Marc Klaas Wants To Know What You Think. Please Participate

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The players in this case: Arrogance personified. All of the A's and from what I've seen, the defense too.

Based on all we've seen so far, I believe there is no question that Casey killed Caylee with premeditation. So many motives; mental instability, Caylee talking, etc. etc. Initially, I assumed it was some sort of tragic accident. I began doubting this primarily due to the behavior of the family and secondarily Casey's own behavior and became convinced it was premeditated by released discovery. As another poster so aptly put it: If it had been an accident, one would expect some sort of surprised reaction from Casey but she didn't miss a beat or movie night. No reasonable juror will be able to get past the 31 days and there can be no reasonable explanation.

Although I defended them to no end at the beginning, now there's no doubt in my mind that GA and CA knew at least from day 31 that Caylee was gone. Deep seated denial was as fictional as the imaginanny, imo and the public statements rarely matched the private with LE. Nor did the alleged denial match their actions, imo. Read again their statements to LE and also read the emails from CA's brother. CA told LE almost immediately that she thought the nanny was fiction and referred to whomever had Caylee at the moment. GA told LE about his silent prayers that it not be Caylee in the trunk as he approached it at the tow yard. CA went back to work where she was encouraged to contact LE. No, she wanted to give Casey a chance to “explain.” Victim families do not refuse polygraphs and do not exhibit the behavior of the A's in general, at least not that I've ever seen. They do not do all in their power to thwart any search efforts, as if they know what will be found and are desperately trying to prevent it. How could they possibly be so sure the imaginanny hadn't harmed Caylee? Because they knew there was no nanny, no kidnapping and that Casey was soley to blame for Caylee's fate. How about lying so much that LE asks her to stop because it's hurting the investigation; and that didn't slow CA down a bit, that I noticed.

I hope LE gets over the A's victim status and charges all with obstruction, perjury, tampering; whatever they can prove. I hope there is a successful conviction, even if it results in a fine or probation but that it prevents them from further profiting off of Caylee's murder. I also hope that LE is able to intercept any funds from “licensing” or whatever to recoup some of the costs to the taxpayers. Furthermore, I certainly hope the respective state legislatures or even the federal legislature takes a look at this case and tightens up the laws regarding perps making money from their crime(s). Yes, including widening the definition. Along with their daughter, CA and GA should not be allowed to make money from this crime, imo. Not with book deals, selling donated t-shirts for a profit or any other way.

I am very hopeful that Caylee's “foundation” will not get off the ground because most of the general public can see these people for what they are. KFN has already been exposed to some degree and I hope they will be out of business soon for the same reasons. Lack of donations now that folks know what and who they are. I think CA has felt cheated and deprived her entire life and latched onto the idea of making money off this case. I don't think she ultimately will, or that it will do her any good. She is not the first grandmother to lose a grandchild at the hands of her own child. Unfortunately, she won't be the last. She may, however, go down in history as the most false. I do not think it will benefit any child to have the A's latching on to their case. They will continue to hurt the credibility of anyone within their sphere of influence. I believe they have already hurt the causes of other missing children and legitimate charities related to missing children.

IMO, whomever coined the phrase 'martyrmom' totally nailed CA. It describes her to a 't' and I think she didn't let anyone forget it for a moment. She would have been quite content to be the martyr- grandmother-victim, had she been successful in pinning the crime on anyone other than Casey. Recall the anger displayed when anyone didn't go along with the fiction she was trying to sell. Is that denial? I think it's bpd. Wouldn't surprise me at all to find the martyrmom is borderline personality disorder. It's also possible that CA's personality is a result of dealing with Casey. It's common with bpd to divide and conquer. BPD's can look one in the face and proclaim one did not just see what one saw with their own eyes. And be quite convincing about it, too. Living with a borderline can make anyone crazy. Living with two could easily result in GA. And it does tend to run in families. Remember the emails from CA's brother and how CA's mother was afraid to speak with her? Sound familiar? How about those jail chats such as with the picture. Is that ZG's apt.? Wait, don't answer that, I know whose apt. it is, so tell me “the truth.” Remember too, how conscious they all were of being recorded during these visits and how Casey would say things to prevent release. BPD overview:

IMO, any self-esteem George ever had was beaten out of him on a daily basis. His existence seems to be desperately attempting to curry favor with his family or anyone else and rarely, if ever, receiving it. Instead, it appears to me, that George was constantly falling short in the eyes of his family, reminded daily of his many failures and shortcomings. From my viewing, he would benefit from counseling offered to domestic violence victims. I think GA was 'living a lie' long before Caylee's demise.

IMO, Casey spends an extreme amount of time in fantasy. I think she fantasized being the mother of a victim child; the sympathy, etc. she would receive and had been considering how to murder Caylee for some time. She either hadn't gotten around to it or hadn't figured out a 'foolproof' way yet, on June 15th when she felt pushed. 'One more day' may have seen her take flight but it may also have just seen her take more time on her story. I am consistently surprised at Casey's lack of intelligence but believe she, along with her mother and brother, wrongly feel they are very much smarter than the rest of us. Casey doesn't have enough imagination to concoct a story out of whole cloth, due primarily to her lack of intelligence, and that's why it appears there is truth woven into her lies. That's not her intent. Her intent is to lie she's just not smart enough to make it up. Therefore, she claims she is in Jacksonville with someone she barely knew from school, rather than someone imaginary. She claims she has a nanny and based that character on a real Zanny that she found either through Sawgrass records or myspace or both. “Zanny the Nanny” may have originally been Xanax but was fleshed out with real details from a real person's real life. She claims a coworker with the same name of an actress in a movie she recently viewed, etc. etc.

IMO, LA is very odd and creepy. Sure, lots of well adjusted adults collect action figures, etc. but the entire package there is just not something with which I'm familiar. He may also spend a lot of time in fantasy. Could be a coping mechanism he and Casey developed from a young age to get away from martyrmom and dad's passive-aggressiveness.

Wouldn't surprise me a bit to find the imaginanny perp was a story concocted by LA and Casey; also wouldn't surprise me if CA helped with it. Also want to note that abortion isn't a real option when one is past seven months pregnant. I don't believe CA forced Casey to have Caylee or to keep her. I think Casey relished the attention, for a while.

Finally, poor little Caylee, the only true victim, imo, was such a pawn in this that even at her memorial, it wasn't about her. The teddy bear wasn't wearing lavender, her favorite color according to GA but instead, green with a shamrock for Casey. It was always about the adults, imo. Not about poor Caylee. Poor thing had to take a backseat to her mother and grandmother even at her memorial.

PS: About the protesters, I am glad the protests started and wish they'd happen more often. I think it was a good thing to try to show this family that no one was buying into their delusional stories. I was not thrilled with those that went to cause trouble but I am thrilled with those that went to exercise their rights to free speech to make it clear what they thought about harboring a child murderer in their neighborhood/hometown. I considered joining them myself, until the violence started. We as a society should stand up more often to decry criminal behavior and those that enable it.
Outstanding post! ITA and you said it so much better than I ever could. Thank you. :clap:
1) Casey never wanted to be a mother, she is quoted as saying this. Cindy pushed her to keep Caylee and Casey always resented it. To get back at Cindy, she was as emotionally distant with Caylee as possible, and made sure to pawn Caylee off on Cindy and George at any opportunity.

2) There is no defense to “31 days.”

3) Casey liked the party lifestyle, a life with no strings or responsibility. I suspect as others have, that she was somehow aligned with deep pockets and nefarious figures, which is how she was able to afford her defense in the beginning. Not that she paid for it herself, but that at risk of her being “exposed” which in turn would expose her connections, her lawyer received an anonymous check in the mail. Lawyers don’t work for free.

4) I still believe that there is some other connection between Casey and Kid Finder’s Network/Milstead and associates. I believe this is related to the “1200 very bad pictures” that were found of Casey.

5) Caylee was old enough to be able to talk and tell Cindy about activities she was dragged around to. She became a tremendous liability and this was the final nail in her coffin along with the blow out at home with Cindy essentially telling Casey that she needs to act like a mother and be responsible. Casey never saw herself as a mother except in title, and had never been responsible.

6) Casey, like many notorious killers, is outwardly charismatic yet devoid of any true emotion and unable to sustain emotional attachments or long term friendships. Her friends are defined as those that can further her enjoyment at any given time. The final resting place of Caylee is a sign of 1) Casey’s spur of the moment planning and 2) her bored, detached affect regarding the entire situation.

7) I believe Lee attempted to reformat the hard drive of the laptop when Casey was first in jail. I believe that is the biggest facet of the alleged obstruction charges against him and I believe there is more yet to be revealed. He fancies himself a "computer whiz" but he failed to realize the electronic forensics trail he would leave which was the proverbial bull in a china closet. For this reason, I do not extend Lee the benefit of the doubt. I believe he has been quietly working in the background for Casey throughout this ordeal. He is smart enough to keep his mouth shut in front of the cameras, however.

8) I believe that the trial will provide interesting answers regarding Caylee’s paternity. I also believe that the information we know about is only a fraction of the evidence that will ultimately convict her.

9) I have serious ethical concerns regarding Cindy’s continuing nursing licensure in the state of Florida with what I perceive as her egregious lack of ethics and morals in this case. Nurses are supposed to use a tenet called “Critical Thinking” which is paramount to their licensure, and is the basis of the NCLEX test by which they are licensed. Cindy has not done so in this situation, as evidenced by the phone call to law enforcement where she talked about the the car smelling like a “dead damn body”, the subsequent washing of the knife and pants found in the car, and purposefully giving the wrong hairbrush to LE. Cindy knew what she was doing was wrong, but did it anyway. I believe Cindy will be brought up on obstruction charges as well. If she is found guilty, she will not be able to retain her RN licensure in any state, since her veracity will always be in question.

10) I believe George’s breakdown occurred because of the furious pull and tug going on inside himself. I see him as being so completely lost in this situation. On one hand he is trying to make sense of Cindy and Lee’s actions, on the other he knows the truth. I also believe George has been unhappy for a long time, and I think it is likely that George and Cindy will eventually divorce. After that time, if he is able to sort his feelings out and receive some intensive therapy and meds, I also believe he can redeem his good name and advocate for truth for other missing children (NOT Kidfinders Network however), or whatever cause he chooses.

11) Casey will never tell the truth. I predict she will die in jail at the hands of other “lifer” inmates that love their kids and are disgusted by her vain, capricious attitude.
That's a broad question, and this is my first post, but I'll give it a whirl.

As a mom, I can't relate to Casey at all. If I believed my child were missing, the first words out of my mouth during those jail visits would center on Caylee and what progress had been made. 31 days missing...wild goose chase with police...hiding from her parents and not telling anyone her child was "missing" while partying every night. :confused: I'm a big fan of forensics, but in this case, I don't need to see the scientific evidence before believing Casey is guilty. The trial will be facinating.

I refuse to judge her family. I can't imagine being in their shoes. I feel sorry for them - ALL of them.

PS: About the protesters, I am glad the protests started and wish they'd happen more often. I think it was a good thing to try to show this family that no one was buying into their delusional stories. I was not thrilled with those that went to cause trouble but I am thrilled with those that went to exercise their rights to free speech to make it clear what they thought about harboring a child murderer in their neighborhood/hometown. I considered joining them myself, until the violence started. We as a society should stand up more often to decry criminal behavior and those that enable it.

I just totally disagree with your viewpoint on this (thank goodness we live where we can disagree :)) but most of all, those protesters. I think they were just alllllmost up there with the Westboro Baptist people - Fred Phelps and his group - not quite up there, but fueled by the same sort of hatred. Lord knows, I hate what happened to that baby and I've cried gallons for her, but I could never do what those people did to her grandparents.

I will never understand how people could be so unkind.

Human behavior always astounds me.
I think Casey is guilty of premeditated murder.

And I think her parents have chosen to take a worst case scenario, losing their grandchild, and to profit from it with little more depth of thought than taking lemons and making lemonade. I hope all legitimate child finding resources and associated people, businesses, etc. will shun these people who are voracious liars. Not saying they didn't love their granddaughter, but they've already had way too much time in the media, and my take on that is that they are now going to try to create jobs for themselves that keep them in the spotlight. What Cindy would like is to control the media so that only Anthony propaganda gets out. She'll do her dardest to make that happen to no avail thankfully.

I also hope when the murder trial is over that some members of the Anthony family are charged with obstruction of justice, particularly Cindy after cleaning out the trunk of Casey's car. She absolutely knew what that smell was, and admitted it on the 911 call.

I am amazed that these people are doing everything possible to avoid seeing justice served. I would eat my hat if they decide to turn on Casey.

Of course, Casey is presumed innocent in a court of law until proven guilty, but I don't see her getting out of this. No way. She's going down, and I hope she takes the rest of the clan with her.
By that, I mean, I hope the Anthonys , George, Cindy, and Lee come out of this with all the credibility of OJ which is what they deserve by their actions.
The good people and orgaizations that truely do try to find the kidnapped or abducted are only being harmed and disheartened by the term 'missing'. As soon as it is established lies are being told by those close to the victim the media needs to fold up camp and let the law start investigating foul play.

I would hate to see people withdraw their financial and emotional support to organizations that are actually trying to save a child, or an adult for that matter, and I fear that is exactly what is going to happen.

Missing has become just another term-lite for murder cover-up in the same way the term 'person of interst' is term-lite for suspect. We need to call things as they are and get down to the business of saving the still living. Stop giving fame and attention to killers and beating the public into numbness and apathy.

There are still real kidnappings and abductions happening.

Clear the family and friends, track down the preditors and trafficers and continue in rescue mode. All the other sensationalism is only leaving a bitter taste in the mouths of people that could actually help by giving money or time to the cause of saving a life.

I think Marc Klass put his foot down early in this case, along with other good people and organizations, I commend him and them for doing so. The Anthony case is only one more drop of ink in the already murky waters of a diminishing truth.

Thoughtfully said. i can't think of any other words to add.:clap:
I think Casey did it and planned it "out of spite."
I think Casey is a narcissistic sociopath.
I think Cindy, George and Lee knew from the minute they smelled the decomp.
I think the detectives knew within minutes of questioning Casey.
I think the LE brass let Cindy lead them along for way too long.
I think Nancy Grace has been heroic in keeping it in the news.
I think Florida is great with their Sunshine Law.
I think WS is good place to discuss this evil case.
I think Jesse G and his family are wonderful.
I think LP is an old-fashioned all around good guy.
I think Tim M is a selfless, hardworking man.
I think all of Casey's "friends" and men are smart for keeping quiet so far until the trial.
I think Jose is way over his head and his "team" is just in it for the exposure.
I think Caylee Marie is safe in the hands of God.
I think the TRUTH will win out in the end and all those who love Casey and defend her should guide her towards the truth.

Clap,clap clap!!! Right on PattyM!

My only addition to this list is Cindy's "dead body in the damn car" ..and her complete turnaround once she knew Casey was the number one person of interest.

There is no pure heart in a cover-up...PERIOD! :confused:
Does he want our opinion of how the case was handled, how the case should have been handled, or how we feel about the Anthonys and their involvement in general? How does he want to use this information? Is he planning to pass our comments around to other families of missing children so they'll know how NOT to act?

Here are my thoughts:

All of the Anthonys obstructed the investigation. Their extreme lack of cooperation with Law Enforcement was sinful. They lied to everyone, LE, media, anyone who was in their path. This isn't how a family of a missing child, who wants their child found, should behave.

They disregarded all the guidelines, possibly destroyed evidence, gave misleading testimony, blamed everyone else, and covered up for the perp. How many times did they try to distract from the search with false Caylee sightings, even going so far as posting photographs of unknown children who didn't look like Caylee?

Obviously, the As didn't put Caylee's welfare first, they protected Casey. Who does that when a baby is missing? From the moment Casey was arrested, they went into "protect Casey at all cost" mode, completing and deliberately obstructing the search for Caylee who was lying in a trash bag just down the street!

I won't delve into the insanity of waiting one month to report her missing, not knowing the last date she was seen, or the fact the little girl lived in their home yet they weren't panicking when they hadn't seen her for a few days and they believed all Casey's lies about the unseen, unspoken to nanny who landed in a hospital.

I can't go on. It's all so UNBELIEVABLE!

Of all the post that I have read...many are super great, but this one stood out the most. It is so in tune to how I feel and how I would have written the exact same thing - word for word. PERFECTLY WRITTEN. Thank you. I hope Marc Klaas does tak the time to read all of these as they have some very good points.

It is all so UNBELIEVABLE!
1. I believe KC had been fantasizing/toying with the idea of getting rid of Caylee for some
time prior to doing it; and that she did it when the fight and possibly other stresses
between her and Cindy pushed her over the edge.
2. No accident. The duct tape says as much.
3. Cindy has enabled KC and fueled dysfunction in this family from the beginning. So
much damage was done by her controlling/domineering parenting and "wife" style.
4. LE should have really put the screws to KC WAY harder than they did in the
5. Cindy was not called out by LE on her lies either. LE should have found a way to
present the information proving KC to be a liar to them and make them face it.
6. I believe the DP should be put back on the table, for sure. And I'm not generally a DP
proponent. Sometimes I wonder if the prosecution isn't playing ball hard enough. Then
again, I realize we, the public, do not know everything there is to know about the
case against KC. I just don't want her to slip away, like OJ. LE has GOT to find a way
to make allies out of the family.
I think this should be used as an example to promote laws that restrict families from profit off murders and/or missing family member. Families not involved in high profil cases, do not have donations come in from all over the world, do not have the chance to sell pictures to news agency (who disguise the payment as liscensing fees) and have no market to sell missing tshirts and trinkets for profit. An accused member of such family can't hire high profile experts either. A family should not be allowed to make a living off a member of their family through a trust fund like the Anthony's are going to do.

IMO, what this family has done and continues to do is not right. The message they present with their actions to me is how to profit from the murder of their grandchild. They along with KidFinders have cast shadows on legit foundations that do great work.

Media networks need to be held accountable for paying out also. If someone wants news reporting on an event, it should be given freely. Why the need to hid the fact that hugh sums of money is being paid? I think this family was rewarded for the murder of a 2 year old and they plan to make a living off it.

Hear Hear - we dont need any one else thinking murder could
be a financial advantage .
I think Casey killed Caylee so she could go party and the child was in her way.
She also killed her for spite against her mom- she didnt want her mom to have her, nor did she want her around
I think George and Lee knew she was the killer from the start but Cindy couldnt accept that
I think LP has a big heart, regardless of the tv fame hes getting- who cares
I want Casey to get the DP, I dont want to see her make a new life for herself in prison behind bars
I think that promise Lee stated at the memorial was meant for Casey in one respect- I think maybe Casey told him what she did and he made a promise to her he'd never tell OR it was a promise to Caylee that he'd find out what happened to her OR it was a promise that he'd never tell that he was Caylees father- JMO
I think NG is covering the case very well
I think Cindy will always say someone else did it
I think Casey is a sociapath
I could go on and on
I think Casey killed Caylee so she could go party and the child was in her way.
She also killed her for spite against her mom- she didnt want her mom to have her, nor did she want her around
I think George and Lee knew she was the killer from the start but Cindy couldnt accept that
I think LP has a big heart, regardless of the tv fame hes getting- who cares
I want Casey to get the DP, I dont want to see her make a new life for herself in prison behind bars
I think that promise Lee stated at the memorial was meant for Casey in one respect- I think maybe Casey told him what she did and he made a promise to her he'd never tell OR it was a promise to Caylee that he'd find out what happened to her OR it was a promise that he'd never tell that he was Caylees father- JMO
I think NG is covering the case very well
I think Cindy will always say someone else did it
I think Casey is a sociapath
I could go on and on

My thoughts exactly.....:furious::waitasec::eek::mad::twocents:
First, Marc Klass. I place you in the same hero category as John Walsh, etc. God bless all you've done in the name of Polly.

My opinion: I think since Caylee has been located and memorialized, this media blitz should now stop. KC doesn't deserve the press time the media is giving her no matter how negative. I can't stand it anymore, this poor child was murdered most certainly by her mother and the only thing I care to hear from now until the jail doors slam is "guilty" & "life or death sentence" period.

The media is now wasting its time focusing on the evilness of the mother and it's taking away from other children, missing or murdered that need attention now.

OH, if you get the chance, please tell the Anthony camp they DO NOT belong with the "missing children's camp". They are NOT in the same group as yourself, John Walsh, Mark Lunsford, etc etc etc. They belong with the OJ Simpsons & Scott Petersons 'finding the real killer" camps. It's disgusting the attention diverted from Haleigh because they show up and it's no longer about Haleigh.

Now I've said what I've needed to say. Ty for asking us all here at WS.
I take a few days here and there to consider and reflect and have just gone through one of these periods and what I have determined through this process is that there is some kind of mental illness/and or disorder at work in the Anthony family. I believe it has infected every single member and to some degree had already made an impact on sweet little Caylee. I believe that each member of that family is responsible, to some degree, for the circumstances leading up to Caylee's death and for the cover-up afterward. Lee is deeply involved. The CMA references at her memorial were the usual Anthony-speak and a disgusting thing to do to an innocent little girls beloved memory. Her NAME was not CMA. Nobody CALLED her CMA. THAT was created by Cindy and carried on by Casey and was just a little game they had agreed to play with the names of themselves and their children. CMA was Cindy first and Casey second and finally and in the end, poor little baby Caylee. However, she was not referred to by that name and there was NO reason whatsoever for her UNCLE to disgrace her in such a manner by using her memorial as a staging area for his covert messages to his mother and or his sister. He should not have taken the podium if he could not respect Caylee enough to even call her by her name. It was a despicable act and one for which he should solemnly feel regret. Caylee deserved better than to have HER memorial turned into a forum to defend Casey and to cast doubt in the public eye. It was an unspeakable act to add to a HOST of unspeakable acts committed by this entire family.

I do not know WHAT is wrong within this family but I know that there IS something MAJOR that is not right within their "camp".

Every missing/murdered child case should be given as much attention as this case has received.

KC never made the psychological/emotional transition from child to adult before she got pregnant. She wasn't mature enough to become a mother and resented having Caylee around like an older sibling resents having to allow a younger sib to hang around with them.

IMO KC has low self esteem and needs men to desire her to feel any self worth. Her romantic relationships were more rewarding to her than being a mother.

I believe she wanted the freedom her friends had and resented Caylee for holding her back. She lacks rationality so the best solution to her 'problem' was to kill Caylee.

Because of what I read about her internet searches, i believe she had been contemplating killing Caylee to be free of responsibility and possibly her parents to get the house and insurance money if they have policies. (Remember she kept spinning stories about that house becoming hers)

IMO, as the case is with many families. the A's are dysfunctional but love each other, including KC. She wasn't always a murderer but she has always been their daughter/sister. (Just think about how you'd feel if someone accused your family member of killing their own child. Knowing them as you do now, could you believe it??) Regardless of what the evidence showed, I'd bet denial is a much easier state of mind to live in.

I believe they have accepted that KC killed Caylee but I dont think the fact that they are trying to help KC means they did not love Caylee. She is gone and they can't bring her back. They are trying to minimize the damage that the family will suffer from all this. If they can save 1 life, they are going to try to.

IMO, KC is now the only one that 'believes' she is not guilty.
I can't imagine that I will add anything that other posters have not, but I can't resist putting in my two cents (in no particular order):

1. I think that Caylee's death was the result of neglect (possibly abuse), but then KC tried to stage it to seem the result of a different crime.

2. I think this way about #1 because of KC's continued "If I knew where she was, none of this would be happening." I don't read that statement as a statement about Caylee's alleged kidnapping--I think it's about what happened. I think Caylee wondered off and something happened, or KC was strung out on something and left her in a place she shouldn't have.

3. The family members' passivity toward KC's egregious behaviors makes me think that she has "trained" them to accept her lies and temper or suffer the consequences. Just that glimpse of her temper in the jailhouse video was quite revealing.

4. While Americans have the right to peaceably assemble and protest, I think gathering outside the Anthony home was in poor taste. Likewise, I think the Anthony's have shown poor judgment and taste, but they lost a beloved child.

5. The Caylee doll and everyone else who jumped on the "make money off of this case" bandwagon showed appallingly little sensitivity and revealed themselves as shameless money grubbers.

6. I think it's possible that Lee was trying to protect his family from the knowledge of all KC's activities, but I don't think he's a bad guy. I think he was playing up to KC to get to the truth.

7. I do not think KC is legally insane. I do think she has severe personality issues, and that her world view is "squirrelly" (all puns intended)

8. I can't believe that Casey doesn't have a severe case of "buyer's remorse" about attorney JB. Whatever. They deserve one another.

9. I think MN found out something, and that's why he no longer represented the A family.

10. I still don't know what I think about the emails that were "hacked" from CA's computer.

11. The 911 calls show me that the A's were not in on hiding the death at the beginning.

12. Casey's words and tone from her first call home from jail showed her true colors. When I heard that call, I knew there would be no live Caylee.
Skrewish: I agree with every item in your post completely!!
I can't imagine that I will add anything that other posters have not, but I can't resist putting in my two cents (in no particular order):

1. I think that Caylee's death was the result of neglect (possibly abuse), but then KC tried to stage it to seem the result of a different crime.

2. I think this way about #1 because of KC's continued "If I knew where she was, none of this would be happening." I don't read that statement as a statement about Caylee's alleged kidnapping--I think it's about what happened. I think Caylee wondered off and something happened, or KC was strung out on something and left her in a place she shouldn't have.

3. The family members' passivity toward KC's egregious behaviors makes me think that she has "trained" them to accept her lies and temper or suffer the consequences. Just that glimpse of her temper in the jailhouse video was quite revealing.

4. While Americans have the right to peaceably assemble and protest, I think gathering outside the Anthony home was in poor taste. Likewise, I think the Anthony's have shown poor judgment and taste, but they lost a beloved child.

5. The Caylee doll and everyone else who jumped on the "make money off of this case" bandwagon showed appallingly little sensitivity and revealed themselves as shameless money grubbers.

6. I think it's possible that Lee was trying to protect his family from the knowledge of all KC's activities, but I don't think he's a bad guy. I think he was playing up to KC to get to the truth.

7. I do not think KC is legally insane. I do think she has severe personality issues, and that her world view is "squirrelly" (all puns intended)

8. I can't believe that Casey doesn't have a severe case of "buyer's remorse" about attorney JB. Whatever. They deserve one another.

9. I think MN found out something, and that's why he no longer represented the A family.

10. I still don't know what I think about the emails that were "hacked" from CA's computer.

11. The 911 calls show me that the A's were not in on hiding the death at the beginning.

12. Casey's words and tone from her first call home from jail showed her true colors. When I heard that call, I knew there would be no live Caylee.

I agree with your entire post EXCEPT how Caylee died. Based on the internet searches and having some insight into Casey's lifestyle, need for independence but no job, saddled with small child, young, strife with parents, especially mother, etc. etc, I think Casey thought about killing Caylee for a long time. I think she planned her way around it for a while but never got the courage to go through with it. What was the trigger was the fight with her mother. I am sure Casey's thoughts went along the lines of, "She won't ever see her again" everytime there was an argument. But the thing is, Casey needed her mother. After the last blowup, the best way to 'get back' at her was to get rid of Caylee. It would solve all her needs - the freedom, the partying, and best of all, what better way to break her mother's heart. I really believe there is a strong psychological component to this that goes back many years. I don't think this was an accident (she would have reacted differently) or a spur or the moment thing that suddenly popped in her head. I think she did act in rage - don't get me wrong - but the seed was planted a while back. Just my opinion.

Rest in peace Caylee. I thank you every day for giving me more reason to love and appreciate my little girl.
two cents..
I have no idea what is and has been in the hearts and minds of the Anthonys......any of them.....I do not know them personally and I am not a mind-reader, clairvoyant or trained in psychology......but I do think that something terrible but simple has been complicated by every person or entity that has purposely or inadvertently their words and actions and for their own reasons ....diverted and continue to do so, the simple truth of what probably happened to Caylee.
I hope LE can hold the ship on a steady course and think they have done a good job.
I think LP was one of the first to be "fooled" by KC and I truly believe he thought she would tell what she knew if he bonded her out and provided protection. It didn't take long to find out that wasn't going to happen.
The fact that she did not report Caylee missing and did NOT talk and STILL will not just about says it for me.
I applaud TM and TES and all the people here who have done so much .
I also appreciate people like Marc and John Walsh.......Adam's story was one of the first stories of child abduction I ever read about and it affected me down to the depths of my soul and is still painful to think about . No one elicits my deepest sympathy more than those who have lost a child, especially to murder.

there are so many players in this tragic story who all look like they are acting parts, to me. I hope the trial does not just bring out more acting and obfuscation. I would like for the masks to come off , the truth revealed , Caylee truly honored and let us all go home..
well, more likely, on to the next story, because, sadly , it looks like there will always be another one.....
I'll throw in my two cents FWIW...

Polly and Caylee were beautiful innocent children, who in a better world would have grown up to become beautiful young adults with bright futures. This is where the similarities end. Polly's fate was maddeningly random and unpredictable. The Klaas family suffered a horror - stranger abduction - that frightens every parent, but is actually statistically quite rare - even rarer still given the fact that Polly was abducted from her own home.

While nobody close to Caylee's family felt she was in any danger of being murdered, there were many signs of behavior from KC that was at best unstable and at worst boldly narcissistic. I'm certain that the family will forever question whether actively dealing with KC's problems instead of just indulging her fairy-tale world with her imaginary job and nanny friends could have changed this outcome, a question for which there are no ready answers.

I truly believe KC is a sociopath, and that while some sort of intervention may possibly have saved Caylee, there is no known cure for what ails her mother. It is a condition much more likely to be diagnosed in males rather than females, although it is questionable, to me at least, whether it is actually more prevalent in males, or just more easily detected in males. Research has not been able to definitively answer what factors create a sociopath, but what I've read seems to suggest a combination of genetic tendencies and unmet needs in the years through age five. If that is the case, KC would have seemed an unlikely candidate for this diagnosis, there has been no public indication that her life in these years was in any way remarkable.

I've often wondered if she is actually in the early stages of schizophrenia. Not necessarily a schizophrenia that is accompanied by hallucinations, but some paranoia and disconnected thoughts/reasoning. I knew a young woman like this and in many ways she bears similarities to KC's behavior, although her family intervention was a saving grace for her and her daughters. She didn't hear voices, or think she was the Queen of England or anything, and in the beginning her actions were dismissed as teenage angst, or later just a lack of maturity. It was frustrating to her family when she couldn't/wouldn't hold a job, and continued partying long after she became a mother. She disclosed her deepest thoughts and fears only to a select few people, me being one of them. It was heartbreaking sometimes not to be able to convince her of the illogical nature of some of her thoughts - for example she thought she was being stalked at the hospital as her youngest daughter was being born, because she had passed a pop machine in the hallway and an "Out of Order" sign had been taped over the Dr. Pepper button. A man she had once dated had preferred Dr. Pepper and she interpreted this as a signal from him that he knew where she was and he was watching. But these weren't thoughts she shared freely, so as a result, most people tended to believe she was just selfish and immature for a long time. Even doctors had trouble, diagnosing her at different times for different things and presrcribing different medications, none of which helped.
KC is about the right age for the onset of schizophrenia. While I am by no means saying that this is the case, I don't think it should be ruled out, and I will be interested to see what the medical professionals assigned to interview her have to say at trial.

Even if KC is mentally ill, I think her actions during the 31 days show that she was clearly able to discern right from wrong, able to take decisive (if sloppy) actions to cover up her crime, capable of social function and basic self care. In other words, I do think they will find that if she is ill, she was still legally sane enough at the commission of this crime to be culpable and held accountable.

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