Meter Reader

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I see what you are saying. Since we did not know of the previous three calls, it made more sense that he said he just stepped into the woods to relieve himself. What other reason would he have had to randomly wander into the the spot without the excuse of needing to go. Now that it is out that he called before I doubt he had to pee at all.


That is what I think too. I don't think he did that at all.
People have been struck by snakes that have been presumed dead - but I really don't think anyone or any dog has ever been struck by a dead snake.

Numerous people have made the mistake of reaching for a dead snake to remove it from their property, only to find its fangs buried in their hand and the deadly venom delivered. What these victims didn't know is that pits between each eye and nostril of a rattlesnake serve as sensors of thermal radiation.
For example, when a mouse triggers these sensors, a reflex action can cause the snake to strike and inject its venom, even on a moonless night since the process does not require visible light. The thermal radiation from a human hand can cause the same reflex action even if the snake has been dead for a while because the snake's nervous system continues to function.

I'll be damned - my apologies.:eek:
Just to make you guys nuts..we have decided to not worry about using the meter readers last name. he put it out there there you have it.
repeat FYI
Can I ask a stupid question? What was that fence put there for on the other side of the road? What is behind that fence? A development? thought I saw a brown rooftop in one of the crime scene pics beyond that fence?

There is a fence on the other side of the road part of it closes off a retension pond and the neiborhood beyond. The fence does continue on down the road towards the school. With woods behind the fence.
whats he doing hanging out in the woods where teenagers go to do drugs and do teenager stuff like argue about music or make out. What is his reason for being back there or around the back of that school? Are the meters back there?

I'd like to seee his computer hard drives just to make sure. He describes the area as a swamp, when really it sounds like a smoking hang which is it?

what is the likleyhood though?'s just bizarre.

Everyone in the area knows about the case.
The meter reader realizes that he's in the area.

Who's the prime suspect? Casey
Where does she live? Right here.

Hmmm, there's trees and a swampy area, maybe she put Cayley there, I'll check.

There's something suspicious! I'll call 911.

The police are the ones that dropped the ball. I will NEVER understand why this area was not searched thoroughly from the beginning. It's a fact that women who kill their children keep them close. I mean a wooded area right near the suspect's house and they don't do a meticulous search??? It's overgrown? Use machetes, use whatever you have to but search!!!!!!!!!!
Just to throw this out there - I dont think it is being discussed here but it was on Fox just a minute ago. Some gal mentioned they were suspisious of the meter reader because when he called in he had trouble with the road names. This is not unusual in the meter reading world.
The hand held "computer" you hold has meter #'s and you go by that, not always the road or address. If he is a good reader (like I was :)) he didn't even need to know the names of the streets because the meters would pop up in order of his route.

I bet I walked a million miles and to this day couldn't tell you the street names of my route, but I knew the area well.

I'm confused :waitasec:, don't you have to know the name of the road in order to read the meter?
I'm confused :waitasec:, don't you have to know the name of the road in order to read the meter?

No- they have electronic machines with built in GPS and that's how they read them now.
Doesn't the GPS still have the road name on it?

Those machines run by longitude and latitude coordinates. An average meter reader visits hundreds of meters (homes) each and every day.
I totally agree with you, jujube. I remember wondering and being frustrated at the time that LE didn't seem to be searching, except for that "scheduled water exercise". I know resources are always tight, but it seemed so obvious to me, especially when she said "she's close". LE dropped this ball.

Everyone in the area knows about the case.
The meter reader realizes that he's in the area.

Who's the prime suspect? Casey
Where does she live? Right here.

Hmmm, there's trees and a swampy area, maybe she put Cayley there, I'll check.

There's something suspicious! I'll call 911.

The police are the ones that dropped the ball. I will NEVER understand why this area was not searched thoroughly from the beginning. It's a fact that women who kill their children keep them close. I mean a wooded area right near the suspect's house and they don't do a meticulous search??? It's overgrown? Use machetes, use whatever you have to but search!!!!!!!!!!
The calls-for-service details also indicate the arrival time of responding officers and the time at which they cleared the scene. According to the report, on Aug. 11 a deputy was on the scene for five minutes, on Aug. 12 for seven minutes and on Aug. 13 for 25 minutes.

I would like to know if the meter reader stayed at the spot on August 11th and showed the deputy what he found OR at least leave a marker for LE to go right into that particular area. Same on August 12th when LE came out or whoever came out was the meter reader there to lead LE into the area.

And again on August 13th when Roy K called and said I am here and LE went and searched for 25 minutes. Did Roy K stay there and wait for LE so he could show them or did Roy K leave so not to waste company time?

IMO, IF Roy K stayed on 8/11 then LE would have seen what Roy K found. Same goes for 8/12 and 8/13.

I want to hear the entire phone calls he made to the non-emergency dispatcher.
the facts point to Casey leaving Caylee on the side of the road to fester and rot, in a garbage bag with duct tape wrapped around her little head.

the question is why? why so callous? and how does one drive around with a corpse in the back? how do Zanaida and Casey cross paths at Sawgrass Apartments?

What was her real plan? If all of this pans out somehow, Casey is a very sick girl.
Those machines run by longitude and latitude coordinates. An average meter reader visits hundreds of meters (homes) each and every day.

He went to his GPS to pull up the street but the dispatcher was pulling up a map. Sure wish he continued finding it on his GPS. Thanks for you info, I hope I see my meter reader Friday so I can ask him how he finds me. :crazy:
TO Mr. K...........please try to have a happy holiday season with your family.
Angels looked over her until you came.
If it wasn't for you, dear little CAYLEE would still be in the mud.
Now she can be laid to rest.
You are her earth angel.
Thankyou for being a decent person and finding her!
I for one am very glad Mr. Kronk was persistent in his searches and kept at it. I don't care if it looks hinky or not; this child needed to be found and he did what no one else was able to do.

I believe he was guided there by an inner 'gut' feeling--something was telling him to keep looking THERE. And he did. And she was finally found, right where Casey dumped her! Mr Kronk is a hero; he's not a villian in this story, as some want to suggest.

I have no doubt that the entire set of circumstances will come out at trial. There will be expert testimony that the area was not otherwise disturbed, Caylee's body wasn't moved around like Weekend At Bernie's, she was placed there in June by her mother, not intending for anyone to find her. The items found with the body will further implicate Casey, pointing to no one else.

There is no 'nanny,' no ZFG who ever took care of Caylee. It's the selfish act of one sociopathic young woman who wanted to be rid of the anchor around her neck.

IMHO, of course.
Maybe this has already been covered and I missed it, but how in the world did some posters come up with the name "German G" for this meter reader when the story first broke?
The calls-for-service details also indicate the arrival time of responding officers and the time at which they cleared the scene. According to the report, on Aug. 11 a deputy was on the scene for five minutes, on Aug. 12 for seven minutes and on Aug. 13 for 25 minutes.

I would like to know if the meter reader stayed at the spot on August 11th and showed the deputy what he found OR at least leave a marker for LE to go right into that particular area. Same on August 12th when LE came out or whoever came out was the meter reader there to lead LE into the area.

And again on August 13th when Roy K called and said I am here and LE went and searched for 25 minutes. Did Roy K stay there and wait for LE so he could show them or did Roy K leave so not to waste company time?

IMO, IF Roy K stayed on 8/11 then LE would have seen what Roy K found. Same goes for 8/12 and 8/13.

I want to hear the entire phone calls he made to the non-emergency dispatcher.

Quoting myself. I am thrilled the meter reader found Caylee, my concerns are of LE being looked at like they didn't follow-up or find what Roy K found or found what Roy K found and at that time wasn't related to Caylee. So looking forward to the complete investigation regarding the August phone calls.
AT 5pm WFTV said that he does want to tell his whole story but is trying to decide what the best outlet to do that in. I guess what show to go on.

He wants to get it out. Don't know if he is holding out for money.

The news said he is now doing desk work and is off the meter reader route.
Had an after thought about the meter reader, when he was there in August on the 11th and then again on December 11th. Well I would think that he was reading water meters, here where I live they are read on 3 month intervals, I would surmise that after the 3 calls in August that he made, and felt that he didn't get the response that he expected, when he went back in December he decided to poke around. In this area they are not true county employees, but work for the county. With all of the homes in that area he would have been there for 3 days to read the meters and probably stopped there on the side of the road for a break or lunch, I see it a lot around here.
AT 5pm WFTV said that he does want to tell his whole story but is trying to decide what the best outlet to do that in. I guess what show to go on.

He wants to get it out. Don't know if he is holding out for money.

The news said he is now doing desk work and is off the meter reader route.

I wonder what his 'whole' story is??
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