Man seen carrying diaper clad baby

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Posted this in MSM thread too...

Today Show's Peter Alexander this morning states : "....Police are discounting reports that a neighbor saw a man with a baby near the home early that morning...."

He is my least likely source for info about this case. He definitely seems to be coming from the "JDI" place.. I want to see open minds.
Then how does the witness know what day he saw the man and the baby?

IDK, maybe Oct 4 was the last time he rode his motorcycle (he said he wanted to offer them a ride, but couldn't because he was on his bike)?
Or he was leaving a party, and he knows what night the party was on. The options of how he can name the day are endless. Just as the options for why/how he may make this up are endless too.
Mike Thompson said he saw the man wearing a T-shirt and carrying a baby near Lisa's home at about 4 a.m. on Tuesday Oct. 4. Thompson said he waited about a week before he called police because he didn't immediately make the connection between what he saw and Lisa's disappearance.


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2 different people saw a baby that night??

And 4 hours apart?????
The news has now shown two different men who saw a guy carrying a baby at two different times; these witnesses were two different ages, two different body types and one guy has a shaved head, the other gray hair.

THIS is why I'm still leaning towards SODDI
Then why have they questioned the woman four times?:banghead:

I don't know....I am more confused then ever, but Peter Alexander said the police discounted it....

I am not sure what discounting it even means, does it mean they ruled out these sightings as being baby Lisa or does it mean they deny these sightings ever happened.
Either way, I find it....interesting.....
The new report of a sighting is a little lacking in details - did he say he ALSO saw a black man carrying a diaper clad white baby?

That would be memorable. Unforgettable in the wee hours.

And something H I G H L Y suspicious. Why are these two witnesses not giving better details?
So do you think the second witness is making his story up? That could be. Some people just love attention.

Well it is odd that this woman's account seems to be changing, LE have interviewed her/them 4 times and a week later some guy tells his story which is supposed to corroborate theirs? But his time doesn't really make sense either.

Seems a little off to me. But anything is possible I guess. :waitasec:
Remember, IF the parents are involved and IF this does go to trial, it only takes one juror to acquit. There is enough doubt out there in the media that one person may not believe 'beyond a reasonable doubt'.
The new report of a sighting is a little lacking in details - did he say he ALSO saw a black man carrying a diaper clad white baby?

That would be memorable. Unforgettable in the wee hours.

And something H I G H L Y suspicious. Why are these two witnesses not giving better details?

Hopefully they gave more details to LE. The wife who claimed she saw this man was questioned 4 times.
The new report of a sighting is a little lacking in details - did he say he ALSO saw a black man carrying a diaper clad white baby?

That would be memorable. Unforgettable in the wee hours.

And something H I G H L Y suspicious. Why are these two witnesses not giving better details?
They asked him to describe the man. He described height and weight but didn't bother to mention race.
LE has interviewed these people, many times as we are hearing today. As we all know, they have ways of ruling out eye witness accounts and have information that we do not have. we are always working on less information and when a news blast comes out like this, it is so hopeful that we jump on it. I know i did. Not speaking for everyone obviously. I find myself on the fence. I do believe that this mom was neglectful in some way and it resulted in the "loss" of this baby. I believe it was reported that LI was walking already. And the front door was left open. Perhaps she got out of her crib and walked right out the door...unbeknownst to mommy who was under the influence. I know it sounds crazy, most kids want to stick around mommy and the house, but maybe mommy was outside on the porch when this happened. Maybe she was looking for mommy. I know it's just a coincidence because we do not even know where this pic was taken, but the now well known pic of Lisa looking out the door, with her hands on it standing up it, is becoming a haunting image this morning. It looks like she wants to see the world. Reading too much into it, silly me. Or maybe because I was that kind of baby, that always wanted to be outside. Just want this baby to be alive somewhere is all. If she was indeed outside, it would be a golden opportunity for someone looking for a baby. Far fetched, that someone just happened to be walking on that block at 12:00 midnight I admit, but I guess it's possible. I am also curious how they tie into the witness who said they saw an african american man carrying a baby at around 11:30 or midnight, if I remember correctly, too. I don't know what thread that was posted on in the very early days of this. And it was discounted pretty quickly by LE because i brought it up then on this site. Neither witness on that ABC report described the race of the man did they? I am sure that LE knows. Well, again JMO. But motorbike witness says he saw a man carrying an unclothed baby at an intersection! At 4:00 am. I would remember that too. It may not have been Lisa, but it sure is odd. But it also is odd that there aren't more accounts of the sighting than two. If a man carried a baby for a few hours, and many blocks walking, as spread apart as these two eye witness locations are, it seems there would have been many more sightings of this than two ( three?) IMO.
Why are eyewitness accounts often inaccurate? Well, how many of us can remember any of the pedestrians who crossed the street at the intersection where we stopped for a red light on our way to work last Tuesday? What they were wearing, how tall they were, what color their hair was, what they looked like and what they were carrying? Here's an easier one.........what did the person look like who stood in front of you in line the last time you went to the bank? Admittedly, a man walking down the street with a baby at 3 am might grab your attention. But to remember what he was wearing, how tall he was and about how much he weighed???
Well it is odd that this woman's account seems to be changing, LE have interviewed her/them 4 times and a week later some guy tells his story which is supposed to corroborate theirs? But his time doesn't really make sense either.

Seems a little off to me. But anything is possible I guess. :waitasec:

does DB or JI know the neighbours that the husband seen the guy on the way home from work?
Do we have a MSM link that the first sighting was a black man? Because I watched the wife of the sighter speak and I never heard that detail at all. Wondering if it is accurate or another media mix-up.
So, 2 reports of seeing a man carrying a practically naked baby that night, but the times are 4 hours apart? around midnight and one at 0400. Were they seen in completely different areas? The 2nd report said that the man was black. Did the first report specifically mention race?

I remember hearing that the first report was discounted by police awhile back, but is this 2nd report discounted as well?

It looks like once again I'm left with more questions than answer. :banghead:
Do we have a MSM link that the first sighting was a black man? Because I watched the wife of the sighter speak and I never heard that detail at all. Wondering if it is accurate or another media mix-up.

"The wife of the sighter" appears to be claiming in the recent video that she saw the baby herself.
Why are eyewitness accounts often inaccurate? Well, how many of us can remember any of the pedestrians who crossed the street at the intersection where we stopped for a red light on our way to work last Tuesday? What they were wearing, how tall they were, what color their hair was, what they looked like and what they were carrying? Here's an easier one.........what did the person look like who stood in front of you in line the last time you went to the bank? Admittedly, a man walking down the street with a baby at 3 am might grab your attention. But to remember what he was wearing, how tall he was and about how much he weighed???

His height, weight, and what he was wearing was not a problem for the second witness who couldn't make a connection for week.
I think there is more to the witnesses and that LE is starting to give it more weight because of the searches they conducted. I think they are starting to walk it back because even NG FB is wondering about the accounts and Lisa being abducted as DB said. To me that means they may have more information than we do and that LE is having to face the possibility after railroading this parents in the MSM.
I think there is more to the witnesses and that LE is starting to give it more weight because of the searches they conducted. I think they are starting to walk it back because even NG FB is wondering about the accounts and Lisa being abducted as DB said. To me that means they may have more information than we do and that LE is having to face the possibility after railroading this parents in the MSM.

I haven't seen anything to support the idea.

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