Manorville Bodies: A Second Killer? Latest Remains found 02/17/2012

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Location Found
GPS coordinates
Address 1 Between Road D and Halsey Neck
Address 2
City South Hampton
State New York
Zip code 11968
County Suffolk
Bone found on beach

NamUs UP # 7879
ME/C Case Number: 2002-0709
Suffolk County, New York
18 to 99 year old Male

It seems really strange to me that a bone was found on Halsey Neck Road (on the beach) in '02 and JT was dumped on Halsey Manor Road in 03 (dismembered). Is this just a coincidence or is there a significance hear to the name Halsey which a historical LI family?
Now here's John Doe 2000 from Manorville: "
mandibular intraosseous wire indicating healed fracture
Skeletal findings
neck injury"
NamUs UP # 2725
ME/C Case Number: 2000-3995
Suffolk County, New York
Age cannot be determined Hispanic/Latino Male
Llndsay, you mentioned that one of the victims has a steel rod in his back. The steel rod would have an identifying # on it and therefore was traced. That means LE knows who the victim is.
SCPD knew for years that a serial killer was on the loose and kept it secret. And then MBB and MB disappeared from NYC and were traced to LI. SCPD must have known about them also. They kept that a secret. Then MW went missing. They kept that a secret. What are we dealing with here? Lazy uncaring members of LE.
Yes like I mentioned, there are rumors of a mobile Forensics lab on Ocean Parkway with cops searching the brush in 2004. Fitzgerald also denied there was a serial killer in 2003 even though JT was dumped in almost the same spot as JD 2000. Cops are full of ****. What's really interesting about Steel Rod/scoliosis man is that where he was found was never listed on namus all the times i've checked. I always assumed he was Manorville because he's from 99 and thats' where the other 3 males were dumped. But he's actually found "on an isolated beach 1 mile west of Montauk Point" which it appears to be possibly a state park. So again another male with surgical history, dumped on a . beach in a state park....similar to Gilgo, OP, Lattington...what is the State Park Beach connection?

"black denim pants,black nike sneakers,stripe bikini underpants"
These male victims need way more focus, I think figuring out where they come from will lead to the killer. You can't just randomly pick a john whose with a pro and have no one notice them disappearing. So i think the theory that the SK killed Jane and John Doe because they were a prostitute and her john is wrong. These guys are carefully selected because the killer knows they won't be missed. The males appear to have surgical procedures, the steel rod should be able to be traced like dee said. Why hasn't this man been identified? The rod had three surgical screws. The other male had staples in jaw, from a broken jaw? I was wondering what kind of doctor specializes in jaw trauma? Could the doc who fixed shannan's jaw have tracked her down somehow and hired her? The surgery couldn't have been too many years before her murder since Alex Diaz broke her jaw. Where was she taken to have her jaw fixed? There has got to be some connection between these males that we can figure out. And the surgical scars on FI JDs shins...there is something here we are not seeing
Surgical rods, plates, and screws have serial numbers on them. They can be traced back to the Dr. that ordered them. They know which patients they were implanted in. A young victim with a rod in his back is listed as UID. Why? I think LE is afraid of real work. Keystone cops.
Whats signifiant is that none of the male victims have been dismembered as far I know of, except sugar bear who may not be an LISK victim, and this man who was recently found on the LIRR queens tracks. Look at the sketch:

It could just be a bad sketch, but it appears to me this man may be mentally disabled. When you look at the sketch of wolf hill road man, he also appears like he might be disabled as well, the real poor dental hygiene especially. It's interesting to note that wolf hill and Sugar bear were both killed with a gunshot to the head. The severe scoliosis and steel rod also brings to mind an individual who suffers from severe disabilities, possibly mental as well as the physical. And John Doe 2000 has a distinct gap between the two front teeth
Surgical rods, plates, and screws have serial numbers on them. They can be traced back to the Dr. that ordered them. They know which patients they were implanted in. A young victim with a rod in his back is listed as UID. Why? I think LE is afraid of real work. Keystone cops.

Well he's not young I don't think, I think he's older male. Yes someone needs to question LE about this. Perhaps bring the case to the attention of the news and make them ask why the man hasn't been ID'd and why JD's tattoo was never released
How Not To Catch A Serial Killer 101. 1.Dont admit there is one. 2. Retire anyone that does. 3. Deny any linkage between victims. 4. Hide the identity and or gender when possible. 5. Turn down help from CODIS. 6. Enter incomplete profile in NAMUS or dont sign off on a profile at all.
Is Robertson from the same town as Bittrolff, Raffo and DL? anyone know how close he lived to them

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