Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #17

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This may be a daft question, but do these huge ships have speedboats on board? They must have something smaller and faster, so WHY aren't they getting to all this reported debris sooner? 300 pieces spotted by Thailand, someone should be picking it up by now, the slowness is sooo frustrating!

Speed boat in 9 meter waves/swells!
Also, one day I was watching Martin Savidge and Mitchell the pilot in the flight simulator....and Mitchell said something like, oh people can learn a lot from using the flight simulator b/c all the controls, etc., are exact replica of the 777 and so they don't even have to get into the actual plane to learn where all the controls are.

Yes, Captain Shah had a flight simulator, but IMO he didn't need a flight simulator for what the plane did........BECAUSE HE WAS ALREADY A 777 PILOT. So I do not know what the big deal of him having a flight simulator is. The evidence is that the plane took off, flew to one point, turned left, flew to another point, POSSIBLY changed altitudes a couple of times, flew to another point, flew to another point, and then (possibly) turned and flew out across the ocean. Captain Shah WOULD HAVE ALREADY KNOWN how to do those things, like taking off and turning. WHY would he need to practice this on the flight simulator?

Does it not make sense that possibly someone in a terrorist organization could also get a hold of a flight simulator? That someone (probably a pilot already) could just practice the controls in a 777? A pilot would already know how to fly, all they would have to do is study and learn the controls of a 777 - which can be done with a flight simulator.


The 9/11 commission:

In the fall of 1999, training for the attacks began. Hazmi, Mihdhar, Khallad, and Abu Bara participated in an elite training course at the Mes Aynak camp in Afghanistan. Afterward, KSM taught three of these operatives basic English words and phrases and showed them how to read a phone book, make travel reservations, use the Internet, and encode communications. They also used flight simulator computer games and analyzed airline schedules to figure out flights that would be in the air at the same time. Kuala Lumpur
Following the training, all four operatives for the operation traveled to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Khallad and Abu Bara were directed to study airport security and conduct surveillance on U.S. carriers, and Hazmi and Mihdhar were to switch passports in Kuala Lumpur before going on to the United States. Khallad—who traveled to Kuala Lumpur ahead of Hazmi and Mihdhar—attended a prosthesis clinic in Kuala Lumpur. He then flew to Hong Kong aboard a U.S. airliner and was able to carry a box cutter, concealed in his toiletries bag, onto the flight. He returned to Kuala Lumpur, where Hazmi and Mihdhar arrived during the first week in January 2000. The al Qaeda operatives were hosted in Kuala Lumpur by Jemaah Islamiah members Hambali and Yazid Sufaat, among others. When Khallad headed next to a meeting in Bangkok, Hazmi and Mihdhar decided to join him to enhance their cover as tourists.
The 9/11 commission:

In the fall of 1999, training for the attacks began. Hazmi, Mihdhar, Khallad, and Abu Bara participated in an elite training course at the Mes Aynak camp in Afghanistan. Afterward, KSM taught three of these operatives basic English words and phrases and showed them how to read a phone book, make travel reservations, use the Internet, and encode communications. They also used flight simulator computer games and analyzed airline schedules to figure out flights that would be in the air at the same time. Kuala Lumpur
Following the training, all four operatives for the operation traveled to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Khallad and Abu Bara were directed to study airport security and conduct surveillance on U.S. carriers, and Hazmi and Mihdhar were to switch passports in Kuala Lumpur before going on to the United States. Khallad—who traveled to Kuala Lumpur ahead of Hazmi and Mihdhar—attended a prosthesis clinic in Kuala Lumpur. He then flew to Hong Kong aboard a U.S. airliner and was able to carry a box cutter, concealed in his toiletries bag, onto the flight. He returned to Kuala Lumpur, where Hazmi and Mihdhar arrived during the first week in January 2000. The al Qaeda operatives were hosted in Kuala Lumpur by Jemaah Islamiah members Hambali and Yazid Sufaat, among others. When Khallad headed next to a meeting in Bangkok, Hazmi and Mihdhar decided to join him to enhance their cover as tourists.

This is scary.
Someone brought up drones. Excellent idea and that would be a great assett to join in search for debris. I bet they also can shoot out marker bouyees.
They can fly low without risk of anybody getting hurt.

Of course, more money with drones. But I do think it would be useful.

Dropping marker boyoues as they have done on a few occassions is critical because they float along with the debris. Its an almost guaranteed way of finding the same debris once spotted by air.

Im beginning to think the debris is very waterlogged and sinking + surfacing all the time.
Maybe we need a week of calm weather or something. This is crazy and upsetting.
This is scary.

I dont know how to copy a link from a previous page but yesterday there was that great map of overlay of flight borders over the turning points of the plane.

It was amazing to me because it seemed to show the plane turned at the absolute furthest points of the borders of different countries. It seemed to prove to me that purposeful flying of that plane to elude radar or elude being attacked by a jet.

That map convinced me that whoever was flying the plane was doing it on purpose and it seemed to prove no mechanical failure to me. Purposeful turning at border corners.
IMO they seemed very content to let other countries spend tons of money to do all the hard work and find anything and you soon as the plane is found, they are going to demand that they get access to the black box first and then hide the truth of what is on it.

I seriously hope other governments demand they get access to the black box first before Malaysia since they are spending all the money to find it.

ETA - Look what happened with the Egypt investigation. Perfect example. We had better learned from that and we better be taking steps in advance to ensure we get access to get proper determination of what happened.

It is kind of like finding a sunken old treasure ship full of gold in international waters. The country of origin tries to come in and claim the gold after another independent firm spent tons of money in finding a sunken treasure ship.

IMO---finders keepers.


And Hussein gloats daily, especially in his tweets about the glory of Malaysia and their unprecedented triumph of coordinating 26 countries in this massive effort.
:sick: :weaklink:

Frankly, I don't think the other parties want them to "assist" in the search. The only progress being made is in spite of Malaysia's ineptitude.
Someone brought up drones. Excellent idea and that would be a great assett to join in search for debris. I bet they also can shoot out marker bouyees.
They can fly low without risk of anybody getting hurt.

Of course, more money with drones. But I do think it would be useful.

Dropping marker boyoues as they have done on a few occassions is critical because they float along with the debris. Its an almost guaranteed way of finding the same debris once spotted by air.

Im beginning to think the debris is very waterlogged and sinking + surfacing all the time.
Maybe we need a week of calm weather or something. This is crazy and upsetting.

US sending undersea drone to search for wreckage of MH370
By PHIL STEWART, ReutersMarch 25, 2014 7:31am

The U.S. disclosure that it was pre-positioning the sonar-equipped Bluefin "autonomous underwater vehicle" in Australia came hours after Malaysia announced that the jetliner which disappeared over two weeks ago had crashed in the southern Indian Ocean.

All 239 people on board were presumed dead, airline officials said.

"We have more than 200 families out there that are grieving right now. They just got some stark news today from the Malaysian government," said Pentagon spokesman Rear Admiral John Kirby, adding the "the whole world grieves with them."

The Bluefin drone is just over 17 feet (5 meters) long and weighs 1,764 pounds (800 kg), according to a Navy factsheet. Kirby said it can operate for more than a day at slower speeds.

As for aerial drones....I read this morning that it would reveal drone capabilities and the nations involved will not jeopardize their own national security or military capabilities.
And he was the last person to speak.
And it was his first flight without being monitored by a check pilot
Why is Captain Shah the one being villified by the media?

bbm I would assume because he was the captain, the person in charge. And because as of now he has the most dirt against him. jmo Not that that is my opinion. just a wild guess.
US sending undersea drone to search for wreckage of MH370
By PHIL STEWART, ReutersMarch 25, 2014 7:31am

The U.S. disclosure that it was pre-positioning the sonar-equipped Bluefin "autonomous underwater vehicle" in Australia came hours after Malaysia announced that the jetliner which disappeared over two weeks ago had crashed in the southern Indian Ocean.

...snipped for space....

As for aerial drones....I read this morning that it would reveal drone capabilities and the nations involved will not jeopardize their own national security or military capabilities.

Regarding bolded part. Yeah darn. I can see that being an issue. That concern has hurt this investigation a lot it seems. With the satelite analysis and now with drones too most likely.
People have to sift through satellite photos and look for debris - by the time they alert a boat, days could have passed. It's not that they aren't quickly alerting them, it's that the location has already changed.
And he was the last person to speak.
And it was his first flight without being monitored by a check pilot
Why is Captain Shah the one being villified by the media?

The aircraft in flight is the responsibility of the Captain. It appears the aircraft was being controlled by someone and until they find answers they will probably continue to blame him. jmo

And Hussein gloats daily, especially in his tweets about the glory of Malaysia and their unprecedented triumph of coordinating 26 countries in this massive effort.
:sick: :weaklink:

Frankly, I don't think the other parties want them to "assist" in the search. The only progress being made is in spite of Malaysia's ineptitude.

I think they are still using the same old tactics they have been using for decades, but maybe they will realize it is not working in their own country anymore and certainly not on a global stage either.

Malaysia tinkers at the edges of authoritarianism and is relatively corrupt - Transparency International ranks Malaysia 53 out of 177 countries - and the leadership deploys powerful tools of social control covering legislation, the media and distribution of state finances to maintain its power.

Moreover, Malaysia's political blueblood - of which the Acting Transport Minister is a member - co-opts an unskilled and unmerited network of friends and relatives into a heady mix of power and money that can deliver riches and status to those on the inside.

The system is so entrenched, it shapes and permeates all layers of Malaysian society. Now we're seeing it play out in how the administration is managing and communicating the investigation to the rest of the world.
Okay folks, let's try to be respectful of the government officials by not resorting to name calling. It's against TOS and serves no purpose. There is a reason this aircraft is missing. Let's try to pull together and figure this out with the resources we have. Anyone who flies has a stake in finding out what happened here.

Don't know if this is helpful or not.

Here is a video that shows what happens during hypoxia. No one actually dies, it is just to show. It is in Dutch, but you don't need to speak the language to watch the effects.

[ame=""]Proefkonijnen - Zonder luchtdruk - YouTube[/ame]
The aircraft in flight is the responsibility of the Captain. It appears the aircraft was being controlled by someone and until they find answers they will probably continue to blame him. jmo

Assuming no mechanical failures...
There was a guy on the news that made a point that because it was a plane there are only so many people on that plane that become a suspect pool and the most logical suspects always begins with the pilots in the cabin for starters.

He said something like..."for them they are guilty until proven innocent" because out of everyone on the plane the cockpit people were known as a fact to be flying it at least at first.
IMO they seemed very content to let other countries spend tons of money to do all the hard work and find anything and you soon as the plane is found, they are going to demand that they get access to the black box first and then hide the truth of what is on it.

I seriously hope other governments demand they get access to the black box first before Malaysia since they are spending all the money to find it.

ETA - Look what happened with the Egypt investigation. Perfect example. We had better learned from that and we better be taking steps in advance to ensure we get access to get proper determination of what happened.

It is kind of like finding a sunken old treasure ship full of gold in international waters. The country of origin tries to come in and claim the gold after another independent firm spent tons of money in finding a sunken treasure ship.

IMO---finders keepers.

I think it's a safe beat that that will not happen, I have a feeling that france and usa will be the ones in the submersible in retrieving the black box (it's really orange) and probably analyze its contents before it's known to be discovered. jmo
:eek:fftopic: yikes, plane just crashed into the sea in the Canary islands today, BBC newsflash :(

ETA: BBC news gives me another newsflash saying it was a false alarm boat mistaken for a plane! WTH?!
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