MD MD - Joann 'Jody' LeCornu, 23, Towson, 2 March 1996

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I just listened to the story on a podcast. Here is my theory:

Jody needed somewhere to stay after being kicked out by her boyfriend. She spent the evening in the bar and came to an agreement with the bartender (who was reputed to sell drugs from behind the bar according to Jenny) that she would be allowed to crash at his place in exchange for conducting a drug deal on his behalf. She drove the employee home and returned to the lot. She placed a couple of calls, including one to the bar, and shortly thereafter the suspect arrived in his white BMW. He approached the car and she rolled down the window. A brief exchange followed and she started to leave. The suspect shot her, followed her, took the money and left.

So why did she leave, and why did the suspect shoot her? I theorize that he arrived and told her the deal was for a certain amount of money, which exceeded the amount she had on her (provided by the bartender). She said she would go back to the bar and get more, and rather than wait, he figured he could rip her off. He shot at her as she drove away, followed her to the other lot, took the cash, and left her to die.

Did the police check the outgoing calls from the bar that night around the time Jody called? Did they interview the bartender or other employees of the bar about the reputed drug activity in the bar?
Another article on the billboard:

After Watching Oscar-Nominated Film, Md. Woman Took Out Billboard to Help Solve Twin's 1996 Killing
Chris Harris - January 05, 2019 - 02:23 PM

A few weeks ago, the billboard was amended: Carrieri raised the reward offer to $100,000.

“People have been reaching out to me; they have been for years,” the determined twin tells PEOPLE. “Recently, I had a person reach out to me on social media and they said, ‘I think I know who killed your sister’ and started asking me these questions. I didn’t go to the police for a couple of days and I was never told who that person was.”


Link: After Watching Oscar-Nominated Film, Md. Woman Took Out Billboard to Help Solve Twin's 1996 Killing
Family Of Murdered Towson University Student Seeking Answers, 23 Years Later (with clip)

March 2, 2019

"TOWSON, Md. (WJZ) — Jody LeCornu, a Towson University student, was shot and killed in Baltimore County 23 years ago.

Her twin sister has never given up the search to find who pulled the trigger.

The family hopes that answers could come soon.

On display above three of Baltimore’s busy thoroughfares are billboards begging for answers.

“It’s hard,” Jenny Carrieri, LeCornu’s sister, said. “I mean, I struggle. I struggle a lot.”

Saturday marks the 23rd anniversary of LeCornu’s death. She was shot and killed on York Road in Baltimore County.

Carrieri has made it her life’s mission to find her sisters killer...."

Family Of Murdered Towson University Student Seeking Answers, 23 Years Later


I was coming to post about her sister's outreach to the public.
It appears that a lawsuit against the original investigative body of LE is what has allowed her to fund, or partially fund, the billboards.

Here's a very good story with photos of the twins when they were teens.
Film inspires woman to put up billboards offering $100,000 23 years after twin sister's murder | Daily Mail Online

If a poster doesn't like or trust the site, no one's forcing anyone else to go there.
I hope so much that Jennifer can help effect justice for her twin. That's the goal, and all media exposure is good exposure for Jody.

It's disturbing to me that the autopsy report was never released to the family. I wonder:
Was there foreign DNA?
Has it been tested, or is is still available to test?
Maybe this is a case which can be solved through familial DNA in the perp's family tree, IDK.

The reward has been raised, and that usually will bring at least one angry ex- girlfriend or sibling of the perp. or someone who knows the perp. out of the shadows.
Praying that the pro-active stance of her sweet sister will lead to a break in this very old case.

Respectfully, IMO.
From the articles and website I read this scenario was my first thoughts of what happened. The only thing I don’t understand is the army fatigue jacket if that is correct depiction of what the suspect was wearing.
Scenario: Jody went to ATM to get money because she was meeting with someone to buy “something” maybe for herself or a friend possibly drugs. I don’t believe she knew the person because if she did he would have sat in the passenger seat.
From all the phone calls she was making, I feel that someone (a friend or associate perhaps someone from the bar) knew she was meeting this person. That person may have been the middle man. If she called this suspect directly then the phone call would have been in the phone records possibly but I believe someone she knew was the middle man for this transaction. She must have trusted that person to set up the purchase or she was doing the purchase for that friend. The suspect came to the window and did the exchange. Then he went back to his vehicle and he knew he had the opportunity to get away with robbing her because she was alone. He shot her then waited because he probably knew she was injured and his goal was to get the “package” back. So I think the biggest lead would be the people she called that night. They have the answer and know who met up with her. That person was probably afraid of repercussions for snitching.
The sad fact is either the detectives screwed the pooch or they have a strong suspect and divulging of case facts could hamper the investigation. There could also be listed suspects that were cleared and the releasing of this information could prove libel . I remember this case well and never understood why more media coverage was not used. The video was never released to the public to my knowledge. I think the family would have gotten more work out of BPD Homicide. Lets face it when you literally work hundreds of homicides you get better at it. Just a theory I had all along is that she was doing the bartender a solid. I think after she dropped off this mystery worker that needed a ride then she did what most alcoholics do when bars close. She went and got more alcohol. The thing that jumps out is that she stopped in the parking as to be waiting for someone. My guess is she was picking narcotics for her bartender buddy. The dealer shows and as in many cases not only wanted to do the drug deal but may have requested sex from her. Keep in mind she had no narcotics in the autopsy. So I am feeling she was picking up for someone else. The verbal exchange observed could have been her berating this turd for wanting more. The family stated she was a tough young lady. I am guessing this guy came from the city to do the drop. They will kill you there for anything they deem disrespectful. Ironic isn't it. I know she could not have withdrawn enough money to rectify a drug rip. So the drug dealing bartender comes to mind. There is a chance she had the dope delivering it to this suspect as a favor. She was obviously in a drunken state sadly I might add. The bartender is the key here she called him for a reason at that hour. I really do not see this telling anyone what he did or anyone ratting him out. He is a cold blooded coward that will kill you. The Army jacket tells you he sees himself as a soldier. Baltimore is a cess pool of thugs that kill one another for the color of a rag or a corner to sling dope. I pray this family gets closure and a copy of the report. I do not know who they hired as a P.I. but make sure the person worked homicide and knows the streets. One more thing was this alleged married guy she was seeing does anyone know what he did for a living or background. Military/police maybe ? The Chief in Balt Co. is Terry Sheridian retired Maryland Trooper he is a solid guy request a sit down with him I think you might get some answers.
Here is my thoughts.

First look at the crime scene before considering any of the allegations about calls, boyfriend, drugs etc. that the police did release.

1) Vehicle approached by an individual.
2) That individual had a gun and was prepared to use it. That inference can be drawn from the fact that she was shot as she started to drive away and the assailant was still next to the vehicle. His exact location at the time of the shot is unclear because we do not know if he was right or left handed. In either case the shot was fired in the time that she put the car in drive and started to move. Likely one or two seconds. That indicates that the assailant was prepared to use deadly force to prevent her from leaving, rather or not the gun was drawn before or after she started to shift the transmission.
3) The angle of the shot indicates that the shot was likely not aimed. The proximity of the shooter would be difficult to aim at that angle and if the shooter was aiming the choice to shoot at the angle and direction does not make sense because if the vehicle is moving away a flatter trajectory would make more sense.
4) Due to the trajectory it appears that the shot was accidental or at least premature due to poor choice of trajectory.
5) The accidental firing is supported by the fact that only one shot was fired. If the shooter intended to shoot her they would have fire more shots as she drove away. It is unlikely that they knew rather or not she had been hit after the first shot and it would have been impossible for the shooter to know if it was a fatal shot. If the shooter intended to kill her he would have fired more shots while she was still close by and taken better aim or at the least immediately gotten in their car and pursued them to finish the job. They would not want a witness.
6) If it was a robbery by a known assailant would have immediately pursued to determine her condition or if she was going to report the crime.
7) If it was an unknown assailant that she would not be able to identify they would have fled the scene. A robber does not want to get mixed up with an attempted murder charge, no matter what they were stealing. I can't imagine any robber thinking she had enough money to steal that it would be enough to stick around after the shot was fired and people's attention were drawn to the scene.
8) The shooter clearly had great interest in determining rather or not she was hit because they risked being identified in order to remain there and observe the consequences of the shot.
9) The most reasonable conclusion, based on their watching her leave and then pursuing her only after after her vehicle stopped across the street indicates that the shooter was determining rather or not to pursue her depending on rather or not she had been hit. They were not concerned about her fleeing the scene nor immediately perusing her. Their thought would have been 1) if she was hit she would not get far or 2) if she was not hit they would either be able to find her even if they lost sight of the vehicle or if she was not hit there would be no repercussions. That indicates the shooter either knew that she would not report the incident, did not have concerns about law enforcement if she did report it or had access to a way of finding her if she fled.
10) Then there is the fact that after the vehicle stopped the shooter put her vehicle into park. The vehicle had already stopped. A thief would have just taken what they wanted and left as quickly as possible. They would have no reason to put the vehicle in park. That means that either the shooter intended to kill her or expected that he may be there for some time and wanted to make it safe for himself. Since his earlier actions do not indicate an intentional murder that means he made the conscious choice take the time to asses her condition and decide what to do.
11) After deciding that she was dead or at least mortally wounded he then took the some item, likely the purse. Why the purse if it is already determined that his intent was not simply to rob her. So the taking of the purse was for some other purpose. I suggest it was to make it look like a robbery.
12) There were no fingerprints to match profiles on file. If the prints have been re-run recently without a match makes it more likely than not that the shooter did not leave any usable prints. This again indicates a fairly high level of sophistication, to either not leave any prints or to remove them.

To me all of this points to the shooter being a Law Enforcement Officer. They are a person that would have a reason to approach a vehicle sitting in a parking lot and would have been armed with a hand gun. The position the shot was fired is where a LEO would stand when talking to someone in a running vehicle. The shooter appeared to have little concern about her reporting him and did not act like someone committing an armed robber on a stranger. If she was intoxicated and attempting to flee he would be justified in pulling his gun and discharging his gun may have also been allowed if she was arguably a fleeing felon or an imminent risk to others. I suspect that it was a accidental discharge as he drew his gun and he watched to get her license number so he could locate her later. When her vehicle stopped he than went over to asses the situation. They would have been trained to secure the vehicle after it stopped and before proceeding to asses the situation. It appears that he stole the purse to stage the scene as a robbery. What would be most helpful is the security footage of the assailant approaching the vehicle. My experience is that LEOs approaching an unknown vehicle invariably touch the trunk hood to leave a fingerprint. In this situation the LEO would know this and would have wiped the area to remove the fingerprint. If the police released the video it could be determined if the assailant touched the rear of the vehicle as he approached and/or wiped the rear of the vehicle before leaving the area. Either of those wold indicate a LEO. Even if the video did not capture those acts, determining if the rear of the vehicle had been wiped clean. If the left rear of the vehicle was cleaner than the rest that would indicate a LEO.

The fact that no video has been released, the photo of her car is cropped so you can not see left rear rear of trunk but have talked about her personal problems, indicates to me that the investigators have seen those tells and are suppressing the video as it indicates a LEO in the incident and are trying to point suspicion in other directions..
VERY interesting post! !!
David Simon, creator of the Wire, used to be a reporter on the crime beat at the Baltimore Sun, which is where he got a whole bunch of his information about Baltimore gangs. I wonder if he would take this on as a cause celebre, and get some light shed on the situation.
"She was able to drive a little bit longer and she circled the parking lot and he stayed at the top and watched her. Shortly after, she came to a stop, I believe after hitting a curb. He drove over to her with witnesses around and reached in over her body, put her car in park and took something out of her car and got into his car and took a right on York Road."

When I read this I thought that the killers actions were beyond brazen, which, like a previous poster made me immediately think of someone involved with law enforcement. Or gang activity. Law enforcement would explain why the investigation went no where.

If the bartender asked her to pick up something in exchange for a place to stay that night then the bartender should have some information to share.
I lived in the Washington, DC area at the time of Jody’s murder and I remember hearing about it then. I moved away from that area in 1999 and didn’t realize the case hadn’t been solved. So sad. I hope Jody’s family finally receives justice.
VERY interesting post! !!

Monkey King seems to be right on the money and it seems to make more and more sense especially now that the case has been transferred out of the local PD. Something fishy is definitely going on after all these years. Perhaps the father even caught on to this and that's why he couldn't do much with it either. Once it's behind the blue wall, we're all screwed. This is the first good theory I have heard of. He could have been UC too. An accident. Until he murdered her. And they helped cover it up. Call me crazy but this crap does happen way too often in this country. It would not shock me at all. The only thing that doesn't fit with this theory is Jenny being in contact with the person of interest who was incarcerated in a Maryland jail. Unless that was a false lead. I wish I knew who that POI was. In any event, it looks very shady that they have not released the video or tried to send it to the FBI to enhance it. And more information on the bartender and phone records is needed. It disgusts me when police don't share progress with the families. If they did have any involvement in this horrific crime, she will never see the light of day as they rarely admit guilt to any wrongdoing. I hope this never happened and that they can find the killer. But this theory seems very plausible unfortunately.

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