Media Interviews with Case Players (SA/DT) ***Merged**

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they asked him if his sarcastic tone could have hurt. he said no. that just shows me his ego's too not recognize that it helps to have the jury like you.

The juror never said they didn't like JA. I found him lovable.
Does anyone remember on jury selection questioning-- did this guy say he had a facebook? Or didn't?? Just curious if he lied right off the bat.


I agree!!!

If the Jury didn't understand the law and how to apply it WHY in the name of all thing Holy, Didn't they ASK HHJP!!!!!

Knock on the door and ask to have it clarified!!!

And if the Anthony's think it is so FAIR, maybe the LE need to go arrest GA for his involvement...

I Still think ALL of the Anthony's and JB conned us.... From 6 weeks before trial on...

And it worked!

Why the jury didn't ask HHJP... because they did not give a rat's a$$. They wanted to be done with it and go home. And go to London. And get on a cruise ship. And this was the easiest route.
Ashton has the class to come on after it's over. He knows & cares that we want to know what happened IMHO.

I have heard a lot of people in the last day say that the defense will hit the media scene. Sorry for my ignorance, I've only followed this during the trial. are you saying Baez and Mason made the media circuit during the trial or before? I never saw them on tv. Guess I never see anything wrong with it since you pick a jury supposedly who hasn't followed the case, right>?
I will watch ANYthing that the Prosecution team is on, even though I HATE the View. However, I will not watch a single show that puts any of the DUHfense team on. I'd rather stick hot toothpicks in my eyes than to EVER look at any of their sleazy faces again. That is, unless we get to watch he-who-shall-not-be-named get disbarred by the FL state bar!
The juror never said they didn't like JA. I found him lovable.

yes, you are was a question based on opinions of a segment of non-jurors who watched the trial. I heard that it was obvious in the courtroom that the jurors liked Baez - responded warmly to his "good mornings".
I WILL NOT be watching ANY interviews with the defense.
yes, you are was a question based on opinions of a segment of non-jurors who watched the trial. I heard that it was obvious in the courtroom that the jurors liked Baez - responded warmly to his "good mornings".

Actually, IIRC, there were quite a few tweets from reporters throughout the course of the trial that said many times the jurors did not respond to him at all - not one way or the other. People see things differently even looking at the same reaction from someone.

I honestly think we will not know what their opinion truly is of any of the attorneys in the case until they decide to speak out.

Barbara just said she was interviewing Baez on Nightline tonight

joy behar just asked barbara to ask him if he had an affair with Casey.

barbara poo-poo'd that and said she would never ask him that - married with a small child.

I have heard a lot of people in the last day say that the defense will hit the media scene. Sorry for my ignorance, I've only followed this during the trial. are you saying Baez and Mason made the media circuit during the trial or before? I never saw them on tv. Guess I never see anything wrong with it since you pick a jury supposedly who hasn't followed the case, right>?

Ashton is ONLY talking about the case, because he's RETIRING. Prosecutors are not allowed to go on television and do 40,000 media interviews BEFORE or DURING a case, OR while he is still employed as an ASA. I KNOW he's doing these interviews so that the public calms down. He's trying to help with his words of diplomacy for all sides.

And just so we're clear---NO lawyer goes into GOVERNMENT work to make money or be famous. How many of JA's cases been on t.v. again?
And a close-up from the trial shows that our buddy JA needs his ear-hair groomed........does THAT sound like a person concerned with image? JMO.

If you missed aall the Baez interviews, you must have just gotten a television in the past few weeks. Heck, even YOU could be a juror in Florida.

ETA: Not only directed at 'ambiance', just explaining MY OPINION to all those who think JA would participate in ANY blood money fest.
The View:

Jeff said,he thought when the Jury looked at the photos of the skull, the question on cause of death would be answered. In an earlier interview,he said he thought the Jury would see what they saw. Thought they would be able to connect the dots.

I really think he overestimated what some of the Jurors could grasp, as well as their diligence. IMO
I thought that was a very good interview. The co-hosts asked good questions and JA gave good answers. I have no problem with any of the lawyers, both prosecution and defense, doing interviews. It's up to me whether to watch them or not but they are more than entitled.
Best thing JA said..."that the Caylee supporters at the courthouse got very weird at times - like they were at a sporting event."

Yes, unfortunately there were a few who lost sight of what this was really all about and looked foolish running and fighting to get ahead in line. Regardless, there have been far far more who have followed this case since day 1 and have acted appropriately in Caylee's honor.
The only worthwhile part of his interview on HLN was the ire and passion he incited in Vinnie Politan. Vinnie was O.U.T.R.A.G.E.D and almost seemed flabbergasted at this guy's responses.

I completely agree with those of you who found all his "we" and "our" responses hinky. There is no "we" or "our" when you are an alternate.

Maybe the "we" is himself and the other alternates?

This jury makes the strongest case for professional jurors that I've seen yet.
He will be the first to write a book about the trial.

And I will be the first in line to buy it.

Any other book on the subject? No way.

I'm also refusing to watch any show that promotes any of the Anthonys....any of the jurors....and most importantly the main gasbag himself Baez.

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