Media Interviews with Case Players (SA/DT) ***Merged**

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Shoddy-- didn't even review the evidence, ruled emotionally, set a murderer free, no respect from me. jmo

He wouldnt even have been afforded the opportunity to have reveiwed the evidence.

He didnt get a vote in the verdict and he didnt get to hear what the others said in the jury room.

He wasnt there. He was in his hotel thinking about what he was going to say to the media. He knows less about what evidence was in the trial then we do because he was day dreaming while we were watching.

He didnt even know the verdict had been reached until everyone was out of court today.
I am trying to recall this incident....

Early in the trial, after a recess, HHJP read a question he stated he received from the jury....

I am not recalling WHAT the question was, but at the time, it concerned a LOT of people because the way the question was phrased insinuated that the jurors MUST be talking about case amongst themselves...and there were concerns it might cause a mistrial....

Does anyone recall this incident and what the "question" was?

"We" want to see the heart sticker. Everyone discussed how it was "altered".. as in not stuck to the cardboard anymore. The Jury wanted to see it. It was passed around when they came back in to court.
COVERED UP WHAT??? That's my thing. If there was something to cover up, shouldn't she at least be held accountable for some portion of that? Someone ended up dead here, and Casey was the person responsible for the person who ended up dead. To WALK on all charges relating to Caylee's death means the

ITA. No cover up would be necessary if KC was truly not guilty. Not enough thought went into that verdict IMHO. They just didn't think it through. Poor Caylee. She deserved so much more.
I hope someone alerts the judge about what this guy is saying and the judge hauls his butt into court to question him about it.
So, if the jury did discuss this outside of deliberation, is that illegal??
Cleaning products. Wonder what his theory is on why cleaning products were used to such a degree that they created chloroform, when he doesn't think there was any body in the trunk, to create any mess that would have to be cleaned up. Does he think most cleaning produces chloroform? That people across America are inhaling appreciable amounts of chloroform as they clean their houses? With no effects? The mind reels.

I can understand one person being totally devoid of critical thinking skills. I don't understand how the whole jury could be. That "we" is haunting me.

This, IMO, is one of the problems with the U.S. Criminal Justice System: putting such important decisions in the hands of 12 (often) ill-informed, (often) uneducated people. Jurors often lack the critical thinking skills necessary to assess the evidence. It might not matter in some (or most) cases. But it does matter in cases that depend on complex forensic evidence. How about requiring jurors to meet some minimum threshold of competence?
I'm very curious about these statements about not being able to determine HOW she died. This is not the first time cause of death is undetermined in a homicide...but I guess my bottom line question is, do people discussing this line of failure (inability to prove HOW she died) know how Lacy Peterson died or do they believe Scott Peterson should have been found not guilty? Absolutely NO hostility on my part or being snarky, I am truly curious to hear from others why there was a need to determine the details of a death...was it only b/c the defense offered up a possible alternative? My feeling is that if people must know how a person died, then we may have difficulty ever proving a person guilty if the body is not discovered in time to recover forensic evidence....MOO. Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and my heart goes out to all of us as we have hoped for justice for Caylee...

It's not that they have to know how the person died, but they have to know it was a murder. The SA only gave two theories on it being a murder, the duct tape and chloroform. The DT gave the theory of an accident. This means the jury had three choices: she died by the duct tape, she died by the chloroform (or both) or she died by accident. If they didn't believe she died by the duct tape or chloroform there is absolutely nothing showing that Casey KILLED Caylee. The 31 days, the partying, the body in the trunk, the lying all of that doesn’t prove that she killed her, it just proves that she was a horrible mother, she lied and that she covered it up. I’m NOT saying I believe this, because I do believe that she was responsible but without the Duct Tape/Chloroform there is no proof that Caylee died by the hands of her mother.
Russell Huekler said...The Prosecution did not prove there case and the big question that was not answered was how did Caylee die. Probably alot of discussion probably a horrific accident that dad and casey covered it up, and it did snowball.

Q..What evidence snowballed??
A, Horrific accident that they didn't know how to deal with it. the family very dysfunctional, it was an accident and they chose to hide it for whatever reason.

Q. Why would GA allow ICA face the death penalty for a accident?
A. Thats a good question. He now laughs, and says thats a really good question. Then he says THAT NEEDS TO BE ANSWERED.


:banghead::banghead::banghead: Is there a smile with blood dripping off the head from hitting a brick wall too many times?

He laughs? Seriously? I understand, that could be just "nerves" but then to say "That needs to be answered?" A LITTLE LATE FOR THAT DON'T YOU THINK??? :banghead::banghead::banghead:

Mr. H might want to consider going on a long trip/moving/identity change because when people see him, he may want 24 hour protection along side the Anthony's with the loons out there....

Seriously, the justice system needs to impose consequences/charges for ANY juror REGARDLESS of the outcome of a trial for not following the rules of a trial. Maybe THEN and ONLY then will the system actually work the way it is supposed to if they are held accountable for their actions.
Ok... so, let me get this right... had Casey been convicted on Murder 1 today and JB and all filed for an appeal, due to supposed jury tampering, it could get appealed and she could walk.
However, they found her NOT GUILTY on most charges, even if it is proven that the jury had pow wows at the bar every night, there is no appeal allowed by the state to retry her? That is insane!
Does someone have a transcript of the juror's interview. I am so emotional I want to go back and make sure I heard "what I think I heard" correctly. TIA
BBM, because I felt this needed to be repeated.

Because he is a coward and did it himself? Not everyone believed George. If you place him instead of ICA everywhere..his car etc. then it could be considered reasonable.
"We" want to see the heart sticker. Everyone discussed how it was "altered".. as in not stuck to the cardboard anymore. The Jury wanted to see it. It was passed around when they came back in to court.

Yes, but that discussion itself was against the admonishment by the court...not to discuss the proceedings amongst themselves...vacate the dam* verdict.
Cover WHAT up?

Spot on! Um, a murder, perhaps? Oh well, let's find her not guilty of any of the charges involving Caylee's death cuz we think her dad helped cover it up.

There are no words.
He wouldnt even have been afforded the opportunity to have reveiwed the evidence.

He didnt get a vote in the verdict and he didnt get to hear what the others said in the jury room.

He wasnt there. He was in his hotel thinking about what he was going to say to the media. He knows less about what evidence was in the trial then we do because he was day dreaming while we were watching.

He didnt even know the verdict had been reached until everyone was out of court today.

He HEARD the evidence and disregarded it.
I am trying to recall this incident....

Early in the trial, after a recess, HHJP read a question he stated he received from the jury....

I am not recalling WHAT the question was, but at the time, it concerned a LOT of people because the way the question was phrased insinuated that the jurors MUST be talking about case amongst themselves...and there were concerns it might cause a mistrial....

Does anyone recall this incident and what the "question" was?

They requested to see the heart sticker
I really want to know more about the juror with whom Casey was flirting. Is this the same juror that JB seemed to address frequently when he was questioning witnesses? After hearing what the "alternate" juror said, my hinky meter is soaring! Also, among all of the things that Baez might have said today as he talked about the case, I couldn't help wondering why he specifically mentioned the death penalty and his issues with this punishment.
Yes, but that discussion itself was against the admonishment by the court...not to discuss the proceedings amongst themselves...vacate the dam* verdict.

I agree. It was asked what the issue was. I tried to explain. And why do I have loading issues every time I want to change pages!? :banghead:
Excellent first post! You make a lot of sense and I think you are absolutely correct. The jurors and alternates were kept separate and the alternates were not to be talking to each other even when the others went to deliberate. They obviously did. I could go farther but don't want to get myself a time out. :innocent:

Agreed. I was just pointing this same thing out to my husband. Not enough time had passed between everyone being dismissed and this interview for this person to have all this information from everyone else. I have an off the wall theory, but I'd probably get booted if I shared.
I am trying to recall this incident....

Early in the trial, after a recess, HHJP read a question he stated he received from the jury....

I am not recalling WHAT the question was, but at the time, it concerned a LOT of people because the way the question was phrased insinuated that the jurors MUST be talking about case amongst themselves...and there were concerns it might cause a mistrial....

Does anyone recall this incident and what the "question" was?

I think it was that they couldn't all see a picture that had been brought into evidence. Cheney Mason asked how they wouldn't know they hadn't all seen the pic if they hadn't been talking about the case.

Additionally, I'll say that I noticed there were a worrisome number of tweets by reporters about knowing looks and knowing smiles between jurors during court procedures. How can that be unless they'd been talking with each other? After the incident above, the number of these tweets declined markedly. I figured the jurors had been talked to. I still worried that they had talked early on. I think it should be investigated.

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