Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #23

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I will speak up here.

Fact: Immarsat extracted and calculated data for the pings which has never been peformed before. No guarantee it is 100% accurate, just what they say.

Fact: No debris whatsoever anywhere, which I find quite odd.

On a side note, I read that Airbus is producing an electric powered plane, with what? You guessed it, lithium powered batteries.

It was on CBC website, i'm still learning to use my tablet with Tapatalk.

Sent from my GT-P5210 using Tapatalk

inmarsat tested the reliability of their interpretation of the ping data and it proved accurate. They did this with a Malaysian aircraft in that part of the world. As far as i know noone has
even challenged their interpretation of the data.

as to the lack of wreckage, I can only repeat what my FIRST LINE Instructor said on my first trans oceanic flight when I mentioned that I was concerned about the presence of a typhoon along our projected flight path, he said, " its a big ocean." And he was talking about a typhoon, not a few pieces of wreckage.

As to a lack of
In a report by Maldivian daily Haveeru, residents described the aircraft which flew over Kuda Huvadhoo at around 6.15am as
being white, with red stripes across it.
MSM: The Star (Malaysian newspaper):

MSM Haveeru (Maldivian newspaper) published:
"several residents of Kuda Huvadhoo told Haveeru on Tuesday that they saw a "low flying jumbo jet" at around 6:15am on March 8."
"Satellite data suggests that the last "ping" was recieved from the flight somwhere close to the Maldives and the US naval
base on Diego Garcia."

Note that The Star (Malaysian newspaper) write about 6.15 am, it does not say anything about 'local time', but
Maldivian newspaper Haveeru also reports 6:15am on March 8.
One can only assume it means Local Maldivian Time (?)

Could it be the MH370 flight was flying much slower than usual (due to special circumstances, danger, accident,
fire on plane or something ???),
maybe it was flying slower than 4 hours 10 min, which is the normal flight duration?

I don't think it would be on fire, and the reports would of stated that. I could of been flying low for quite awhile, thus burning more fuel.

As far MH370 being not threatening on radar, I sure hope they learn from their mistakes, even if an aircraft is labelled as "commercial".

We may have to wait awhile and maybe let ocean fo her thing.

As far MH370 being not threatening on radar, I sure hope they learn from their mistakes, even if an aircraft is labelled as "commercial".

We may to wait awhile and maybe let ocean fo her thing.


I agree
This incident has shown the gaps in aircraft detection and tracking
Multiple sources on Twitter are saying Messrs. Abbott and Houston will be having a press conference within the hour, seems it will be sooner rather than later.
he Bluefin-21 will continue to be used in the operation, Mr Abbott said.

However, an intensified search will involve different technology.

"In particular, using specialised sidescan sonar equipment towed behind ships to scan the seabed for evidence of aircraft wreckage," the prime minister said.

The Australian government, in consultation with the Malaysian government, would be willing to engage one or more commercial companies to undertake the work, he said.

He said that would cost an estimated $60 million and Australia would seek contributions from other nations.
ABC News ‏@ABC · 2m
Update: Aerial search for #MH370 suspended, with search efforts focusing underwater

Nine News Australia ‏@9NewsAUS · 5m
Angus Houston says if everything goes perfectly, the search for #MH370 will take eight months. #9News

BBC Breaking News ‏@BBCBreaking · 6m
#MH370 - 52 days into search for Malaysia Airlines plane, highly unlikely debris will be found on sea surface, says Australian PM

BBC Breaking News ‏@BBCBreaking · 23m
#MH370 - Australian prime minister Tony Abbott says search for aircraft on ocean's surface ending; intensified underwater search to start

Thanks Amee, it was really hard to keep the sense of it trying to 'watch' on twitter, so much political commentary and sniping among the multitude of tweets flying. I guess CNN didn't get word of it in time to interrupt the rerun of Anthony Bourdain. :facepalm:

No worries. Twitter is a scary place during press conferences lol

Not much warning here in Oz about it either caught us all by surprise I think. :)
As far MH370 being not threatening on radar, I sure hope they learn from their mistakes, even if an aircraft is labelled as "commercial".

We may have to wait awhile and maybe let ocean fo her thing.


As I've said before, if ATC isn't doing it, then I doubt any other agency is tracking the comings and goings of every commercial aircraft in the sky.
Search for the Black Box goes deeper... into ocean...

MSM Emirates 24/7 are a Dubai Media Incorporated news website and television news programme,
"Missing MH370 latest: Air search called off... Only underwater now."
"With several surprising new developments this week, not least the reported CNN interview where Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak is quoted as saying
military radar tracked an aircraft on March 8.
The Malaysian PM said he initially didn’t believe it but was told that the military radars have some capability.
The authorities are not sure whether it was MH370 or any other aircraft.
There is also the question of whether the search is going on in the right area to begin with.
These theories will ensure the conspiracy angle stays alive, however, all eyes will be on the report set to come out and if more ‘secret revelations’ are to
made by Malaysia. The atoll of Diego Garcia is forever hovering in the background and will continue to drive internet discussion until there is closure on
the case."

The Sydney Morning Herald April 28, 2014
"MH370: 'We haven't found anything anywhere'"
"Tony Abbott says he's "baffled and disappointed" no debris has been found, as the search for MH370 shifts focus."
"The search for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 will enter a new phase after 52 days of searching failed to find any sign
of the plane wreckage, Prime Minister Tony Abbott has announced."
"But Mr Abbott defended the search operation in the southern Indian Ocean, saying authorities remain confident that signals detected weeks ago
were from a black box recorder."

What actually is 'Black Box'?:
"Any commercial aeroplane or corporate jet is required to be equipped with a Cockpit Voice Recorder and a Flight Data Recorder. It is these two (2) items
of separate equipment which we commonly refer to as a ‘Black Box.’ While they do nothing to help the plane when it is in the air,
both these pieces of equipment are vitally important should the plane crash, as they help crash investigators find out what happened just before the crash. "
"To help locate the cockpit voice recorder and a flight data recorder in the aftermath of a plane crash that occurs at sea, each recorder has a device fitted
to it known as an Underwater Locator Beacon (ULB). The device is activated as soon as the recorder comes into contact with water and it can transmit from a
depth as deep as 14,000 feet. Also, to help investigators find them; a Black Box is not actually black at all, but bright orange."
"All recorders undergo countless tests. For example, one Black Box recorder, the L-3 FA 2100 underwent testing that includes exposure to a 1,110°C fire for
an hour and 260°C heat for 10 hours. It is also able to operate between -55° to +70°C and it can carries a minimum 25 hours of flight data."


Link: National Geographic:

Are there any video/recordings of those latest signals, available online ?


The search for MH370 seems to become very-very international...

"GeoResonance believes authorities have been looking in the wrong place."
"It started its own search for the missing aircraft on March 10."
"The company, GeoResonance, says its research has identified elements on the ocean floor consistent with material from a plane."
7 News link:

More about company: GeoResonance:
"Adelaide company GeoResonance to use former Soviet Union weapons technology to search for for oil and gas in SA, Qld."
"GeoResonance managing director Pavel Kursa". Mr Kursa, who has been in and out of Australia since 1998, said he was not a scientist or physicist
but had received military education and had specialised in radar technology in his now-home country Ukraine.
April 29, 2013:

MSM published April 11, 2014 :
"A source in Russian’s FSB secret service said the plane was hijacked and flown close to the Pakistan border.
According to the Daily Star, the source said al the passengers were, they have been divided into seven groups and are living in
mud huts with almost no food.
The report added that 20 passengers who were Asian ‘specialists’ have been smuggled into a bunker in Pakistan, the report added.
Meanwhile, an Australian sea patrol aircraft has detected a possible black box signal in the same area where Ocean Shield detected four pingers
in search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370."
MH370 search being scaled back
April 28, 2014
The Australian prime minister said that It is now "highly unlikely" that any aircraft debris will be found
on the ocean's surface.

PERTH: The search for missing Malaysia Airlines plane MH370 is being scaled back, Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has announced.

He says 52 days after the plane disappeared with 239 people on board, the search is now entering a &#8220;new phase&#8221; focused on searching the ocean floor.
It is now &#8220;highly unlikely&#8221; that any aircraft debris will be found on the ocean&#8217;s surface, he says.

&#8220;By this stage, 52 days into the search, most material would have become waterlogged and sunk,&#8221; he told reporters.
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