Mark Hawkins *Updated*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Q: Other than those names, are you aware of anyone else Casey dated?
A: Shoot. There was one other gentleman around-- back in 2007.

..i think lee may have been referring to brandon-------not markH.

...kc was dating brandon snow, also in the military, back in 2006/2007. annie says that kc/brandon and dante/annie would hang out together at their apt. @ sawgrass.

...kc had the big meltdown at the 2008 "anything but clothes" party ( where she claimed she had miscarried brandon's baby----on (added drama)--- valentine's day ).

markH: "I first met Casey when I was transferred into Colonial High School in Orlando Florida in January 2001. We had mutual friends and became friends ourselves. We have maintained in close contact through all four years of high school and since graduation. We got closer when I was deployed to Iraq and kept in contact via email.

Following my deployment, I was on leave in Orlando and spent a great deal of time with Casey and Caylee. We went on a few dates during this time, but there was never any sexual nature to our relationship.

Casey and I never dated seriously and we both agreed that we should remain strictly friends, as I am in the military and constantly being sent to different locations. Casey didn't want a transient life for herself or Caylee and felt she was established in the Orlando area.

Since the fall of '07 Casey and I have remained good friends and have kept in regular contact through email, myspace, and telephone."

I believe it was Brandon that Lee was referring to..
:waitasec:But as it seems Casey dated both, one at the beginning of the year the other at the end of the year
Casey may not have told Lee about dating Mark H...
Dante also said BS & KC really weren't dating (or weren't bf/gf?) they just "hooked up". Sounded like BS just wasn't that into her...

Am I confused; I thought KC first confronted BS with the pregnancy/miscarriage news at the ABC party in May 2008? Or was she just being overly dramatic that day because he happened to be there?
Overly dramatic.
:seeya: It could be.. but also see posts #408 and #415. It's a toss up ;) could be a toss up...
Maybe Casey did not tell Lee about Mark H and kept telling him she was still seeing Brandon...
Nancy Grace Show Sept 19, 2008 transcript

MARK WILLIAMS, WNDB NEWSTALK 1150: Well, in Casey Anthony`s world, it`s something, I have to tell you. And she was at one time apparently planning to make a trip to see a Marine person, a person in the Marine Corps by the name of Mark Hawkins, and basically, she kept texting him from the 16th of June, feverishly, basically, I have something to tell you, and you may not like it.

And it came down to the point, she said in her text, her e-mail messages and on phone calls. that her mother, Cindy, and brother, Lee, knew what she was going to tell him. But she wanted to take that trip out to California to 29 Palms to tell him in person. We don`t know really what that is. He at one time --
Mark Hawkins at one time was a security guard at Universal Studios, where Casey allegedly worked at one time

PADILLA: Correct. It was there at 7:00 AM. And to add something to that, there was a situation where somebody here mentioned about Mark Hawkins saying that there was another...

GRACE: The Marine?

PADILLA: ... military guy or something? Well, there`s a Brandon Snow (ph) that was a friend of hers that other people have alleged could be the father that went up to North Carolina recently. I think he`s in the Army.

I did not know the Mark Hawkins used to work as a security guard at Universal...
Casey had told another friend that she had a 1 night stand with a security guard....:maddening: But then again Jesse was also a Security guard at Universal...:maddening:

Unless ALL the Men who slept with Casey in the Fall of 2004 make themselves known to LE and take a Paternity Test then IMO all we have are bits and pieces of the truth woven into the many fictional stories Casey told

I too believe the bio dad has no bearing on the Case but LE did need to investigate that angle


According to this transcript Mark was not employed by Universal, IDK why he first said he was but he corrected himself later in the same show.

GRACE: Straight out to Mark Williams at WNDB. Mark, what`s the latest?

MARK WILLIAMS, WNDB NEWSTALK 1150: Well, in Casey Anthony`s world, it`s something, I have to tell you. And she was at one time apparently planning to make a trip to see a Marine person, a person in the Marine Corps by the name of Mark Hawkins, and basically, she kept texting him from the 16th of June, feverishly, basically, I have something to tell you, and you may not like it.

And it came down to the point, she said in her text, her e-mail messages and on phone calls. that her mother, Cindy, and brother, Lee, knew what she was going to tell him. But she wanted to take that trip out to California to 29 Palms to tell him in person. We don`t know really what that is. He at one time -- Mark Hawkins at one time was a security guard at Universal Studios, where Casey allegedly worked at one time.

Back to Mark Williams at WNDB. I want to talk to you about this incident report with the Orange County Sheriff`s Office. It says that Casey Anthony was planning a trip to California. That she needed to tell this marine, Mark Hawkins, something that she had already told her mother and brother, and, quote, "she did not know how he would react about what she had to tell him."

Now, this is while little Caylee is missing. Who is this guy, and why does she have to travel all the way to California? At the time she should be looking for Caylee.

WILLIAMS: Well, you know, she`s had that 31-day search for Caylee, she says. But one thing I do want to correct is Mark Hawkins never worked at Universal Studios.
Thank You very much for the correction you see I didn't read the whole Transcript :blushing:

LOL I wouldn't have either! :innocent: I saw the corrected paragraph first elsewhere, so I only went looking to see how the statements came about! (Can't stand all the fake bombshells and old news pretending to be a revelation.) :crazy:
He could also act as the victim's advocate at sentencing, depending on whether or not KC went out of her way to hide Caylee from him.
That makes him a double victim-stripped of a child's presence in life, and stripped of the chance to ever know her.
However, at that age, I am sure whoever it was had no interest in pursuing the possibility. Especially not with a chick he was not married to and who was dating every other man with a pulse in her vicinity.

Mark liked KC and would have wanted a relationship with her, from what he writes to her, but he says they did not hook up, so scratch him from the list...he is an adult and a sexually mature being, he has no reason to lie about sleeping with her, IMO.

:waitasec: Was there not a picture of this Mark in his uniform in a hotel room? I thought it was one of the pictures Casey had taken of him the last time she saw him? It has been so long, someone please correct me here as needed. I also thought that Lee A. was with Mark's wife at one time? All questions here because like I said it has been such a long time. I just find it odd that Lee could not recall Mark's name to LE. I also wonder what all was said when Mark went to see Casey. I thought Jose had said she was not allowed to talk to anyone, but he went to Jose's office with Cindy to pick up Casey and back to the house. I so wish we knew what all was said by "all" the Anthony's and where is that wire tape audio? Do you guys think we will get to hear it?


October 2008, Hawkins, who worked with the U.S. Naval Criminal Investigative Service, or NCIS, agreed to come to Orlando, put on a wire and visit Casey.

The first time, he rode with Cindy to pick up Casey from attorney Jose Baez's office. The second time, when he wore the recording device, he visited with Casey at her house.

Casey, said her brother Lee knew most of the story about what had happened to Caylee and she would tell Mark H. all about it "some day."
As much as I dislike this RR0004 - it seems to depend on which media outlet you are talking about - one or two of them seem to be remarkably defense slanted. :maddening:
...and why some in the media never followed the money trail more closely is beyond me.
:waitasec: Was there not a picture of this Mark in his uniform in a hotel room? I thought it was one of the pictures Casey had taken of him the last time she saw him? It has been so long, someone please correct me here as needed. I also thought that Lee A. was with Mark's wife at one time? All questions here because like I said it has been such a long time. I just find it odd that Lee could not recall Mark's name to LE. I also wonder what all was said when Mark went to see Casey. I thought Jose had said she was not allowed to talk to anyone, but he went to Jose's office with Cindy to pick up Casey and back to the house. I so wish we knew what all was said by "all" the Anthony's and where is that wire tape audio? Do you guys think we will get to hear it?
Yeppers, there sure was!

ICA was in a hotel room with MH and he was dressing or undressing. They weren't around???? give me a break.
ICA was in a hotel room with MH and he was dressing or undressing. They weren't around???? give me a break.

I did not think KC took this picture, I thought this was his MySpace pic or do we know KC took this?
I also thought Lee was talking about Brandon, since she met Brandon closer to the time Lee was talking about (she met MH in 2001, right?)
Only reason I can think for Lee to lie is that he despised Tara, I mean DESPISED. Maybe it is Anthony-speak for "I hate them and want to pretend I never knew them?"

ETA-Also wonder if MH was in Basic or AIT when this picture was taken-If he was, he would not be allowed to leave his barracks with KC, you have to be signed out with a family member or a spouse only, the military does not let you leave with girlfriends, something about teaching trainees integrity...If he was active duty and beyond training, don't know if it would make a difference.
ICA was in a hotel room with MH and he was dressing or undressing. They weren't around???? give me a break.

Exactly. I think both of them want to keep it a secret for different reasons. Good lord who do they think they're fooling??
Was Hawkins not asked if he would object to a DNA test? or did i dream that? I coulda swore i read it and that he agreed. Hawkins had no reason to lie. He came forward and did the right thing. Knowing the parentage was a mystery i cant see him coming forward and then lying.
ICA had already named Jesse as the Daddy and that was proven wrong. We know she lies and doesn't think past 10 minutes.
Was Hawkins not asked if he would object to a DNA test? or did i dream that? I coulda swore i read it and that he agreed. Hawkins had no reason to lie. He came forward and did the right thing. Knowing the parentage was a mystery i cant see him coming forward and then lying.

If he took a DNA test, something would be amiss, because he is also stating here that he did not sleep with KC-I guess he could still take one, but if he took one on the premise that he did sleep with her, then he did also lie...odd.

I don't really care if he slept with every woman in Florida, just wanna know his level of honesty. He has to be more careful than a civilian as far as lying, as it could get him into trouble not only in the Florida court system, but big ole trouble with the military. He has a lot to lose-But then, everyone near KC loses something in one way or another.
If he took a DNA test, something would be amiss, because he is also stating here that he did not sleep with KC-I guess he could still take one, but if he took one on the premise that he did sleep with her, then he did also lie...odd.

I don't really care if he slept with every woman in Florida, just wanna know his level of honesty. He has to be more careful than a civilian as far as lying, as it could get him into trouble not only in the Florida court system, but big ole trouble with the military. He has a lot to lose-But then, everyone near KC loses something in one way or another.

IIRC LE had asked MH if he would submit to one and he replied Yes. I hope I didn't dream it in this convoluted mess. Yes those that shared air space with KC seem to be dragged into this. Anyone else remember? Wonder if it was even done. I'm sure LE would want it????
Was Hawkins not asked if he would object to a DNA test? or did i dream that? I coulda swore i read it and that he agreed. Hawkins had no reason to lie. He came forward and did the right thing. Knowing the parentage was a mystery i cant see him coming forward and then lying.
I know, right? I swear I read or heard that too a long time ago..or either I had the same dream you had! I don't think he stepped forward and lied. All he said was they did not have a sexual relationship in 2007, he said nothing about years before. And if they did have a 'hook-up' or a few before, why would he publicly announce that? I am sure that he would tell LE if it were so, but they would not make that public, IMO, at least not now. Imagine how that would go down with the press, etc. It would be a bombshell, one that I assume the Military would also want to protect him from. It is up to the father, whomever he may be, to be made public or not if he is not a suspect. MH has plenty of alibi he was in Cali and knew nothing.
IIRC LE had asked MH if he would submit to one and he replied Yes. I hope I didn't dream it in this convoluted mess. Yes those that shared air space with KC seem to be dragged into this. Anyone else remember? Wonder if it was even done. I'm sure LE would want it????
If you ever find where you saw that, can you please post a link?

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