Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #9

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"As far as the pilots, we're looking at the northern corridor, we do not fly there at all, as a commercial airline," he said.

Well that's not right... Don't they use the northern corridor every time they fly to Europe??? I sure as hell remember flying over most of those countries being identified as within this "Northern Corridor" every time I have flown to Europe with Malaysian Airlines...

I flew to Nepal with Malaysian Airlines recently and we flew straight up the bay of bangal - which appears to be in that northern corridor they are speaking of???
after what I have read about Malaysia this week I wouldn't believe their conclusions on anything

Agree. At least they do have "babysitters" so we wait to hear from credible sources. Seems we are getting leaks presently.
Not enough info - are they referring to 5 custom loaded scenario runways that the pilot had loaded into the setup himself, or just 5 of the many default runways and airfields that come pre-loaded and exist in any copy of Microsoft Flight Simulator???

There are over 24,000 airports pre-loaded into Microsoft Flight Simulator.
I thought the same thing myself - it hardly seems to implicate the pilot any way if his software that he used in his flight simulator came with some nearby runways pre-loaded. Actually, it doesn't really implicate him even if he TRIED those scenarios!
imo they have said he was a human smuggler. Lots of reason to get back to iran and easy to do with his access to false passports.

There doesn't seem to be any doubt he existed, someone had to facilitate the two boys flight, for whatever reasons but imo they have been scrutinized and cleared of being part of a terrorist plot. They were part of a human smuggling ring as cargo if you consider the huge underground criminal behavior with false passports as human smuggling. They steal something like 60,000 a year.

Which is a good reminder to all when travelling and/or out and about to protect your passport. I wont tell you where I put mine :blushing:
Sounds to me there were just 5 runways on the pilot's simulator:

When asked about five landing strips found on the flight simulator built by MH 370's pilot, Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah, Hishamuddin declined to comment on them, saying the issue was being investigated by the police and that it should be the Inspector-General of Police who comments on the issue.

It was reported that a source told Berita Harian that five Indian Ocean airstrips were programmed in Zaharie's Boeing 777 flight simulator, which had been taken from his house last week and reassembled in Bukit Aman.

The five airstrips included the U.S Navy base at Diego Garcia and Male International Airport in the Maldives.


Five landing strips found in pilot's simulator
damn... i've done it again, 12:30am... I should have been asleep hrs ago!!! Night all - Hopefully tomorrow is a more eventful day!
I believe the travel agent left the country shortly after all of this became public.

IMO just too many coincidences for this to be equipment malfunction. Add to that less than ideal security measures in Malaysia. Yea...too many.

Israel begins the security process when you book your flight. It can be on any airline. Once your name drops in their checks are in the works. When you arrive/depart Israel they already know who to stop.

Just had to throw in my :twocents:

But what do they check? I mean, the U.S. obviously monitors people on terrorism watch lists and with criminal records, and probably even just people with radical ideas, although that clearly gets into some dicey issues. What about people who don't have an obvious flagged background? Or an inside job, which becomes more and more common as it's so hard for foreigners to do now. Homegrown terrorism is obviously an issue.

And obviously they don't have the same rights and laws as the U.S., but who do they reject? If they find you are acting weird or may have some association, do they just not let you fly? I mean generally their practices sound sufficient, and I think the U.S. practices were generally sufficient pre-9/11. It's just the red flags weren't as obvious, and people weren't aware of the danger they were in so they didn't fight back. But there can always be a pretty normal seeming person who tries something. As long as they screen for bombs and weapons, I don't care too much. Security is so good in many places that it's not even worth it to commit terrorism via plane. I was surprised it took so long to have a Boston Bombing incident, and I'm surprised there haven't been more.[/QUOTE]

BBM~ Your addresses, employment history, criminal, financial history, where you have travelled, what is your sole purpose to travel to Israel.

Any red flags come up, you are looked from the inside out upon arrival.

The United States has denied claims that the plane which carried 239 passengers landed in their territory [Diego Garcia].

The source also said that they were also investigating possibilities that the pilot might have landed on the other runways he practiced on the simulator.

The source explains that the investigation by RMP is in collaboration with the Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) to search for clues on MH370 disappearance.

The investigation also includes the possibility that the aircraft might have landed on a runway and lost control.

Read more at:
Good morning all!

Trying so hard to keep up, but there's so many comments & points to read!

Loving all the debate & discussion, still new here so please bear with...

I have a few things i can't get straight in my head, but the main thing being the quoted "all right, good night" phrase.
If that was the answer - do we know what the question or what it "replied" to?

Sorry if it's already been answered somewhere, as i said I'm struggling to keep up!!

It is believed they were responding to ATC Malaysia, once Malaysia advises MH370 to hand over to Vietnam ATC.
more on the Maldives (translated from Gerrman to English):

The plane was, according to the eyewitness white with red stripes - so often saw also the aircraft of Malaysia Airlines from, the newspaper reported, "Haveeru" online. A journalist from the newspaper explained on demand, the people of the island of Kuda Huvadhoo in Dhaal Atoll had indicated since before last Saturday to the sighting. But only now his newspaper was able to speak several people personally. The matching reports, the plane was at 6:15 local time clock crosses the island and it made ​​a deafening noise. "I've never seen a plane flying so low over our island. We have seen seaplanes, but I'm sure that this was none, "says an eye-witness of the newspaper.

Strange we are just now hearing this :banghead: I posted way back if this plane was flying this low and flew over land somebody had to see and hear something. We get the odd plane flying over our house to an air show and upon rare occasion U.S. planes from the Air force base across the border. Everyone on the street is outside checking it out.
Someone posted this on my FB and while I do not follow MS. Courtney Love, I found it quite amusing.... :facepalm:

I'm no expert but up close this does look like a plane and an oil slick. … prayers go out to the families #MH370 and its like a mile away Pulau Perak, where they "last" tracked it 5°39'08.5"N 98°50'38.0"E but what do I know? -

Wellthat's not right... Don't they use the northern corridor every time they fly to Europe??? I sure as hell remember flying over most of those countries being identified as within this "Northern Corridor" every time I have flown to Europe with Malaysian Airlines...

I flew to Nepal with Malaysian Airlines recently and we flew straight up the bay of bangal - which appears to be in that northern corridor they are speaking of???

I wondered about that. I meant to have a look and see if I could find any flights from malaysian airlines in that area. Seems very unlikely they didnt fly in that area.

I also had a question for you. If the pilots were rendered unconscious due to lack of oxygen (for whatever reason) and the plane was on auto pilot....I understand it would be changing altitude to keep the set speed, is this correct? Also would turbulence turn the plane? Would it manage to turn the plane considerably?
I think I have just answered my own question haha. If auto pilot was set then even if outwith conditions turned the plane then auto pilot would obviously turn it back? Im sorry for rambling. Some pilot theory reckoned plane meant to land on airport just under last radar contact. He said airport would be logical to a pilot if plane had a fire. However his theory was plane just kept on flying in auto pilot when pilots became unconscious. To me this wouldn't explain why it would end up at one of those points on those arcs.
Sorry about the rambling ....I think I need coffee.
Well everyone can rest easy, Courtney Love is now on the case.

I don't think we're allowed to post links to Facebook on here, but if you go to her page, she has posted a satellite photo that she scribbled on some arrows on, pointing out what she thinks is submerged wreckage and an oil slick.

I had a good laugh at the mental picture of her hunched over Tomnod squinting away at the screen.


Maybe she's a Websleuther!!
My take on it--- derived from news reports and experts on CNN, Fox, ABC, NBC.
I haven't heard a single "expert" yet surmise how hijackers could have gotten on board undetected. See item #1 below. Am I the only one that has this theory ??

1) Hijackers avoid going through security by being smuggled into the cargo hold of the plane such as in a large crate or wooden box. Planes routinely carry large crates and freight items. They routinely load heavy things using a forklift. A shipping crate 6 feet square and 6 feet tall would not even be considered that large of an item. None of these hijackers would show up on a passenger list.

2) While down in the cargo hold, they disable and disconnect what communications they can shortly before ascending to the passenger deck. This would explain some of the electronic systems shutting down prior to the pilots' sign-off with air traffic controllers. A trap door in the cabin gives the flight crew access to the lower cargo hold (and the hijackers access to the passenger deck).

3) On the passenger deck, a diversion is created, causing one of the pilots to open the cockpit door---cockpit is taken over by hijackers.

4) Somebody says "good evening" to air traffic control. Nobody knows whom.

5) Transponder is turned off, as well as any other identifiers and tracking devices that can be disabled from cockpit. The plane is essentially flying in stealth / blackout mode at this point. All cell phones and electronic devices are collected from the passengers at gunpoint.

6) The plane is now in control of the hijackers, flying a predetermined route to wherever the destination was. Low altitude flying, zig- zagging, and shadowing other aircraft is used to confuse radar operators and air traffic control. The pilot of the plane is highly experienced and knowledgeable, possibly even ex-military.

7) The plane is landed at an abandoned military base (or similar) and hidden. The U.S. military had bases and outpost all over the place back in the Vietnam and Korea days. Other foreign countries did as well. Many of those installations now sit abandon and forgotten, some of them have also been bought by private individuals and companies. Some of these installations were located on small islands. That particular plane is large in size, but it would be totally possible to land it on a highway or on a short runway with the right person controlling it. Almost any old military or army base is going to have a runway and hangers.

8) If the same people that knew how to turn off communication devices and tracking devices are as capable and proficient as they seem, then they will also know how to remove the black box and get rid of it. This means that many parts of this mystery may NEVER be solved.

9) What use they have for the plane is left to be seen.

10) What use they have for the passengers, if any, is left to be seen.

The fact that this plane vanished isn't the scary part. The scary part is going to be when this plane re-appears.

BBM ~ I agree with your points, but I doubt the passengers were held at gunpoint.

It is much easier to disable the passengers by depressurization of the cabin, IMO.
No I wasnt being serious.

I do not believe at this point there is a valid reason to suspect the pilots, as the plane is missing still.

It could have crashed , It could have been Stolen by another hostile government. It could be on an island awaiting rescue.

All reports are that the pilot was a caring friend ,family man and was involved in trying to make a positive change in his country's leadership. (which is the 4th most corrupt in business practices in the world. )

He has had people support him ,who do not hide there names from the media ,even one from the USA which is brave and speaks volumes.

I just feel like they are victims at this point ,of whatever unknown fate and I am awaiting until they are named as suspect to call them that.

Pilots are diversiion, IMO. Send public and media attention to the pilots - looky there, looky there. In the meantime, while they are doing the investigation.

So ACARS reported back that the turn west was pre-programed according to CNN via the NYT report.

CNN also mentioned something about Thailand picking up an unidentified plane on radar during the time Flight 370 disappeared. Any other media outlets reporting this? Just a rumor but interesting.

BBM ~ I saw this upon waking up. :coffeews:

If this is the case, MH370 flew in the northern corridor, which is risky, IMO.
Pilots are diversiion, IMO. Send public and media attention to the pilots - looky there, looky there. In the meantime, while they are doing the investigation.


yes total manipulation --
Well, we have learned here since this began, many things than can make a plane go down. It does not take a lot. If they go cheap on inspecting that may lead to a cover up.

We also know Malaysia's security for planes is not the same as the U.S., Canada, Europe ... No need to use a pilot as scapegoat on that, we already know it.

At this point, if it was a pilot or employee, the rest of the world would need more proof than just someone's word for it.

Personally, I still think something went wrong with the plane itself. Not the pilot, employees, or any hijackers.

Agree. For the most part. What still glares at me is how that crippled plane kept flying for hours :scared:
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