copilot) not to say anything while forcing him to do the handoff. The tape also had attic on it according to the pilots behind or ahead of them. I think someone was holding the mic near his mouth (some distance away) which is why it was not clear. That is why he just mumbled the final two words -- not to give up they were in trouble,he was bleeding and the mic was far away from his mouth. Keep it short and simple - "alright goodnight" meets criteria!
The mad professor, who had been taking flying lessons, and is a genius, takes over copilot seat and the two of them, flew it landed it and are preparing for ACT 2. The passport kids kept all the passengers let’s say "in order" for the duration of flight.

The company that has the contract for baggage handling is a level 9 handler. It means it can handle any dangerous goods known to mankind. I think several bad things are loaded already. This way you land, hide real good and evacuate the area for several months because you know there will be lots of searching for a while. Then go back, top her off and hit the skies. Kind of starting to wonder if the 20 semi conductor folks might have roles as the story proceeds.

The world is in for a shock when she takes to the skies again............Best to wait a while....let all those in aviation return to lax and less aware state of minds.Gonna be bad..................................

And you know what I think is the entity that scares human beings most.................powerlessness......
ally happened

Three of the four links don't work there.. Did you write that or find it somewhere? Do you know this guy?

They are wayyy behind. We've been reporting that for at least 4 or 5 hours here.

I just woke up and heard it. So they may have been reporting it earlier.

"What if the airplane is never found?

Such an outcome, while considered unlikely by many experts, would certainly torment the families of those missing. It would also flummox the airline industry, which will struggle to learn lessons from the incident if it doesn't know what happened.

While rare nowadays, history is not short of such mysteries — from the most famous of all, American aviator Earhart, to planes and ships disappearing in the so-called Bermuda Triangle.

"When something like this happens that confounds us, we're offended by it, and we're scared by it," said Ric Gillespie, a former U.S. aviation accident investigator who wrote a book about Earhart's still-unsolved 1937 disappearance over the Pacific Ocean. "We had the illusion of control and it's just been shown to us that oh, folks, you know what? A really big airliner can just vanish. And nobody wants to hear that."
Malaysia to send high-level team to China over missing jetliner

Malaysia would send a high-level working team to Beijing to deal with issues related to the missing Malaysia Airlines jetliner, acting transport minister said Wednesday.

"The team will give briefings and updates to the next of kin on the latest situation, and on search and rescue plans," Hishammuddin Hussein, also Malaysia's defence minister, told a press conference.

He said the team would be comprised of representatives from the Prime Minister's Office, the Foreign Ministry, the Royal Air Force, the Department of Civil Aviation and the Malaysia Airlines.

The team, led by Lieutenant General Dato'Sri Ackbal bin Haji Abdul Samad, air operation commander of the Royal Air Force, would also include a senior 777 pilot.
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