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Today the South African Times cited sources close to the police investigation as saying that social media messages including ones from Mr Hougaard might form part of the prosecution’s evidence at Mr Pistorius’ bail hearing at the Pretoria Central Magistrates tomorrow.

Across Twitter Mr Hougaard communicated with Miss Steenkamp before her death, and retweeted a picture of them together with friends after she died.

The 24-year-old was keen to distance himself from such reports at the weekend. His agent said: ‘This whole sad ordeal has got nothing to do with him.’

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'Blade Runner' nearly shot friend days before attack on model girlfriend

Gun-loving “Blade Runner” Oscar Pistorius nearly shot a friend two weeks before allegedly blowing away his gorgeous gal pal, according to published reports today.

Pistorius, in jail since the Valentine Day’s slaying of stunner Reeva Steenkamp, accidentally shot one round at the foot of boxer Kevin Lerena, while they dined with friends at a swanky Johannesburg restaurant, the fighter told Beeld newspaper.

Lerena said Pistorius mishandled the weapon and it fired one round that nearly hit his foot.

“I got a huge fright, because the bullet hit the ground just centimeters from my foot. I must emphasize that the gun belonged to one of Pistorius’ friends,” Lerena told the newspaper.

“Oscar just wanted to look at the gun, and it sort of snagged on his pants, releasing the safety catch. A shot went off. I wouldn’t call him negligent, it was just an accident. He apologized to me for days afterwards.”
Father blames steroids for murder
02 December 2004

The father of Pc killer David Bieber has blamed steroids for his son's descent into violence and crime.

Increased aggression and violent episodes among anabolic steroid users have been documented across the world since the 1970s by researchers examining what is sometimes labelled "roid rage".

Experts have also highlighted how a disturbing number of bodybuilders have been involved in murders compared with other sportsmen.

Anabolic steroids were first developed in the 1930s and are used by bodybuilders and other athletes to promote muscle development by flooding the body with the male hormone testosterone.

Physical side-effects

These range from acne and baldness through to breast development in men, shrunken testicles and even heart attacks and liver damage.

OP had acne when younger and is going bald.

Psychological effects

But the psychological effects, particularly with respect to aggression, are less well understood. In the 1970s anecdotal evidence began to suggest high doses of steroids could provoke "manic symptoms", including aggression, reckless behaviour and euphoria in some users.

Most researchers agree that some users are prone to sudden and sporadic outburst of violent "roid rage" but there is little agreement on why this happens and the extent of the problem.

In 1998 a much quoted article in the American magazine Sports Illustrated pinpointed the large number of bodybuilders jailed for killings compared with other athletes.

The case which has received the most attention is that of former Mr Universe, Bertil Fox, who was convicted of the murders of his girlfriend and her mother on the Caribbean island of St Kitts in 1998.

But, as with so many others, the link between steroid abuse and violence in the Fox case has always been implied rather than proved.

The leading researcher in the field, Dr Harrison Pope junior, said he is convinced some users with no previous history of violence are prone to aggressive, sometimes fatal, outbursts.


He said: "There have been many cases in the US which I have been involved with which involve individuals with no prior history of violence, no prior history of psychiatric disease and no prior criminal history who start taking anabolic steroids and then become a Jekyll and Hyde character.

"I think there is a consensus that steroids can do this to people. But it can vary so much from person to person.

"If you give steroids to a group of hamsters, many will become extremely aggressive and start beating up the other hamsters while others will remain perfectly calm.

"Some people seem to have this reaction and some people don't."


Dr Pope, who is professor of psychiatry at McLean Hospital at the Harvard Medical School, recounted one case of a 16-year-old boy in Massachusetts who was described as "quiet and shy" until he took up bodybuilding and started taking steroids aged 14.

He began to be more aggressive and after finding out his 14-year-old girlfriend had spent a night with another girl and two boys, he lured her to woods, stabbed her in the back and cut her throat.

The teenager's defence team pointed to his steroid abuse at his trial but he was convicted of first degree murder and jailed for life.

Prompted by this, Dr Pope's team set out to study 133 convicted prisoners and found steroids were an "uncommon, though occasionally significant factor in criminal behaviour".

Other work has pointed to violence against women as a common manifestation of "roid rage".

But Dr Pope stressed the truth about the relationship between steroid use and violence will probably always remain anecdotal because of the difficulty of exposing large groups of people to high levels of steroids in laboratory conditions.

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He claims to have shot her by mistake:

In his statement, the Paralympic hero claims he was woken by what he thought was an intruder and propelled himself from bed naked.
He said he grabbed his 9mm pistol and fired in the dark at the bathroom where he thought the intruder was hiding.
Pistorius says he was then horrified when he returned to the bedroom at his mansion to find Reeva, 29, was not there.
He claims that the boxes of steroids were in his bedroom drawer because he was keeping it for a friend:

A stash of drugs found at the home of murder suspect Oscar Pistorius was being stored there for a friend, the athlete allegedly told police.

“Boxes and boxes” of steroids were said to have been discovered in a drawer by detectives investigating the gun death of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp.

I wonder why his car was running when the police got there?

After Reeva’s death, the runner’s car was found on the drive with engine ticking over and keys in the ignition. It is thought the star – who has been charged with his lover’s murder – may say he was going to take her to hospital himself.
So, there was a bullet or bullet casing found in the bedroom; bed described as clearly being slept in by two people; & she was wearing a 'nightie'.

The pair had been sleeping together prior to the incident around 3:20 a.m. — Steenkamp was wearing a nightie and the bedsheets showed signs two people had been sleeping there, the paper reported.
A spent 9-mm. cartridge on the bedroom floor indicated to investigators that that was where the deadly attack began, sources said.
After the first gunshot, investigators suspect the wounded Steenkamp fled to a bathroom, where she hid behind a door.

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(CBS News) LONDON - Police believe Reeva Steenkamp, the girlfriend of Olympic runner Oscar Pistorius, was in her nightgown in the bedroom when she was first shot, according to South African media reports.

She slept in the same bed as Pistorius, police said. She then ran to the bathroom and locked herself inside, where she was shot in the head, hand and arm. Pistorius reportedly broke through the bathroom door and carried his dying girlfriend down the stairs.
Why does he carry her downstairs before doing CPR, if her head was already seeming limp? You would leave her in place and do the CPR on the nearest available flat solid surface (upstairs bathroom floor?).

Pistorius’ father received a call from his son just after 3.20am on Thursday, asking him to come to his house. When his family arrived, Oscar was carrying Steenkamp’s body down the stairs from his bedroom to the entrance hall. Her head and arms were “dangling”.

He allegedly told his sister, Aimee, that something terrible had happened and that he had mistaken Steenkamp for a burglar. The police questioned Aimee and took a sworn statement from her.

Steenkamp was still breathing and Pistorius tried to resuscitate her in the foyer. Paramedics and police arrived on the scene and, minutes later, she was declared dead.
LIVE UPDATES: Oscar Pistorius at court
2013-02-19 08:26

09:35 - A court official asks us to quiet down. Water is being placed at the magistrate's desk - @barrybateman.

09:30 -ANCWL sings "no bail for Oscar Pistorius". They say he will face the women of South Africa, tweets @Jacanews.

09:28 - Oscar Pistorius's brother deep in conversation with forensic expert Reggie Perumal, expected to provide testimony in defence, says @foxx_photo.
Pistorius breaks down uncontrollably when Roux suggests he did not know it was Steenkamp behind the door, Crawford reports.

There's no reason to think the broken door suggests guilt, Roux says. Pistorius shot first, then broke it to discover his mistake, Roux says.

Roux: "All we know is that she locked the bathroom door and he shot, thinking she was a burglar."

This was never, ever a premeditated murder, he says.

What is there in the state's case to say he didn't mistake her for a burglar, Roux asks.

The court has adjourned for a short break. Here are they key points from this morning’s hearing.

• Both the defence and the prosecution accept that Oscar Pistorius shot his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp, through his bathroom door last Thursday. Pistorius is appearing in court in Pretoria this morning for a bail hearing. The Paralympic and Olympic running star frequently broke down in tears and appeared distressed and exhausted as the defence and prosecution set out their cases.

• The prosecution claimed this was an act of premeditated murder. Prosecutor Garrie Nel set out a version of events in which Pistorius got up from bed, put on his prosthetic legs, armed himself, walked seven metres to the toilet door and shot Steenkamp four times; three of the shots killed her. Even if he thought she was a burglar, it was still premeditated murder, Nel said. But he asked why a burglar would lock himself in the toilet.

• Since Pistorius’s legal team wants the crime to be categorised as schedule five rather than the more serious schedule six, giving him more chance of receiving bail, a crucial question is whether the killing was “premeditated”. The prosecution argued it was. Premeditation did not have to be carried out over months, weeks or hours, Nel said, and it did not preclude feeling regret afterwards. Nel asked why Pistorius had carried Steenkamp’s body downstairs after the killing. And he questioned why Steenkamp had felt the need to lock herself in the toilet at 3am.

• Defence lawyer Barry Roux argued that this was not premeditated murder. “This was not even murder,” he told the court. He said Pistorius thought Steenkamp was a burglar, and asked how the state knew Pistorius was aware that it was Steenkamp behind the door. He said he would lay out case after case in which husbands shot wives and fathers shot children through doors thinking they were burglars. And he suggested that Pistorius broke down the door afterwards to help Steenkamp. Roux said Pistorius would set out his own version of events, but not yet. But he suggested that Pistorius did not accept that he put on his prosthetic legs to get up and walk to the toilet to shoot Steenkamp, and asked rhetorically if the state had a witness who saw Pistorius do that. Roux told magistrate Nair that he did not have the facts in front of him to call this a “schedule six” crime.

The case continues.
less than 1m ago
Nair is now ruling on which schedule the case should be categorised as: the more serious schedule six, which would make it unlikely Pistorius would receive bail, or the less serious schedule five.

less than 1m ago
Nair says if he thinks the charge should be premeditated murder, the accused has to show exceptional circumstances in order to be released on bail.
He says that South African law has evolved and it is now different to the past, when there was a high onus on the accused to get bail.

Nair says that Garrie Nel, the prosecuting lawyer, is relying on objective facts.

The overnight bag, the shots through the door, the locked door, the fact the door was broken from the outside, the fact Pistorius carried Steenkamp's body downstairs.

The prosecution's only inference is that Pistorius put his prosthetic legs on before arming himself and shooting, the judge says.
Wow. She was in her nightgown. He shot her in the bedroom first, then she fled to the bathroom, he got up, put his legs on, shot her 3 more times. Just wow. I have no idea what they were fighting about, but this is rage.

I don't agree with the prosecutor that it was premeditated, unless they have more than is being released and can prove he was planning to kill his short term girlfriend. If they do, I will change my mind on that one.

Bedroom shot links:
Updated tweets from bail hearing (read bottom to top).

David Smith‏@SmithInAfrica

- Pistorius: I tried to revive Reeva but she died in my arms. "I am mortified."

- Opened toilet door and Reeva was alive. I took her to bathroom, called Netcare, picked her up and went downstairs.

- Pistorius: Reeva was not in bed. That's when it occurred to me she could have been in bathroom. Bathroom door was locked.

- Pistorius: As I did not have my prosthetic legs on, I felt vulnerable for myself and Reeva. Feared danger posed by intruders.

- Pistorius: I screamed words to the effect of, get out of the bathroom. It was dark and I thought Reeva was in bed.

- Pistorius: I went out on balcony and heard a noise in the bathroom. I felt a "sense of terror" rush through me.

- Pistorius: She got into bed and we fell asleep. I have been a victim of crime before. For that reason I keep 9mm gun under the bed.

- Nair leaves to allow Pistorius to regain composure. A woman hands him an energy drink, his brother pats him on the back, Roux talks to him.

- Pistorius: "We were deeply in love." She felt the same way.

- Pistorius: We agreed to spend evening at home. By 10pm we were in bedroom, she was doing yoga, I was watching TV with prosthetic legs off.

- Pistorius denies premeditated murder in "strongest terms... nothing can be further from the truth." Not possible for state to provide facts.

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