Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #9

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"PUTRAJAYA: Family members of the passengers of MH370 who are being hosted at a hotel here are allowed to indulge in various pursuits and distractions while waiting for news regarding the missing flight."

I find the use of the word "allowed" to be rather strange. Are independent journalists being "allowed" free access to these family members?

I am hoping that allowed means free of charge.
Another frustrating day indeed.

Things getting published, then redacted. It was flying low, no it wasn't. :sigh:

If you really think about it, if the plane crashed in the ocean, who would see it? No one to see it, no one can report it.

If it crashed in an unpopulated mountainous area, no one to see it, no one to report it.

I'm sure someone knows, and probably has been asked and answered a thousand times already. How does the black box ping? How far away can it be detected? For how long can it ping?

If missing planes are hard to find, some new and improved method needs to be created.
Just to clarify, the arc is not a flight path. It just shows (if it's accurate) where the plane may have been, at one point (only) on this arc line, at 8:11am.

I also wonder whether it's accurate, since so many other data assumptions are not.

Yes, the arcs (as I understand it) come from the satellite 'ping' data.
Another frustrating day indeed.

Things getting published, then redacted. It was flying low, no it wasn't. :sigh:

If you really think about it, if the plane crashed in the ocean, who would see it? No one to see it, no one can report it.

If it crashed in an unpopulated mountainous area, no one to see it, no one to report it.

I'm sure someone knows, and probably has been asked and answered a thousand times already. How does the black box ping? How far away can it be detected? For how long can it ping?

If missing planes are hard to find, some new and improved method needs to be created.

Lots of valid thoughts/questions.

The black box (battery) is only good for about a month. :-/
Another thing that has been reported,but so far I've seen no followup. The pilots family moved out of the house the day before.So ok,where are they? Anybody hear if they have been found and questioned? Do we know why they moved out?
We seem to get these little tidbits and then nothing.
Statistically if we were to randomly sample 1000 people that do not live in the US, I am willing to bet that a small percentage would have taken interest enough in the Boston Bombing to actually post something on Facebook about it. So to me, it is just another mark to add to the list of concerning things. Nothing more but it adds up with other marks.

jeff bauman's fb page (the young man who lost both legs and who's graphic photo w/ very traumatic injuries went quickly viral) was inundated with thousands of messages of support from all over the world when it was created and shared. how do i know this? i read the messages myself for days. it was incredible!
Another frustrating day indeed.

Things getting published, then redacted. It was flying low, no it wasn't. :sigh:

If you really think about it, if the plane crashed in the ocean, who would see it? No one to see it, no one can report it.

If it crashed in an unpopulated mountainous area, no one to see it, no one to report it.

I'm sure someone knows, and probably has been asked and answered a thousand times already. How does the black box ping? How far away can it be detected? For how long can it ping?

If missing planes are hard to find, some new and improved method needs to be created.

Re Bolded part.

Exactly. Like why cant those systems just transmit the GPS coordinates like every 5 minutes. Is that too much to ask for. Geeeesshhhh
hello again all
still no sign of debris or the plane....sigh..:sigh:

I can't believe that Malaysia dragged their feet before beginning to investigate ALL persons on board this flight..that should have been done on day 1.
I thought I saw a clip of family moving out, surrounded by media...if so, that would not have been "before".
I don't fly a 777, but can't I just pull the circuit breaker to disable the Acars?
I agree there may have been decisions made at a high level in the U.S. government to start to back away from the whole situation. Because of the actions/inactions of the Malaysian government.

The last I had read, even after the Malaysians had announced they were going to do thorough checks of the backgrounds of everyone on the plane, they were refusing to use Interpol to gather info. These kinds of decisions cannot be sitting well with the U.S. officials.

Plus, at this point, with no demands of any kind being made by any highjackers and based on the pings from the satellites, I think the U.S. is pretty darn sure the plane is in the ocean somewhere.

I feel sad about the whole thing, but I honestly do not care to see a huge amount of American tax dollars paying for an ocean search when there is no clue to the location.
I can see us going back and assisting with actual recovery if the location is ever determined.

On FOX news a couple of hours ago, they reported that the FBI has been working with Malaysia since "Day 1." So we know ONE THING FOR CERTAIN - the media KNOW NOTHING. That's pretty much the only fact we know as of now. :facepalm:

I honestly have a different viewpoint of what US involvement should be, because if this was done by a tetrorist group, or even worse, a country collaborating with a terrorist group, the US needs to be on top of it. They need to know exactly which group was involved, how they planned it, the whole background years leading up to it, etc., etc..

And that's not mentioning, of course, the innocent passengers whose families deserve answers. Or even possibly alive and needing to be rescued!

I have no doubt that the US knows more than its letting on - specifically the CIA. Even though they may not be outwardly involved in things, IMO, they are extremely involved in the intelligence level. Trying to get to the bottom of this.

Here are three quotes from an interview of the Malaysian Transportation Minister (the guy who took the lead at the most recently televised press conference) by a CCTV America interviewer:

"Whether it is a hijacking, whether it is intentional, whether it’s under duress, whether it is some psychological reasons, who did it."

"But the Prime Minister indicated today that because of circumstances and corroborated facts, we are now intensifying our investigation on the personalities involved and that is clearly been indicated to our police especially.'

"I want to assure the families especially, we will not give up. We will continue to look for that plane. That is our sole, main focus at the moment. Because notwithstanding whether it is terrorism, whether it’s hijacking, whether it’s psychological, whatever the issues are out there, my main focus as the minister in charge is to find the plane."

I think they are actively investigating if the Pilot "ran amok" in an airline pilot style.

From Wikipedia:
"Running amok, sometimes referred to as simply amok,[1] also spelled amuk, from the Malay,[2] is "an episode of sudden mass assault against people or objects usually by a single individual following a period of brooding that has traditionally been regarded as occurring especially in Indonesian culture but is now increasingly viewed as psychopathological behavior occurring worldwide in numerous countries and cultures."

"Although commonly used in a colloquial and less-violent sense, the phrase is particularly associated with a specific sociopathic culture-bound syndrome in Malaysian culture."

"A widely accepted explanation links amok with male honor (amok by women is virtually unknown).[12] Running amok would thus be both a way of escaping the world (since perpetrators were normally killed) and re-establishing one's reputation as a man to be feared and respected. Some observers[who?] have related this explanation to Islam's ban on suicide, which, it is suggested, drove Indonesian men to create circumstances in which others would kill them."

[ame=""]Running amok - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
I believe it's an extra little drop-down seat in the cockpit (behind the pilots, sitting sideways) that is a courtesy seat available for other (non-piloting) pilots from the airline to use when needing to go to the intended destination to pilot an aircraft from.

There are also "jump seats" for flight attendants - usually in the galley - where they are seated for take-off and landing.

Yes, that one. Thanks.

Can't people in the media read maps?

There is no 20 countries it would have to pass through. It does not pass over India, Pakistan, or Afghanistan - not even Bangladesh. That is - if and big IF these "satellite pings" info. is correct.

Also it is very interesting how the plane seems to to right above Bangladesh and Myanmar, making sure not to cross into those countries - instead making sure to stay inside China.
As expensive as these planes are, you would think they would have some type of LoJack system. Sheesh!
" I honestly have a different viewpoint of what US involvement should be, because if this was done by a tetrorist group, or even worse, a country collaborating with a terrorist group, the US needs to be on top of it. They need to know exactly which group was involved, how they planned it, the whole background years leading up to it, etc., etc.. "

Oh, I agree with this entirely. Yes, also a team from National Transportation Safety Bureau has been there since very, very early - I believe they arrived the Sunday after the event.

I think our investigators, working together with the Brits and what they have been given by the Malaysians have likely already decided what they think happened. And if U.S. fades out of the picture, it would mean they did not think it was terrorism.
Just to clarify, the arc is not a flight path. It just shows (if it's accurate) where the plane may have been, at one point (only) on this arc line, at 8:11am.

I also wonder whether it's accurate, since so many other data assumptions are not.


Yes, I realize it's not the flight path. But I don't know if the bolded part is accurate? I don't think it's just one point. They made the arc out of the satellite pings which the engine was sending to Boeing (or something like that). IIRC, the pings were coming in every hour. So that would make it more than one ping. They were getting pings throughout the night. That's how they came up with these arcs - one to north and one to south.
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