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Jury will not get to see Trayvon fighting texts
Posted by Andrew Branca
Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 9:15am

Also, Animated Video Not Evidence

The Judge in the Zimmerman trial just ruled that the jury will not get to see numerous text messages on Trayvon Martin’s phone regarding his prowess at fighting, including texts as to how to punch someone in the nose and make them bleed.

The Judge did not give an explanation for her ruling other than to stand by her prior ruling as to social media evidence.

It is not clear if the Judge found a lack of authentication, which was one of the arguments last night. The Judge did indicate she reviewed the Lumarque case in which a trial court was reversed for failing to allow text messages.

The Judge also ruled that an animated video prepared by the defense (consisting of still animation pages, not motion) will not be allowed in evidence, but could be used as a demonstrative exhibit by the defense. That means that the animation images are merely part of the defense argument, probably in closing, not evidence the jury takes back into the jury room.
Zimmerman Defense Rests, Closing Statements Start Tomorrow
Posted by Andrew Branca
Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 6:00pm

(Video of testimonies and Judge's rulings at the link)

The defense team continued on what is expected to be the last day of their presentation of their case. The day began and ended with a bang. This morning Judge Nelson denied the defense’s request to introduce their animated movie as evidence, although they will be permitted to use it for demonstrative purposes during closing.

Then at the end of Court today the defense rested their case, and it was agreed that the State would present its closing argument tomorrow at 1PM, the defense would present their closing argument on Friday morning, followed by a State rebuttal. After that the jury should be instructed, and deliberations begun.

After Judge Nelson’s rulings, the defense called their first, and perhaps only, witness of the day, use of force expert Dennis Root. The video of Mr. Root’s testimony follows below that of Judge Nelson.

Dennis Root, Use of Force Expert Witness

Defense witness Dennis Root is a use of force expert, whose credentials alone took close to an hour to draw out. The defense then stepped Root through a couple of hours of various use of force hypotheticals. Mr. Guy handled cross examination for the State. As has become a pattern in this trial, the defense witness’ testimony was utterly consistent with George Zimmerman’s narrative of self-defense. In particular, O’Mara on direct extracted from Root his belief that the expletives spoken by Zimmerman do not indicate ill-will, hatred, or spite, but rather simple frustration.

Also familiar, the State on cross seemed, if anything, to be increasing the possible number of ways in which events might have unfolded that night, seeming to increase rather than decrease the degree of reasonable doubt. Indeed, at one point a life-sized dummy was brought into the court room and Guy began to act out the various ways in which the fight might have unfolded. If anything, it seems it must have reinforced how vulnerable Zimmerman would have been with Martin raining down blows from above. Indeed, it was as if for the fourth time or so the State was presenting to the jury George Zimmerman’s narrative of self defense.

Another familiar trend was the State’s tendency to ask questions to which they obviously didn’t know the answers, and getting blown up as a result. For example, Guy sought to have Root state that the likely screamer could have been Trayvon Martin, if Zimmerman were pointing a gun at him. Putting aside the fact that there is absolutely no evidence to support such a scenario, the question blew up in guy’s face when Root instead indicated that if he were in Trayvon Martin’s position, beating Zimmerman, and he saw Zimmerman’s gun, his most likely move would be to go for the gun–exactly as Zimmerman says Martin actually did.

State Prosecutor Guy, Cross-Examines defense witness Dennis Root

On re-cross, O’Mara took full use of the availability of the dummy to do yet another re-enactment of the fight, in a manner most favorable to the defense.

After the lunch recess O’Mara continued with re-direct. He asked Root about his perception of the expletives used by Zimmerman, and Root indicated that to him the remarks reflected frustration, perhaps, but not hate, anger, spite, ill-will. O’Mara cleverly had Root call upon his extensive law enforcement background to compare how Zimmerman sounded saying those words with how genuinely angry people sounded.

Then on re-cross, State prosecutor Guy simply imploded, as the State has so often. Guy asked whether it wasn’t true that GZ had other options, besides using his gun. Root answered, “No, given the totality of the circumstances, I don’t believe Zimmerman had any other option.” It was almost as if the State had never deposed Root before, had simply never met this witness before his testimony in the courtroom.

State Prosecution team, watching case implode

On re-re-direct, O’Mara explored issues around the use of force continuum. At one point Root noted that if faced with an aggressor, one should try to get away, if you can–a nice affirmation of the #1 rule in “The Law of Self Defense, 2nd Edition.”

Finally Guy was back on cross, and flailing even worse, if that’s imaginable. He challenged Root that he had never testified on behalf of a criminal defendant. “No, I have, twice, it’s in my CV,” answered Root. He challenged Root that the force continuum described was limited in its application to law enforcement. No, Root observed, it’s a simple conceptual model that’s effectively integrated in Florida’s self-defense statutes.

Then Guy challenged Root on whether he could identify the exact moment at which Zimmerman had been struck in the nose. “It’s hard to say,” answered Root, “he was hit a bunch of times.”


Olivia Bertalan, former Twin Lakes resident

The next defense witness was Olivia Bertalan, a former resident of Twin Lakes. On direct by O’Mara she recounted an absolutely horrific story of a home invasion, in which two black men in their late teens broke into her home and began ransacking it. She and her 9-month-old son ran up to his bedroom, locked the door, and huddled in a corner. The 911 dispatcher told her to grab any weapon she could and be ready to use it–the best weapon at hand was a rusty pair of scissors. Moments later one of the intruders was rattling the doorknob on the bedroom door.

Just listening to it was horrifying, but it got worse.

Some time later one of the invaders was identified and arrested. He was, however, a minor and was released from arrest on that basis. And, unimaginably, he himself was a resident of Twin Lakes, living in the neighborhood only a short distance from Bertalan’s own home.

It was very plain that this was still a deeply traumatized woman, even now almost 18 months after the invasion.

O’Mara then asked her about her interactions with Zimmerman in the aftermath of these events. Bertalan responded that they were terrified, and just so appreciative of George’s offers to help them, to make sure that they were OK. He even arranged for Bertalan to spend some time with his wife Shellie, as she was too frightened to stay at home alone.

The testimony of Bertalan was reminiscent of the compelling testimony of Elouise Dilligard the day before, also a Zimmerman neighbor. The Zimmerman these people described, this kind, caring neighbor, could not be further from the evil, seething, racist murdered of young black boys that the State continues to try to sell to the jury.

Robert Zimmerman, Sr., George Zimmerman’s father

Next called for a brief appearance was Robert Zimmerman, Sr., George Zimmerman’s father. He appeared, it seems, solely to identify the screaming on the Jenna Lauer 911 recording as the voice of his son, and there was no meaningful cross-examination.

In typically classy fashion, the State prosecutors noted to the Court that the witness was still subject to recall–meaning that he would still not be able to be present in court to support his son.

George Zimmerman, Defendant–Decides Not to Testify

In a brief exchange with the Court, George Zimmerman indicated his decision to not testify on his own behalf in this case.

Defense Makes Oral Motion For Acquittal–Denied by Judge Nelson

At this point the defense rested its case, and O’Mara made another motion for acquittal. Essentially he argued that as little basis existed for continuing the trial at the end of the state’s case was now even further reduced to the point that an acquittal was the only reasonably outcome. H explicitly asked that the State be required to “identify their factual scenario, their theory of the case, anything, articulating in some way Zimmerman’s guilt.”

Judge Nelson did not take him up on this offer, and instead ruled that there existed substantial evidence both direct and circumstantial to allow the second degree murder charge to go to the jury.

State Rebuttal: Adam Pollack, Gym Owner

I’m running of of destructive descriptives to characterize the State’s case, but almost unimaginably it sunk even lower. They notified the Court that they intended to call three rebuttal witnesses. The first to appear was Adam Pollack, the owner of the gym where Zimmerman had gone to exercise. The first question posed to him–are you using Zimmerman’s exercise program at your gym for promotional purposes–was immediately objected to by O’Mara. The basis was both that it was beyond the scope of rebuttal, as well as that it was an improper effort by the State to impeach. Ultimately, Pollack was released by the court without testifying.

After a brief huddle the State told the court that their second rebuttal witness would not be brought to the stand after all–presumably they had intended to use this witness for equally impermissible reasons.

Their third rebuttal witness, they said, might be available the next day, they weren’t sure. It turned out this witness was to be one of the ATF agents that George Zimmerman had been arrested for battering some 8 years prior. The State sought to introduce that testimony to counter the defense’s testimony of Zimmerman’s peaceful character.

O’Mara pointed out that the circumstances of the even, as well as being 8 years prior, were such that the charges were immediately reduced to a misdemeanor and Zimmerman placed in a diversion program which Zimmerman completed and the charges were completely dismissed. In nay case, it was prior bad act evidence, inadmissible in this case. Plus, O’Mara cautioned, if the State called this one witness to testify that Zimmerman was violent, he would bring more than 30 counter witnesses to testify to Zimmerman’s peaceful character.

Whether this witness will be called remains uncertain, at this point.

John Donnelly, Other Alleged Violations of Sequestration

At this writing, the Court was hearing arguments about whether there was a violation of the witness sequestration rules by John Donnelly, the Vietnam combat medic. Donnelly was present on days 2 and day 3 until the morning break. This is the testimony he was exposed to in that course. He did here from Wendy Doraval. He also heard Donald O’Brien, and he also had a chance to listen to Ms. Bahador. Sergeant Raimondo, and Diane Smith, but neither had anything to do with the scream. The second day he was here for Sudyka’s testimony, but she did not speak to the 911 recording.

Ultimately, Judge Nelson denied the State’s request the Donnelly’s testimony be stricken from the record.

Moving Forward: State to Close Tomorrow, Defense to Close Friday, State Rebuttal

It appears that the closing schedule will involve the State presenting their closing arguments tomorrow at 1PM. The defense will then present their closing arguments on Friday morning, after which the State will have a rebuttal closing.

On Wednesday, Judicial Watch announced that the Department of Justice had turned over documents in response to a Freedom of Information Act request showing that the Community Relations Service (CRS), a small division of the DOJ, was sent to Sanford, Florida after the Trayvon Martin shooting to help manage rallies and protests.

The new documents show that from March 25 through April 12, 2012, the CRS spent thousands of dollars helping organize and “work” marches and demonstrations regarding Trayvon Martin. Tasks included:
Working “marches, demonstrations, and rallies related to the shooting and death of an African-American teen by a neighborhood watch captain”;
Providing “support for protest deployment in Florida”;
Providing “technical assistance to the City of Sanford, event organizers, and law enforcement agencies for the march and rally on March 31”;
Providing “technical assistance, conciliation, and onsite mediation during demonstrations planned in Sanford.”
Thanks to all of you who place the links here. And I think it is important to cut and paste SOME of the articles. It is vital because in a year or two most of the links will be useless. They will not work and the info will be gone. So pasting some of it here is very important.
Defense rests case in George Zimmerman trial

.......Defense attorney Mark O'Mara told reporters that Zimmerman wanted to testify but his attorneys felt he had already told his version of events in multiple police interviews played for jurors.

"I think he really wanted to be able to interact with this jury and say to them 'This is what I did and this is why I did it. And as importantly, this is what was happening to me at the time that I decided to do what I had to do,'" O'Mara said. "So in that sense, yes, I think he wanted to tell his story."

Still, O'Mara said his client is "worried" because he faces up to a life sentence in prison if convicted for what O'Mara called a classic case of self-defense.

More at link.....
Jury in Zimmerman case may consider other charges

SANFORD, Fla. (AP) - A judge said Thursday that jurors in the George Zimmerman case can consider the lesser charge of manslaughter, but she delayed ruling on whether they may also consider third-degree murder after defense attorneys called the proposal "outrageous."

Prosecutor Richard Mantei argued that instructions for third-degree murder should be included on the premise that Zimmerman committed child abuse when he fatally shot 17-year-old Trayvon Martin because Martin was underage.

Zimmerman called 'wannabe cop' whose errors got Martin killed

(Reuters) - "Wannabe cop" George Zimmerman wrongly profiled Trayvon Martin as a criminal, followed him with a gun and provoked him into a fight that resulted in the shooting death of the unarmed black teenager, a prosecutor said on Thursday.

"A teenager is dead," Florida state prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda told the jury in closing arguments of Zimmerman's second-degree murder trial. "He is dead through no fault of his own. He is dead because another man made assumptions. Because his assumptions were wrong, Trayvon Benjamin Martin will no longer walk on this Earth."........

Time and again, de la Rionda accused Zimmerman of lying about what happened on the rainy night of February 26, 2012, when he spotted Martin inside a gated community in the central Florida town of Sanford........

Jeantel had used what de la Rionda called "colorful language," such as when she quoted Martin as referring to Zimmerman, who is white and Hispanic, as a "creepy *advertiser censored* cracker." She also testified that Martin told Zimmerman to "get off," suggesting Zimmerman initiated the confrontation.

"I had a dream that a witness was judged not by the color of her personality but by the content of her testimony," de la Rionda said...........

Considering that legal analysts have generally portrayed the prosecution case as weak, de la Rionda received positive reviews.

"He has to work within the confines of what he's got, and he was animated," said Alison Triessl, a California-based defense lawyer who has followed the trial closely. "I loved the question about who was the one who was really scared here."

Attorney David Weinstein of Clarke Silverglate in Miami saw the prosecutor as effective, such as when he showed the last picture taken of Martin - an autopsy photo......more......
TalkLeft - The Politics of Crime
Zimmerman Trial: Defense Closing

By Jeralyn, Section Crime in the News
Posted on Fri Jul 12, 2013 at 08:25:22 AM EST

Mark O'Mara has begun his closing argument for George Zimmerman.

He begins with a chart showing the burden of proof in a self-defense case. I happen to have a similar chart, called The Meaning of a Not Guilty Verdict. Here's what's included:

A Verdict of Not Guilty Includes:

Based upon the evidence presented, we the Jury find that the defendant is absolutely 100% innocent.

Based upon the evidence presented, we the Jury, cannot be absolutely sure that the defendant is innocent.

Based upon the evidence presented, we the Jury are confident that the defendant is innocent.

Based upon the evidence presented, we the Jury believe that the defendant is probably innocent.

Based upon the evidence presented, we the Jury are not really sure one way or the other if the defendant is guilty or innocent.

Based upon the evidence presented, we the Jury believe it is more likely than not that the defendant is guilty.

Based upon the evidence presented, we the Jury believe that the defendant is probably guilty.

We the Jury believe that the defendant is guilty but the evidence falls a little short and we cannot find that the defendant is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

O'Mara, who has no burden of proof, says he will prove that his client is 100% innocent.
O'Mara: No winners possible in Zimmerman case
Whatever the six-woman jury mulling the fate of George Zimmerman decides, the former neighborhood watch volunteer charged with second-degree murder in the fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin cannot emerge as a winner, according to his defense attorney.
Asked Wednesday what kind of life Zimmerman would lead if he were acquitted, Mark O'Mara told CNN's Martin Savidge "not a good one."
Reporter's Notebook: Former federal prosecutor explains how sentencing works in Florida
Former federal prosecutor David Weinstein explains the sentencing process in Florida:
In Florida, in cases where the death penalty is not an option, sentencing is within the sole discretion of the judge. The jury does not decide on the punishment.
Verdict Form
Jury Deliberations To Resume Saturday In Zimmerman Trial
Jurors in the trial of George Zimmerman will begin deliberating first thing Saturday morning.
Judge Debra Nelson announced the decision of the jurors at 6 p.m. Friday evening. They will be back in the jury room at 9 a.m. Saturday.
Key Points Zimmerman Jurors Will Consider
Jurors in the George Zimmerman trial have a lot to go over as they make their decision.
They deliberated for three and a half hours Friday before they adjourned.
Before starting their deliberations, they listened to the defense give its closing arguments, followed by a prosecution rebuttal.
State Attorney Angela Corey fires information techonology director who raised concerns in Trayvon Martin case

Posted: July 13, 2013 - 12:16am
Updated: July 13, 2013 - 12:32am
By David Bauerlein

State Attorney Angela Corey fired her office’s information technology director Friday after he testified last month about being concerned prosecutors did not turn over information to George Zimmerman’s defense team in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin.

On the same day attorneys finished their closing arguments in that nationally watched trial, a state attorney investigator went to Ben Kruidbos’ home about 7:30 a.m. to hand-deliver a letter stating Kruidbos “can never again be trusted to step foot in this office.”

"Ben Kruidbos told his attorney in April that he was concerned assistant state attorney Bernie de la Rionda had not turned over his report to the defense, which included photos of a person holding a gun, a photo of a marijuana plant and a text message about a gun transaction.

The report said Kruidbos initially received a pay raise for his work in the case."

Read more:
READ: Instructions For The Jury In Trial Of George Zimmerman
July 12, 2013 7:10 AM

Gary W. Green/pool/Getty Images
Nearly 17 months after the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin — a death that would spark protests across the nation — a jury is about to begin considering whether defendant George Zimmerman acted in self defense or should be convicted of murder or manslaughter.

Zimmerman's attorneys are expected to wrap up their closing arguments Friday in a Sanford, Fla., courtroom. Then, Judge Debra Nelson will read her instructions to the jurors — guidance that the prosecution and defense spent hours debating on Thursday.

Every line of the instructions was fought over by the attorneys. We've put the document online : JURY INSTRUCTIONS

Read through to see what Judge Nelson will say and what the jurors will be considering as they debate Zimmerman's fate.

Trayvon was killed on Feb. 26, 2012, in Sanford. Zimmerman, a self-styled neighborhood watch volunteer, says he acted in self defense. Trayvon's family and supporters say Zimmerman, now 29, racially profiled the young African-American and should not have been following the unarmed teen. The case ignited a national debate after Trayvon's family called for Zimmerman's arrest and accused local authorities of not properly investigating the young man's death.
Zimmerman Prosecutor Angela Corey Criminally Indicted by Grand Jury for Allegedly Falsifying Arrest Warrant and Complaint

OCALA, Fla., July 2, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Florida State's Attorney Angela Corey has been indicted by a citizens' grand jury, convening in Ocala, Florida, over the alleged falsification of the arrest warrant and complaint that lead to George Zimmerman being charged with the second degree murder of African-American teenager Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Florida.
The indictment of Corey, which was handed down last week (see, charges Corey with intentionally withholding photographic evidence of the injuries to George Zimmerman's head in the warrant she allegedly rushed to issue under oath, in an effort to boost her reelection prospects. At the outset of this case, black activists such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, who whipped up wrath against Zimmerman, demanded that he be charged with murder, after local police had thus far declined to arrest him pending investigation.

Following Corey's criminal complaint charging Zimmerman, legal experts such as Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz condemned her for falsely signing an arrest affidavit under oath, which intentionally omitted exculpatory evidence consisting of the photographs showing the injuries Zimmerman sustained, and rushing to charge him with second degree murder under political pressure. Dershowitz called her actions unethical and themselves crimes ( article-1.1080161).

*This is not the complete article, hope I did this right. I don't usually post in media. Complete article is at posted link.
George Zimmerman 'not guilty' verdict: Legal fight could continue

George Zimmerman has been found not guilty in the shooting death of teenager Trayvon Martin. But the US Justice Department may pursue the case under civil rights law, and Trayvon's parents are considering whether or not to file wrongful death civil charges against Zimmerman.

UPDATE 4:25 PM The Department of Justice said Sunday it would review the Travyon Martin-George Zimmerman case to determine if it should consider prosecuting Zimmerman, who was acquitted Friday in a Florida court, in the shooting case, reports Politico. "Experienced federal prosecutors will determine whether the evidence reveals a prosecutable violation of any of the limited federal criminal civil rights statutes within our jurisdiction, and whether federal prosecution is appropriate in accordance with the Department's policy governing successive federal prosecution following a state trial," the DOJ said.

The criminal trial of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin may be over, but the political, social, and legal reaction is likely to continue for months if not years.

More at link.....
Obama says Martin's death a tragedy, asks nation to respect call for calm

Washington (CNN) -- President Barack Obama called on Sunday for "calm reflection" following the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin.

The president, in a statement, acknowledged an emotionally charged climate but concluded that "we are a nation of laws, and a jury has spoken."

Obama called Martin's death a tragedy for America ...

full article at:

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