Man cheats boy out of make a wish

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Jul 19, 2007
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PHOENIX — An Arizona man has been accused of cheating a Chicago boy with a terminal illness out of a go-kart.
Douglas Riesberg, 53, received $11,000 from the Make-A-Wish Foundation's Chicago chapter in March for a custom go-kart for the boy, who is 16 and on dialysis, authorities said.
The go-kart was expected to be finished in three weeks, but police said Make-A-Wish never heard back from Riesberg.

I hope this guy gets what he deserves. This poor boy, I hope they can fullfill his wish soon.
Nothing right about that.:furious:
That is just ugly behavior!
People are always looking to scam charities. While my ex-SIL didn't scam the Make-a-Wish foundation, she did manipulate them for her own benefit: she wanted to take other external family members on the trip gifted to my nephew (he is terminally ill... it was his wish being granted), but MaW would only provide airfare for the immediate family... so my ex-SIL convinced them that she didn't feel safe flying my nephew to the destination, so she made MaW supply a large rental car. She crammed those she wanted to go on the trip into the vehicle and drove across 5 states, in the middle of the summer, for my nephew's wish to be granted (and for her to have the vacation SHE wanted on MaW's dime). My brother was ticked off that his ex used their son's wish for her own personal gain, but let it go because his son did get his wish granted and that was all that mattered to him. While she didn't break any rules, she saw loopholes and used them... :(

Karma... I believe in it: those that take advantage of the good that someone else is trying to do, will get paid back big time, sooner or later.
What a jerk! In jail on drug charges and fraud... guess we know where that 11,000 went. As much as I would like to believe the guy will give his personal go kart it sounds unlikely and more like something to plead.

I hope the little boys wish comes true.
this type of thing makes me ashamed to be from arizona.
we have the most depraved, sh#thouse rats in this state, i can't stand it.

id like to bounce a dead fish off this guys head a few times.



angry in az
^^ Not all of us are bad, sheesh. =/

But yea, this is sick.

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