Max's Search Warrants Released!!!! Discuss Max's Death here #2

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As far as I can tell, that is the only article that claims JS, two teenagers and Max all went to the airport that morning.

The book author, McKenna, I quoted in another thread

Author: writeaboutit
The times and movements of the family that day do not match Rebecca’s blackberry. Which shows Mr. Shacknai’s children leaving at noon and little Max going to his mother.

Someone stole Rebecca’s credit card, the charges are to the Apple Ipod store and a dating site called Zoomsk. Miss Zahau and Mr. Shacknai’s daughter had a very contentious relationship, terrible is a better word, her family has spoken about this at some length.
So, I guess she is saying the plans were for them to leave at noon. If this is true, when were those plans changed?
I've seen the commercials for the alleged dating site. It's zoosk, not zoomsk.

I am so out of the loop on this case,but want to inject,spinal cord injury would almost be a given in a fall like that. He would have checked for it and checked again and again. JMO

ITA with you! Yes, they would. They wouldn't just sit there and not check to see if Max had a spinal cord injury. They would be derelict in their duties since they knew he had fallen from an upstairs balcony.

ITA with you! Yes, they would. They wouldn't just sit there and not check to see if Max had a spinal cord injury. They would be derelict in their duties since they knew he had fallen from an upstairs balcony.


Whether they would or not, where in the autopsy report does it say that they did diagnose spinal cord contusion while he was still alive? If they did diagnose it then it should have been noted as such in the autopsy report.
Hi Ocean, I really don't think Max was planking. It appears to me that there was much more of a force involved in his fall for him to get the injuries he had.
Besides, isn't that more of a teen or older person's game?

I've been trying to imagine different scenarios but so far nothing that seems logical. How about you?

I don't think Max was planking, either, fwiw.

With regards to planking being a teen or older person's game - my friend, her spouse, & their 3 kids went on vacation this past summer to Colorado, and while @ Mesa Verde, the kids (including the 7 year old) all planked @ the ruins (of course, none of them were perched on objects @ dangerous heights).

I wouldn't be surprised if Kathleen McKenna (the person who's currently drafting a book about RZ's death) was the source of the planking rumor (I could be mistaken).
Hi Ocean, I really don't think Max was planking. It appears to me that there was much more of a force involved in his fall for him to get the injuries he had.
Besides, isn't that more of a teen or older person's game?

I've been trying to imagine different scenarios but so far nothing that seems logical. How about you?

Hi Callie.

I am with you. I dont believe he was planking or on his scooter either.

I don't think Max was planking, either, fwiw.

With regards to planking being a teen or older person's game - my friend, her spouse, & their 3 kids went on vacation this past summer to Colorado, and while @ Mesa Verde, the kids (including the 7 year old) all planked @ the ruins (of course, none of them were perched on objects @ dangerous heights).

I wouldn't be surprised if Kathleen McKenna (the person who's currently drafting a book about RZ's death) was the source of the planking rumor (I could be mistaken).

Hi sorrell, Planking seems like such a ridiculous, pointless and certainly not anything requiring any talent. I mean no disrespect to your friend and family but there must be more creative activities they could indulge in together, wouldn't you think?

Who is this Kathleen McKenna?
Hi Callie.

I am with you. I dont believe he was planking or on his scooter either.


I agree too, I'm visualizing something closer to him standing on the banister. If he was standing up there, for some reason, and then fell, the length of his body with arms stretched out would be more likely to catch on the chandelier to pull it down. I don't see him trying scooter tricks on the banister, as the newel posts would get in the way, but maybe he might have tried to simply balance on the scooter on the banister without trying to roll anywhere. If he was planking, he'd have been laying down, and if he had fallen, it just seems like he'd have fallen straight down, not swung out all across the stairwell. Just my understanding of physics and the way I visualize it.
Hi Callie.

I am with you. I dont believe he was planking or on his scooter either.


I think this whole case is beginning to drive me nuts. lol I'm up until the wee hours reading everything I can and the documents several times over.
Trying to figure out how his head was jerked backwards from landing on his face.
I think this whole case is beginning to drive me nuts. lol I'm up until the wee hours reading everything I can and the documents several times over.
Trying to figure out how his head was jerked backwards from landing on his face.

Perhaps, because his body wasn't exactly prone when he landed? He landed face first, his body sloping upward, but he was nearly vertical, making the point of impact head first on the high hairline are of his forehead where the skull fracture is. After the upper forehead hit, his head would have rolled backward as the shoulders, torso and the rest of his body came down. That would have been a lot of backward force on his head causing the whiplash like injury. all his body weight would have snapped his head backward.
From an article that talks about Max's suffocation. A Maurice Godwin left a comment:

Maurice Godwin · Univeristy of Liverpool
Actually the truth is Dr. Brad Peterson later agreed with the medical examiner about the explanation of the suffocation, that is occurred due to the fall and not before the fall.

I don't know if this is the same Dr. Maurice Godwin who has brought up the unexplained shoe/foot print, and whether he is telling the truth or not about Dr. Brad Peterson agreeing with the ME, but I found it quite interesting nevertheless.
The book author, McKenna, I quoted in another thread

So, I guess she is saying the plans were for them to leave at noon. If this is true, when were those plans changed?

Great find!
Reading that post gave me the chills....
From an article that talks about Max's suffocation. A Maurice Godwin left a comment:

Maurice Godwin · Univeristy of Liverpool
Actually the truth is Dr. Brad Peterson later agreed with the medical examiner about the explanation of the suffocation, that is occurred due to the fall and not before the fall.

I don't know if this is the same Dr. Maurice Godwin who has brought up the unexplained shoe/foot print, and whether he is telling the truth or not about Dr. Brad Peterson agreeing with the ME, but I found it quite interesting nevertheless.
All of us can read the autopsy report. I don't see any evidence Max was diagnosed with spinal cord damage while still alive. Now, I am not a physician, so I don't know the reason for that. Perhaps it was a hard thing to diagnose because he had no damage to his spine, only to the spinal cord.
But I am pretty certain had this diagnosis been made, the doctor would have no basis to believe Max was suffocated. And autopsy report would have stated that the diagnosis of spinal cord damage was made while Max was still alive.
i've been here from the start but was recently been hospitalized and am now home and catching up. sadly, it is clear that some things haven't changed.

to those of you who STILL insist on casting doubt on RZ, presuming she either had it in for MS or was an irresponsible/unfit guardian who told him "no scooter in the house" only to turn around and allow the scooter in the house....and up on the second floor or even, according to some, on top of the stinkin' banister.....

do you have children?

have you never, ever told them not to do something and found out only later they'd ignored you and done it anyway?

if not, here this, either you are fooling yourselves, your children are excellent liars, or both. it is completely naive in ANY household to believe that children are not sneaking around, breaking their caregiver's rules on a fairly regular basis. period. that's what kids do. they break the rules, they suffer consequences, they LEARN. generally, and god willing, such consequences are ones like burning or smashing a finger, bruising an elbow or knee, breaking an arm...but generally is not always, as this case so tragically demonstrates.

still, it is dangerous and frankly, irresponsible to assume that because your household has not been the scene of the death of a child that your household couldn't be or never will be. would it be your fault if your child broke your rule and died because of it? how would your every word or action hold up under the scrutiny of those willing to go to any length to twist and turn an accident into something sinister? do you think you couldn't possibly be suspected or even charged with a crime (assuming you weren't murdered, first) because, after all, innocent people have nothing to hide and nothing to worry about? are you kidding me?

this tragedy occurred in the household of a multi-millionaire. if you think that's irrelevant, please reconsider. do you honestly believe that JS was actually around enough to even KNOW, other than second-hand, whether MS had ever ridden the scooter inside, and upstairs? and even if he knew, do you think he'd have handled following up on any new scooter-related rules? really? not a chance, imo. far, far, far more likely this was a household like many wealthy households, and all wealthy households i've had experience with....which is to say, prior to RZ, this was a household wherein the kids didn't have to answer to anyone for much, and largely, were on their own. the arrival of RZ into the mix and the various reactions of the S kids to her only serves to convince me that but for RZ, there was little to no supervision, time, actual attention given those kids. MS thrived under the consistency RZ offered and that's why a bond formed between them. the older kids reportedly resented her which, imo, makes perfect sense. the older kids were used to being loved by way of money and things as opposed to time and attention. they were teenagers who'd learned to work their father's system. the last thing they'd want is someone coming in who truly pays attention to what they're doing. i find it hard to believe that anyone is actually shocked by any of the above but if so, please understand that a man does not become who JS is in this world because he's spending his time with his children. period. end of story.

moving on to the neighbor and the scream. i don't believe for a second all of those who claim they would immediately call 911, based on a lone holler which seemed to emanate from the direction of a home owned by a man more wealthy and powerful and intimidating than donald trump himself......and oh, by the way, also one that happens to be mere steps from the beach, smack in the middle of tourist season. give me a break. i applaud the neighbor for coming forward at all as doing so took far more courage than some here seem willing to recognize. one can only hope that should there be other "witnesses" in coronado, weighing in their own minds whether it's worth it to take their information to LE, they do not read the posts here by folks who would view them merely as another person whose motives are open for the shredding.

one final random thought: the doc who initially claimed suffocation must be kicking himself right about now. what a deplorable move that was. i cannot imagine the guilt he must be carrying, wondering whether his disproven suspicion, vocalized to the wrong people, led to murder. like they can't make this stuff up.
i've been here from the start but was recently been hospitalized and am now home and catching up. sadly, it is clear that some things haven't changed.

to those of you who STILL insist on casting doubt on RZ, presuming she either had it in for MS or was an irresponsible/unfit guardian who told him "no scooter in the house" only to turn around and allow the scooter in the house....and up on the second floor or even, according to some, on top of the stinkin' banister.....

do you have children?

have you never, ever told them not to do something and found out only later they'd ignored you and done it anyway?

if not, here this, either you are fooling yourselves, your children are excellent liars, or both. it is completely naive in ANY household to believe that children are not sneaking around, breaking their caregiver's rules on a fairly regular basis. period. that's what kids do. they break the rules, they suffer consequences, they LEARN. generally, and god willing, such consequences are ones like burning or smashing a finger, bruising an elbow or knee, breaking an arm...but generally is not always, as this case so tragically demonstrates.

still, it is dangerous and frankly, irresponsible to assume that because your household has not been the scene of the death of a child that your household couldn't be or never will be. would it be your fault if your child broke your rule and died because of it? how would your every word or action hold up under the scrutiny of those willing to go to any length to twist and turn an accident into something sinister? do you think you couldn't possibly be suspected or even charged with a crime (assuming you weren't murdered, first) because, after all, innocent people have nothing to hide and nothing to worry about? are you kidding me?

this tragedy occurred in the household of a multi-millionaire. if you think that's irrelevant, please reconsider. do you honestly believe that JS was actually around enough to even KNOW, other than second-hand, whether MS had ever ridden the scooter inside, and upstairs? and even if he knew, do you think he'd have handled following up on any new scooter-related rules? really? not a chance, imo. far, far, far more likely this was a household like many wealthy households, and all wealthy households i've had experience with....which is to say, prior to RZ, this was a household wherein the kids didn't have to answer to anyone for much, and largely, were on their own. the arrival of RZ into the mix and the various reactions of the S kids to her only serves to convince me that but for RZ, there was little to no supervision, time, actual attention given those kids. MS thrived under the consistency RZ offered and that's why a bond formed between them. the older kids reportedly resented her which, imo, makes perfect sense. the older kids were used to being loved by way of money and things as opposed to time and attention. they were teenagers who'd learned to work their father's system. the last thing they'd want is someone coming in who truly pays attention to what they're doing. i find it hard to believe that anyone is actually shocked by any of the above but if so, please understand that a man does not become who JS is in this world because he's spending his time with his children. period. end of story.

moving on to the neighbor and the scream. i don't believe for a second all of those who claim they would immediately call 911, based on a lone holler which seemed to emanate from the direction of a home owned by a man more wealthy and powerful and intimidating than donald trump himself......and oh, by the way, also one that happens to be mere steps from the beach, smack in the middle of tourist season. give me a break. i applaud the neighbor for coming forward at all as doing so took far more courage than some here seem willing to recognize. one can only hope that should there be other "witnesses" in coronado, weighing in their own minds whether it's worth it to take their information to LE, they do not read the posts here by folks who would view them merely as another person whose motives are open for the shredding.

one final random thought: the doc who initially claimed suffocation must be kicking himself right about now. what a deplorable move that was. i cannot imagine the guilt he must be carrying, wondering whether his disproven suspicion, vocalized to the wrong people, led to murder. like they can't make this stuff up.


First of all I wish you a most speedy recovery and this is a truly wonderful post which deserves a repeat.

The bolded portion hits so close to home it's astounding! Thank you!
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