Still Missing MD - Akia Eggleston, 22, 8 months pregnant, Baltimore, 3 May 2017 *Guilty*

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Here's the full story that aired yesterday
We love yall and yalls thank yall for the love support and time God bless yall and yalls take care in each and everyway and Happy Holidays peeps
Wow. Those videos were informative. I really hope someone comes forward. Obviously, the truth lies with where the checks came from and who she was with after she returned from the banks. It also struck me that if she had gotten all this money to move in with the guy, then certainly there would have been many calls from him checking on when she was coming, did she get the money, etc. It is telling if he stopped calling shortly after she returned home, right?

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I wonder if someone close to her knew she was almost full term and was trying to take her baby. Seems rather convenient that right when she was planning to move out someone stumbled upon the perfect opportunity. I do not wish ill on this woman in any way but for the sake of the discussion it doesnt make much sense that someone would take a woman this far along in her pregnancy and try to sell her into sex trafficking, especially since without proper medical care she could die without proper treatment.

If her daughter and unborn child had the same father and if she was no longer romantically involved with the him i wonder if there was another man that was interested in her, us women know theres sometimes that one weird annoying guy that we shrug off and dont even bother mentioning to anyone because hes just That Guy. Asks you out every time you see him, flirts all the time, but you always politely turn him down. You dont think much of him but he could be thinking a lot of you.

There has to be a motive for someone to do this, it doesnt seem like a random kidnapping. Someone that clearly knows where she is came there with the intent to do something. Her debit card was thrown in the bushes so its not money that they wanted or maybe they just wanted the cash she had on her. Maybe they saw a vulnerable pregnant woman, wanted cash, and decided to take her once she saw their face.

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My thoughts were someone did not want to pay child support. Moo
ETA - I havent watched the video yet. I just came across them trying to get caught up on here after a weekend without power. Hubby is sleeping now so will watch tomorrow.
That girl - Hope you and your family have a safe and merry Christmas. I will be thinking of you all.

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Thank all yall I hope yall had a great holiday may that continue throughout yalls lives, yalls families and theirs. Lisa & Henry that goes for yall and yalls as well take care in everyway and everyday
I will never ever understand how anyone could harm a hair on a child's head or a pregnant mommy.

I think of Akia all the time. Wishing her family strength in 2018, I hope there are answers soon.
Thank all yall I hope yall had a great holiday may that continue throughout yalls lives, yalls families and theirs. Lisa & Henry that goes for yall and yalls as well take care in everyway and everyday

The FBI is offering a reward of up to $25,000 for information regarding the whereabouts of Akia Shawnta Eggleston.


Akia Shawnta Eggleston was last seen on May 3, 2017, in the*Inner Harbor*area*of Baltimore City, Maryland.* She was eight months pregnant when she disappeared and was reported missing on May 7, 2017, when she did not show up for her baby shower.*Akia has not been seen or heard from since that time.

Submit a Tip:

If you have any information concerning this case, please contact the FBI's Baltimore Field Office at (410) 265-8080, the Baltimore City Police Department at (410) 396-2499, your*local FBI office, or the nearest*American Embassy or Consulate.

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All I can say on behalf of my family is thank y'all from the bottom of our hearts. We are forever grateful & you can stop if & when you wanna but this means the world to us. May the good Lord bless yall, y'all's, & theirs in each & everyway everyday take care & be safe guys. We wish you all peace, love, happiness, & fulfillment especially when times get hard. Y'all will be betta for it. 😘🤗♥️🙏💪😊✍️👏🦋⭐🌎👊👍☮️
Ok thank you Henry & the rest of yall may the good Lord bless you, yours, & theirs in everyway everyday take care
"She was eight months pregnant with a little boy.

"She was in good spirits, but she barely could walk," said Ann Wilson.

A difficult pregnancy:*The baby was breech. So Akia's doctor ordered bed rest -- not that she was listening.

"She was still active with her friends, active with the family, still doing things, just not to just be sitting around," said Shawn Wilkinson.

Akia had kept the identity of the baby's father to herself. But why?

"She never discussed with us who the baby's father was," said Eric Wilson. "I didn't ask. Whatever she felt like that what she wanted to come and speak about, that's what Pop-Pop was for, an ear to listen."

Akia's stepfather Shawn would later learn he knew the father.

"He was a childhood friend of mine," said Shawn. "Andre Michael Robinson. It was kind of like 'Wow, I didn't even know he was dating my daughter.'"

A month before Akia's due date was the long-awaited baby shower. Akia put down a $900 deposit for the shower.

But on the day of the shower, Akia never arrived."

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"My wife and I we had got a phone call from my nephew. He asked us, did we know about Akia and we said 'Akia, what about Akia?' He said that he heard that she was missing," said Eric Wilson.

"I called her and she wouldn't answer her phone, so I text her and asked her was her phone off, and she said 'No, why?' I said 'I have been texting you,'" said Ann Wilson. "She said 'I can't talk to you right now. I'll call you back later,' and that was it. I don't think that was her."

The family files a missing-person report. Baltimore Police begin their investigation."

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"The day I received the case, myself and another detective went out to the apartment," said Baltimore Police Det. Michael Reno. "We did an initial canvass. I talked to one of the maintenance men. The maintenance man said 'Yeah, she was just here, I saw her an hour ago,' so I was feeling pretty confident that 'OK, I can clear this thing pretty quick.'"

But finding clues to Akia's disappearance would be anything but quick. Finding a suspect may be even more difficult.

"She had a roommate, a female roommate," said Det. Reno. "The 2-year-old would spend time with Akia, and spend time with her father. Now, the roommate also had a child. So there was two small children in the house and the two mothers."

Det. Reno talks to Akia's roommate.

"We interviewed the roommate and there were some text messages between Akia and the roommate in reference to Akia moving out," said Reno. "So it didn't bring up any red flags because she was moving out."

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Where was Akia planning to move?

"She was going to move in with the baby's father," said Reno.

Investigators talked to a neighbor who says he saw Akia at the bus stop the day before.

"We pulled the video from the apartment complex," said Reno. "We pulled MTA, all the bus footage for the entire Cherry Hill area to see if we could get her getting on a bus. We're talking hours and hours -- all negative. We were trying to work a timeline, so we had to go back to when she was last seen and then go from there."

At first, police say, there were no indications of foul play in this case, but as the weeks and the months went on, it started to look like Akia didn't leave on her own."

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"But one bizarre clue did surface. It only raised more questions. The Baltimore Police Dept. confirmed to Crime Watch Daily that on the day Akia went missing, a family friend drove her around to a number of bank locations to collect money. But what was the money for?

"She was getting the money so that she and her baby's father were going to get a house together," said Det. Reno. "A lot of money. On that day."

Detectives pull surveillance video from multiple banks around town and catch a break, finding the last-known images of Akia before she vanished.

"The bank surveillance shows us at the bank by herself. She doesn't look disheveled, she doesn't look like she's under any kind of stress, she's there on her own," said Det. Reno. "She presents a cashier's check to the teller, she receives cash, and she leaves.

"We had her stop in several locations. We had her at the Royal Farms, where she takes money out of the money machine, and then goes to the counter, where she gets cashier's checks. We have her at a Wells Fargo in South Baltimore, where she says she was waiting on a check to come in."

Reno says the checks were coming from various places and people.

Cops learn it was a female friend who drove Akia around to the banks that day, later taking her back home. That friend has never been considered a suspect or had any involvement in Akia Eggleston's disappearance. Police say she was very cooperative and provided very good information."

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I cannot imagine the pain Akia's family and friends are going through not knowing what has happened to her. I hope answers come very soon.

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