Maricopa Jane Doe Thread #7

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I have read quite a few articles on teen prostitution lately and I came across this one today....

It was the best one I have read so far.....PLEASE TAKE A LOOK


here are some clips of the article this girl was from Witchita......
and Terease it mentions alot of girls coming from NEBRASKA

Susie Johnson, 22, unfolds a hollow condom wrapper and retrieves an emergency phone number she was hiding from her pimp for months.

The emerald-eyed prostitute from Kansas just escaped from two New York johns who kidnapped her,
before she returns to her pimp for a few more rounds in hell. "Bones" turned her out on Witchita's streets when she was 19, and still holds her in a crushing emotional grip.

many are younger than Johnson when they start streetwalking. The majority of underage prostitutes

They are honey-haired teenagers hauled in from America's Heartland.

Everyday the simple equation of supply and demand snags young lives:

Johns prefer young blondes and will pay a premium to have sex with them. fair-skinned teenagers hungering for new lives.
Most of them are white, working and middle-class runaways from troubled homes who start selling their bodies by 13 or 14.

Johnson, a recent high school graduate working as a low-paid telemarketer could barely afford her own meals when she became a pimp-target.
Johnson had "aged out" of the foster care system that raised her after suffering sexual abuse at home.

Across the street from her old apartment stood a cheap motel. She moved in, completely unaware that it was a buzzing hive of prostitution.
Eskimo, a 24-year-old San Francisco pimp agrees. "Middle-class girls from the isolated suburbs usually make the best 'hos. They wasn't raised full of callousness. They don't have no street in 'em."

Bones promised to show her the good life. His diamond-packed gold watch, mink coat and gold front tooth impressed the teen who was raised in modest homes.
"He took off all his jewelry and said 'You can have it all if we go somewhere and you can't make a lot of money."

Within days she rolled into Dallas, where johns lined up their cars waiting to have sex with her and girls several years her junior. More than half of the runaways housed at The Larkin Street Youth Center come from states outside California,

the shelter's director, Anne Stanton says. A good portion of those teens come from places such as Nebraska and Texas.
In prostitute round-ups in Las Vegas police find more than half the underage streetwalkers are Minnesota imports.

Men in the program tell us they prefer white, young, blue-eyed blondes,"

Fresh snowy girls like Johnson are known as thoroughbreds on the streets, because of their high money-making potential. The pimps keep the cash.

Teen shelters: Pimp magnets

Runaway shelters, halfway houses and foster homes scream "Vulnerable Flesh Over Here" to pimp-predators. Nowhere is safe: malls, parties and high schools are rich recruitment grounds. Hookers still attending school will even pull their classmates into the game to curry favor with their pimp. They're competing with their "wives-in-law" (other girls in the stable) to be their pimp's "bottom " or his favorite girl. Meanwhile the smug felons stay safely outside school grounds.
I'm back. Daughter's back in school, and my pc's all set up now. Give me a bit though to go back through the last 6 or so pages and evaluate w/e new came up.
I'm on the Kansas side of the Kansas City area. I'm a teacher and back at school now, so time is somewhat limited, but let me know if there is anything I can do!
The farther out of KC you get, the more severe the accents seem to be, both on the MO and KS side, in my experience. (I grew up in MN, not here) Wichita is about 3 hours, 180 miles from here.
I'm back. Daughter's back in school, and my pc's all set up now. Give me a bit though to go back through the last 6 or so pages and evaluate w/e new came up.

:Banane19: Hiya Vask! Good to have you back. New info for you!
I'm on the Kansas side of the Kansas City area. I'm a teacher and back at school now, so time is somewhat limited, but let me know if there is anything I can do!
The farther out of KC you get, the more severe the accents seem to be, both on the MO and KS side, in my experience. (I grew up in MN, not here) Wichita is about 3 hours, 180 miles from here.

Welcome jyram!:) Great to have you here. What are your far?
Thanks Fairy. :) Was nice to read the new info. When I left I was beginning to get that feeling again when as a child you would run into a wall because you lacked stoppers on the front of your rollerskates. >.<

:Banane19: Hiya Vask! Good to have you back. New info for you!
You must be joking, right? Because I could really see where that could come in handy to help pinpoint the region of the country she came from.... :rolleyes:

Somebody wanted to know if she had and accent and when I stated that I didn't think that many people in the Midwest had an accent I got all kinds of rebuttal soooooo yes I said that. :rolleyes: I do agree we all have some sort of an accent but not one that would be noticeable enough for one to say "Oh hey you are from Nebraska or Kansas" I am sure the car dealer didn't say "Oh she must be from Kansas" when he heard them arguing. :clown:
Just my opinion here, but I think Lindsey may have been driving, not Alonzo. The driver's seat position in the photos doesn't look like a setting for someone 5'11". The seat and steering wheel position look the same as I had mine set, (same car) and I'm only 5'3".:waitasec:

Shaine and both truck drivers stated that Alonzo was driving the car.
Thanks Fairy. :) Was nice to read the new info. When I left I was beginning to get that feeling again when as a child you would run into a wall because you lacked stoppers on the front of your rollerskates. >.<

I always had stoppers on my skates! :blowkiss:
Somebody wanted to know if she had and accent and when I stated that I didn't think that many people in the Midwest had an accent I got all kinds of rebuttal soooooo yes I said that. :rolleyes: I do agree we all have some sort of an accent but not one that would be noticeable enough for one to say "Oh hey you are from Nebraska or Kansas" I am sure the car dealer didn't say "Oh she must be from Kansas" when he heard them arguing. :clown:

TL - accents are a complicated issue. At one time I felt that it would be important to know in this case. However, unless it was a FOREIGN accent, I'm not sure it's crucial to identifying MJD. US residents are very transient so an accent may not be all-telling. As I stated last night, I once had a midwestern accent - not because I came from the midwest, but because my parents did. It was only certain words - very subtle - but I got a lot of flack for it when we moved to the southwest. Over time, my whole family - parents included - adjusted to it. No trace of the former "accent." Have you lived in NE your whole life?
TL - accents are a complicated issue. At one time I felt that it would be important to know in this case. However, unless it was a FOREIGN accent, I'm not sure it's crucial to identifying MJD. US residents are very transient so an accent may not be all-telling. As I stated last night, I once had a midwestern accent - not because I came from the midwest, but because my parents did. It was only certain words - very subtle - but I got a lot of flack for it when we moved to the southwest. Over time, my whole family - parents included - adjusted to it. No trace of the former "accent." Have you lived in NE your whole life?

Yes I have only lived in Nebraska but I have been all over the United States for years. Especially in the eastern part and their accents are much more noticeable just as the people from the southern states is very noticeable. The point I was trying to make when the accent issue was first brought up was that even if she had much of an accent it's doubtful the car dealer would have noticed if she was from the Midwest because I don't think ours is as noticeable as other areas and really how much would he have heard MJD say or even remember after this many years? I just don't think this would help us ID MJD IMO :)
Yes I have only lived in Nebraska but I have been all over the United States for years. Especially in the eastern part and their accents are much more noticeable just as the people from the southern states is very noticeable. The point I was trying to make when the accent issue was first brought up was that even if she had much of an accent it's doubtful the car dealer would have noticed if she was from the Midwest because I don't think ours is as noticeable as other areas and really how much would he have heard MJD say or even remember after this many years? I just don't think this would help us ID MJD IMO :)

I was mostly thinking about what Lindsey and Alonzo remembered. But I think they're not being 100% truthful, so I guess it doesn't really matter. My point is, her accent - if she had a noticable accent - may not be important at all. IMO :)
My LE contact has had email trouble, plus being out of town.

They've talked to Robin Angers again. This time she says MJD's name is Dawn or Donna and she's from Kansas, maybe Wichita area. She also gave them the name of MJD's pimp (not KTL). They talked to him too. He remembered her:), but not her name:mad:.

Alonzo/William is back in the Grey Bar Hotel, soon to be in Maricopa Co. again. :behindbar ... be continued

Who was her pimp then if it wasn't KTL?????? :furious:
I do not believe a word Alonzo or Lindsey have said to police. They know what happened and I am sure they know who MJD is also. It's strange that all of a sudden Robin says she thinks her name was Dawn or Donna. That name would be more believable because of the initials on the ring. She doesn't sound too credible either Of course any of the people in that kind of life style are questionable to say the least.
Been out for a while guys, busy busy. Great work so far, everyone! Someone had said in a previous post that RA probably changed her story or recalled more because she thought MJD wouldn't have gone this long without being identified. I have to agree. They may have had info that seemed irrelevant at the time, too. But after almost 10 years, I believe EVERY bit of information is crucial if we want to get our girl a name.

Wanted to post to let y'all know that I contacted Missouri Child Welfare/social services and gave them the information on MJD's case. I told them that she may have been from the Kansas City area. So hopefully they can browse the archives of foster children who may have fallen through the cracks of the foster care system, or maybe know her from the streets. I'll let you guys know if I get any good news!
Phenol- I read your post and the article you posted. Thank you, that was very insightful. That may very well be MJD's story,as well as may others. She did indeed meet the profile, for sure. It makes me sad that she probably was just a young, naive girl looking for someone to love and take care of her, and some scummy pimp realized that and coherced and manipulated her into a crappy lifestyle. As much as I wish she was alive to tell her story.. reading those articles and watching documentaries on ex prostitutes.. they are so eternally traumatized that maybe it was better she didn't have to live like that and she is in a better place now, and you can't help but wonder if she is watching us down here desperately seeking a name for her. If she isn't here walking the earth, she is at least a part of us. :)
Especially when you're younger, accents adapt easily and quickly. I must be impressionable or something because I pick up traits of an accent the first day I'm somewhere. lol
Especially when you're younger, accents adapt easily and quickly. I must be impressionable or something because I pick up traits of an accent the first day I'm somewhere. lol

ME TOO! :crazy:
Well, not necessarily. I was born in the NW and moved to Nevada when I was a kid. I got teased plenty for some of my own inflections once in Nevada. accent was not NW'ern but I think because both of my folks were from the midwest. Whatever dialect I had was not from the northwest, but from the midwest, even though I never lived in the midwest!
A little O/T, but I don't even know what kind of accent I have now. I grew up in Pittsburgh and had an accent, but tried to lose it. Moved to Savannah and readily picked up a southern accent with no problem. I was in the army and exposed to many different accents. Now I live in Florida, so I lost the pittsburgh accent, lost the southern accent, but if I'm speaking with someone from Pgh or someone from the south, it comes right back!
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