ME ME - Ayla Reynolds, 20 mnths, Waterville, 17 December 2011 - # 4

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Yes, of course. We don't know how severe Ayla's injury was though.

It was severe enough to make her unable to bend, lift or use her arm for some time, according to her father.
You're no doubt an excellent parent but I don't trust JDP's account.


"It was a dark and stormy night..." by Snoopy. There is no reason for him not to be sure of the exact date, he's been through this with the police enough to have covered when it happened. He knows when his last driving lessons were. LE have no doubt gotten the notes from the ER with the exact date of the ER visit on them and if they were thorough they asked his driving teacher for their schedule too. The exact date of the accident should be 24 hours before the ER visit and 24 hours before his last driving lesson. Not too hard to compute. That is, unless considerably longer than 24 hours elapsed between the accident and the ER visit.

What exactly is burned into his brain if he doesn't know what happened?
Usually people use this expression differently, if something is burned into their brain they mean that they will always remember exactly. He probably knows exactly how it happened imo.

There is a disconnect here imo. You don't call someone back in from the driveway just because their child is fine. Her hand was swollen, she was not fine. I understand that the money spent on the driving lessons was a priority but was there any reason his mom or whoever else was looking after Ayla while he was taking the driving lessons could not have taken Ayla to ER after noticing that the hand was swollen?

On top of that, she was also unable to lift, bend and use her arm. But she was OK and didn't need the ER.

FWIW when I broke my arm it was just the tiniest hairline fracture that healed in two weeks or so but it hurt like hello right away and I was unable to use it immediately.

I don't think this is the whole truth and nothing but the truth about how Ayla broke her arm but of course it doesn't mean he knows what happened to Ayla later.

Oh my. We are talking about common people here, not medical experts. He was cleared by any wrong doing by the hospital and I think this entire conversation insinuating abuse should be put on the back burner. I'm pretty confident even after Ayla missing if the PD felt abuse occurred in the home they would not allow JD, or his mom, to move back to the home with the sister and baby in their presence.
I expect you would have known you broke it if you had been unable to use your hand.

Again. My daughter could twist her wrist all around as we checked it and she didn't flinch. The next day when swelling and bruising is when we learned of the break and it was a severe bone into the other. Children are more resilient than adults with bones.
Ayla wasn't crying, Phoebe DiPietro said. So, the family weighed a decision.

"It was my last class," Justin DiPietro said. "I paid a fairly good amount of money for that."

DiPietro considered skipping class, but his mother advised against it.

"I was, like, 'We have to bring her to the emergency room,' and she said, 'Well, she's fine right now.'"

She was not in distress and he looked to his mom for her advice. One with experience. I see NOTHING that he did wrong.
We can agree to disagree. I think the account has flags in it, others don't, and that's fine.

For the record, I didn't say I thought abuse had occurred, I said I don't think it's the whole truth about how everything happened.

It could have been an accident and yet not be the whole truth.

I don't precisely understand why anybody who is concerned enough about a child's swollen hand to call another person in from the driveway would advise against going to the ER.
I should also like to interject an opinion here regarding Trista, Ayla's mom. A lot of her feelings regarding her child and JD's care is going to have come from "in retrospect" opinion. In other words, had Ayla not gone missing/abducted...all that she felt about JD and Ayla's visits very well may have blown over. However, once she learned her baby was missing/abducted...all those thoughts of the bruises and broken arm and add to that a missing baby would make any mother cry foul play. However, we are not the for anyone to "add to that" in not knowing the inner dynamics of the household is unfair. Don't you think? Obviously Trista is a new mom of only 2 years...we all know from having multiple children how bruises are easily done by climbing on furniture, banging into things and everyone on here cannot really sit and say that NEVER did their child ever have an accident that mom or dad could have prevented. We all have had things happen.
Ayla wasn't crying, Phoebe DiPietro said. So, the family weighed a decision.

"It was my last class," Justin DiPietro said. "I paid a fairly good amount of money for that."

DiPietro considered skipping class, but his mother advised against it.

"I was, like, 'We have to bring her to the emergency room,' and she said, 'Well, she's fine right now.'"

She was not in distress and he looked to his mom for her advice. One with experience. I see NOTHING that he did wrong.

A baby with a swollen hand needs medical attention.
I rarely post, but I would like to comment on Ayla's broken arm, and not being taken to the hospital for 24 hours. I broke my arm when I was in the 4th grade and it did not swell or show any signs of being broken (other than being sore) until the following day. My mother has felt guilty for the past 31 years that she did not know and did not take me to the hospital immediately. Unless a bone is obviously bent or protruding from the skin, it is often difficult to determine a break from a sprain or a bruise. Breaking a bone is really not that big of a deal, in my opinion. I personally feel that Ayla having a broken arm and then turning up missing is nothing but coincidence or bad timing. It is unfortunate that once something like this happens, the parents and others involved are put under a microscope and the public is allowed to dissect every single thing that they have ever done.

I haven't posted in a while, taking a break after poor Caylee's denial of justice.

Anyway, when my daughter was 6 or 7 she was playing outside with her brother. She stood on the back of his tricycle while he rode. She fell off and landed a weird way on her wrist. She cried a little but had full range of movement. There was a little swelling, but not much. I iced it and kept an eye. The next day she seemed fine. Day after that fine as well. Third day she goes outside to play basketball and comes back in sobbing and holding her wrist. At that point we headed to the ER. They xray'd it and you could of blown me over with a feather when we found out it was broken. I sobbed in the ER, hugged my child, appologized up and down for not bringing her in sooner, and followed up with about $150 in guilt toys. LOL. I was comforted by the doctor actually who told me that her son had had an incident where he'd hurt his ankle. Seemed ok, she let him play in a soccer game, he came off the field in major pain, turns out his ankle was broken. My point in all of this is that it's not always apparent when there is a break.

My situation was completely innocent, and I'm a watchful caring Mom. She seemed ok. She is now 14 and a half and I still feel guilty.

I don't know what happened with Ayla. I don't think it was necessarily a dubious reason that her Dad waited to have her seen. Could very well have been, but didn't HAVE to be. That's all.

However, when looking at the entire picture with Ayla, her having the broken arm, missing her doctor appointments, then coming up missing....well that makes my hinky meter go off like crazy.

Had, God Forbid, my child gone missing after her break I would of been at the police station every second until she was found. Volunteering information, begging for leads, pleading for the return of my precious child.

I'm not seeing that here. Just sayin.
We can agree to disagree. I think the account has flags in it, others don't, and that's fine.

For the record, I didn't say I thought abuse had occurred, I said I don't think it's the whole truth about how everything happened.

It could have been an accident and yet not be the whole truth.

All I know Donjeta is that I do not see any arrogance, no controlling behaviors, no narcissistic personality traits, no avoidance (outside of compromising the investigation), no history of arrests, no history of restraining orders, abuse, assaults...I see a young mom who obviously had enough trust in her ex to allow him to have Ayla while she went for treatment that I cannot for a moment "convict" him of something because he lived in the home where the child went missing. For all we know (*Hypothetical for example purposes only) his sister could be a psycho and killed Ayla as she was jealous of the attention given to her over her own child. Point is...we do not know...and from all accounts thus far, I believe JD does not know either.
All I know Donjeta is that I do not see any arrogance, no controlling behaviors, no narcissistic personality traits, no avoidance (outside of compromising the investigation), no history of arrests, no history of restraining orders, abuse, assaults...I see a young mom who obviously had enough trust in her ex to allow him to have Ayla while she went for treatment that I cannot for a moment "convict" him of something because he lived in the home where the child went missing. For all we know (*Hypothetical for example purposes only) his sister could be a psycho and killed Ayla as she was jealous of the attention given to her over her own child. Point is...we do not know...and from all accounts thus far, I believe JD does not know either.

I did not say that I see arrogance, controlling behaviors, narcissistic personality traits, avoidance, history of arrests, history of restraining orders, abuse, assaults.
A baby with a swollen hand needs medical attention.

Not sure how to say this without insulting anyone, but some people do not have "common sense." Again, not sure if that is the appropriate verbiage, however...let's not forget they DID take her to the hospital...yes, 7 hours later after swelling noticed...and perhaps Gramma put ice on it and felt it would be fine...but it does not indicate child abuse or neglect. It happens and I am sure if it happened again they would go straight to ER the moment swelling shows.
I did not say that I see arrogance, controlling behaviors, narcissistic personality traits, avoidance, history of arrests, history of restraining orders, abuse, assaults.

Those are all traits that one could have if they abused children or their mates.
Sitting in her living room, steps away from Ayla's bedroom, DiPietro said she heard nothing while she slept that night. She wasn't the last one to go to bed that night and wasn't sure whether the doors were locked. She and her son suspect the child was abducted.

I'm not sure but maybe Ayla's bedroom is on the main floor next to the living room. JMO

Good find. Probably right.
When my daughter was 5 she broke her wrist rollerskating with her aunt. This was around 5 pm. She came home around 9pm after visiting with her aunt for the day. She did not cry, or act like it even hurt ...same as in the article. It was not until the next day that her arm swelled and became bruised. We took her to ER and it was a horrible fracture. One bone literally went into another in which pins and surgery took place. She never cried, (except when she first fell according to her aunt) and nothing appeared to be "hurt" until the next day and the obvious swelling/bruising.

We had the same situation here with my daughter who was 9 at the time. She fell on some outside steps at her brother's football practice. She cried at first, but me not having any prior experience figured if it was not swollen and it was mobile, that she probably just bruised it badly. It wasnt until the NEXT day when she was still crying, and that I could see a huge bump in her arm, that I figured something else was wrong. Indeed it was, it was broken.

So, in all fairness I can understand and empathize with them not rushing her to the hospital right away. Unless you have prior experience or x ray vision, these things are not always obvious.
Those are all traits that one could have if they abused children or their mates.

I said that his account of the accident was verbally inconsistent in my opinion, not that anybody abused anyone.
Good eye, thanks Amster. So I guess people weren't going in and out the door to smoke outside. JMO

We smoke in the house, but we don't have little ones, however, when there are more than the two of us here, we go outside to smoke or on the front porch (it's partially enclosed) they may have been.
I wonder when the next time we hear from TR/family will be.
I haven't posted in a while, taking a break after poor Caylee's denial of justice.

Anyway, when my daughter was 6 or 7 she was playing outside with her brother. She stood on the back of his tricycle while he rode. She fell off and landed a weird way on her wrist. She cried a little but had full range of movement. There was a little swelling, but not much. I iced it and kept an eye. The next day she seemed fine. Day after that fine as well. Third day she goes outside to play basketball and comes back in sobbing and holding her wrist. At that point we headed to the ER. They xray'd it and you could of blown me over with a feather when we found out it was broken. I sobbed in the ER, hugged my child, appologized up and down for not bringing her in sooner, and followed up with about $150 in guilt toys. LOL. I was comforted by the doctor actually who told me that her son had had an incident where he'd hurt his ankle. Seemed ok, she let him play in a soccer game, he came off the field in major pain, turns out his ankle was broken. My point in all of this is that it's not always apparent when there is a break.

My situation was completely innocent, and I'm a watchful caring Mom. She seemed ok. She is now 14 and a half and I still feel guilty.

I don't know what happened with Ayla. I don't think it was necessarily a dubious reason that her Dad waited to have her seen. Could very well have been, but didn't HAVE to be. That's all.

However, when looking at the entire picture with Ayla, her having the broken arm, missing her doctor appointments, then coming up missing....well that makes my hinky meter go off like crazy.

Had, God Forbid, my child gone missing after her break I would of been at the police station every second until she was found. Volunteering information, begging for leads, pleading for the return of my precious child.

I'm not seeing that here. Just sayin.

LOL. I had to laugh at the "guilt toys!" You were better than I...I did the guilt "McDonald's trip." lol....and yes, hinky meter going off is common thinking...we are all only human and everyone has opinions...I also believe JD explained quite well what was going on with the PD interviews, interrogations, etc that transpired on the days following.
snipped from :

"I walked out of my house to go down to the station to give statements, and all of a sudden we were homeless on top of everything else," recalled Phoebe DiPietro, the 21-month-old child's grandmother.

JMO ... but this statement from Ayla's GM stood out to me like a "red flag" !

HOMELESS ? You have got to be kidding, right ?

She has absolutely NO IDEA what it is like to be TRULY "homeless" ...

Good Grief ... they were temporarily "inconvenienced" while the home was "investigated" in order to help FIND THE MISSING CHILD !

WHAT is more important: a "temporary inconvenience" or your "comforts" when you have a child MISSING ?

JMO ... but it seemed that GM was MORE concerned about HER "comforts" and NOT being "inconvenienced" than finding the missing child ...

And one other thing I wish the reporter would have asked Ayla's GM :

DEFINE "on top of everything else" ... :waitasec:

Unbelievable ...

MOO MOO and MOO !!!

Really?! "Homeless"? :waitasec:
I said that his account of the accident was verbally inconsistent in my opinion, not that anybody abused anyone.

I guess I am missing your point then? What about the accident is bothering you?
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