March Enquirer: Prison Inmate's Take on Casey's Reaction ~Video Added

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DNA Solves
Sometimes the National Inquirer has very believable stories, this wouldn't surprise me at all.
I wish they'd throw her *advertiser censored* in general population! Sorry, that's how I feel.
I wish they'd throw her *advertiser censored* in general population! Sorry, that's how I feel.
I wish they'd throw her *advertiser censored* in general population! Sorry, that's how I feel.
That's what I thought...
I believe the reactions are probably true !
A N D... I believe some people in there probably do want to
hurt KC & probably will ... when they get a chance !
She might have been more of a "HIT" at FUSION...
but NOT so Popular with the Female inmates !:boohoo:


*** Seeking Justice for little ANGEL CAYLEE !
Murdered at the young age of 2 years old in JUNE 2008
probably by her own so called mother = KC
That pic of Caylee thru up my hinky meter. See how her little lips are puckered? Maybe it is because it takes my mind to places that it don't wanna go. I will be sick if I find out for a fact that Caylee was used for child *advertiser censored*. I might have to back off this case.
Several months ago I posted a comment because I am privy through my line of work to someone who was incarcerated in the same jail as KC in early fall. She said throughout the jail she is jail enemy #1 (tee hee you have to be pretty bad to be the #1 enemy in jail!) and any time KC is seen (always from afar because she is very protected) it is a free for all.

This is strictly heresay (sp?) but I tend to believe this person.
Several months ago I posted a comment because I am privy through my line of work to someone who was incarcerated in the same jail as KC in early fall. She said throughout the jail she is jail enemy #1 (tee hee you have to be pretty bad to be the #1 enemy in jail!) and any time KC is seen (always from afar because she is very protected) it is a free for all.

This is strictly heresay (sp?) but I tend to believe this person.

And what does KC feel like??? "OMG"---I am a star.
I would love to be close enough to watch her. Can you go thru your "grapevine" and ask what KC acts like when thangs like that happen? Please---Pretty Please.

OMG-------I am slobben here. Go tell it on the mountain. Whisper in me ear.
That pic of Caylee thru up my hinky meter. See how her little lips are puckered? Maybe it is because it takes my mind to places that it don't wanna go. I will be sick if I find out for a fact that Caylee was used for child *advertiser censored*. I might have to back off this case.

That pic doesn't look pornish at all to me.
“They’d have torn Casey apart if they’d been able to get near her,” she said. “A lot of women there would love to hurt her if they got a chance.”

I have no doubt about that.
I don't really give a whole lot of credit or attach any honesty to anything another jail inmate might have said. They are criminals themselves! Why are they talking? The almighty dollar!
I wish they'd throw her *advertiser censored* in general population! Sorry, that's how I feel.

OOOHH OOOHHH OOOOHH ME TOO!!! Then let's see how SMUG she is. Wipe thas smile right off her face.
Love your name. Are you an Elvis faN/
This article does not make sense to me. Sounds off. From every angle, it's been reported that she broke down, cried, had to be medicated. Plus, she does not leave her cell for more than an hour each day. When did she supposedly "greet" this inmate with a smile and how did this witness see her "eat a hearty breakfast"?
I don't really give a whole lot of credit or attach any honesty to anything another jail inmate might have said. They are criminals themselves! Why are they talking? The almighty dollar!

Sometimes the inmates are the best sources of info for the prosecution. They may be accused of committing a variety of crimes, but there is a definite code of honor amongst inmates. They do not care for child molesters and child murderers and that is true in jails and prisons. Many times they talk just because something the perp has done does not sit well with them and there is no "deal" or "money" in it for them. This I DO know for a fact.
Several months ago I posted a comment because I am privy through my line of work to someone who was incarcerated in the same jail as KC in early fall. She said throughout the jail she is jail enemy #1 (tee hee you have to be pretty bad to be the #1 enemy in jail!) and any time KC is seen (always from afar because she is very protected) it is a free for all.

This is strictly heresay (sp?) but I tend to believe this person.

There is NO ONE more hated than a child killer when in jail (or life in general). then ad to that , that she is a pretty white girl. Then the idea of how this baby was killed. Casey would have NO CHANCE in general population. However I think this is how we need to handle her. Put her in general population. We wouldn;t need a trial. Sorry just my opinion.
wish I could read the entire article. I never buy the NE..

Has anyone read the entire thing? Care to enlighten us? *S*
There is NO ONE more hated than a child killer when in jail (or life in general). then ad to that , that she is a pretty white girl. Then the idea of how this baby was killed. Casey would have NO CHANCE in general population. However I think this is how we need to handle her. Put her in general population. We wouldn;t need a trial. Sorry just my opinion.

i agree with you 1000% percent. lets see her lie her way out of general pop.
I guess I'm confused, because they refer to the day of remains being found, and the remains being identified. Those were two separate occasions. She learned that a skeleton had been found by watching TV. Did the chaplain tell her that the DNA results were in? Just cornfused...

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