Melissa Huckaby pleads guilty to killing Sandra

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I'm very surprised and pleased by this turn of events.

Sandra's Mother and family are spared the trial. I can't imagine the pain that they go through every day because of what was done to Sandra prior to and including her murder. They will not have to sit and listen to all of that. Thank God.

LWOP. Fair enough, she brutalized and took Sandra's life.

My Prayers are with Sandra's family today. God bless them and keep them in his care.
I've always wondered if there were other people involved. I'm happy that Sandra's family will not have to go through the additional heartache of a trial, but there's still a nagging question in my mind how Huckaby could have done such a thing all on her lonesome. The motive is still a bit of a mystery to me.

I've wondered the same thing JoefromLB! Seems like Melissa was the one who led that poor baby lamb to the slaughter where the wolves were waiting. How dare her plea and let them walk..IMHO!
I am so angry that this monster did not get the death penalty,

words fail me. What she did to Sandra was so awful that it

still has not been made public. I shudder when I think of what

this sweet child went through. When Melissa dies, she won't

even be welcomed in hell.
This is really better than a long, drawn-out trial for the family.

I think she acted alone and there was no one else involved. The police were stunned with shock she was the suspect - it's not like she was railroaded.
They keep calling her a "Sunday School teacher" on the news. From everything I've studied about this case, there were no students and there was no "school". No classes, nothing. The church was empty most of the time. There were hardly any parishioners. One article I read early on stated that no services had even been held in the church for almost two years. No parents of other "students" have come forward to talk about the "Sunday school".

If anyone has information to the contrary, please enlighten me.
Ive read several articles that say 25 years to life.
That is not life!! Im beyond livid!! Heres 1 article with the 25 years to life.

With the way this system is ,I have no doudt this monster will most likely be out running the streets again before she kicks the bucket!!

I hope someone tortures her for the rest of her life !!

Sandra, youve been let down, your killer is still breathing, Im so sorry.!!
Can someone tell me for sure it will be life without parole,Im not understanding why some reports are stating 25 years to life?
Please help me understand,
Which is it?
Wow. What a trip. This is a case beyond comprehension for me. A woman raping and killing a child. I thought I wanted some details from her that a trial might bring. Details that would help me understand why and how such a sick thing could happen. But, ultimately, this is so rare I can't think of another case where a woman rapes and kills a non-familial child, on her own. (And I believe 100% that this person did everything on her own, with no help whatsoever, no one else involved. She is a freak).
So, since it is such a rare thing, maybe we don't need to know and can just be satisfied that she will be behind prison walls, hopefully for life. Surely this is better for the poor family of little Sandra. If I was a member of Sandra's family, I would not want such details out in the public, I think.
Also, maybe it's better for some of us in the public as well. Like me. This case skeeved me out so badly I think I don't want to know anything more.
Good riddance melissa huckaby.
Rest in peace sweet little angel Sandra! God bless you and your family.
Can someone tell me for sure it will be life without parole,Im not understanding why some reports are stating 25 years to life?
Please help me understand,
Which is it?

There are different reports. Some say life without parole and some say 25 to life. She has not been sentenced yet and my feeling is that this is the range of what she can be sentenced to. She drugged, raped and killed a sweet baby and she tried to cover it up. I think that's grounds for LWOP.
MH had the DP hanging over her head...she pled guilty to save her own life. I do believe her sentence will be LWOP

Melissa Huckaby, 29, entered the plea in San Joaquin County Superior Court to a charge of first-degree murder with a special circumstance of kidnapping. As part of a deal with prosecutors, all other charges — including two involving rape and lewd or lascivious conduct with a child under 14 — were dropped, according to court spokeswoman Sharon Morris.
The surprise plea came during what was scheduled to be a routine pretrial hearing Monday morning. The initial charges in the grand jury indictment last year would have made her eligible for the death penalty if convicted. Her trial had been set to begin in October.

Morris said Huckaby now faces a sentence of 25 years to life in prison without the possibility of parole when she's sentenced June 14.

Seems as part of the plea deal the other charges were dropped. What I don't understand is where they state above, she faces 25-life without the possibility of parole...I do think the sentence is stated wrong above and should reflect a LWOP sentence...not a 25 to needs to do their homework better if we are to go off what they say...JMHO

Either way, Sandra's family doesn't have to sit through the gory details of Sandra's demise..Poor innocent child suffered a sadistic, brutal death and how she must have suffered in her last moments..

The DP would be too kind, no suffering involved but doing LWOP, MH will not be safe in her environment. Other inmates will be enraged at what she's done to Sandra...:furious:

MH cannot be kept in PC for her entire sentence, can she???

Justice is coming Sandra....
I believe that she acted alone. If she had an accomplice, she would have outed him/her by now. She is a coward IMO and would not face this alone if there was any other scapegoat to shoulder any of the blame.

I hope that she gets LWOP and that she is thrown into general population as soon as possible.
on our local Sacramento news last nigt, they said that they had spoken to Sandra's family and they stated that they wished that they could go on the record and give an interview right now, but have to wait until the gag order is lifted. so it looks like we will get to hear their thoughts on the plea etc.
Thank you joga. I look forward to hearing Sandra's family speak.
Seems as part of the plea deal the other charges were dropped. What I don't understand is where they state above, she faces 25-life without the possibility of parole...I do think the sentence is stated wrong above and should reflect a LWOP sentence...not a 25 to needs to do their homework better if we are to go off what they say...JMHO

Morris said Huckaby now faces a sentence of 25 years to life in prison without the possibility of parole when she's sentenced June 14.

I think what it means is that there is the possibility of anything from as little as 25 years to the maximum of LWOP, or anything in between. She hasn't been sentenced yet, but that is the range of possibilities. Kind of like how for armed robbery you might be facing 10-25 years (or whatever...I just made that up). IOW, I don't think LWOP is a given yet. Although I'll bet anything that's what she gets.

I'm totally okay with that. I think that would be worse than the DP. And she totally deserves every minute of it.
Melissa pleads guilty. Wow im totally shocked and angry. She deserved the DP. Well I hope she has nightmares every night, waking up in fear of what she has done to Sandra.
Can someone tell me for sure it will be life without parole,Im not understanding why some reports are stating 25 years to life?
Please help me understand,
Which is it?

You read it right. 25 to life. She is not able for parole till at least 25 has been served.
Also I think she did actually commite this craime by her self. Look at how Big she is and how small Sandra was. It would not take much to drug and kill and place in a suitcase.

She is sick:furious:
I was stunned to read this today...and it wasnt even headlined anywhere I could find.

I hope that this represents some kind of justice-just reading what the Criminologists reported about the crime itself (a woman drugging, raping and killing someone elses child) and the fact that it is "unheard" of didnt bring me too much solace.
I will say this-I am irritated by the rationalizations being offered by the press including that this prevents the family from having to relive the crime and it's details through the years long appeals process if she had received the DP.

I think that is incredibly patronizing. Mark Klaas has been willing to soldier through-and I suspect that Sandra's family would have as well....

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