MD - Phylicia Barnes, 16, Baltimore, 28 Dec 2010 #7

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I wonder if the neighbor was giving an approximate time of 1:00pm. Could it have been between 1:00 and 1:30? It only takes about 20 minutes to get to Walmart from the apartment using back roads. He could have been back around 1:20pm.

I don't know. The thing I question is his leaving to get the container. That was pretty risky considering KB was expected.

There are still a lot of unknowns, such as what happened with DB contacting KB to say she couldn't reach PB. Why KB didn't go straight to the apartment and whether KB had a key. Who all had keys. What time MJ was seen at Walmart.

Why no one was alerted to something being amiss when communication was cut off suddenly?

Things which I am sure will come out at trial......
I don't recall reading that P was in any of the many pornographic images found...?
I don't recall reading that P was in any of the many pornographic images found...?

Nor do I. IIRC, it was Neverdon who leaked info about the photo's, but it was never stated who exactly was in the photo's, other than persons known to be at the apartment.

I never could understand why Neverdon took it upon himself to leak he saw the photo's and who was supposedly in them, other than to draw a cloud of suspicion over a group of people as opposed to his client. I guess time will tell if that did his client any good.
What I remember about the photos was somewhere in the media and somewhere in the threads here.

Somehow a bunch of the partygoers decided to streak around the apartment area indoors and outdoors. Photos were taken of the naked runners.

That was not reported until much later. What was reported was that *advertiser censored* images of Phylicia existed. Guessing that would mean the streaking pics.

If they had actual *advertiser censored* pics of her, then some arrests would have been made a long time ago.

The search warrants looking for info about child *advertiser censored* and sexual exploitation was about July 7-8, 2011

Here is the case archive. In there, we saved everything, articles, vids, pics. It will take a while since there's over 700 files, but the info can still be found.
The one article talks about Bryan Barnes working relentlessly on Phylicia's case and in the interview with Janice she said Phylicia didn't like Bryan and Janice don't believe any of the Barnes siblings cared for Phylicia..Powerful interview..My hearts heavy for this mom..
TY for linking the blog. What an eye-opener, although a lot of that was known, the details make the pain even worse for Mrs Mustafa.

I added the beginning of the post to the case archive, with the link to the rest.
My heart is heavy for Phylicia's mother. I can feel her rage/mix of emotions...

Nothing will bring Phylicia back.

While Barnes family didn't actual do the deed/murder, they are fully responsible for leaving Phylicia in an unsafe environment around men who clearly act like pigs. By pigs, I mean how men relate to and treat the women in their life. Knowing how men recognize other men, I don't for a second believe Michael Johnson pulled the wool over ANY of their eyes with how he viewed and treated women. Spelled out, I think both Russell and Bryan Barnes were fully aware of the type of male Deena chose as a partner for 10 yrs of her life and who was around a 16 yr old family member.

I have to wonder... with those pictures and only MJ being charged, I have to believe someone made a deal in there. I envision a scenario in which the FBI/LE gave a few people a choice; get charged for your involvement with these pictures, drugs, alcohol and a minor, or work with us to solve Phylicia's murder. I don't see any other way for no one else to be charged.

I'll leave it at that, or I may find myself sharing opinions which will grant me a time out.
I am just now catching up and I feel physically sick.
500 MESSAGES. That is some kind of grooming. Phylicia - you were a precious girl and you didn't deserve this.
She trusted MJ because he was pretty much family.
I don't even know what else to say.

Janice Sallis-Mustafa's explosive interview revealing more info and disturbing facts about this case.


Oh wow. The tone is very similar to the previous time she was interviewed by that same person. My heart breaks for her. I am not sure that the circle is as wide as she is insinuating, but I do think it goes beyond MJ. MJ and Co. have some records and previous involvement with LE, so I am sure that deals have been made, as Cubby stated above.

Praying for justice...
I am just now catching up and I feel physically sick.
500 MESSAGES. That is some kind of grooming. Phylicia - you were a precious girl and you didn't deserve this.
She trusted MJ because he was pretty much family.
I don't even know what else to say.

Grooming is absolutely right. She would have taken MJ's calls as being family friendly, versus his inappropriate interest in her.

IMO, all along MJ was done with Deena as far as their relationship. He had a girlfriend on the side, for at least 6 mo's, with whom he now shares a child. He stuck around in that apartment he shared with DB for one reason and one reason only, his 'chance' at Phylicia.

Where the he77 was DB when MJ made these 500 texts/calls to her baby sister?
Grooming is absolutely right. She would have taken MJ's calls as being family friendly, versus his inappropriate interest in her.

IMO, all along MJ was done with Deena as far as their relationship. He had a girlfriend on the side, for at least 6 mo's, with whom he now shares a child. He stuck around in that apartment he shared with DB for one reason and one reason only, his 'chance' at Phylicia.

Where the he77 was DB when MJ made these 500 texts/calls to her baby sister?

Exactly! Where was Deena and why was she left alone in the company of this pervert? Why didn't Deena or Kelly immediately rush to the apartment to check on their baby sister knowing Mj was there? So many questions and I can't wait for all of them to be answered in a court of law. More arrests are coming. :mad:

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Exactly! Where was Deena and why was she left alone in the company of this pervert? Why didn't Deena or Kelly immediately rush to the apartment to check on their baby sister knowing Mj was there? So many questions and I can't wait for all of them to be answered in a court of law. More arrests are coming. :mad:

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Honestly, the only thing that makes sense is they were desensitized to the inappropriate behavior of the males they chose to associate with because they had been around such behavior for so long.
It's a shame the male role models in their family did not teach them what type of behavior was appropriate from men and what was clearly not.

If they did not recognize it when it happened to them- and because that behavior was surely ok, or they wouldn't continue to associate with it, they surely would not recognize it when it happened to their baby sister.

I'll stop there or I'll find myself with a TO....because each time I think about it, I can't help but become enraged. And that does PB no good. I want to be here for the trial and to see she gets the justice she so deserves.
Exactly! Where was Deena and why was she left alone in the company of this pervert? Why didn't Deena or Kelly immediately rush to the apartment to check on their baby sister knowing Mj was there? So many questions and I can't wait for all of them to be answered in a court of law. More arrests are coming. :mad:

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Originally Posted by Cubby
Grooming is absolutely right. She would have taken MJ's calls as being family friendly, versus his inappropriate interest in her.

IMO, all along MJ was done with Deena as far as their relationship. He had a girlfriend on the side, for at least 6 mo's, with whom he now shares a child. He stuck around in that apartment he shared with DB for one reason and one reason only, his 'chance' at Phylicia.

Where the he77 was DB when MJ made these 500 texts/calls to her baby sister?

I read on one article that MJ was doing all that texting with Phylicia around June, July and August of 2010. That's the time when she would be on Summer break from school. Since he worked at night, he was probably texting her during the day while DB or his current girlfriend (TF), whom he had already known for some time, were at work.
The Arraignment Date for Michael Johnson is scheduled for Court Date: 06/20/2012 Court Time:09:30 Room:600

Is it the prosecutors or his lawyers that are requesting a speedy trial? His lawyers think there is not enough evidence to hold him. What will come out of the arraignment in June? Where is that blue tub/container that he purchased from Walmart? If he used it to move his belongings, it would be still around his apartment. Why would anyone throw that size container away, unless it was used to transport a body? The defense does not think the container was large enough to put a 5'8" slender female in it. I have a 20 gallon tub container that is pretty large. A 35 gallon tub container is definitiely large enough to fit a female of that height and size. Hopefully, the prosecutors have some additional evidence that will be presented during the grand jury trial.
Unclouding The Facts In The Barnes Teen Murder Case: Why Suspicion Lingers Around Barnes | The People's Champion:

Great article! And I seriously believe Deena played some part in this. I really hope Michael Johnson opens up and tells EVERYTHING about what was really going on in that apartment. :mad:

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