MD MD - Judith 'Judy' O'Donnell, 19, Baltimore, 30 Nov 1980

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JudysSis, does the the FBI have a dedicated cold case investigator working her case?
do you think your folks would ever tell you anything?
do you think your folks would ever tell you anything?
I've been trying for YEARS to get them to talk about it - and the extent of the conversation is "we've looked for years, we pray daily, it got screwed up at the beginning, whenever I traveled for work I always looked at local morgues at the Jane Does," (that's my father), my mother's reaction is usually just to either cry or get belligerent, like, "why do you keep asking all these questions?"

Maybe on their death beds, which aren't many years off now, thought we'd lose mom last year - she was in really rough shape. My parents have assigned my idiot brother - who hasn't worked a day in 10 years despite having a college degree -- don't get me started -- as their executor. I don't want to be a part of it in any way. I just can't imagine. Tempest in a teapot. Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised much if HE knows something.
JudysSis, does the the FBI have a dedicated cold case investigator working her case?

I don't know, and when I've tried to find out I keep getting dead ended. Can you help with that, or do you know someone who can?
telling secrets on your death bed is not always the best thing. but its also a way to get stuff off your chest. when my grandpa was dying he told my grandma that she would find stock papers some silver and gold coins and some money in a box up in the attic. needless to say both my mom and her brother went to the house the next day searched for almost an hr and came up empty handed.

i hope this is the year you find the answers that you need. don't stop looking keep trying every lead that you can possible try.

contact the local pd who orginaly opened the case on your sister tell them you saw her on tv at the inaguration ball and the sanitation strike and you are tying to find the footage of it but is having a hard time finding it. they might be interested in this new info that you have. also get the fbi to open up a file not sure how you would go about that but maybe someone posting knows how you can
I've been trying for YEARS to get them to talk about it - and the extent of the conversation is "we've looked for years, we pray daily, it got screwed up at the beginning, whenever I traveled for work I always looked at local morgues at the Jane Does," (that's my father), my mother's reaction is usually just to either cry or get belligerent, like, "why do you keep asking all these questions?"

Maybe on their death beds, which aren't many years off now, thought we'd lose mom last year - she was in really rough shape. My parents have assigned my idiot brother - who hasn't worked a day in 10 years despite having a college degree -- don't get me started -- as their executor. I don't want to be a part of it in any way. I just can't imagine. Tempest in a teapot. Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised much if HE knows something.

I wonder if Judith maybe found a nice guy and settled down. Maybe she was very hurt if some of the family excluded her because of her lifestyle. I hope she got off drugs and did well for herself. Google Judith O'Donnell. There is one in Florida that is some executive in a women's Republican organization. I think it was in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. There was also a Judith O'Donnell who is an artist. Look at zaba search. There are two Judith E. ODay listings. It's possible she could be using another name and Social Security Number or maybe she's married and doesn't work. If you want a good laugh, a friend of mine told me he used to deliver advertisements from door to door and one of his coworkers was a flasher. He had five IDs. He got nailed one day and he told my friend to hold onto four IDs for him. He said " I better take this one. I'm not in as much trouble on it. " Wasn't the Midtown Jane Doe a much shorter person? Anyway, I hope that's not the case. I hope your sister is alive and well somewhere. Prayers for you and your family!!
Midtown Jane Doe is listed as shorter, but I read somewhere that due to the deterioration and possible (accidental) damage from the construction crew that found her, she might actually be taller than 5'3".
Midtown Jane Doe is listed as shorter, but I read somewhere that due to the deterioration and possible (accidental) damage from the construction crew that found her, she might actually be taller than 5'3".
the discrepancy in height was apparently not enough to dissuade the ME from comparing dentals - or from comparing dna - have been waiting since October for the results of dna comparison.

Looked again yesterday for footage of the sanitation strike and the inaugural in a place that *should* have both - but it's not there. It's making me think more about the angles that JackAMW was presenting.
I read on the internet that 1981 was the first inauguration where they had a special ball for young Americans age 18 to 30. Maybe that is the ball Judith attended.
I read on the internet that 1981 was the first inauguration where they had a special ball for young Americans age 18 to 30. Maybe that is the ball Judith attended.

I would love if you could find coverage of it -- that would be awesome.
I would love if you could find coverage of it -- that would be awesome.

No, I'm sorry. I made a mistake. It was a later president who had the ball for young americans. It said on the internet that there were ten inaugural balls in '81 in Washington Dc and Reagan and Nancy only had a little time to spend in each one. Some were held in different hotels. One was for veterans who had received the Congressional medal of honor and their ladies. I didn't know that sometimes they had balls for inauguration at the Union Station in New York City. I guess a lot of different states hold their own balls.
In most of the pictures posted, Judith had red hair but that one they show on the left, in black and white, her hair is dark. Did she dye it later on? Did you have any feedback from the Long Island Press article? Hope someone comes forward with some information.
No, I'm sorry. I made a mistake. It was a later president who had the ball for young americans. It said on the internet that there were ten inaugural balls in '81 in Washington Dc and Reagan and Nancy only had a little time to spend in each one. Some were held in different hotels. One was for veterans who had received the Congressional medal of honor and their ladies. I didn't know that sometimes they had balls for inauguration at the Union Station in New York City. I guess a lot of different states hold their own balls.
In most of the pictures posted, Judith had red hair but that one they show on the left, in black and white, her hair is dark. Did she dye it later on? Did you have any feedback from the Long Island Press article? Hope someone comes forward with some information.

Judy's natural color was dark blond / light brown - but she colored it, permed it, bleached it, did all the things people did to their hair in the 70s. When the Reagan Library sent me their footage, it was from all networks, but did not contain coverage of what I SAW -- the local ABC station that aired it (Syracuse, NY) has burned down in the meantime, so even if they did have the reels still, they're long gone. I believe I watched every minute of 8 hours of footage -- nothing on what I saw. Spooky.

I have seen coverage of a concert on the lawn, but it did not have the people dancing (which is what was on the pieces that I saw -- Judy's face, about 6 times, very closeup, no wondering whether it was her -- IT WAS.) It was outdoor, at night, with outdoor lighting. There was some sort of outbuilding behind her, I can't remember what it was. A shed? A small pavillion? A tent? My memory has her in a corner, near the camera, hoping to be seen. Which is very much her.

As much as some people were concerned for my safety in sending my email address out to the world, apart from typical spam, no one new has come forward based on the article. Many have come forward to help -- THANK YOU -- but no new information. Most of the theories have started here or have been fleshed out here. The fb page doesn't generally generate new ideas, rather, people who either want to follow what is going on, or who want to offer moral support or help with acting on hunches or suspicions.
what do you all know about Avedis Seaward -- I wonder if he could know something about Judy ? Certainly the lifestyle and mode of transit fits!
I got in touch with the archivist at the Reagan library again, thinking maybe, just MAYBE I asked for the wrong footage, or was looking in the wrong place -- something, anything ... I've sent him to the facebook page and sent a link to the Long Island Press story, maybe just maybe I've missed something he'll be able to see? I also asked him about fan sites, trading sites, collector sites, there has to be a vhs tape of what I saw, SOMEWHERE in the universe!


Long time no hear. The 1981 Inauguration ceremony was actually on 1/20/81 so the Inaugural Gala would be on 1/19/81. This was a star-studded event held in Landover, Maryland and attended by the Reagans. The only other event with the Reagan's was on 1/18/81 and was an Inaugural concert held at Kennedy Center.

Sorry, I could not find anything such as a concert on the White House lawn or grounds around the 1981 Inauguration.

If you have any other questions please let me know.
thanks for that -- I just sent this email -- immediately after I saw this:

this has a concert the day before on the lawn -- do you have this or do you have a way to get in touch with the family to see if they do - or can I get directly in touch with them or someone else to see who might ??

here's a snip from the page:
Most likely split with no intentions to come back. I do feel that she could still be alive, older, wiser, possible madam somewhere but with length of time gone by with no contact with family does indicate possible death

I am interested in the 54 and political connection. There is very much, the use of younger women as high priced call girls in political arenas, they are used as pawns in international dealings as far back as the early 1800s and even 1700s with Ben Franklins French dealings

The contact could have been made at 54, then set up to be used at political events as high priced call girl, she would have been in high demand if she did not have much wear and tear on her by then.

Tall, white girls are in demand in foreign countries, such as Sultan of Brunei, for prostitution, and when he held two Miss USAs and a runner up from the UK as prostitutes. He is immune from prosecution as a ruling family member. There are many tall women that were claimed to be held there, including older American and British women that were like madams that ran the girls

It is very possible that your sister could be in a situation like this. It is said that there is a great industry of white slavery around the world with people in high places and in power, from the Bohemian Club in the US to England with their political scandels, to the Sultan and the Miss USAs to the Middle East with the harems and concubines. Many times women from around the world are forced into these situations and seldom come home. The Miss USAs were lucky but were also famous enough to get away, your sister would not be.

If you are certain that you saw her at the Republican event, then this may very well be the case. I would not matter what part it is, just the political tie in raises red flags. If that is the case, any footage of her at any politcal events will have been destroyed

If you have a talented, pretty girl that would stand out at events and parties, one that could sing to fetch an even better price and be seen prominantly so as to have a value to whoever might have her, to use her to get whatever backdoor deal that might be schemed from a powerful friend or enemy, then that person would have something that could be traded or used

Who would that person be? He would be presentable, educated, well dressed, nice looking, connected to the wrong and right people, no compassion, business minded, greedy, has drugs but does not use them much other than coke, likes coke, considers himself a player, nice car, would live near or in the Village,flasshy dresser like John Travolta, frequents 54, Bee Gees, could be THE Dealer, call him Michael, sounds like a good name. Does she know anyone by that name?

You have no idea how impactful this post has been. I have revisited so many places that I've searched before - opened it up again and tried different ways to search for what I saw that night. Even the Reagan private collection - the family has reserved the rights to footage up to the moment of Reagan's inaugural - i was HOPING that MAYBE it would be there. To no avail. The coverage of the sanitation strike is also missing, strangely.

I have very few tricks left up my sleeve - but I'm stopping at nothing to find her.
you go girl!!! I hope you get some answers soon!! Any word on the NYC Jane Doe?
you go girl!!! I hope you get some answers soon!! Any word on the NYC Jane Doe?
:) thanks. Still no word, most recent communication with NYS police was 2 days ago. It can take months, from my understanding (wait, it HAS taken months. Ugh. It's been 31 years. I'm not done fighting yet!)

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