Maricopa Jane Doe 1999 Thread #3

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I haven't heard of Marlena Reed. I contacted Children of the Night on the off-chance that MJD may have passed through one of their facilities, and because they have a lot of contacts with child prostitutes all over the country.

Can you post more about Marlena?

Marlaina.... Last page on the following WS thread.

LE says they're looking for anyone that had any contact with Nikki in the month to month and a half before her disappearance.

I have a feeling Nikki may have been involved in prostitution because of the quotes from Shira Hasan in the Chicago Tribune article:

"Details of Reed's life in Chicago were scarce. But staff workers and clients of the Young Women's Empowerment Project, a Northwest Side organization that serves girls involved in the sex trade, knew her well, co-director Shira Hassan said Monday.

Hassan, who learned of her identification from a reporter Monday afternoon, said members of the group were grieving the loss of the young woman they knew as Niki, who had the "the most intense eyes and sad smile."

". . . I first met Niki in Humboldt Park. She was hanging out at the McDonald's while I was talking to other girls in the area, just eating fries and talking about life," Hassan said in an e-mail interview. Hassan said she saw Reed about once a week.

"Niki was not a nameless, faceless girl," she said. "To us, she was a warrior and one of our fallen. She was an artist, a fighter and a sister to a lot of girls. Niki laughed hard, cried hard and worked hard. We had worried and wondered about her for a year. We won't forget Niki and other unidentified girls—they are all part of our community.""

This would mean that she could have been murdered by a "John" that picked her up for a "trick". I wonder what evidence LE has on this...

I wonder if Shira and the Young Womans empowerment project are coordinated in any way with Children of the Night and or any assoc. with Milwaukee. I could try to reach her.... or would you like to Absinthe as you spoke with the pres of Children of the Night... Might be better heard from you as you have made this connection already. IF not, I will.

ETA: What local groups exist in PHX for teens on the street? - Another ? I will ask my freind when I catch him. (and remind him when his mouth dropped when his daughter turned 14.....she will be 27 about the age MJD would have been. ya, I'm going there...)
If you all want me to send this to Dane County Sheriff's Dept, please take a look at this and let me know your thoughts:


My name is XXXX and I am part of an online website called Web Sleuths ( We are investigating the death of a young girl who is know as Maricopa Jane Doe. In 1999, on January 26th a young girl (13 to 18 years old) jumped, fell, or was pushed from the window of a moving vehicle in Arizona. She lived for only one day.

Nearly 9 years have passed and no one has given this young girl a name. We believe that knowing who she is would determine why she died all those years ago and why no one has come forward to claim her. We’ve just recently received information from an old newspaper article that she could have been a runaway from the Milwaukee, WI area who had been in a home for juveniles. What has brought us to your department is an old murder case of Doris Ann Mcleod which was handled by Sheriff’s Deputy Kevin Hughes. When our Maricopa Jane Doe was found, she had a ring on her that had the initials DAM. We also have information that the name she gave people might have been Cory or Carla and we are speculating maybe even Dori. We know that Doris had a sister, yet we can’t find any information about her and although it might be a stretch, perhaps our Maricopa Jane Doe is Doris’s sister and was wearing her sister’s ring at the time of her death.

Anything you can do would be greatly appreciated.

Here is a link to the Medical Examiner's page for Maricopa Arizona.

Doe Network:

Thank you for your time and consideration.
The report lists the initials on the ring as "D.M.A.", but when we get the photos, we'll be able to see how the letters were arranged on it...
found some great info here about Doris and the Gang Member that killed her

seems they DID FIND her HANDS maybe it still had a ring on it

The tendency exists in the gang world today where chapters of the Gangster Disciples formed outside of the original gang epicenter (Chicago), such gangs improvise and often modify their “gang literature”. Gang literature here refers to their code, their constitution and by-laws. In Joseph White’s faction of the Gangster Disciples (GD) there was a “rule” to the effect that any hooker who did not promptly pay up to a Gangster Disciple who was pimping her, that she should receive a “V-50" for this “violation”.
A “V-50" in this case meant 50 punches to the chest and head area. It was written down in the Milwaukee chapter “local rules” for the Gangster Disciples. It does not exist in Chicago where the Gangster Disciples were originally formed, before the Gangster Disciples rapidly spread to over thirty states in the 1990's. Thus, the gang rules that Joseph White lived by basically empowered him to do what he did.

So Joseph White decided that the girl needed an attitude adjustment, and he administered a “V-50" in the basement of an inner city house in Milwaukee. Doris did not survive the beating. She died from the beating. This case was featured on A&E’s “Cold Case Files”.
Joseph White then cut off her finger prints, and drove the body towards Madison, dumping it in an open field after also cutting off her hands. The hands were discovered, minus the finger prints, also in Dane County. Persistent investigators in Dane County eventually broke the case through posters and the media. White acted as his own lawyer at trial and was promptly convicted and is currently serving two sentences: first degree murder (life) and aggravated rape.

i saw this show and was just about to post regarding it when i read this post-White's 3 year old son was the one who id'd the vic and the perp and witnessed the murder. It was one of the worst stories of violence I had ever seen, and the little boy was so precious on the stand.
i saw this show and was just about to post regarding it when i read this post-White's 3 year old son was the one who id'd the vic and the perp and witnessed the murder. It was one of the worst stories of violence I had ever seen, and the little boy was so precious on the stand.

They put a 3-year old on the stand?:eek:
I don't think they put him on the stand...I think they just questioned the little boy. I could be wrong though.

The A&E show follows the case from the body's discovery to White'sconviction in 1994 of murder and sexual assault. Detectives describe how they showed a photograph of Dorrie to White's 3-year-old son. Not only did he recognize her, but he told them that a monster had hurt her in the basement ofhis Milwaukee home.

The little boy also showed detectives how the monster had bitten Dorrie'sfingers. That shook police, in part because they had not yet releasedinformation that when Dorrie's hands were found, they were missing thefingertips.
ETA: What local groups exist in PHX for teens on the street? - Another ? I will ask my freind when I catch him. (and remind him when his mouth dropped when his daughter turned 14.....she will be 27 about the age MJD would have been. ya, I'm going there...)
Maybe more. I "wish" this had happened in my county or Cochise....I could more easily help that way.
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