Mark Sievers Trial General Discussion Thread

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RE: the G*M account and LS
You remembered and kept track of a lot about it. Thank You so much for the reminders. Wow, you live nearby and it's sure to get your attention and your insight. I'm with you, I hope her family gets Justice.
We moved about 8 miles north, however, we are in BS a lot. You can see their house from the main street (E. Terry) and every time we drive by there I say a prayer for justice for TS and her girls. The house is so big, it sticks out in that neighborhood. It's heartbreaking to think of what happened in that house of horrors! News reports have been very constant and common here in the last 4 years. I'm thankful the girls no longer live here. Not only is the case on the actual news, it's also inserted into all the local news stations commercials - every - single - day. Ugh.
Oh, I take what you have to say seriously. You know what you're talking about. It scares me to have you say that there's a chance he might walk. Unbearable if that happens! I can't figure out why the State is not presenting anything that is in-depth emotionally. It's all cut and dry evidence and data, and Hamid so monotone.

The State is going no where near what is needed in a DP trial, I'd say. Jurors are going to need some actual dirt, IMO. Mark's still coming across without much personality.

Teresa has been cheated with not enough investment in telling who she was, or how loved she was by her patients and within the community.

The only hope is that the Jury sounds very astute, taking lots of notes. There's the insurance policies and money motive?

Such a good post!
I remember that now. I think the hysterics show MS put on was in his mother-in-law's back yard....but, he did not tell her until they were on the plane coming home.
That's right--in Teresa's mother's interview with LE, she said that Mark told her that Teresa was dead at the house, but didn't tell her that it had been a murder until they were on the plane going home to FL
That's right--in Teresa's mother's interview with LE, she said that Mark told her that Teresa was dead at the house, but didn't tell her that it had been a murder until they were on the plane going home to FL

Just one of those inconsequential details he somehow left out of the convo. SMH
Unbelievable! Especially since MS knew TS had 4 million in life insurance and $50,000 dollars was found in the home. What a scam artist! Once again, the jury really needs to know about this and all the other things Mark did that clearly demonstrated a consciousness of guilt. JMO thing that confused me with reading some of the texts between them is that had a 9.4 or 9.5 million Was it on their practice/medical building/commercial real estate? They only mentioned it twice I believe, but I thought I read the daily interest was 1,000 per DAY. I would have to dig back to find it. Did anyone else make anything out of that reference to that huge loan, or understand what it was??

Interview with GA: Teresa Sievers' mother
Date: July 2nd, 2015 (four days after the murder)

29:06 GA speculates that Teresa had just recently been granted her licence to bear arms (permit) but wasn't sure whether Teresa had purchased a personal firearm or not before her death

(MS would have been aware of this. Had he tried to postpone this purchase so that Teresa wasn't armed before the murder was meant to take place? Did he have firearms present in the home? I'm from Australia so I'd be interested to know whether it is legal in the state of Florida to conceal and carry?)

34:16 (It's not even case related, but simply reflective of the kind of person Teresa was. GA is describing the way that Teresa would bring food with her everywhere she went, every time she visit. She says that T was getting to the point where she wanted the girls to make their own decisions when it came to food. That they'd created the foundation for healthy eating but that the girls were now old enough to choose for themselves. I just think this incredible, strong parenting on T's behalf. Health and wellbeing was such a integral part of Teresa's life and such a huge passion of hers. The girls were still very young. Many parents would only allow their children a sense of self-governance at an older age - early to mid teens. Despite Teresa's convictions to her practice and lifestyle, she wanted to allow her daughters the freedom to decide for themselves. I just found this interesting and note-worthy when constructing a picture of who Teresa was as a mother.)

38:38 Investigator mentions MP. GA immediately recognises the name and exclaims, "That's the doctor! That's the doctor that Mark called. Well I guess Sandra called Mark on his cell phone I guess about 9.30 Monday morning. And says Mark, doctor hasn't come in yet and that's not like her. Do you think maybe she overslept? Mark says "Not likely, she might be running a few minutes late" but you know, she was always on time to get to work. So now he's trying to get a hold of her, I'm trying to get a hold of her, texting her and this and that and we're not getting any answers and he's already in tears. He didn't know what happened but he's already in tears thinking the worst. And I'm saying, "Mark, you've got to be calm and collected. You've got to see that there's a rational reason for this".

"So finally he just couldn't get a hold of her so he says I gotta go to the - oh I know, he says, check for her phone! And it showed that it only had 4% left on it and he said that she was having problems with her phone keeping a charge. She took home a charger so he didn't have a complete charger - he was using my charger. So anyways, he called Mark, he saw if Mark's around. I think he called Mark first, he didn't answer, he left a message. So in the meantime, because he didn't get an answer, he called his mother. And they were heading out - I just found out - that they were actually on the road.

"And then Mark called back to my son in law and said "Well I'm right around the corner so I'll go check on her. And they made some joking comments about how it could all go about should he go through the front door. I guess Mark says maybe I should go in...? Mark told him to use the code. And see I don't remember exactly how it went but he says well maybe you better go through the front door. But then he (MP) says "But if I go through the front door, Teresa's got a gun she might think it's an intruder and shoot me and then it'll come out that Teresa shot her best friends husband" because she didn't know who he was, thinking he was an intruder so they start laughing about it and so evidently when she didn't answer the front door, he went around the back and used the code. And that's when he called Mark and says, "Mark, you've gotta come home. Now. Fast." And I guess he must have told him that she was dead and then we were both up in the yard, screaming, crying. And I says, "You can't tell the kids now!" So he knew their psychologist that they were with that had seen the kids for different situations and they were on vacation but he was able to reach the husband who was out hiking and told what happened. He ran back to the cabin to wake up his wife and they talked.

"I don't think you should tell the kids anything right now except that we were going home, "Mimi's coming home with us" and that's what we did. They were a little kinda apprehensive trying to understand what was going on. We were trying to make light of it, "Mimi's coming down with us" and we didn't tell them until we got back to Bonnie's house because we couldn't get into the house and then her partner, L and her husband came over... And then we told the kids. J was screaming her head off, C - she's such a tough cookie. She was sobbing, sobbing hard but you know maybe because she was a little bit younger she didn't know how to express her feelings. She didn't scream like J did. But now J - she's so intuitive - she's like her mother almost - you know spirit-wise. "Mommy's not here with her body but I know she's here in spirit." And, you could "feel her energy" - this is her 11-year-old daughter."

(I don't know where the claims come from that many people here have made that the moment MS first told GA that Teresa was dead was during the flight back to Florida. In this interview, GA herself says that it happened right after MS recieved the call from Dr P. However, Dr P testifies under oath that he did not tell MS that Teresa had died. He says that this was not something he would do over the phone. Therefore there is a huge discrepancy present here. Dr P says that he didn't tell Mark. GA seems to think that he did. "I guess he must have told him that she was dead." GA knows a lot about and can quote the conversation MS had with Dr P. Did MS use speakerphone while taking this call, was it loud enough for GA to hear both MS and Dr P or was the content of the call relayed back to GA once MS was off the phone? If he had been using speaker, it can be assumed that GA would have heard the moment that MP supposedly told MS that Teresa was dead. She only says that she guesses MP must have told him, but she remembers them talking about how MP would get into the house and laughing about the potential of being mistaken by T as an intruder and getting shot.

MOO - but I believe MP didn't tell MS that Teresa was dead. MS knew it was done when MP called after entering the home and found her body and confirmed it for him just by saying "you have to come home now. Fast." If this really was all he'd said - especially if he'd indeed used the word "fast" - this would leave the possibility that Teresa was only injured and needed the immediate presence of her family. There's no way that MS could have assumed that Teresa was, in fact, dead unless he'd asked more and recieved a defintive answer - which MP testifies didn't happen. He claims that MS only asked if it was a burglary.

Contrary to popular belief, this interview reveals that MS told GA that Teresa was dead while they were still interstate, NOT while they were flying back to Florida. It also shows that MS revealed this information to GA after the call from MP. Many of us are wondering whether MS received formal confirmation that his wife had been murdered. I speculate that MS made it very clear that he already knew - even though MP claims he never told MS. This is incredibly damning if, in fact, all statements are true. I'm very much inclined to believe GA's statements - especially in this interview. It took place just a few days after she'd learned of her daughter's death. The memories were fresh and vivid. She even remembers the silver nail polish on Teresa's toes. When asked if she had any more questions for the detective, she replies that she just wants them to find whoever did this to her daughter. Her main priority (other than supporting her grieving family) is to assist the investigation. There is no plausible reason why she would want to lie. She doesn't describe any bond or close relationship between herself and MS. She is not protecting him. She goes into detail about the girls' heartbreaking reactions to the news but only touches on "screaming and crying" in the yard with MS. He took her away from the home to tell her what he knew. What were those moments like? Did GA have any indication as he led her out there that he knew something terrible had happened?

I'd like to know her recollection about his demeanour that day. Did she see or hear him call his mother after his attempt to call Dr P? (If he really is involved, did he really want to risk having his own mother find Teresa's bludgeoned body?) What was he like as he booked the plane tickets for that day? What really happened on the flight home? Did they attempt to go back to the family home? Because wouldn't the girls have seen the presence of crime scene technicians and law enforcement swarming the home? GA and MS knew by this point that Teresa was dead so if, in fact, MS had tried to go back to their family home, this would indicate that he wanted to see the commotion and attention that his wife's murder had stirred up. He would have wanted for GA and the girls to see that it was real. But GA says that they "couldn't get into the house" and went to MS' mother's house instead. This makes it unclear whether there was an attempt made to go to the Sievers' residence or whether they went straight to Bonnie's.

How quickly did the news spread?! And who notified the staff at the medical practice for them to all be present at Bonnie's once the family returned to Florida?

GA first claims that she didn't know whether or not Teresa had a personal firearm, but later says that MP refused to enter through the front door because "Teresa's got a gun". For me, this proves her truthfulness because she's not relying on the words of others and after-the-fact knowledge to construct her answers. She could have said, "I didn't know whether she had one but MP claimed that she did." She just said that she didn't know, but later said that MP knew that she had one.
Where are people getting this information that MS told GA Teresa was murdered/died while they were on the plane to Florida?

EDIT: Chicago helped me to find the additional source :)
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I heard his mother say it in an interview. I can't remember if it was her interview with LE or the interview that they gave with a morning show. I will check.

I couldn't find it in the interview I linked above.

Found it in the news report:

Thanks for helping me to find the source, @ChicagoChic :)

BTW: The reporter says that the family flew down to Florida "days later"??

Man, I hope GA is approached by a writer who can help her to turn her story into a book about all this. I'd really like to know more detail about that week - what Mark was like in the days leading up, what really happened the day they found out and what it was like as they returned to Florida etc. I can't be truly satisfied with just snippets from one of the most credible witnesses to Mark's behaviour!

Small correction... The GoGimmeMoney was originally one million! One million... Who does that? When he immediately started getting blowback, they dropped the amount.

Donation accounts set up for family of slain Estero doctor

@Wyle_E_Coyote - THANK YOU, THANK YOU for that correction and assisting my memory!

Exactly! ONE MILLION! Who does that except for a greedy, manipulating narcissist? That's what started my obsession with the give me money fund. It was the LARGEST goal I'd ever seen!

Pure evil.
I am interesting to learn what Lenka Spiska has to say, but the only video that I found is some obscure online news site that expects us to hear it. Looking for info on what she has said (which I understand wasn't kind to Teresa =( )
LS was throwing TS under the bus very quickly after the murder. One thing I remember is her saying that TS was depressed and was taking anti-depressants. The autopsy revealed that there were NO anti-depressants in her system!! LS and her hubby were tight with MS right after the murder and MS and girls spent some time at their place - especially the following day when the "give me money fund" was set up. I think she has a lot to tell, however, I don't trust she will tell the truth at all. IMO thing that confused me with reading some of the texts between them is that had a 9.4 or 9.5 million Was it on their practice/medical building/commercial real estate? They only mentioned it twice I believe, but I thought I read the daily interest was 1,000 per DAY. I would have to dig back to find it. Did anyone else make anything out of that reference to that huge loan, or understand what it was??

That was on the building where her practice was. I remember it being a co-op type where all businesses in there owned a portion of the building and were responsible for mortgage, taxes, etc. I also think that she wanted to get out of there? Other owners were leaving and it was so expensive.
In this interview at 30.10, her mother says that when Teresa was alone and Mark was out of town and she felt afraid that she would call Dr. Mark Petrites.

This is the interview (2:09)where his mother says that it was on the plane that he revealed that it was murder:
LS was throwing TS under the bus very quickly after the murder. One thing I remember is her saying that TS was depressed and was taking anti-depressants. The autopsy revealed that there were NO anti-depressants in her system!! LS and her hubby were tight with MS right after the murder and MS and girls spent some time at their place - especially the following day when the "give me money fund" was set up. I think she has a lot to tell, however, I don't trust she will tell the truth at all. IMO

Another brick in the wall that MS was setting up the story that he was the victim in the relationship. Unless a doctor comes up and says that yes, they prescribed her antidepressants, I continue to believe he was telling all kinds of lies about TS to everyone who could be in a position to help him and it worked if LS was repeating lies and gossip.

He was gaslighting his wife. Gaslighting her to herself and to her friends, his friends, her professional relationships, family, co-workers, employees, social groups... I wonder what he told her children, too. Backhandedly undermining her to them, no doubt.

The phone spoofing thing where she even told him in text messages how odd it was that her phone was showing his texts to her as coming from her own phone. I know I said it before a couple of days ago, but it's just so insidious and devious it bears repeating. It also should have made for microscopic examination of ALL texts to ANYONE that originated from her number because while it may have been her number, they certainly weren't all from her phone.
Here is the discovery evidence photo showing Teresa's conceal/carry license in FL and she was a silver member of the gun club.


Interview with GA: Teresa Sievers' mother
Date: July 2nd, 2015 (four days after the murder)

29:06 GA speculates that Teresa had just recently been granted her licence to bear arms (permit) but wasn't sure whether Teresa had purchased a personal firearm or not before her death

(MS would have been aware of this. Had he tried to postpone this purchase so that Teresa wasn't armed before the murder was meant to take place? Did he have firearms present in the home? I'm from Australia so I'd be interested to know whether it is legal in the state of Florida to conceal and carry?)

34:16 (It's not even case related, but simply reflective of the kind of person Teresa was. GA is describing the way that Teresa would bring food with her everywhere she went, every time she visit. She says that T was getting to the point where she wanted the girls to make their own decisions when it came to food. That they'd created the foundation for healthy eating but that the girls were now old enough to choose for themselves. I just think this incredible, strong parenting on T's behalf. Health and wellbeing was such a integral part of Teresa's life and such a huge passion of hers. The girls were still very young. Many parents would only allow their children a sense of self-governance at an older age - early to mid teens. Despite Teresa's convictions to her practice and lifestyle, she wanted to allow her daughters the freedom to decide for themselves. I just found this interesting and note-worthy when constructing a picture of who Teresa was as a mother.)

38:38 Investigator mentions MP. GA immediately recognises the name and exclaims, "That's the doctor! That's the doctor that Mark called. Well I guess Sandra called Mark on his cell phone I guess about 9.30 Monday morning. And says Mark, doctor hasn't come in yet and that's not like her. Do you think maybe she overslept? Mark says "Not likely, she might be running a few minutes late" but you know, she was always on time to get to work. So now he's trying to get a hold of her, I'm trying to get a hold of her, texting her and this and that and we're not getting any answers and he's already in tears. He didn't know what happened but he's already in tears thinking the worst. And I'm saying, "Mark, you've got to be calm and collected. You've got to see that there's a rational reason for this".

"So finally he just couldn't get a hold of her so he says I gotta go to the - oh I know, he says, check for her phone! And it showed that it only had 4% left on it and he said that she was having problems with her phone keeping a charge. She took home a charger so he didn't have a complete charger - he was using my charger. So anyways, he called Mark, he saw if Mark's around. I think he called Mark first, he didn't answer, he left a message. So in the meantime, because he didn't get an answer, he called his mother. And they were heading out - I just found out - that they were actually on the road.

"And then Mark called back to my son in law and said "Well I'm right around the corner so I'll go check on her. And they made some joking comments about how it could all go about should he go through the front door. I guess Mark says maybe I should go in...? Mark told him to use the code. And see I don't remember exactly how it went but he says well maybe you better go through the front door. But then he (MP) says "But if I go through the front door, Teresa's got a gun she might think it's an intruder and shoot me and then it'll come out that Teresa shot her best friends husband" because she didn't know who he was, thinking he was an intruder so they start laughing about it and so evidently when she didn't answer the front door, he went around the back and used the code. And that's when he called Mark and says, "Mark, you've gotta come home. Now. Fast." And I guess he must have told him that she was dead and then we were both up in the yard, screaming, crying. And I says, "You can't tell the kids now!" So he knew their psychologist that they were with that had seen the kids for different situations and they were on vacation but he was able to reach the husband who was out hiking and told what happened. He ran back to the cabin to wake up his wife and they talked.

"I don't think you should tell the kids anything right now except that we were going home, "Mimi's coming home with us" and that's what we did. They were a little kinda apprehensive trying to understand what was going on. We were trying to make light of it, "Mimi's coming down with us" and we didn't tell them until we got back to Bonnie's house because we couldn't get into the house and then her partner, L and her husband came over... And then we told the kids. J was screaming her head off, C - she's such a tough cookie. She was sobbing, sobbing hard but you know maybe because she was a little bit younger she didn't know how to express her feelings. She didn't scream like J did. But now J - she's so intuitive - she's like her mother almost - you know spirit-wise. "Mommy's not here with her body but I know she's here in spirit." And, you could "feel her energy" - this is her 11-year-old daughter."

(I don't know where the claims come from that many people here have made that the moment MS first told GA that Teresa was dead was during the flight back to Florida. In this interview, GA herself says that it happened right after MS recieved the call from Dr P. However, Dr P testifies under oath that he did not tell MS that Teresa had died. He says that this was not something he would do over the phone. Therefore there is a huge discrepancy present here. Dr P says that he didn't tell Mark. GA seems to think that he did. "I guess he must have told him that she was dead." GA knows a lot about and can quote the conversation MS had with Dr P. Did MS use speakerphone while taking this call, was it loud enough for GA to hear both MS and Dr P or was the content of the call relayed back to GA once MS was off the phone? If he had been using speaker, it can be assumed that GA would have heard the moment that MP supposedly told MS that Teresa was dead. She only says that she guesses MP must have told him, but she remembers them talking about how MP would get into the house and laughing about the potential of being mistaken by T as an intruder and getting shot.

MOO - but I believe MP didn't tell MS that Teresa was dead. MS knew it was done when MP called after entering the home and found her body and confirmed it for him just by saying "you have to come home now. Fast." If this really was all he'd said - especially if he'd indeed used the word "fast" - this would leave the possibility that Teresa was only injured and needed the immediate presence of her family. There's no way that MS could have assumed that Teresa was, in fact, dead unless he'd asked more and recieved a defintive answer - which MP testifies didn't happen. He claims that MS only asked if it was a burglary.

Contrary to popular belief, this interview reveals that MS told GA that Teresa was dead while they were still interstate, NOT while they were flying back to Florida. It also shows that MS revealed this information to GA after the call from MP. Many of us are wondering whether MS received formal confirmation that his wife had been murdered. I speculate that MS made it very clear that he already knew - even though MP claims he never told MS. This is incredibly damning if, in fact, all statements are true. I'm very much inclined to believe GA's statements - especially in this interview. It took place just a few days after she'd learned of her daughter's death. The memories were fresh and vivid. She even remembers the silver nail polish on Teresa's toes. When asked if she had any more questions for the detective, she replies that she just wants them to find whoever did this to her daughter. Her main priority (other than supporting her grieving family) is to assist the investigation. There is no plausible reason why she would want to lie. She doesn't describe any bond or close relationship between herself and MS. She is not protecting him. She goes into detail about the girls' heartbreaking reactions to the news but only touches on "screaming and crying" in the yard with MS. He took her away from the home to tell her what he knew. What were those moments like? Did GA have any indication as he led her out there that he knew something terrible had happened?

I'd like to know her recollection about his demeanour that day. Did she see or hear him call his mother after his attempt to call Dr P? (If he really is involved, did he really want to risk having his own mother find Teresa's bludgeoned body?) What was he like as he booked the plane tickets for that day? What really happened on the flight home? Did they attempt to go back to the family home? Because wouldn't the girls have seen the presence of crime scene technicians and law enforcement swarming the home? GA and MS knew by this point that Teresa was dead so if, in fact, MS had tried to go back to their family home, this would indicate that he wanted to see the commotion and attention that his wife's murder had stirred up. He would have wanted for GA and the girls to see that it was real. But GA says that they "couldn't get into the house" and went to MS' mother's house instead. This makes it unclear whether there was an attempt made to go to the Sievers' residence or whether they went straight to Bonnie's.

How quickly did the news spread?! And who notified the staff at the medical practice for them to all be present at Bonnie's once the family returned to Florida?

GA first claims that she didn't know whether or not Teresa had a personal firearm, but later says that MP refused to enter through the front door because "Teresa's got a gun". For me, this proves her truthfulness because she's not relying on the words of others and after-the-fact knowledge to construct her answers. She could have said, "I didn't know whether she had one but MP claimed that she did." She just said that she didn't know, but later said that MP knew that she had one.
I am interesting to learn what Lenka Spiska has to say, but the only video that I found is some obscure online news site that expects us to hear it. Looking for info on what she has said (which I understand wasn't kind to Teresa =( )

There's two audio interviews in that MS audio list of files posted back in this thread.
#1 is 24 min., but I can't get any sound.
#2 is 31 min. YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO IT.

Granted, the detective asked LS many questions about TS, and LS felt she was being helpful and that she knew TS well, maybe better than TS knew herself. (LS is full of her self, MOO.)

This is just my take on what I'm hearing. If you listen to it, you'll hear her knocking Sandra from the office a lot. LS says Teresa lived on the edge, she had addictions with her self image and controlling her food, sexual, excess energy, she took and was on antidepressants RX under Mark's name. Teresa told her she was never happy growing up. When TS was 12 yrs. old...
LS tries to pronounce a medical condition in an amateur way, MOO, she seems to think she's a professional medical person. LS showed TS how to fill her soul and be more happy. Yes, Mark was jealous, but TS told Mark too much and stirred up his anger. TS was a very explosive person and he, Mark, drove her crazy. Lots changed when LS came on the scene. She definitely shares way too much about TS and it's shaded by LS's opinion. She does say several times Mark drove TS crazy and LS was guiding her I guess to more happiness. Towards the end of the #2 audio, LS talks about how big the alternative medicine field movement was growing. TS was going to be very influential. (and MOO again, LS was going to ride the wave) TS was fearless, but it was dangerous because doctors were being killed for being alternative medicine. LS suggests that, too, danger from the pharmaceutical mafia.

I got a lot out of listening to this again after all these years. I can't imagine what she'll say now in the courtroom.

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