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Knox's attorney, Ted Simon, said there will certainly be an appeal and cautioned that extradition shouldn't yet be a part of the conversation surrounding the case.

"It's really not in play right now, because first of all, she has another appeal to the Supreme Court of Italy," he told CNN's Anderson Cooper 360. "In Italy, under their system, you're still actually presumed innocent until that third, final stage."
Why the Knox Case Baffles Us -- Nina Burleigh:

(CNN) -- When Amanda Knox was convicted again on Thursday, Americans reacted with bafflement. The appeal was the third round through Italy's grinding, multi-level legal system, with its numerous checks and balances. But the saga is also confusing because, while the crime is simple, the case built around it is a grand spectacle combining aspects of national pride, sexist archetypes and race.

After he arrested them, the trial prosecutor proposed that the motive was a post-Halloween ritualistic sex game. But when authorities soon realized the DNA and fingerprints in the murder room belonged to neither Knox nor Sollecito, rather than reframing their case, the small town prosecutors and police in the glare of international media dug in their heels. In the latest proceeding, a new prosecutor abandoned the sex game motive but suggested Knox murdered Kercher after an altercation over Knox's poor hygiene and sloppy housekeeping.

In other words, out with Satan and in with the dirty laundry.

With no hard evidence and no credible motive, spectators around the world are right to wonder what's going on in these Italian courtrooms.

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Amanda Knox: Politcal Pawn?

In April 2013, the Italian Supreme Court threw out judge Claudio Hellmann’s 2011 acquittal of Knox and Sollecito. Now retired, Hellmann told La Stampa newspaper that he “foresaw” the reversal. Hellman said “the party of the prosecutor is very strong in the judiciary” and that political party had “influenced” the Italian Supreme Court, according to La Stampa.

Though Hellmann did not name the political party, it wasn’t the party of Berlusconi, Girlanda, and Boungiorno. Was it prosecutors pushing back against Berlusconi and his crew?

This wasn’t the first time Claudio Hellmann raised the possibility that political considerations were helping drive the pursuit of Knox and Sollecito. In October 2011, he told La Nazione newspaper that there was “a political background” to the case. It was directed squarely at Amanda Knox. Hellmann said, “Many wanted Amanda in prison because she was an American.”
Michael Winterbottom's new film The Face of an Angel, loosely based on Barbie Latza Nadeau's book on the Amanda Knox case, Angel Face, is drawing fire from Candace Dempsey, whose competing book Murder in Italy is far more sympathetic to Knox. Reacting to the movie's trailer, unveiled this week at Berlin's European Film Market, Dempsey calls the film "an invasion of Amanda's life."

"I'm shocked that BBC Films would help fund a movie so prejudicial," Dempsey tells THR."“So much for fairness and neutrality. They are running a salacious trailer, complete with sex on the train -- which, if it happened, was before the murder.

"Winterbottom wants to have it both ways," says Dempsey. "The film's not about Amanda, but it is about Amanda. It's not about guilt or innocence, but it makes Amanda look at guilty as possible."

In the trailer, one character says, "She had sex with some random guy she met on a train," and Bruhl's character replies, "None of that makes her a killer."

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Knox has this week returned to the University of Washington, where she is studying for a degree in creative writing. The university and fellow students have been supportive.

"The stance my university has taken is no matter what is going on with me legally I am still a student, and I've been shown support as far as security goes. I haven't had any backlash. If anything people have been quiet and respectful, but it is like I've just been diagnosed with cancer."

She had spoken to Sollecito since the verdict, and that he sounded broken. "He's really determined, trying to be strong, but I can hear in his voice he's not OK." Asked if Sollecito was angry with her for being in the US while he was in Italy, she said: "No, this is my home and he knows that. He's not angry with me at all."

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Father Saulo, who ran study classes with [Amanda] and let her play his guitar in jail, insisted she was “incapable of murder”. He said: “I spent a lot of time alone with her talking very deeply."

“From what I know of her I can say Amanda is incapable of murder."

“People say she was drugged, I don’t know about that, but the person I know couldn’t have done that on that night."

“This is my conviction. I could be wrong, and we’ll find out in ­Paradise.”

“All I will say is I’m convinced she did not murder Meredith.”

He said: “Amanda and I talk every week – she’s like my granddaughter."

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