MD MD - Tristan Courtland Turner, 22, Montgomery Village, Aug 2005

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Nov 11, 2009
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Starting a thread per request of a newbie who doesn't yet have thread starting capabilities.

Tristan Courtland Turner


Above Images: Turner, circa 2005

Vital Statistics at Time of Disappearance

Missing Since: August 20, 2005 from Montgomery Village, Maryland
Classification: Missing
Date of Birth: July 4, 1983
Age: 22 years old
Height and Weight: 6'0, 185 pounds
Distinguishing Characteristics: Caucasian male. Brown hair, hazel eyes. Turner has the following tattoos: a gun on his right ankle, a gun on his left forearm and a skull on the underside of his right forearm.

Details of Disappearance

Turner was last seen in Montgomery Village, Maryland on August 20, 2005. He left home to travel to Baltimore, Maryland and never returned. He was driving a borrowed black 2002 Honda Del Sol with Maryland license plates at the time of his disappearance. Turner has never been heard from again. Few details are available in his case.


Charley Project:
Could the Mecklenburg John Doe be Tristan Turner? The Doe was found in in 2008 but the PMI was estimated to be about 2005. Not much to go on but the time is good. He told his family he was going to Baltimore, about an hour from his home. Maybe he made a trip six hours south down south and got in trouble with some bad people. The unidentified man was found in a remote area behind the Charlotte airport. The DNA Doe Project is researching now, so we may know soon. Mecklenburg John Doe 2008 - DNA Doe Project Cases
Could the Mecklenburg John Doe be Tristan Turner? The Doe was found in in 2008 but the PMI was estimated to be about 2005. Not much to go on but the time is good. He told his family he was going to Baltimore, about an hour from his home. Maybe he made a trip six hours south down south and got in trouble with some bad people. The unidentified man was found in a remote area behind the Charlotte airport. The DNA Doe Project is researching now, so we may know soon. Mecklenburg John Doe 2008 - DNA Doe Project Cases
I looked at the Mecklenburg Doe's DNA. It shows he's mostly AmerIndinan. I don't know Tristan's DNA story but, he doesn't look like that profile would fit him.
I looked at the Mecklenburg Doe's DNA. It shows he's mostly AmerIndinan. I don't know Tristan's DNA story but, he doesn't look like that profile would fit him.
Yes, I recently saw that too. That probably rules Tristan out. How about Jose Espinoza, missing from Charlotte, NC since 2003? He has no rule outs on Namus. This makes more sense DNA wise and a lot more sense as far as circumstances.
4963DMNC - Jose Espinoza

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If you are a member of Websleuths, you AGREED to follow the Terms of Service when you joined. Websleuths is intentionally strict about being fact-based and victim-friendly. UNLESS a member has been approved as a Verified Insider, they may NOT post inside information. Anyone can post ANYthing on most other places on the internet. Not here. We are dedicated to protecting the victims of cases here by substantiating everything that is posted here. The Verified Insider process is part of that, and we stand by it. If a member follows the process, AND is substantiated to actually have inside knowledge, they will be approved as a VI. It is not difficult, and our VI coordinator is very prompt. If a member bashes the process and the Websleuths’ rules, that violates the rules you agreed to, and it is an indication that Websleuths might not be a fit for you.

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Oh gosh I apologize, i registered at work and did not read the terms. I should've! That was my stupid mistake. Thank you for deleting it. <modsnip> He left the morning of 08/20 and never came back. We are still puzzled as of where he went.
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Its so odd to see this mugshot, as far as i knew he only got into trouble in MD. if he was in TX after the disappearance date, then this will give us some peace of mind. I hope he is OK and alive, living elsewhere.
I looked him up based on the mugshot and found two cases from Harris County, TX. They're from 2003 and 2004. A Maryland state case search gives a 2006 incident with his name and LKA in Montgomery Village. This might just be a case of someone not wanting to be found.

A Google Search shows someone using that name with about the same age living in Maryland right now with a Harris County, TX phone number. I'm hesitant to believe it's that simple of a find, but hey...maybe it is.
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I looked him up based on the mugshot and found two cases from Harris County, TX. They're from 2003 and 2004. A Maryland state case search gives a 2006 incident with his name and LKA in Montgomery Village. This might just be a case of someone not wanting to be found.

A Google Search shows someone using that name with about the same age living in Maryland right now with a Harris County, TX phone number. I'm hesitant to believe it's that simple of a find, but hey...maybe it is.

In my casual experience and understanding, I think name and phone number internet search results can linger for years to even decades beyond that which is current, like the data companies will hold on to your last reported information and still show it no matter how old it is. I am no expert but I am not convinced that seeing Tristan’s phone and address info appear like that means he’s alive and kicking there, rather that’s just the last info that ever existed so the internet takes that and runs with it.

I have not seen anything that mentions anyone ever finding what happened to this Honda Civic which leads me to believe it’s still missing with Tristan. Either he wound up in a body of water with the vehicle, or he would have had to have known people who had connections in order to “process out” a vehicle like through a chop shop or something. I’m assuming this was a 1990s Civic Del Sol, which is actually probably a top contender when it comes to vehicles that were prone to being stolen or made to disappear by parting-out then so that alone adds an interesting angle to the case.

I have no idea what routes Tristan would have taken on his final magical journey, so it’s unknown which bodies of water he could have passed by however if you were to do a direct route from Montgomery Village to Baltimore, there are two major bodies of water en route. One is right in Montgomery Village. It currently has guardrails but it’s not on the drivers side of the road when heading his direction. Now for the other, and this next one depends on whether or not this has been redesigned since 2005, The other is an obvious crossing over the “middle branch”, a bend in the freeway on 395/95 over a large body of water as you enter Baltimore downtown area. You could speculate he could have theoretically entered the water here if he lost control at highway speed as the highway curves to the left rather sharply in his direction of travel however it would have required his vehicle to be traveling at such a high speed that it flipped over the jersey barrier (I did a street view). This would have had to have taken place in the middle of the night for the theory to be viable as otherwise, someone would have seen it happen. I would have to wonder what kind of driving history Tristan would have had.
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