Media Interviews with Case Players (SA/DT) ***Merged**

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I agree that the jury did not follow the orders of the judge, but I am not sure that it would have changed anything.

This jury obviously collectively bought the accidental drowning scenario that Baez threw out on opening day, and from there, they excluded all other evidence because the theory was already accepted. They discussed it at night even when they were forbidden to do so. I am appalled by it, but still think that even if they abide by the rules, the outcome would have been the same.

The jury could not connect the dots because of this theory of an accidental drowning. They never heard Baez's opening statement where it happened in the early morning then changed to say that no one knew when it happened because it was not investigated. Had they have heard this, they would have found the lies given.
The check charges were not brought in, which was a huge mistake because Casey plead guilty and admitted her thoughts on this. Just as the prosecution said, when she is faced with her lies, she tells the truth.

This jury did not use one ounce of common sense. If they would have used even a portion of common sense, they would understand that no mother would make an accident look like a murder. No mother would sit in jail for 3 years being charged with murder if her child had accidentally drowned. No mother would sit and create all these characters in complete deceit against her family that loved this child so very much, if it would have been an accident.

This jury was told from the start that they were the first ones to hear what had happened to this child. Did they appreciate being the first to know? Did money signs shine in their eyes at that very moment? Did they clearly hear how the media has effected this case without hearing that Casey's team fought a gag order that could have made this case so much different?

It is my opinion that all discovery should make it's way into court. Every last piece of it. Even though it may not be presented during the course, it should at least be available for the jury to look at.

I am ashamed today, it was so hard to sleep last night knowing that Caylee was in a swamp for 6 months and not one single juror even attempted to think that this was the reason why no dna was present.

I will forever find a way to get out of jury duty. I will NEVER sit on a jury knowing that every piece of evidence available to me has been sat aside because of a "defendants" rights. BS! It's all or nothing, and that goes to both sides.
He should NOT be allowed to speak. He was not in deliberations. Unless they were talking when supposed to be sequestered, how does he know what the jury thought?

They spent lots of time together after the verdict and while being bussed back to their county.

Sorry, the jurors IMO were idiots.
Jeff was awesome. So much professionalism and class. He said they thought the Jury would be able to see what they did. It was good to see the Jeff Ashton away from the court room. Wish I could accept the Jury's decision as graciously as he has.
He gave it his all for years to find justice for Caylee and can go to sleep with a clear conscience every night. Not all from this trial can do say or do the same thing. God bless you, JA.
Oh, I hope that is true!

If the jurors discussed the case before deliberations, I think that would be grounds for a mistrial due to juror misconduct!

Keep talkin' big man, please! Tell us more!

Right now this would just be rumor unless someone can provide a link to the comment on GMA. Anyone else hear it? We need a link!

The prosecution cannot appeal a ruling. Only the defense can. (well, of course - since it's "the law" there are exceptions - but this isn't one of them). Talking amongst jurors can cause an admonishing or removal of a juror, or a mistrial - maybe- but it's moot at this point.
Wow, flipping the bird is still in vogue down there, huh?

Oh, derailed by audacious Cheney once again-- Jeff Ashton, you are a quick intellect with a searing sense of truth-- I appreciate every step you took to find justice for Caylee! :blowkiss:
This is beyond frustrating. I guess you can't fix stupid :(
I LOVE seeing JA without his glasses! Awesome the work that team did for Caylee.
If the ALTERNATE Juror's thinking and intellect level was anywhere close to the other jurors, this case was DOOMED from the start. Why is it that of the 20 selected he decided to talk to the media whereas the others went into hiding? I think he was pissed because he found out he wouldn't have a say in the final jury outcome. Based on his many media appearances in the past 18 or so hours, I believe that they discussed the case amongst themselves prior to deliberations and were just ready to go home after being sequestered for so long.

I think that the jurors were cowards for not explaining their decision. Any person that has been selected to serve on a jury should at least be able to explain how they came to the decision. I don't care about where they live or all the other b.s. that the media focuses on, but I personally don't think that they were the brightest crayons in the box. A good portion of them had run-ins with the law and at least 2 of them didn't graduate from high school. Not much note taking during the trial and not one single question to the court during deliberation with all of the evidence in the trial.

Seems to me all they did each day was look forward to the Dessert Lady, free restaurant meals, not having to work everyday and a nice hotel room to go to each evening.

In hindsight, I think one of the biggest mistakes made during this trial was when HHJP decided to pick the jury from Pinellas County. I believe that they could have found 20 people in Orange County that could set aside any bias or preconceived notions to listen to ALL of the evidence and then render a verdict. For that reason alone I believe the verdict would have come out differently and the majority of us wouldn't be as dumbstruck and heartsick as we are today.

I wish this had all went down here in Texas -- we don't play here with murderous criminals and fully enforce the DP. I TRULY believe that KC would have been sentenced to a lethal injection yesterday if the trial took place here. **One can dream, right?** LOL

The good thing about the Anthonys and the jurors is that they have to live with the decision that they made yesterday and I have no doubt that they will have miserable, if not intolerable, existences for the remainder of their lives.
After listening to him this morning on The Today Show I am more convinced than ever that this jury discussed this case before it was charged to them.
Jeff Ashton says we will never know what happened to Caylee.

Interview over.

I love this man. Just love him. Best wishes, Jeff. God bless you.

I liked the Prosecution team. They spoke for Caylee and tried their best.
More than the family did.
I missed the interview:( I wish him the best. Jeff Ashton did a good job.
He is right, we will never know what happened. Too many lies.
BBM. It really did help a lot, didn't it? A must-watch for all of us who are so upset.

Yes it did!

I've been to upset to even log on here to post, I'm still in shock while I never thought the DP would fly and murder 1 was iffy. I truly truly never thought she would be cleared of all other charges. I figured she would get manslaughter at the very least :(.

Hats off to JA he truly is a class act.
Not only did JA do a great job, Jesse G was on a few minutes after JA. He did a great job! If you did not see him, I suggest watching the video if it is up now. I hope he can move forward with his life now, put it all behind him as best he can. It shows that he really cared about Caylee and at one point KC.
Jeff Aston will aslo be on Hln Dr.Drew
I know this is OT, but,I thought Jesse Grund gave a very good interview as well. IMO, Casey let the good one get away. I know he feels very fortunate she made that decision.
I hope when JA says he's going to retire, he retires. He's already put off retiring for 3 years, now he needs to just take his wife and go away somewhere private, and enjoy his life. Just relax! BUT if he were to write a book, I would buy it :)
Thank you for posting that, it actually does make me feel better.

I was soo sooo upset all day yesterday and have decided that things happen for a reason. We may not know now, or in ten years or ever, but karma will come around, even if it's in the small way that Casey is never truly happy, maybe she'll end up in prison again one day, we have no idea what the future holds but I think today I have decided to just let it go.

If Jeff Ashton who has poured his life for three long years into this case can be so gracious, well I will try to be half the person he is and let it go. I think I have to because the way it makes me feel is just not good. I feel like I am stooping to the low level of Casey Anthony with my nasty thoughts. I will take the high road and think positive thoughts. I'm sure somewhere, someway, somehow, Casey Anthony will get what she deserves.

Rest in peace Caylee.

So nicely expressed. Thank you!
LKB comparing JB to a "young F Lee Bailey" is hilarious, seeing as how F Lee was ultimately *disbarred* in Florida.

Cheney Mason flipping the bird to the press - what a ******* he is. And despite his railing against the media, I am certain he won't be turning away the additional business that comes his way as a result of the media attention to this case.

Thank you so much for posting this. I saw a side of JA I didn't think existed..
He truly was gracious, and I really respect him for that.

If only he'd been more like this at trial....

Well, this is the most realistic post I've seen so far in this thread, so thank you.

Ashton no doubt is a good attorney, but he really needed to control his facial expressions and his dislike for Baez during the trial. I respect him as a prosecutor and a person, but I don't have to like his actions.
However, he really has no choice but to respect the jury's decision, it can't be undone.
And most people are forgetting that Baez made a very compelling statement to the media yesterday after the verdict, in which he praised ALL the prosecutors and asked that they be shown respect and appreciation for the job they did. He also said that no one is the winner in this case. Funny how no one has mentioned HIS classiness.
As for Cheney Mason... well, did it even occur to anyone that his gesture COULD have been triggered by some idiotic remark made by some member of the press? He may have had a good reason for doing what he did. I've seen all manner of making fun of him because of his age and his hearing problems, which is something he cannot help. I have a hearing problem myself and it infuriates me because other people don't understand the frustration it causes.
After listening to him this morning on The Today Show I am more convinced than ever that this jury discussed this case before it was charged to them.
Can we at least hope that Judge Perry will investigate this possibility, and if finding this to be true, order the jury to be held in contempt of court?

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