Your posts strongly suggest that you don't believe the medical conclusion, and definately think RZ did something to MS. Is everyone missing something? I read that RZ treated MS like her son, so why would she harm him? I think you( or someone else- I have to recheck) posted suspicisons that RZ did something to MS becasue she was angry where JS went? We heard he walked to the gym. Is this true, or did he go to DS place? Somewhere else? Any inside scoop?
.......So, you speculate that RZ could have done something to MS. I guess we don't know what went down. IF RZ did do something to MS, and threw him over the balcony.... he would have fallen straight down. She could not have propelled him with enough force to bring down the chandelier, then continue to fly across to lower staircase, then flat on floor.
Just wondering what your thoughts are, since both deaths are being questioned.
I believe the AR are accurate. I don't see a discrepancy between what the SW said, and the AR said. One doesn't necessarily negate the other.
I have never made a post about anyone being angry about anyone going to a gym.