Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #9

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International Security Standards not met

serious questions are being asked worldwide about the gaps in the Malaysian response

"So, if military radar operators spot an unidentified contact, normal procedure would be to check with their civilian counterparts as to whether there is a transponder reading for identification.

If not, there would be an attempt to contact the plane by radio and, again if there is no response, ultimately to scramble fighters.

These are all procedures that have been long established, were regularly exercised during the Cold War, and have been refined since 9/11."
Maybe this has been talked about.

But if they were hijacked, the pilots have a secret warning to warn of a hijacking.

We know there is a very experienced pilot on board flying this plane when it disappeared. What we don't know is, who was it? It maybe an unknown hijacker. In that case he would know the secret code too and would make sure no one gave it out. So not necessarily the Malaysian airline pilots. JMOO
Given that we now know the ACARS & transponder were not necessarily shut down in sequence, it is theoretically possible that they stopped operating simultaneously.

We know that the 2 devices were not necessarily shut down in sequence because at the PC yesterday the authorities clarified that the ACARS stopped operating within a 30 minute window that overlaps the more exact time at which the transponder failed working.

If it is possible that these two devices failed simultaneously, does this also open the window back up for some type of catastrophic mechanical failure? Is it possible that some unforeseen and still unknown mechanical failure caused the following to ALL happen simultaneously...?

1. ACARS breaks
2. Transponder breaks
3. Plane [uncontrollably] climbs to hypoxia-inducing altitude
4. Computer resets(???) or loads(???) pre-programmed flight path that sends it into the Indian Ocean

I know this sounds insanely far-fetched, but so far everything about this story has been far-fetched so I'm willing to entertain any theory, even if just for a minute.

All I'm asking, is it possible for a plane to do all of this on its own if a mechanical failure is involved? Is it at all possible that this plane (on its own) killed everybody on board then flew off into the ocean??? Is SkyNet self aware yet?
What credibility does The European Times have? This story is so bizarre it is making me think of purchasing a tin foil hat as well as a gas mask. JMOO

omg you mean it's not mainstream?:tantrum:
What credibility does The European Times have? This story is so bizarre it is making me think of purchasing a tin foil hat as well as a gas mask. JMOO

Jeepers! You don't purchase one! They already have tracking chips implanted in them. You have to make it yourself, that way the feds don't know you are onto them. If anyone asks you just say you are making a roast chook.
What amuses me the most is that when I googled tin foil hat brigade for the picture the first two pages were about our Prime Minister and climate change.
What amuses me the most is that when I googled tin foil hat brigade for the picture the first two pages were about our Prime Minister and climate change.
Well we insulated our houses to save on green house emissions so maybe we need to insulate our heads too. Maybe some of us are maybe producing too much energy. JMOO
Good morning all!

Trying so hard to keep up, but there's so many comments & points to read!

Loving all the debate & discussion, still new here so please bear with...

I have a few things i can't get straight in my head, but the main thing being the quoted "all right, good night" phrase.
If that was the answer - do we know what the question or what it "replied" to?

Sorry if it's already been answered somewhere, as i said I'm struggling to keep up!!
Families of the Chinese passengers are threatening to go on hunger strike unless they are given more information. I don't think there IS any more information. This is not going to help...
News conference just starting, let's see if anything new comes up today.
What's troubling about it? The PKR is a pro-Democratic party, and doesn't seem extremist in their views. And most Westerners would probably agree that Ibrahim was falsely imprisoned. Imprisoned for being homosexual? How is that reasonable? Sounds like the party in power are the REAL extremists!

I just have to say that I have been on this thread for days....and not once have I seen anyone say that the pilot or the opposition leader are extremists!!!!

there have been a couple of posts where a few have got upset, because they think that when people are saying something about the pilots politics on here we are saying he is following a fundamentalist party of some type and that we are supporting the government......

Most of us know that it is actually the government that is suppose to be corrupt and the charges against Anwar are probably trumped up to stop him running for election and be voted in...

He is extremely popular over there and by all accounts the party is a peaceful one ie they are the good guys....

the pilot was a fervent supporter of anwar...........and there are a lot of coincidences involved with the timing of the politics over there...

that is what people are alluding to.....

I for one hope the pilot didn't have anything to do with it...........and reading about him helping the poor children etc, he sounds like a lovely man and one who wouldn't kill a plane full of innocent people...

BUT stranger things have happened, and after being on here for years I can say I have been really shocked a number of times at outcomes I would never have predicted.....and by people I never suspected....

I am not going to discount the coincidences......but I am also not going to crucify him............just sleuth, which is what we do on here.
News conference just starting, let's see if anything new comes up today.

The Transport Minister has listed all the countries and aircraft that are helping with the search. He also confirmed that the ACARS and transponder were switched off and that whatever happened was deliberate.

He then went on to discuss the speculation of political links and said "the search for MH370 is bigger than politics".

It seems they really have no other clues at this time.
My take on it--- derived from news reports and experts on CNN, Fox, ABC, NBC.
I haven't heard a single "expert" yet surmise how hijackers could have gotten on board undetected. See item #1 below. Am I the only one that has this theory ??

1) Hijackers avoid going through security by being smuggled into the cargo hold of the plane such as in a large crate or wooden box. Planes routinely carry large crates and freight items. They routinely load heavy things using a forklift. A shipping crate 6 feet square and 6 feet tall would not even be considered that large of an item. None of these hijackers would show up on a passenger list.

2) While down in the cargo hold, they disable and disconnect what communications they can shortly before ascending to the passenger deck. This would explain some of the electronic systems shutting down prior to the pilots' sign-off with air traffic controllers. A trap door in the cabin gives the flight crew access to the lower cargo hold (and the hijackers access to the passenger deck).

3) On the passenger deck, a diversion is created, causing one of the pilots to open the cockpit door---cockpit is taken over by hijackers.

4) Somebody says "good evening" to air traffic control. Nobody knows whom.

5) Transponder is turned off, as well as any other identifiers and tracking devices that can be disabled from cockpit. The plane is essentially flying in stealth / blackout mode at this point. All cell phones and electronic devices are collected from the passengers at gunpoint.

6) The plane is now in control of the hijackers, flying a predetermined route to wherever the destination was. Low altitude flying, zig- zagging, and shadowing other aircraft is used to confuse radar operators and air traffic control. The pilot of the plane is highly experienced and knowledgeable, possibly even ex-military.

7) The plane is landed at an abandoned military base (or similar) and hidden. The U.S. military had bases and outpost all over the place back in the Vietnam and Korea days. Other foreign countries did as well. Many of those installations now sit abandon and forgotten, some of them have also been bought by private individuals and companies. Some of these installations were located on small islands. That particular plane is large in size, but it would be totally possible to land it on a highway or on a short runway with the right person controlling it. Almost any old military or army base is going to have a runway and hangers.

8) If the same people that knew how to turn off communication devices and tracking devices are as capable and proficient as they seem, then they will also know how to remove the black box and get rid of it. This means that many parts of this mystery may NEVER be solved.

9) What use they have for the plane is left to be seen.

10) What use they have for the passengers, if any, is left to be seen.

The fact that this plane vanished isn't the scary part. The scary part is going to be when this plane re-appears.
H2O Comms ‏@H2OComms 11m
Analysis of radar data in southern corridor - Australia & Indonesia hv agreed to take lead of their respective parts #MH370 @HishammuddinH2O

H2O Comms ‏@H2OComms 11m
In northern corridor, China & Kazakhstan have agreed to lead in the search areas closest to their countries #MH370 @HishammuddinH2O

H2O Comms ‏@H2OComms 9m
Northern corridor - divided search area into 7 quadrants. Each quadrant is 400 nm x 400 nm, 160K sqnm miles in total #MH370 @HishammuddinH2O

H2O Comms ‏@H2OComms 8m
Southern corridor - divided into 7 quadrants aswell. Each quadrant is 400nmx400nm, 160K sqnm miles in total #MH370 @HishammuddinH2O

H2O Comms ‏@H2OComms 8m
Entire search is now 2.24 million square nautical miles #MH370 @HishammuddinH2O

H2O Comms ‏@H2OComms 5m
Royal Malaysian Navy deployed 2 more ships to southern corridor incl SuperLynx heli -can operate frm either ship #MH370 @HishammuddinH2O

H2O Comms ‏@H2OComms 6m
Brings total number of Msian ships in southern corridor to 4; with 2 SuperLynx helicopters #MH370 @HishammuddinH2O
H2O Comms ‏@H2OComms 49s
Yday, @MAS clarified that we cannot determine exactly when ACARS has been disabled #MH370 @HishammuddinH2O

H2O Comms ‏@H2OComms 26s
Disabling of ACARS occured within a specific time range, from 0107 to 0137. #MH370 @HishammuddinH2O

H2O Comms ‏@H2OComms 19s
0107 - Approximately when the aircraft reached East Coast of Peninsular Msia and last ACARS transmission occurred #MH370 @HishammuddinH2O

H2O Comms ‏@H2OComms 42s
0137 - The next scheduled reporting time for ACARS #MH370 @HishammuddinH2O

H2O Comms ‏@H2OComms 1m
Up until point #MH370 left military primary radar coverage, movements consistent w/ deliberate action by someone on plane @HishammuddinH2O

H2O Comms ‏@H2OComms 1m
That remains the position of the investigation team #MH370 @HishammuddinH2O

H2O Comms ‏@H2OComms 47s
Important to recognise that precise time ACARS was disabled has no bearing on SAR operation #MH370 @HishammuddinH2O
Just an observation - why is the press conference (mainly) in English? I assume it's because it's an international language,just hardly seems fair on the reporters, the ministers, or the families. Lots of room for things to be mispronounced/misconstrued.
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