Male and/or Transsexual Victims: Significance to LISK

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Feb 9, 2013
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I just want to put this out there, that I believe LISK activley seeks out transexual prostitutes as well, and is a cross dresser himself in one way or another. I think this because I feel he has a real attraction towards transexuals, and discovering that the asian victim was a man, was no accident. I think he sought him out knowning he was a transsexual, as working as a probation officer in the past I have discovered that there is a sub-category of straight men (Yes Hetrosexual men) that are attracted to both girls and transexuals, but not men who look like men. These men (Not all of them) also themselves dabble in crossdressing, whether it is wearing panyhose under their pants, or working around in women's bra and underwear at home, etc. What do you guys think of this theory?
I just want to put this out there, that I believe LISK activley seeks out transexual prostitutes as well, and is a cross dresser himself in one way or another. I think this because I feel he has a real attraction towards transexuals, and discovering that the asian victim was a man, was no accident. I think he sought him out knowning he was a transsexual, as working as a probation officer in the past I have discovered that there is a sub-category of straight men (Yes Hetrosexual men) that are attracted to both girls and transexuals, but not men who look like men. These men (Not all of them) also themselves dabble in crossdressing, whether it is wearing panyhose under their pants, or working around in women's bra and underwear at home, etc. What do you guys think of this theory?

Sounds plausible to me. Thanks for joining the disscussion! :)
I just want to put this out there, that I believe LISK activley seeks out transexual prostitutes as well, and is a cross dresser himself in one way or another. I think this because I feel he has a real attraction towards transexuals, and discovering that the asian victim was a man, was no accident. I think he sought him out knowning he was a transsexual, as working as a probation officer in the past I have discovered that there is a sub-category of straight men (Yes Hetrosexual men) that are attracted to both girls and transexuals, but not men who look like men. These men (Not all of them) also themselves dabble in crossdressing, whether it is wearing panyhose under their pants, or working around in women's bra and underwear at home, etc. What do you guys think of this theory?

Hi! :wagon:

I think it's a very interesting theory...good - a real possibility IMHO.
Does crossdressing in hetero males sometimes have to do with power/control...or lack of it? Or a desire to not be powerful in his personal life?
I'd be interested to hear your profile of LISK.
There are several male homicides in the area and I have wondered if they could be connected. Your theory could explain how the victimology is the same - not female or male, but sex workers. I know it's a stretch - but I do see possibilities FWIW. Most of the male vics I'm considering are small, many are hispanic. Most are dumped on roadways. They haven't been found with female clothing however.
Looking forward to your future posts!
Hi! :wagon:

I think it's a very interesting theory...good - a real possibility IMHO.
Does crossdressing in hetero males sometimes have to do with power/control...or lack of it? Or a desire to not be powerful in his personal life?
I'd be interested to hear your profile of LISK.
There are several male homicides in the area and I have wondered if they could be connected. Your theory could explain how the victimology is the same - not female or male, but sex workers. I know it's a stretch - but I do see possibilities FWIW. Most of the male vics I'm considering are small, many are hispanic. Most are dumped on roadways. They haven't been found with female clothing however.
Looking forward to your future posts!

Thanks twocruious. As far as him cross dressing, I dont know what the motive behind that is, but from my experience as a PO, the attraction to transsexuals and crossdressing go hand in hand sometimes. Also, I dont think LISK is responsible for the Male homicides, as I believe like almost all men that like transsexuals, he is not attracted to men that look like men. He is only attracted to women and transexuals, and is a heterosexual male, who views transsexuals as a different type of woman, or as a different gender completly even if they are biologically men, and still have their male parts. If they were crossed dress then I would think connecting the male homicides would be more plausible.
I think men that seek out transsexuals don't want to admit to themselves they are closeted homosexuals, or want to explore beyond the bounds of 'normal' sexual activity. I believe that in most cases the transsexual knows that as well.

What better than engaging a homosexual/transsexual to have a homosexual affair? The heterosexual male goes groping around and is 'astonished' and says, look what I found. Why not, I'm here anyway.

Some of these transsexuals are so real looking that their John is fooled and never knows the difference. I had a transsexual as a witness and asked him/her how do you get away with this. He told me he offers oral sex. OK, but what happens if the John wants sex. He/she told me they get in the back of a car where it is dark and I take 'it' and put it someplace else. The John never knows the difference.........or does he?

Some of these gals look so good they can fool most men. They only find out after they reach down and see for themselves. Full breasted beauties, all the right curves, and full female bottoms.
I just want to put this out there, that I believe LISK activley seeks out transexual prostitutes as well, and is a cross dresser himself in one way or another. I think this because I feel he has a real attraction towards transexuals, and discovering that the asian victim was a man, was no accident. I think he sought him out knowning he was a transsexual, as working as a probation officer in the past I have discovered that there is a sub-category of straight men (Yes Hetrosexual men) that are attracted to both girls and transexuals, but not men who look like men. These men (Not all of them) also themselves dabble in crossdressing, whether it is wearing panyhose under their pants, or working around in women's bra and underwear at home, etc. What do you guys think of this theory?

nah--if we assume(even if we don't) the asian cross dresser is tied to GB4, the bashed skull indicates a rage kill, 99% likely due to the john realizing he had been duped
My guess is that, IF LISK did seek out a transexual victim, he did it for the rush of novelty. Something different to spice things up, so to speak. Or, it was simply a mistake.

I think that, IF this is a victim of LISK, Criminal Minds has it right. There was rage evident in the manner of death. He was either disgusted with himself for going there, or more likely, pissed at having been duped into thinking he was hiring a female.

My guess is that, IF LISK did seek out a transexual victim, he did it for the rush of novelty. Something different to spice things up, so to speak


MK, that's an interesting take as well--if that was the case, then maybe he used the head blow to incapacitate/overpower his male victim, assuming it would take more aggression and violence to do so versus subduing a female vic--could be tied to self-disgust

good idea--imho, I still personally believe it's a rage kill due to surprise/anger
MK, that's an interesting take as well--if that was the case, then maybe he used the head blow to incapacitate/overpower his male victim, assuming it would take more aggression and violence to do so versus subduing a female vic--could be tied to self-disgust

good idea--imho, I still personally believe it's a rage kill due to surprise/anger

I lean heavily in that direction myself, CM.
Having been a P.O. for about 4 years I have spoken to and dealt with numerous people convicted of various crimes, although none close to the magnitude of this case. However below is my profile of the *advertiser censored*... Please chime in with any agreeements, disagreements, opinoins, etc...

He is a white male in his early 40's, and was in his 30's when he killed the GB4 and others. He is not a police officer, and has no background in law enforcement whatsoever. He is very tech savy and meets his victims from online/internet. He did not randomly choose his victims. He first paid them for their time and/or sex, and took photographs of them either normal photgraphs or sexual ones which he stored at home. Then when he had an urge to kill, he went back to the pictures or other memorabilia of the girls and chose the ones he wanted to kill, for reasons he only would know. Hence, he was already a client, which is why the girls were comfortable with him, and let their guard down. He is not married or in relationship, but may have had a divorce and/or kids from previous relationship. He is not charming and/or a social butterfly. He is pretty much a loner. (I come to this conclusion because I feel him making calls/contact to Melissa's family shows that he feels the need to socialize in one way or another even if it is in a twisted way because he doesnt do much of it perosnally. Also, him only talking to Melissa's sister and not another adult or her mom further leads me to believe he is socially awkward or at least not charming/sociable). He is a lazy organized killer, and will take shortcuts if he feels it will suffice, which may lead a little bit towards showing some disorganization, however this is due to him just being a lazy/less driven individual as a whole. (I come to this conclusion because of him just tossing the GB4 girls in burlap sacks, calling the girls when he knows their boyfriends, drivers, or pimps are with them, as in the case with Amber Castello). He suffers from at least a mild form of generalized anxiety disorder and maybe taking medication, such as valium, and also because of his anxiety issues he had not killed since GB4 were discovered, and has no plans on killing anymore, instead probably watches a lot of violent pornagraphy, and/or attends underground S&M parties where he can be a dominate male and inflict pain, and humiliation on women without having to kill or be looked at suspiciously. This puts a hamper on wanting/having to kill again. (I come to this conclusion because I think he felt very scared and full of anxiety when the Buffalo news station stated phone calls were made to Melissa's sister. This is why he stopped. I also feel his anxiety caused him to revisit the crime scene/dump sites, but not to re-live everything, but only to give him the peace of mind that he did not screw up and leave evidence behind. He does nothing when he goes back to gilgo, except drives around or walks around, and all this does is give him relief from anxiety. However, after he leaves he starts getting thoughts of screwing up and getting caught, which leads to a type of OCD for him. This individual cannot sleep at night, without the aid of medication and for good reason! I believe he works as an IT supervisor or maybe even low to mid level executive. (I come to this conclusion because of his tech savyness, and ability to offer a large sum of money to the women, which I believe he paid during their first encouters that he had, in which he had no intenetion of killing them at that time. Additionally, he probably has the gadgets that help in comitting his crimes, like moderatly expensive vehicle to impress the girls, or sound proof shed or basement, or even a fully equiped torture chamber which only a decent amount of money can get. Also, even though not charming or social, his ability to act in a demanding, fully controlling manner is probably due to him being use to bossing others around in the workplace/managing them for years and years, which has led to becoming a part of his real life nature. His phyiscial nature is of him being a bit overweight or a tad chubby. [B] I come to this conclusion because I believe he does not move around too much at work, mostly just sits at a desk and also is not interested in excersising. Additionally, his build allowed him to overpower the women, and also transport them fairly eaisly from the kill site to the dump site. Finally, I think unlike other serial killers he has no true specific one and only M.O. other than killing prostitues via strangulation. I come to this conclusion because I believe all though a bit different, the other killings like Atlantic City murders is the work of this guy, and he tries to do things differently to throw off the investigators and investigation. I believe him lining up the bodies all facing east withouth shoes was not at all for ritiualistic purposes, but just to throw a wrench into the investigation, as was the case with him using the burlap sacs. He knows he is the last guy that would probably be associated with burlap, hence earlier investigators looking at the guy that owned the nursery or that other serial killer thinking the guy is a landscapper, etc...
EXcellent theory mayankoza!!! That has been my theory for a long time. As far as him being a cross dresser, I wouldn't be at all surprised. Col. Russell Williams with the Royal Canadian Air Force is a serial killer who killed two women and who burglarized women's homes and stole their underwear then dressed up in his loot and took pictures of himself in the female undergarments. Bizarre!!!

Welcome to WS!!!!

Your profile is quite good. The only thing wrong, IMO, is that he didn't stop after MB. He definitely killed at least two more women (ALC & MW) ...and has probably killed in other cities.
Your profile is quite good. The only thing wrong, IMO, is that he didn't stop after MB. He definitely killed at least two more women (ALC & MW) ...and has probably killed in other cities.

I agree Just K. I think he travels to other cities for his profession.
Just a terminology clarification... Transsexual does not mean "cross dresser." Someone who is transsexual has undergone sex reassignment surgery. Transgender is someone who identifies with a different gender than their biological sex. Being a transvestite/cross-dresser does not make someone transsexual or transgender.
Then, of course, you have the pan-sexuals :D
Then, of course, you have the pan-sexuals :D

I had to look that one up! ; )

Thanks PoisonPill for the edumacation. :) I just had a discussion @ this topic with my SO the other day.

Mind you, I don't care what the sexual orientation of another person is but I was a a little taken aback the other morning when I was in the ladies room at a truck stop freshening my make up and hair. A man dressed as a woman came in used one of the toilet stalls (I could see the back of his head in the mirror so I knew he never sat down) when he/she was finished he/she reached in his/ her purse, pulled out shaving cream and started to shave his/ her face!

Hmm..I wasn't sure how to react, so I didn't. I continued doing what I was doing and left with alot of questions!

Was he/she transexual or a transvestite I wasn't sure of the difference but didn't think to look it up.

At first I thought well that's not right (of him/her to use the ladies room, but after giving it much thought I decided that I was far less comfortable with him/her using the ladies room than he/she would've been using the mens room.

Live and let live ; ))
Good theory Mayankoza, and very good reasoning behind your LISK characteristics. Have come up with a similar profile. Some thoughts- I think he has a decent paying job, but is not a supervisor as his antisocial behavior makes him inadequate in working well with others. The fact that he is a loner means he does not have a lot of expenses others might have, so he has money to accomplish what he did. I believe the cross dressing asian male was the first kill and was a crime of passion- anger, rage, confusion, etc. The later killings were planned and methodical, and satisfied his new found urge to kill. I think the killer has sexual identity issues, and could well be a cross dresser or transexual. Likely he has come out of the closet publicly since the killings which may have relieved some of his identity/sexual urges. I think the killer lives within 40 miles of Gilgo and grew up in the area, and lives alone.
Thats also a good theory night watchman. It makes a lot of sense. I dont believe he is a transsexual, but might cross dress from time to time, as some men attraccted to transexuals also cross dress themselves in some manner or another. I do believe he is a heterosexual that is sexually attracted to transsexuals, as well, as women, but not men who look like men.
Thats also a good theory night watchman. It makes a lot of sense. I dont believe he is a transsexual, but might cross dress from time to time, as some men attraccted to transexuals also cross dress themselves in some manner or another. I do believe he is a heterosexual that is sexually attracted to transsexuals, as well, as women, but not men who look like men.

mayankoza and night watchman - thank you for sharing your profiles! I thought they were great and for the most part I totally agree. I hope you two will post more often!
Interesting that you think he is a photographer mayankoza. I go back and forth on that one.
One of the people associated with Vito Sarfati, a man who commented on the youtube videos about the drifter and some old headz might remember the youtube video that was uploaded that had a still photo of what looked like a picture of a man dismembering a body with a chainsaw...I'm sure anyone who saw it will no doubt remember I'm quite sure foreigner will remember...a man i found associated with this video worked as a photographer shooting models altho from what i saw he was not very succesful at all his initials were THY. Does anyone remember this video? It was also associated with an energy drink company and a photo of burlap sacks containing coffee beans?

I would guess lisk has a bald head to eliminate the possibility of leaving hairs from his head behind at crimes scenes no?

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