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"She took a piece of tape from the back of one of JB's american dolls that was in the basement and placed it on her mouth."

Just what I had been thinking. I recall that the AG's from the '90's had a cord that ran out the back of the neck and that a piece of tape was used to hold down the cord. The purpose of the cord...I don't know unless it made it easier to dismantle the head for repairs at the AG "Doll Hospital".

I would like to know if JBR's AG dolls were among the ones said to have been placed around the child's body.
Thanks, Trocaria. Whether or not you realize it, you just gave one more incredibally good reason to exhume JonBenet's body.
"She took a piece of tape from the back of one of JB's american dolls that was in the basement and placed it on her mouth."

Just what I had been thinking. I recall that the AG's from the '90's had a cord that ran out the back of the neck and that a piece of tape was used to hold down the cord. The purpose of the cord...I don't know unless it made it easier to dismantle the head for repairs at the AG "Doll Hospital".

I would like to know if JBR's AG dolls were among the ones said to have been placed around the child's body.

The AG dolls didn't actually come with the tape on them, but the Pleasant Company, who made the dolls back then (now they are made by Mattel) suggested that parents put a piece of tape over the knot on the cord that held the doll's vinyl head on the cloth stuffed body. The knot, which was at the back of the dolls' neck, sometimes interfered with brushing the doll's hair or fastening the doll's clothing. I didn't have anything to do with dismantling the doll. Quite a while back, I posted a link here with a large photo of an AG doll showing the cord around the neck. I don't know how long it would take you to find it, but give it a shot.
The AG dolls didn't actually come with the tape on them, but the Pleasant Company, who made the dolls back then (now they are made by Mattel) suggested that parents put a piece of tape over the knot on the cord that held the doll's vinyl head on the cloth stuffed body. The knot, which was at the back of the dolls' neck, sometimes interfered with brushing the doll's hair or fastening the doll's clothing. I didn't have anything to do with dismantling the doll. Quite a while back, I posted a link here with a large photo of an AG doll showing the cord around the neck. I don't know how long it would take you to find it, but give it a shot.

I did find a picture of one from another source, same brand of the same vintage. Ok, here's another question that may already have been answered;
were any of her AG dolls ever bagged by the cops and were any missing their connecting cords?
I did find a picture of one from another source, same brand of the same vintage. Ok, here's another question that may already have been answered;
were any of her AG dolls ever bagged by the cops and were any missing their connecting cords?

Not as far as I know.
As RDI, I don't look at this crime as premeditated. I look at it from various angles, but the one that is simplest to me and makes the most sense as far as what was done to cover up this death and make it look like a kidnapping/murder are two things- someone was abusing JB and that needed to be kept secret from public knowledge. AND something caused JB to scream that night, and her scream prompted that horrible head bash, meant to shut her up FAST. After that bash, there could be no more screams. Actually, after that bash, there could be no more JB. That's the easy part. The hard part is deciding who did what- because figuring out who did what may also help us figure out WHY. And LE had the same problem; even the DA's office was aware of that. That's why the BPD wanted to separate the parents, to see if their stories differed or if one would rat the other out.

A very detailed response Dee.

But one thing troubles me with regards the scream. If JonBenet screamed, for whatever reason, and it was a singular scream as far as we know(I believe), that means the perpetrator would need to act fast to silence her. But how fast can someone act? They would need to think, grab something to use to hit her and then actually hit her.Of course, if the weapon was nearby then that makes it easier.

If JonBenet screamed, meaning she was alive, a scream is usually a responsive action thus she may be screaming in relation to something and out of fear. Why didn't she scream more than once? Could the perpetrator react so quickly on hearing the first scream and quickly enough to prevent another?
Melody Stanton said she only heard one scream so let's say that JonBenet screamed and then one of the R's hit her over the head with an object. But why would she scream in the first place? That makes me think that one of them was doing something else to JBR that prompted her to scream and they just grabbed the nearest object to shut her up. Or did JBR scream as the object was getting swung at her? Would she have had time to react? If she could have screamed because the flashlight (or whatever object) was going to hit her, wouldn't she have time to duck or move away? I'm just thinking of different scenarios; like if Burke threw the flashlight across the room at JBR; and she sees it coming and she screams. If she can process what's happening and even do a cry for help, then why wouldn't she duck or run away? And it was a loud scream so it wasn't just like that little "aah!" whimper you let out when you realize the ball from kickball is coming right for your head.
A flashlight swung across the room, even a heavy one like that wouldn't crack her skull in half or punch a hole like that. The place where the flashlight made contact indicated it was blunt force trauma, just as the coroner said. Blunt force trauma, as it applies to an autopsy, means HIT or bludgeoned with something as opposed to falling and hitting the head or having something thrown at the head. Also, it'd be almost impossible to hit that exact spot, or hit her heat at all, with an object thrown across the room. A heavy object like that would likely fall to the floor before it sailed across the room. BT was a pretty scrawny kid, smallish for his age.
JB was bashed deliberately with a heavy object swung in an arc by someone taller than her standing close to her.
What made her scream? Whatever made her bleed. It's as simple as that (to me anyway).
A flashlight swung across the room, even a heavy one like that wouldn't crack her skull in half or punch a hole like that. The place where the flashlight made contact indicated it was blunt force trauma, just as the coroner said. Blunt force trauma, as it applies to an autopsy, means HIT or bludgeoned with something as opposed to falling and hitting the head or having something thrown at the head. Also, it'd be almost impossible to hit that exact spot, or hit her heat at all, with an object thrown across the room. A heavy object like that would likely fall to the floor before it sailed across the room. BT was a pretty scrawny kid, smallish for his age.
JB was bashed deliberately with a heavy object swung in an arc by someone taller than her standing close to her.
What made her scream? Whatever made her bleed. It's as simple as that (to me anyway).

I made bold a point I strongly agree with.The head trauma was deliberate. It wasn't from a fall.I can't believe people still suggest it was. JonBenet's head injury was made via serious force.

I believe that the head-wound came after the garrotte trauma as I subscribe to the "sex game gone wrong" theory.To me, it makes more sense, in keeping with my views on the physical evidence, that the head-wound was part of the staging.

I know some people believe the head-wound came first and that the "sexual garrotte" staging was done afterwards. I just personally feel that it would be easier to stage a head-wound than a sexual assault. The thought of parent(s) violating JonBenet after death just seems abhorrent.
A flashlight swung across the room, even a heavy one like that wouldn't crack her skull in half or punch a hole like that. The place where the flashlight made contact indicated it was blunt force trauma, just as the coroner said. Blunt force trauma, as it applies to an autopsy, means HIT or bludgeoned with something as opposed to falling and hitting the head or having something thrown at the head. Also, it'd be almost impossible to hit that exact spot, or hit her heat at all, with an object thrown across the room. A heavy object like that would likely fall to the floor before it sailed across the room. BT was a pretty scrawny kid, smallish for his age.
JB was bashed deliberately with a heavy object swung in an arc by someone taller than her standing close to her.
What made her scream? Whatever made her bleed. It's as simple as that (to me anyway).

So let's say that Patsy gets angry at JonBenet and takes the flashlight and brings it down on JonBenet's head forcefully. Would JonBenet have time to realize what was happening and then let a loud scream? It seems like it would happen too quickly for JonBenet to react to it. That makes me think that JonBenet screamed because of something else and then she was hit with the flashlight to shut her up.
A flashlight swung across the room, even a heavy one like that wouldn't crack her skull in half or punch a hole like that. The place where the flashlight made contact indicated it was blunt force trauma, just as the coroner said. Blunt force trauma, as it applies to an autopsy, means HIT or bludgeoned with something as opposed to falling and hitting the head or having something thrown at the head. Also, it'd be almost impossible to hit that exact spot, or hit her heat at all, with an object thrown across the room. A heavy object like that would likely fall to the floor before it sailed across the room. BT was a pretty scrawny kid, smallish for his age.
JB was bashed deliberately with a heavy object swung in an arc by someone taller than her standing close to her.
What made her scream? Whatever made her bleed. It's as simple asay).

Dee Dee, I respectfully disagree in that blunt force trauma can be inflicted by falling. Blunt force describes the trauma while the term bludgeon describes a method of inflicting trauma. JonBenet's autopsy doesn't address the method.
So let's say that Patsy gets angry at JonBenet and takes the flashlight and brings it down on JonBenet's head forcefully. Would JonBenet have time to realize what was happening and then let a loud scream? It seems like it would happen too quickly for JonBenet to react to it. That makes me think that JonBenet screamed because of something else and then she was hit with the flashlight to shut her up.

That's my thinking too.

Of course, it could be that the scream was Patsy's and so JonBenet never screamed.
If you imagine that it's dark (or fairly so, maybe a nightlight) in JB's room, she is being molested (and very miserable), all of a sudden the overhead light comes on, JonBenet screams from fear and shame, Patsy is there, flashlight in hand and takes a very hard swing at the molester. He only has to fall back and JB's head is right there. I've been thinking this for a while now and it really seems possible to me. Now they have to come up with a good reason for her death. The head wound is not visible and it's my opinion at that moment they really believed she was dead, quite possibly because she was brain dead and had very little appearance of life. Her eyes would have been the eyes of the dead with no focus at all and could have even been rolled into the back of her head. It hurts me to type these things but over the years, this is what I believe happened that night. Everything else after that was staging, imo.
I know some people believe the head-wound came first and that the "sexual garrotte" staging was done afterwards. I just personally feel that it would be easier to stage a head-wound than a sexual assault. The thought of parent(s) violating JonBenet after death just seems abhorrent.

It IS abhorrent, LFB. It probably was to them, too. I imagine that's WHY the violation from that night was so minimal. I've often expounded on the "blind shot" idea.
It IS abhorrent, LFB. It probably was to them, too. I imagine that's WHY the violation from that night was so minimal. I've often expounded on the "blind shot" idea.

On the subject of staging :

-Making one hit to the head with a weapon is quite impersonal.
-Whereas, if the sexual abuse was "staged" it implies a lot of physical contact. It's very personal.

I've not heard the "blind shot" theory before -- I'd be curious to understand it if you want to explain it?
It IS abhorrent, LFB. It probably was to them, too. I imagine that's WHY the violation from that night was so minimal. I've often expounded on the "blind shot" idea.

That's a very good point actually. I've never considered it or seen it written about before. But thinking about it now, that's what has always gnawed at me about the sexual aspect of the crime if it was an intruder. For there to be so much violence/aggression perpetrated upon JB's body, but very little sexual violence/injury seems incongruent.
May JonBonet rest in the peace of her mothers arms, finally. Bless her heart.

I have always believed there were at least 2 perpetrators to this crime. One a woman, the other a man. I have often wondered if the Colorado police have considered investigating Brian Mitchell (Smart abductor) for this crime? It is the same area of the country, and the features of the girls are strikinginly similar, though he went with an older girl the second time. Has John Ramsey considered that this man might have been a handy man at his home? Or near a pagent? Church? His business? If Mitchell did handy man stuff for other churches, this is a possibility. Could be he was and Mr. Ramsey never met him? If Mitchell was with his current wife (or another) it would explain why the handwriting on the ransom note was a woman's. It certainly would be worth checking out his whereabouts at the time of the killing.

I have always believed that JonBonet's death in that house was an accident. I have pictured in my mind that perhaps JonBonet was being carried down the stairs, started to scream or make a fuss, and was dropped, thus resulting in a head injury. Perhaps then, feeling frustrated and realizing the plan failed, the perp. then finished the job with the golf club to stop her from making any more noise. Perhaps the motive was ransom and the crime went wrong. Not to say the perp wouldnt have killed her later or kept her as a hostage, much like Elizabeth. I just dont believe he intended to kill her at the home. Why take her all the way down the stairs?

My other theory would be that another pagent mom...out of jealousy or desire to win a pagent, might have hired some thugs to carry out the plan for her. Thus, she wrote the ransom note, and would benefit from the money and possibly keeping JonBonet out of future pagents. Woman do crazy things for their kids.

Obviously, the ransom note is a womans writing, or there wouldnt have been fingers pointing at Patsy.
Also, there is the possibility that anyone at a pagent could have heard the amount of Johns bonus, or saw the paycheck stub. So could have staff in the home, friends in the home, or female workers at Johns' job.

I believe the key in this case is a woman as a partner in the crime.
Hi Starburst- Welcome to the board. Just curious- have you done much research on the JonBenet case? Read any books or read here long?
Hi Dee Dee. I am a huge fan of true crime because I like to understand the motivation. I did read one book on this case, but cannot recall which one. I try to follow my gut and form an opinion right away and stick with it. The minute I heard about Elizabeth's Smart abductor, the Jon Bonet case came to mind. Prior to considering that, I agree with another online theory here, that the perpetrator(s) were new at crime, and I agree that the person carrying out the deed was young. This is in keeping with the idea that the deed was hired and thought out by another. (pagent mom, staff member, a woman.) Thanks for your comments and inquiry.
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