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George Zimmerman arrested, accused of pointing shotgun at girlfriend


'he has the frigging gun breaking all my furniture right now',0,1837318.story

According to an arrest report released late Monday, Schibe called police after she and Zimmerman got into a "verbal dispute," at her home on Topfield Court in western Seminole County. She asked Zimmerman to leave, and he "began packing his items, which included a Shotgun and a AR Assault Rifle," the report said.

When Scheibe told Zimmerman that she was calling the police, he pointed the shotgun at her "and asked her if she really wanted to do that," according to the report.

Lemma said that if a judge decides to grant Zimmerman bond, the Sheriff's Office has asked that he be placed on electronic monitoring.

Arrest Report:
Here is a reference to Zimmerman's call:

"Moments later, Zimmerman called 911 from inside the barricaded house to tell his side of the story."

""I have a girlfriend, who for lack of a better word, has gone crazy on me," Zimmerman said.

Zimmerman then said he never pulled a gun on his girlfriend, and that it was Scheibe who smashed a table at the home they shared. He also told the dispatcher that Scheibe was pregnant with their child and that she had decided she would raise the child on her own. When Zimmerman started to leave, "she got mad," he said.

Seminole County Sheriff's Office Deputy Chief Dennis Lemma said at a news conference that Scheibe wasn't pregnant."

Girlfriend says Zimmerman pointed shotgun at her
By MIKE SCHNEIDER, Associated Press | November 18, 2013 | Updated: November 18, 2013 7:44pm
Zimmerman's new lawyer: My client is doing 'as well as can be expected'
By Rene Stutzman, Orlando Sentinel
7:55 am, November 19, 2013

After spending the night in jail, George Zimmerman met this morning with his new attorney, the chief of the public defender's office in Sanford, who described him as "doing as well as can be expected."

The 30-year-old Zimmerman is broke and is now being represented by Jeff Dowdy.

TMZ had a livestream of the Zimmerman hearing, these are highlights:

- Judge found cause. Zimmerman will be arraigned January 7, 2014
- Bond at $9,000
- No contact with victim, and no closer than 1500 ft at a couple of specific addresses.
- Must wear Impact monitor, fee will be waived.
- No travel outside of Florida.
- No weapons.
- 3rd party to retrieve Zimmerman belongings from the house.

There was mention in the hearing that the victim said, but did not report to police, that there was a choking incident about a week and a half ago.
Bail would normally be around $5000 on the charges against, but the judge said he was increasing it to $9,000 after the state's attorney informed the court that Scheibe had disclosed an alleged incident a week and a half ago in which Zimmerman purportedly tried to choke her. The state's attorney also said Scheibe reported that the defendant had allegedly threatened suicide, claiming he had nothing to lose.
Video of court hearing today.

[ame=""]George Zimmerman hearing for Aggravated Assault 11-19-13 - YouTube[/ame]
CNN just reported that George was served with the divorce papers today as he was leaving jail. - heard on TV, no link yet

.......Assistant State Attorney Lymary Munoz argued for $50,000 bail, saying that new information should heighten concern for the accuser's safety, though the alleged incident hadn't been reported to police.

The new allegation is not reflected in the preliminary charges. But Judge Fred Schott cited the choking accusation when he put the bail at $9,000, saying it prompted him to set it higher than the $4,900 requested by the defense.......

Zimmerman's public defenders said Tuesday they were appointed to the case because Zimmerman said he couldn't afford an attorney.

He is unemployed, according to a police report, and has about $150 to his name with debts of $2.5 million, according to his request for a public defender.........

Zimmerman's estranged wife, Shellie Zimmerman, filed for divorce on September 5 and the papers were served Monday night while he was in jail. Shellie Zimmerman's attorney, Kelly Sims, said it was the first opportunity to give him the documents......more.....
According to Frank Taffee on Nancy Grace show, Taffee put up the $9000 bond to get Zimmerman out of jail this time. Zimmerman's website at airtime tonight is still dormant and not taking donations.

~Snip from Nancy Grace Transcripts 11/19/2013~

JONATHAN BEATON, WDBO: Nancy, today, George went in front of a Seminole County judge, who granted him $9,000 bond. A lot of people are saying it`s not a lot of money, and a lot of Florida residents I`ve talked with are worried he could be back out on their streets within a day or two.

The million-dollar question, though, Nancy is, does George Zimmerman have this money to put up? Is someone else, maybe a family member, willing to put up this money for him?

GRACE: Well, I`m pretty sure, Jonathan, that we`ve got that person right here with me, Frank Taaffe, friend of George Zimmerman. Taaffe, is it true you`re putting up the bond?


GRACE: You`ve got $9,000 to just throw down the -- right down the tubes to get Zimmerman out of jail? Better make sure he doesn`t have his Kel-Tec (INAUDIBLE)

TAAFFE: What difference if it is $9,000 or $9 million? You know, George is being oppressed by the press, you know, since day one, since this all happened. I got the money. Yes, I got the money.

GRACE: OK, whoa, whoa!

TAAFFE: I dropped (ph) it down.

GRACE: Let`s go back to you saying -- let`s just say -- let`s get back to you saying he`s being oppressed by the press. Hey, I`m just reporting...

TAAFFE: Sure, Nancy.

GRACE: ... what his live-in lover said. Liz, do you have that 911 call? I`m thinking you do. OK. I didn`t make this call, Taaffe. Let me have you take a listen, Frank Taaffe...

TAAFFE: I already listened to it.

GRACE: ... then you tell me that it`s all the media`s fault. Roll it, Liz.

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