ME ME - Ayla Reynolds, 20 mnths, Waterville, 17 December 2011 - # 6

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I am so sorry...and I am showing my ignorance...but I can't seem to find Trista's Timeline (I looked on, and I am confused about who Jessica is.
I know there are limits to posting, but could someone give me the biggest imaginable clues while still being approved on WS?
TIA :crazy:
The comments may no longer visible, but if you notice one poster was accusing admin of deleting his/her comment and then taking credit for "discovering" the timeline. The admin then says he had the timeline since 1/12 but did not release it because TR was waiting for approval from the state police.

Admin of the FB further states that TR and camp were accusing him of leaking the timeline, because they saw it appearing on sites like Hinky Meter. Admin of the FB also said that the person running did not know that the timeline was accessible online so he removed it. That indicates that the timeline was NOT approved; otherwise TR would have published it herself instead of accusing someone of "leaking" it. The timeline was quite heavily revised, and then released because it was already starting to circulate.

I do not have screenshots, but if you followed the page then you know exactly what I'm talking about. You can still see the poster (with no pic) who posted the unedited timeline, and then later states that he/she "stands corrected".

It hasn't been removed yet. Just checked. It still says it will be removed Tuesday.

I don't know about the comments as I hadn't read any of those. Are they on the Ayla page or FB page? Will have to see if I can find them.
I am so sorry...and I am showing my ignorance...but I can't seem to find Trista's Timeline (I looked on, and I am confused about who Jessica is.
I know there are limits to posting, but could someone give me the biggest imaginable clues while still being approved on WS?
TIA :crazy:

Jessica is Trista's sister.

The timeline is on ayla's page that Trista has up....go to contacts and it will show Timeline.
Who are we permitted to sleuth? And by that I mean discuss about on this thread. TR JD PD CR? ED? JR? Tia
I was waiting for someone with more seniority to answer as I am still new.

You might want to email a mod and ask.
When I read the first rendition of JD's emotional experiences I was under the impression that this "stuff" was pulled from daily phone convos that AH had with JD. After I finished reading the first edition I thought that someone was writing an over-the-top novel - it was like a cake with a two-inch thick sick frosting of powdered sugar and shortening.
I was surprised and hurt to read that we are really bad for picking on JD. Well, to me that's better than picking our noses. Sometimes it is just too hard to think of something nice to say about what someone else thinks. KWIM

I just read some of the glowing commentary she has received from supporters of JD. I am overflowing with :sick:

It hasn't been removed yet. Just checked. It still says it will be removed Tuesday.

I don't know about the comments as I hadn't read any of those. Are they on the Ayla page or FB page? Will have to see if I can find them.

He was referring to the unedited version of the timeline...that was removed immediately, and the only access to it now is if you saved it to your own computer. The FB page...
"It's not that I'm changing my story," she said Monday. "It's just that I wrote something that wasn't clear; and when I clarified it, it set everybody off."

Harry said she should have included a sentence saying Elisha DiPietro told Roberts about the missing child, who then told Justin DiPietro.

Harry said she noticed the omission over the weekend and decided to clarify the story. She did not talk to DiPietro regarding the change, she said. Some readers have speculated that DiPietro and Roberts helped Harry write the story as a means to improve public relations
Thank you for your thoughts! I considered what you posted above, but if Trista had representation, wouldn't the attorney work toward having the "agreement" enforced? Also, now that I think of it, wouldn't Trista have had her attorney file for parental rights instead of doing it herself?

The attorney could have been a DHHS attorney. From my experience with the foster care system, often there is an attorney present at team meetings.

:back: :back: :back: :back: :back: :back:

Above: Portrait of a Blogger.

Maybe it's a regional usage problem. When Phoebe DiPietro changed her story she called it a clarification too.

I still haven't figured out why it's not OK for Justin to discuss the events of the night Ayla disappeared because he wants to leave it to the police department to share if they so desire. But in the meantime it's OK for him to discuss the events with a blogger so she can share a muddled and evolving second or third hand version about it.

Is it just a way to get some positive spin out without having to commit oneself to any statements? Anything that backfires in that blog, the blogger can take the blame. She won't have to testify because she was not there so and anything she says is hearsay.
The attorney could have been a DHHS attorney. From my experience with the foster care system, often there is an attorney present at team meetings.

In the first Reynolds timeline, it was just "an attorney" who was present. In the second, more polished version of the timeline, it was "Jessica's attorney." It may not mean anything, but it pained me to realize that the person who had the most to lose, and the greatest need, was sitting there without legal representation.
In the first Reynolds timeline, it was just "an attorney" who was present. In the second, more polished version of the timeline, it was "Jessica's attorney." It may not mean anything, but it pained me to realize that the person who had the most to lose, and the greatest need, was sitting there without legal representation.

Ouch! You're right, it does say Jessica's attorney. Hopefully, Jessica and Trista had the same interest (keeping Ayla safe) so he was trying to protect both of them.

Also from what we have read, true, exagerated or otherwise, one would think that JD's mom would be loudly accusing TR of wrongdoing if there wasn't some reason for her not to do so...doesn't seem to be any love lost there. JMO

Maybe, but some people believe that if you let someone talk long enough and just keep quiet, they will eventually expose themselves. Discretion is the better part of valor and all that. Besides, PD did say that they relayed all of their suspicions to LE.
In the first Reynolds timeline, it was just "an attorney" who was present. In the second, more polished version of the timeline, it was "Jessica's attorney." It may not mean anything, but it pained me to realize that the person who had the most to lose, and the greatest need, was sitting there without legal representation.

current timeline states..."DHHS had put Ayla in the joint care of Becca and Jessica while she was undergoing treatment."

I read it as the attorney was Jessica's because Alya was in Jessica's care (approved by DHHS) and taken away from "her".

The article gives this quote from Justin.....

Both parents have cooperated with the investigation, say local police. NBC News asked DiPietro if he would be willing to take another lie-detector test. “How I’m dealing with this deserves no explanation,’’ he said before declining further comment.

Anyone care to break that comment down into something I can understand.

:waitasec: JMO ... but this is just another "sarcastic" answer from JD ...

And JMO ... but the "deserves NO explanation" tells me he is NOT doing a thing to help find Ayla ...

So telling ... very telling ...

MOO ...
current timeline states..."DHHS had put Ayla in the joint care of Becca and Jessica while she was undergoing treatment."

I read it as the attorney was Jessica's because Alya was in Jessica's care (approved by DHHS) and taken away from "her".
Thank you, that certainly makes sense. But at the same time, Ayla was taken away from Trista, kwim? Trista needed an attorney, too. I understand lack of money and all that, but it just seems so unfair. It just feels like no one felt that Trista losing her children was an injustice, but that Jessica losing Ayla WAS an injustice. I'm not sure I've articulated my feelings well, but I hope you get the idea.

Also, I wonder why Becca wasn't at this meeting, especially since she and Jessica both were assigned as caregivers. :waitasec:
My hinky meter goes off regarding the maternal grandfather. I realize that it has been "stated" that he is not the RR listed on the Maine Sex Offender registry but I have a pic of him and Ayla and when compared to the one on the registry I see similarities. The offender registry listing on RR has not updated his info since 2010. RR appears there with long hair and in the pic with Ayla his head is shaved. Glasses and eyebrows appear similiar. Sure wish there was someway to verify that they are not one and the same...
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