MD - Phylicia Barnes, 16, Baltimore, 28 Dec 2010 #7

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I think almost anyone could be familiar with the area. There's boating, fishing and Elk Neck State Park has a beach there. I never liked the beach because the water was dirty. The kind that turns the white of your bathing suit brown. There are sharp rocks in the water also so I always cut my feet. Huge friggin catfish there.

ITA. I would think anyone in Central Maryland and North would be familiar with the area around the dam. I wonder if someone just hopped on 95 and sort of ended up there. If whatever happened was not pre planned then panic might have had them thinking I just have to get as far away from the Baltimore area I can but couldn't go too far because of not being out of touch for too long.
I also agree about the is quite a drive especially up 95 in the afternoon due to traffic. On the other hand there is a lot of traffic everywhere and most everyone I know has at least a 30 mile commute (meaning at least 45 mins to an hour) to work so even though it is a PIA people do the drive all the time.
Authorities said it could take the medical examiner’s office days, weeks or even months to determine how Barnes and the man died. A police spokesman said there are no apparent signs of trauma on either body pulled Wednesday from the Susquehanna River near the Conowingo Dam

The above statement is not uncommon when remains are first found if there is not immediate visual trauma to the body such as stab or gun shot wounds. It does NOT rule out foul play.


Just wanted to thank you for this, Cubby, and re-emphasize it. Not only doesn't it rule out foul play, it doesn't even rule out that the ME will find evidence of stabbing, gunshot, blunt-force trauma etc. that weren't immediately obvious to the people recovering the remains. The signs of strangulation or asphyxiation are often not immediately obvious.

I don't want to be too gross -- heck, I'm having breakfast here -- but the condition the body would be in after more than three months in the water could conceal quite extensive wounds that would still be readily apparent on autopsy.
Hello Everyone.

This is my first post, although I've been lurking forever. I too have been approved for the JFPB FB page and this morning, I was checking to see if the twitter buzz from last night had been confirmed and came across this article:

The article pretty much reiterates the multitude of articles that were written when PB's body was found. What I did find interesting were the comments. Two in particular pose another scenario that I don't believe has been discussed here.

I know there are rules regarding copying and pasting certain things and I am not quite sure how they apply to these comments, so I urge you to follow the link above to the article and read the comments for yourself. The poster is royrdy and it is the second comment listed. Also read the reply that was posted by the same person.

Hello Everyone.

This is my first post, although I've been lurking forever. I too have been approved for the JFPB FB page and this morning, I was checking to see if the twitter buzz from last night had been confirmed and came across this article:

The article pretty much reiterates the multitude of articles that were written when PB's body was found. What I did find interesting were the comments. Two in particular pose another scenario that I don't believe has been discussed here.

I know there are rules regarding copying and pasting certain things and I am not quite sure how they apply to these comments, so I urge you to follow the link above to the article and read the comments for yourself. The poster is royrdy and it is the second comment listed. Also read the reply that was posted by the same person.

:welcome4: shoe~diva!!!! SO glad to have you here.
I feel uneasy what the scenario because it is very, very, very specific.It's like of strange to me that someone would be so specific - car color? times? facial features? We don't have enough information to go on to conclude most of that.
But we have talked about the possibility that something did happen the night before. It's certainly possible.
Hello Everyone.

This is my first post, although I've been lurking forever. I too have been approved for the JFPB FB page and this morning, I was checking to see if the twitter buzz from last night had been confirmed and came across this article:

The article pretty much reiterates the multitude of articles that were written when PB's body was found. What I did find interesting were the comments. Two in particular pose another scenario that I don't believe has been discussed here.

I know there are rules regarding copying and pasting certain things and I am not quite sure how they apply to these comments, so I urge you to follow the link above to the article and read the comments for yourself. The poster is royrdy and it is the second comment listed. Also read the reply that was posted by the same person.

Fascinating find. Thank you for posting. In a nutshell, the theory states that PB snuck out at night to go with a guy, and it turned into a drug deal gone bad.
I would like to know more clearly the vehicles available to the folks in the apartment.
Yes, Also very big man. Approximately 280-300 lbs and around 6'4. If it isn't the jumper and is some how related to PB I'm thinking innocent bystander at the wrong place at the wrong time. A witness to the dumping.

I'm having a hard time with a wrong place wrong time theory, or that the 2nd set of remains has any tie to PB's case. MJ and his group of friends (that I have seen photo's of) are pretty tiny in comparison to a 6'4" 240-300 lb guy. I just can't see them having the strength to overpower a man of that size.

Right now the strongest possibility as a match for the second set of remains is the man who jumped in late March. I do hope LE is able to rule in or rule out quickly AND that they update MSM if the two cases are not related.
I'm having a hard time with a wrong place wrong time theory, or that the 2nd set of remains has any tie to PB's case. MJ and his group of friends (that I have seen photo's of) are pretty tiny in comparison to a 6'4" 240-300 lb guy. I just can't see them having the strength to overpower a man of that size.

Right now the strongest possibility as a match for the second set of remains is the man who jumped in late March. I do hope LE is able to rule in or rule out quickly AND that they update MSM if the two cases are not related.

BBM. Yes. I keep checking MSP for an update. I am hoping for some news today.

Re posting the MSP website, where the "media" link takes you to a list of press releases.
Is there a place where I could put all of the transcripts of the Peas broadcasts and other things, accessible to others? Can they go in the case archive? I would like to have them available, and they are scattered throughout the 6 previous threads. I have them on my computer, so it would be easy to deliver them to wherever they need to go.
Thanks in advance...
I think almost anyone could be familiar with the area. There's boating, fishing and Elk Neck State Park has a beach there. I never liked the beach because the water was dirty. The kind that turns the white of your bathing suit brown. There are sharp rocks in the water also so I always cut my feet. Huge friggin catfish there.

In December it would be dark by five. Keep in mind someone was most likely transporting a corpse. Another good reason not to cross over into PA. and try dumping her up there with Md. tags at that. State Troopers all over the place as well as mad traffic. 40 miles might not sound like much to some but Md. is a small state with traffic, people and LE every where. I can think of some secluded areas in Howard County but I think it was not chosen specifically because it looks obvious that would have been taken there directly from her sisters apt. due to proximity and possibly more familiar and/or known area the perp frequented. Anywhere farther is just too risky imo.

Thank you. From a non local, just from looking at a map between B'mor and the location PB was found there seems to be quite a few bodies of water, a state park. I wonder why this location was chosen. The only thing that makes sense from viewing the map is a direct route?

IIRC there was 5.5 hour min window of time where MJ was unaccounted for. It is possible, imo, she was alive until the time he -or the person responsible- got near the area rather than transporting her all that way deceased.

Hello Everyone.

This is my first post, although I've been lurking forever. I too have been approved for the JFPB FB page and this morning, I was checking to see if the twitter buzz from last night had been confirmed and came across this article:

The article pretty much reiterates the multitude of articles that were written when PB's body was found. What I did find interesting were the comments. Two in particular pose another scenario that I don't believe has been discussed here.

I know there are rules regarding copying and pasting certain things and I am not quite sure how they apply to these comments, so I urge you to follow the link above to the article and read the comments for yourself. The poster is royrdy and it is the second comment listed. Also read the reply that was posted by the same person.

WELCOME, Shoe-Diva!!!

Many thanks for posting that link which hold a most curious theory/leak?

My problem with this commenter who fancies himself? to be an insider, is that his convenient "truth" is revealed AFTER PB and the UID have been found.

The details are just too specific and eerie to be ignored. Yes, this person is most probably an insider. The question is-

Who's side? Is this an unscrupulous character within LE who is busting at the seams with information and just has to leak "facts," or is this a participant of the crimes?

What's the motive of this person posting this information? What are we do to with it?

I submit that the commenter married truth with lies in their post and is attempting to commit a character assassination of PB. JMO

PB's been getting national coverage and massive sympathy in the days subsequent to her body being found.

This poster began his comment with stating something to the effect of PB causing her own demise.

This is one who would put a stop to all of this nonsensical outpouring of public grief, because it's "her fault."

I have a problem with that.

Also, if there's truth to this commenter's post, what does that say about those who would create such an intentional, false, misleading timeline?

Just wanted to thank you for this, Cubby, and re-emphasize it. Not only doesn't it rule out foul play, it doesn't even rule out that the ME will find evidence of stabbing, gunshot, blunt-force trauma etc. that weren't immediately obvious to the people recovering the remains. The signs of strangulation or asphyxiation are often not immediately obvious.

I don't want to be too gross -- heck, I'm having breakfast here -- but the condition the body would be in after more than three months in the water could conceal quite extensive wounds that would still be readily apparent on autopsy.

BBM and kind of OT, I guess those of us who are regulars in the UID forum can eat and do this... I can eat and view morgue photo's at the same time. Pictures I can handle because mentally I know they are photo's. Would surely be different viewing in real life.

ok, that was prolly tmi..... while I am still having coffee and about to go to 7-11 for a cup of Brazilian bold my fav'!
Hello Everyone.

This is my first post, although I've been lurking forever. I too have been approved for the JFPB FB page and this morning, I was checking to see if the twitter buzz from last night had been confirmed and came across this article:

The article pretty much reiterates the multitude of articles that were written when PB's body was found. What I did find interesting were the comments. Two in particular pose another scenario that I don't believe has been discussed here.

I know there are rules regarding copying and pasting certain things and I am not quite sure how they apply to these comments, so I urge you to follow the link above to the article and read the comments for yourself. The poster is royrdy and it is the second comment listed. Also read the reply that was posted by the same person.

Welcome to WS shoe~diva! :welcome:

I can't get the link to work. May be my computer..... With regards to your question, you can't copy and paste, but you can link and paraphase what was said in the comments.

Fascinating find. Thank you for posting. In a nutshell, the theory states that PB snuck out at night to go with a guy, and it turned into a drug deal gone bad.
I would like to know more clearly the vehicles available to the folks in the apartment.

How could PB have snuck out at night and not been reported missing in the am when DB awoke for work? It doesn't make logical sense imo.

Is there a place where I could put all of the transcripts of the Peas broadcasts and other things, accessible to others? Can they go in the case archive? I would like to have them available, and they are scattered throughout the 6 previous threads. I have them on my computer, so it would be easy to deliver them to wherever they need to go.
Thanks in advance...

I'm not sure what you mean by case archive (unless you are meaning the member who sometimes links the photo bucket case archives? ) The archived case forum here at WS is only for really old cases and things are moved there. There is a subforum in both the missing discussion and located discussion for timeline and media links only, but that is only for links - and no discussion. You might want to look at the timeline and media information only subforum and see if that is what you are looking for.

Or you might wish to add the info to a site such as image shack and link here?

Hello Everyone.

This is my first post, although I've been lurking forever. I too have been approved for the JFPB FB page and this morning, I was checking to see if the twitter buzz from last night had been confirmed and came across this article:

The article pretty much reiterates the multitude of articles that were written when PB's body was found. What I did find interesting were the comments. Two in particular pose another scenario that I don't believe has been discussed here.

I know there are rules regarding copying and pasting certain things and I am not quite sure how they apply to these comments, so I urge you to follow the link above to the article and read the comments for yourself. The poster is royrdy and it is the second comment listed. Also read the reply that was posted by the same person.

Thanks shoe~diva, that was really interesting and kind of scary! I feel like the Baltimore LE should be made aware of this comment. It sounds like someone(or more than one person--maybe the neighbors) knows something, they saw something. I could be wrong of course.
WELCOME, Shoe-Diva!!!

Many thanks for posting that link which hold a most curious theory/leak?

My problem with this commenter who fancies himself? to be an insider, is that his convenient "truth" is revealed AFTER PB and the UID have been found.

The details are just too specific and eerie to be ignored. Yes, this person is most probably an insider. The question is-

Who's side? Is this an unscrupulous character within LE who is busting at the seams with information and just has to leak "facts," or is this a participant of the crimes?

What's the motive of this person posting this information? What are we do to with it?

I submit that the commenter married truth with lies in their post and is attempting to commit a character assassination of PB. JMO

PB's been getting national coverage and massive sympathy in the days subsequent to her body being found.

This poster began his comment with stating something to the effect of PB causing her own demise.

This is one who would put a stop to all of this nonsensical outpouring of public grief, because it's "her fault."

I have a problem with that.

Also, if there's truth to this commenter's post, what does that say about those who would create such an intentional, false, misleading timeline?


Very well said. Especially that last sentence. Really made me pause and think.... I already have questions about the character of those in the inner circle, including KB and DB. But I can't see them creating the facade that would be necessary to cover up PB leaving in the night. Good point.
WELCOME, Shoe-Diva!!!

Many thanks for posting that link which hold a most curious theory/leak?

My problem with this commenter who fancies himself? to be an insider, is that his convenient "truth" is revealed AFTER PB and the UID have been found.

The details are just too specific and eerie to be ignored. Yes, this person is most probably an insider. The question is-

Who's side? Is this an unscrupulous character within LE who is busting at the seams with information and just has to leak "facts," or is this a participant of the crimes?

What's the motive of this person posting this information? What are we do to with it?

I submit that the commenter married truth with lies in their post and is attempting to commit a character assassination of PB. JMO

PB's been getting national coverage and massive sympathy in the days subsequent to her body being found.

This poster began his comment with stating something to the effect of PB causing her own demise.

This is one who would put a stop to all of this nonsensical outpouring of public grief, because it's "her fault."

I have a problem with that.

Also, if there's truth to this commenter's post, what does that say about those who would create such an intentional, false, misleading timeline?


I couldn't get the link up on my computer for some reason. However I never put much stock into comments on MSM articles. Too many trolls out there who will post just about anything on an unmoderated site to create an uproar.

Wiki's info on internet trolls.

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