Malaysia Flight MH17 shot down in Ukraine. 298 aboard. 7/17/2014 - #3

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I don't know how to post a link, but the Daily Mail UK has a female Ukrainian 'separatist' holding a tube of mascara that's supposedly from a victim?!?! Looting for makeup. She appears to show no remorse!!? I just don't get people anymore.
Counting on my fingers... Wednesday 40 + Thursday 74 + Friday 75 .... 189 till today.
Today's transport was supposed to be the final transport, but another transport has been announced for Saturday.
In the meantime, the number of coffins on board Saturday that is mentioned in the media has risen from 30 to 38.
For the time being, the transport on Saturday will be the last.

227 coffins after Saturday, maybe even more.
Remember: 1 coffin is not 1 body but likely more.

I am trying to find the link, but I do remember reading that some coffins may contain more than 1 body, and body parts (so difficult to post that)

I wonder if the rise from 30 to 38 are the bodies they discovered after finding new wreckage this week in a wooded or forested area.

MH17: New wreckage and human remains found by Australian investigators JULY 25, 2014
Biggest piece of MH17 wreckage found to date (with its windows intact) and more bodies discovered in woodland as the Dutch take over responsibility for the crash site JULY 25, 2014
BBM. I must have missed this. Do you know where I can read about the US offering to send troops? Thank you. :)

It was on Australian news broadcasts. Channel 9 but because it's Friday night, they haven't put them online. It was stressed that this NOT a US mission and is an humanitarian mission to bring our people home.
It was on Australian news broadcasts. Channel 9 but because it's Friday night, they haven't put them online. It was stressed that this NOT a US mission and is an humanitarian mission to bring our people home. JULY 25, 2014

Mr. Abbott stressed it would be a Dutch-led humanitarian mission by international police forces, not a U.S. mission, although he said he had spoken earlier Friday with President Barack Obama, who gave his full support to the effort.

"We're not going for any purpose other than to bring our people home, to bring everyone's people home," Mr. Abbott said.
I am trying to find the link, but I do remember reading that some coffins may contain more than 1 body, and body parts (so difficult to post that)

I wonder if the rise from 30 to 38 are the bodies they discovered after finding new wreckage this week in a wooded or forested area.

Respectfully snipped & BBM

Here is the info in translation:
I just read about that and thought the same, maybe she'll get an eye infection.

Ain't karma a b*^+h baby? What goes around...this is beyond decency, & to post a selfie with the mascara. No shame. Let it bite you in the *advertiser censored**
Ain't karma a b*^+h baby? What goes around...this is beyond decency, & to post a selfie with the mascara. No shame. Let it bite you in the *advertiser censored**

Yes, one case of pink eye coming up!
De Volkskrant reports:

Deal met separatisten over missie bij rampplek MH17


Deal with separatists on mission at diaster-area

Thanks to agreements with the separatists investigations on the site of the air disaster can be done safely as of today. Under pressure by the possible arrival of an armed international mission, the rebels allow the investigators access, under the supervision of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). Diplomatic sources confirm this to De Volkskrant.

Forty unarmed Dutch military police and over twenty forensic researchers will start their work in Eastern Ukraine. According to Prime Minister Rutte the intelligence services estimate that the work can be done unarmed.
A few hours earlier in Kiev FM Timmermans (Foreign Affairs) said: "I have the impression that finally also the separatists became aware that it is a matter of humanity to ensure that all human remains can be salvaged. My cautious impression is that there will be cooperation from the separatists. "


He emphasized that his is a cautious estimate about a situation that is extremely fragile.


The OSCE has been mediating between The Netherlands and the separatists for a week already. The trust has grown to the point that dozens of unarmed Dutch are allowed on location. The Swiss Alexander Hug plays a pivotal role in the process; he also persuaded the rebels to allow the departure of the bodybags to Kharkov.
I just heard on Ch 7 TV morning news that rebels plan to remove all evidence from the crash site and put it on a train - they want to do this themselves - as reported by a European monitor (who they showed saying this, but whose name I did not catch). They did not tell the monitor where they would be taking it, if anywhere.

The rebels have also said that they want a maximum of about 35 investigators onsite - as per the TV report.
Reporter Olaf Koens found a house

Olaf Koens ‏@obk

Bij de brokstukken, tussen de grashelmpjes. Een huisje. Nooit aangekomen op de bestemming.


Near the debris, among the grass halms. A tiny cottage. Never reached its destination.


Similar cottages are sold at Schiphol Airport (Amsterdam).
They contain honey-gingerbread cookies.
AFD: Dogs on MH17 will be repatriated

De kadavers van de twee honden die omkwamen bij de vliegtuigcrash in het oosten van Oekraïne worden ook teruggevlogen naar Nederland, zo verklaart een woordvoerder van het ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid tegenover het AD.
Wanneer de stoffelijke resten van Friese Stabij Quinta (8) en Duitse Herder-pup Costa naar Nederland komen, is nog niet bekend volgens de zegsman.


The remains of the two dogs who perished in the plane crash in the East of Ukraine are also flown back to The Netherlands, a spokesman for the Ministry of Justice and Security has informed AD.
When the remains of Friese Stabij Quinta (8) and German Shepherd-pup Costa will return to The Netherlands is not yet known, according to the spokesperson.


The Stabyhoun or Stabij is a rare dog breed that just like the Wetterhoun originates from Friesland, a province in the North of the Netherlands. The first part of the name is probably from the Dutch: "sta me bij" (stand by me). The last part is simply Frisian, meaning dog, which is pronounced "hoon". There are only approximately 3507 Stabyhouns in existence today.

Thankyou for posting that. I really thought those poor puppies would be left there.
International aviation officials to hold emergency talks on MH17 on Tuesday

Ongoing discussion here over safety and no-fly zones as well.
Many airlines had been evading the region, and others seem to have had no clue at all, or a different interpretation of the dangers.
Someone on tv said that security info should never be used as a commercial advantage.
Well, that wasn't just 'someone' obviously, please accept my apologies, Mr. .... I did catch your name and then I forgot.

It's been a long week and the week is not over yet.
De Volkskrant reports:


The OSCE has been mediating between The Netherlands and the separatists for a week already. The trust has grown to the point that dozens of unarmed Dutch are allowed on location. The Swiss Alexander Hug plays a pivotal role in the process; he also persuaded the rebels to allow the departure of the bodybags to Kharkov.

Perfect name for a mediator - Alexander Hug.

On scene hours after the crash, the hulking examiner is no stranger to war. The lawyer-turned Swiss Army soldier has built a career out of trying to keep the peace in some of the world's biggest hotspots. He's been on the ground in Kosovo, Hebron and at one stage, served as a commander in war-torn Bosnia. In April, he was appointed the deputy chief monitor in Ukraine for the Organisation for Security and Co-Operation in Europe (OSCE).

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