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Nix West Memphis 3 doc from Oscar race, urge victim's parents

'Because of public pressure that exploded due to gross misrepresentations of fact in the two previous documentaries, Michael's killers were unjustly able to enter into a plea agreement, were released from prison and now pose additional threats to society'
—Todd and Dana Moore
Celebrity Justice
The WM3 are finally free, but should they be?

The West Memphis Three are free today not because of any new evidence, or, as is so often the case, a legal technicality; rather they owe their freedom to the power and influence of America's celebrity culture and our shallow obsession with pop idols.
Letter: Father speaks out against documentary

The executive producer of this very deceptive film is Damien Echols, one of the so-called “West Memphis Three” and the man convicted of murdering my son and his two best friends in 1993.

There is more here plus a very interesting and enlightening comment from Shannon Bradley Byers:
West of Memphis: More Lies and Deception from Damien Echols

West of Memphis omits important questions about the case. Why didn’t the documentary discuss why Echols found it necessary to hire a lawyer and stop talking to police on May 13th, 1993? I suppose that if he were not involved in the murders, Damien Echols and his family would want to provide information to the police that would remove him from suspicion. What about the failed alibis for all three defendants? Why didn’t Jason Baldwin even offer an alibi at trial? Why didn’t the film address the fact that the West Memphis Three were found guilty at law twice, once in 1994 and again in 2011? Why not talk about Exhibit 500 and the disturbing pre-murder mental illness? What about the continued obsession with the occult?
Rollins: Why Pennywise Dropped Off WM3 Benefit

Punk rock icon Henry Rollins has revealed that one of the songs originally planned for the his West Memphis Three benefit compilation, Rise Above, was pulled from the album's final track listing after the track's designated vocalist had a change of heart about the guilt of the three men convicted in the controversial case.

"The singer from Pennywise, Jim Lindberg, came on board early on and did a great job singing 'I Don't Care'," Rollins told Steppin' Out magazine, "But then two days before we were done mixing, he pulls his track from the record … He said, 'I think they're guilty.' "
Freedom fund squabble grows
West Memphis 3 reject defense project's help

By Marc Perrusquia
Posted January 25, 2008

Supporters raised hundreds of thousands of dollars before a splinter group calling themselves the West Memphis 3 Innocence Project formed a rival fund-raising organization.

Leaders of the new organization contend funds haven't been shared equally among all defendants and say the chief fund-raiser -- Echols' wife -- hasn't given any public accounting of the money.
Money at root of effort to free WM3
Supporters of W. Memphis trio feud over funds for defendants

By Marc Perrusquia
Posted January 17, 2008

Nonetheless, a splinter group of West Memphis Three supporters has launched a rival fund-raising organization, saying it is fed up with the handling of a legal defense fund that's attracted large donations from wealthy Hollywood actors and musicians along with smaller gifts from citizens across the country.

Leaders of the new organization contend there's been no accounting of defense funds raised so far and that the money hasn't been evenly split among the three defendants.
West Memphis 3 Notebook: After all these years, Big Jessie says 'I feel great now'

By Clay Bailey, Chelsea Boozer, Marc Perrusquia
Friday, August 19, 2011

Among bystanders outside the courthouse was Val Price, Echols' original defense attorney. As a testament to changed times, Price, who in 1994 defended the Mid-South's most notorious teen murder defendant, said he's now a juvenile prosecutor. Watching the carnival atmosphere around him, he smiled and shook his head.

"The whole tenor of everything has changed quite a bit,'' he said. Asked if he believed Echols was indeed innocent, Price squinted his eyes and shook his head again. "It's hard to say,'' he said.
West Memphis 3 case shows shift toward public relations
Image strategists likely to become trend, experts say

By Beth Warren
October 16, 2011

And, this summer, the defense requested more DNA tests. As new DNA results rolled in, Soury alerted reporters about the results.

Though DNA found at the scene could innocently match an officer at the crime scene or a crime lab worker, Ellington said, "The gag order was in place. I couldn't counteract."

The prosecutor called Soury's tactics "hocus pocus, smoke and mirrors and spin."

Soury was the West Memphis Three's supporters' route around the gag order.
Why Arkansas Gov. Mike Beebe won't pardon the West Memphis Three

“He has issued more than 400 pardons, but every one of those pardons have been someone who has completed all terms of their sentence, be that parole, probation, fines, or suspended sentences,” Mr. DeCample says. “He has never given a pardon in a homicide case.”

So far, the three have not filed any paperwork for pardons.

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