MD - Phylicia Barnes, 16, Baltimore, 28 Dec 2010 #5

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Keep an eye on the media over the next couple days. With all the focus PB's case has garnered in the last three days, something has to give.

Any chance NG will cover the case again? If we could get Nancy to spear head this, she would have no qualms exposing the hidden underbelly....
Keep an eye on the media over the next couple days. With all the focus PB's case has garnered in the last three days, something has to give.

Any chance NG will cover the case again? If we could get Nancy to spear head this, she would have no qualms exposing the hidden underbelly....

Janice Sallis fears Phylicia may have been sold into human trafficking. She urges the community to stay vigilant... and says she just wants her daughter home, “We just have to work on God's time, not humanity's time."
(And this news source also makes this statement, which is fraught with errors. You'd think after 3 months, they'd be able to get it really right?:
Eighteen year old Phylicia Barnes vanished the night of December 28th while visiting her half-sister in Baltimore. The half-sister's former boyfriend has been extensively questioned
. )

Hundreds of police and volunteers who spent Saturday trudging through ravines and woods in Patapsco Valley State Park failed to find any sign of a teenage girl missing from the city since December, frustrating authorities who say they have run out of leads in the case. "We are now very much back at square one," said Baltimore police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi, echoing frustrations felt by people who spent 10 hours looking for Phylicia Barnes, the subject of one of the most extensive searches undertaken by police in years.

"We have no doubt in our minds that something very tragic has happened to her," the spokesman told reporters at a command center in a church parking lot in Ellicott City. "It's been devastating for the family. We've been at it for three months and we're not very far in knowing what happen to Phylicia."

Reached by telephone, her mother Janice Sallis called the results of the search "good news. It's good news that they didn't come up with anything. My baby might still be out there."

First off, LE is back at square one? They are NO FURTHER than the day she went missing? AUGH.
And second off, they have no doubt that something tragic happened... This chilled me when I read it.

No doubt. Yet they are at square one? I need a bit of help understanding this.

(Much more in the article)
If that is true (back at "square one") very sad indeed. I don't think anyone is talking at all, I think they searched based on repeated anonymous tips, the best they could do at this point. And with the size of that place, she could still be there.

Poor P's mom...sounds like Amber DuBois' mom ,who held on to the "hope" of Amber being sold all the way until she was found. Pat Brown (profiler) has an article up on her blog now, and it touches on the fact that it is very unlikely that this happens very often to girls from the US. But for parents, it is one way to believe their child is at least alive. Clint Dunn keeps saying the same thing.
For one reason or another, LE or a spokesperson has stated that DB has been cleared. At least that's what I think I remember hearing back when.

To see the many add-on's and twist to this story and DB is not a suspect or POI, makes me wonder, did DB tell what she knows or can remember (from the beginning) of this investigation; and LE decided to only allow a certain amount of the facts to be told because if all the add-on's were made public from the beginning, people would have really placed judgment on this case and not take interest at ALL in helping to find PB.

I am now wondering about DB's Drug test and why wasn't DB allowed to take the LDT. Maybe DB did take those test in the shadows, behind closed doors or off the record and who knows what the results were. I'm not saying that this happened. I'm just trying to think logic.

Has anyone asked the question in regards to PB speaking to her mother each day before the 25th. If my 16 yr old daughter went away on vacation, I would HAVE to (speak) to her everyday. That would be part of the agreement. I have rules for my children, even now that they're grown but I've fell back somewhat these days because they really are grown.

1. Always let someone know where you are going. 2. Let someone know if you are with someone and if so, leave me their information (as much of it as you know). 3. Call when you get to your destination. 4. Always call if you are going to run late.

My rules are like that. So, if PB didn't speak to me on the 26th, I would have been calling PB and DB/KB until I got a hold to her, then curse her out for breaking the agreement/contract. But if I didn't speak to PB at ALL by 12:01 am on the 27th, I would have went right smack down to Bmore (driving distance) fly or whatever, to curse everyone out. In no way am I trying to say that JS is a bad mother. After all, she was trying to show that she wanted to be able to trust certain people.

Even the man who was going to give the LDT fell back. He probably knows what's going on though.

It's sad when you have to try and be 2 steps ahead of LE anddd the POI. It makes things harder than ever :-(
Back from my trip today - went through Baltimore twice. One thing that was reinforced for me was the endless places to hide a body where it would never be found. A couple of times, my vantage point from a bridge would offer a view of industry yards, ships, the bay and its smaller tributaries, wooded areas, etc.

I also can't forget what LE said very early on - that it's possible she was taken out of state. I think they must have evidence (or reason to believe) that one of the key players drove out of state that day/night. JMHO. Today, in five hours, I drove through five states - four of them twice (on the return trip).

I really do hope LE has some good leads b/c otherwise, I don't know where they would begin to even look. :(
If that is true (back at "square one") very sad indeed. I don't think anyone is talking at all, I think they searched based on repeated anonymous tips, the best they could do at this point. And with the size of that place, she could still be there.

Poor P's mom...sounds like Amber DuBois' mom ,who held on to the "hope" of Amber being sold all the way until she was found. Pat Brown (profiler) has an article up on her blog now, and it touches on the fact that it is very unlikely that this happens very often to girls from the US. But for parents, it is one way to believe their child is at least alive. Clint Dunn keeps saying the same thing.

From what I have heard, the search was very purposeful. They were given info from POI(s) that led them to the location, and they thought they were going to find PB.
My guess is that either the POI was taking them on a wild goose chase, or PB was moved.
For one reason or another, LE or a spokesperson has stated that DB has been cleared. At least that's what I think I remember hearing back when.

To see the many add-on's and twist to this story and DB is not a suspect or POI, makes me wonder, did DB tell what she knows or can remember (from the beginning) of this investigation; and LE decided to only allow a certain amount of the facts to be told because if all the add-on's were made public from the beginning, people would have really placed judgment on this case and not take interest at ALL in helping to find PB.

I am now wondering about DB's Drug test and why wasn't DB allowed to take the LDT. Maybe DB did take those test in the shadows, behind closed doors or off the record and who knows what the results were. I'm not saying that this happened. I'm just trying to think logic.

Has anyone asked the question in regards to PB speaking to her mother each day before the 25th. If my 16 yr old daughter went away on vacation, I would HAVE to (speak) to her everyday. That would be part of the agreement. I have rules for my children, even now that they're grown but I've fell back somewhat these days because they really are grown.

1. Always let someone know where you are going. 2. Let someone know if you are with someone and if so, leave me their information (as much of it as you know). 3. Call when you get to your destination. 4. Always call if you are going to run late.

My rules are like that. So, if PB didn't speak to me on the 26th, I would have been calling PB and DB/KB until I got a hold to her, then curse her out for breaking the agreement/contract. But if I didn't speak to PB at ALL by 12:01 am on the 27th, I would have went right smack down to Bmore (driving distance) fly or whatever, to curse everyone out. In no way am I trying to say that JS is a bad mother. After all, she was trying to show that she wanted to be able to trust certain people.

Even the man who was going to give the LDT fell back. He probably knows what's going on though.

It's sad when you have to try and be 2 steps ahead of LE anddd the POI. It makes things harder than ever :-(

I have been thinking a lot about how a Barnes family member is LE. And in my digging, I have found a LE person who is connected to the J-family, too. So it may be that there is a lot of shushing going on, and strings being pulled. But I don't know.
The guy who was going to do the LDT has been working the case since that day of the pulled test, he just is not in the public eye at all.
I can imagine that everyone on the ground in B'more is extremely frustrated at this point.
Exactly. My current understanding is all the communication was by text.

LE should be able to get records of the text messages. Do texts ping like calls do? A forensic expert in writing or communications could determine if the texts were in fact from PB. I tend to believe they were. LE knows what the conversations entailed and if there were really plans with KB for the afternoon and what those plans were.

LE can recover any texts MJ might have attempted to delete from either his or PB's phone - if he removed any.

I don't buy that there were no cell chargers around. MJ did something in which he had to tell DB and KB WHY he could not be reached by phone and he had to come up with a reason to keep KB away and not follow through with their afternoon plans.

My theory is MJ drugged PB with the intention of raping her. Perhaps the three of them ( MJ LB and C) planned to have at her. He lured her out of the apartment under the pretense they were getting something to eat and he probably raped and murdered her outside somewhere or in another property; a vacant residence or warehouse he knew of and had access too. Then murdered her in order to avoid a rape charge.

Oddly, it has been mentioned DB and PB looked like twins. DB started dating MJ when she was about the same age as PB when she 'disappeared'. Perhaps she strongly resembled DB at 17 and MJ took out his aggression/rage on PB who so resembled the woman he just spent 10 years of his life with when they first fell in love.


First, I really wish I had the time to listen to the KB and DB interview on PEAS again. However the whole interview makes me sick because they danced around all of the questions and comments only confusing us more. The interviewers didn't make it any better by not reinforcing the questions nor getting clear answers. They did more work at trying to protect DB and KB than they did at getting clarity.

Second, I DON'T BELIEVE ANYTHING THAT KB nor DB says. Their story changes like the wind and is full of inconsistencies. If the interviewer on Peas had more experience she could have gotten better answers. I wish DB, and KB would talk to NG (even though I don't like her) or Jane from HLN. Those two would have a better chance of getting straight answers because they are lawyers and know how to work the interview. I think some of us on here could work the interview with DB and KB better than the ones I've heard.
Yet I still believe that LE has gotten to the bottom of what DB and KB believe to be the truth, and know how to sort through it to find the truth.

The sad part about it is PB's loved one's have really messed this case up in addition to her life as well. HOW SAD!!!!!!
No one saw PB leave the apartment. She was not seen on survellience video from the businesses in the immediate area.

What she left with would be determined by what she was known to have brought with her to B'mor or purchased in B'mor and what was not found in the apartment by family and told to LE. In other words DB knew the boots, coat, purse and which clothing was not found in the apartment. But it is no indication of WHO removed those items.

My guess is the person responsible for her disappearance was not aware of the emergency credit card, or could not find it within the apartment to remove it. Hence it was found left behind by DB/family.

hope that helps and makes sense

I know from the PEAS interview that DB said that they used the process of elimanation to figure what she was wearing. I still think she left the apt. by walking herself out, and by doing so I believe she would have taken her purse with her. If MJ and the POI's carried her out I can't see them putting her coat on nor leaving her house slippers on knowing that DB didn't want her to wear them out.

Also DB mentioned in the Peas interview that the other reason they knew what she was wearing is because DB had bought her the new items (that she was so eagerly to wear) and those were the only items of clothing missing, and that PB didn't have many items to begin with so it easy to figure out which ones were missing.

I have always thought that PB got dressed that mid-morning like they said and put her NEW clothing on ready for her day. I can see her hungry and waiting on the couch with her new slippers, coat, and purse) for MJ to run her across the way to get her something to eat. I believe that half of what MJ says in true and the other half he made up. Now what half is true we will have to wait until they find PB. But I think LE knows which half is true and they are most likely working this case through his lies. Because you have to work with the evidence that doesn't add up (like, text, phone, interviews, etc...)

PB began her day with a plan and MJ and POI's added to that their own plan and told us the story according to her plan, not really telling the real truth.

However it will rise just as water always rises to the top.
Authorities have not ruled out that Barnes was the victim of a random abduction.


Ok, if that's the case why can't MJ clear himself? IF PB is the victim of a random abduction and MJ KNOWS without a doubt he has no involvement in PB's disappearance, why hasn't he and his attorney marched down to the police station INSISTING he take a poly and fully cooperate with LE clearing himself? The fact that MJ CAN NOT clear himself speaks volumes to me.

Again the above article mentions DB verbally spoke with PB, when KB has stated that is not true.

Also from the above link:
Phylicia's father, Russell Barnes, has criticized his estranged wife for speaking out, saying that exposing the family rift undercuts attempts to attract attention for the search.

RB needs to shut his pie hole with regards to PB's mother. RB was a mostly absent father to PB and at least 3 of his other children. Of course there is going to be family rifts with an absent father. The facts are DB admitted to allowing drugs and alcohol in the apartment including use by minors. He needs to be concerned not about protecting those who allowed the drugs, alcohol and men (which includes both his daughters and the ex bf) but focus the concern on Phylicia. His comments against JS are the distraction here. Enough!

It's possible some of the inconsistencies from DB and KB are because they were hung over and don't remember. Or they were scared of getting in trouble for allowing minors to use drugs and alcohol in the apartment. IF that is the case, why not just say so?

Clarify the reasons for the inconsistencies. Whether they be from lack of memory, fear, or being asked by LE to not answer those questions. Being interviewed and being evasive or sharing multiple stories and inconsistencies only causes doubt. I believe people would be much more willing to forgive mistakes if they were honest about the inconsistencies and the reasons for them.

Bottom line is Phylicia needs to be found and the inconsistencies from the B's are not only a distraction causing doubt but they HELP the likely perp, MJ, the last person to see PB alive.

If that is true (back at "square one") very sad indeed. I don't think anyone is talking at all, I think they searched based on repeated anonymous tips, the best they could do at this point. And with the size of that place, she could still be there.

Poor P's mom...sounds like Amber DuBois' mom ,who held on to the "hope" of Amber being sold all the way until she was found. Pat Brown (profiler) has an article up on her blog now, and it touches on the fact that it is very unlikely that this happens very often to girls from the US. But for parents, it is one way to believe their child is at least alive. Clint Dunn keeps saying the same thing.

BBM. Link?
Just wanted to say how incredible the voices are here on PB's thread. You all rock, and I am grateful to have all these minds working together so helpfully and graciously on this.
The fire is raging, and we are fanning the flames. Go, go!:tyou::yourock:
It's possible some of the inconsistencies from DB and KB are because they were hung over and don't remember. Or they were scared of getting in trouble for allowing minors to use drugs and alcohol in the apartment. IF that is the case, why not just say so?

Clarify the reasons for the inconsistencies. Whether they be from lack of memory, fear, or being asked by LE to not answer those questions. Being interviewed and being evasive or sharing multiple stories and inconsistencies only causes doubt. I believe people would be much more willing to forgive mistakes if they were honest about the inconsistencies and the reasons for them.

Bottom line is Phylicia needs to be found and the inconsistencies from the B's are not only a distraction causing doubt but they HELP the likely perp, MJ, the last person to see PB alive.


I still don't understand what is so difficult about remembering when is the last time you talked to your loved one, one who was a minor that you were responsible for? Even if your are drunk or hung over you still should know.
I don't text, but tell me this, is it that hard to remember if you talked to someone vs. texting them? WOW!!!!!

KB was not at the apt. on the evening that DB and PB came home to find MJ and POI's there most likely already having a party, and probably just joined in. What were they going to do go in the room and close the door? This was not a mansion, but a apt. And why wasn't MJ at work?

I can understand DB and KB not wanting to remember the night of the 27th. if a party was going on. But what did that have to do with the morning and early afternoon of the 28th? Did the earlier (27) date flow over into the later (28)? Yet this still should not have affected KB's memory, she was not at the party on the 27th. She was last there on movie night which had to be the 26th, because remember the 27th is when DB came home to find MJ there.

Yet once again KB couldn't even remember which night was movie and girl's night. I am sure this interview with Peas came many days after LE interviews and others so why were they still not sure of the timeline. When if ever will they be sure??????

There's a great comment from criminal profiler Pat Brown on her FAcebook.

She says there are only a few limited ways someone can be CLEARED:
Out of the country
Giving a sermon in a pulpit
On TV or seen on videotape somewhere far away
Someone else has been proved to have done it.

Pat Brown says that anything not absolute means the person is a possible suspect, still.

So, unless LE knows who did it, or DB was on video somewhere, she is still a suspect?
Authorities have not ruled out that Barnes was the victim of a random abduction.


Ok, if that's the case why can't MJ clear himself? IF PB is the victim of a random abduction and MJ KNOWS without a doubt he has no involvement in PB's disappearance, why hasn't he and his attorney marched down to the police station INSISTING he take a poly and fully cooperate with LE clearing himself? The fact that MJ CAN NOT clear himself speaks volumes to me.

Again the above article mentions DB verbally spoke with PB, when KB has stated that is not true.

Also from the above link:
Phylicia's father, Russell Barnes, has criticized his estranged wife for speaking out, saying that exposing the family rift undercuts attempts to attract attention for the search.

RB needs to shut his pie hole with regards to PB's mother. RB was a mostly absent father to PB and at least 3 of his other children. Of course there is going to be family rifts with an absent father. The facts are DB admitted to allowing drugs and alcohol in the apartment including use by minors. He needs to be concerned not about protecting those who allowed the drugs, alcohol and men (which includes both his daughters and the ex bf) but focus the concern on Phylicia. His comments against JS are the distraction here. Enough!


Random my @$#!!!
MJ said she was sleep on the couch while her phone was ringing?
MJ said she was going to get something to eat?
MJ came home and found the door unlocked and music blasting, yet no police were called?
KB never came to check on why PB was not going with her, just because she's asleep on the COUCH, NOT IN THE BED, please WAKE HER UP????
No camera shots of PB, and scent never went past the parking lot.
Were was the dog, he didn't leave when the door was unlocked and music blasting?
Lil'B tweeted that his battery went out between 12-2pm. But maybe LE knows for sure that he was using his phone between that time and that the tweet was a lie.
MJ lawyered up and his story doesn't add up with a random abduction.
Abduction YEH by MJ and POI's.
Maybe LE are trying to throw off the POI's, because they (LE) certainly aren't fooling me.
What could LE and MJ possibly talk about for 6 hours more?
MJ was not reachable that night (28th)?
MJ shortly after the 28th trying to rantionalize things on his FB, not a good idea for a POI, or to have been the last one to see the victim??????

UMMMMMM Just venting, sorry.
There's a great comment from criminal profiler Pat Brown on her FAcebook.

She says there are only a few limited ways someone can be CLEARED:
Out of the country
Giving a sermon in a pulpit
On TV or seen on videotape somewhere far away
Someone else has been proved to have done it.

Pat Brown says that anything not absolute means the person is a possible suspect, still.

So, unless LE knows who did it, or DB was on video somewhere, she is still a suspect?

Respectfully, this is Pat Browns opinion.... If everyone not out of the country were suspect we'd have to toss PB's mother into that ring, and she is clearly not a suspect. Clearly her opinion differs from Marc Klaas's who highly recommends poly's as an avenue to rule out/clear potential POI's.

I find it interesting LE has not ruled out stranger abduction when PB was not seen on any survellience in the immediate area and dogs did not track her past the front door of the apartment. I suppose that is because PB went missing from a multi family property versus a single family property and the possibility exists another resident/guest of a resident of this apartment complex other than MJ or his circle could have abducted PB. (But there was no sign of a struggle and a struggle would have certainly occured if she was grabbed by a stranger).
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