Meter Reader

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Maybe after Cindy, Lee & George take their lie detector tests? Give me a break, This guy doesn't owe anyone anything.
I haven't read the entire thread so I don't know if this has been discussed.

First let me say that I believe 100% that KC is responsible for killing her daughter. But I am confused about the discovery of the body. According to what I've read, the MR reported the bag about a week before the storm hit and the area flooded. Tim Miller said he has no doubt the body has been there the entire time because there was no grass under the bag.
But if the stench in the car was as bad as the A's and towyard staff say it was, I wonder why none of the kids walking to school, nobody walking a dog, etc noticed the smell?

Did the MR say the bag was in the same location as it was the first time he saw it? I just dont understand how nobody else saw it if it was as visible as the crime scene photos make it appear to have been.
Did they ask him to take a lie detector test, did they ask for his fingerprints, or DNA? LE even had some of KC friends take lie detector tests to prove what they were saying was the truth. Why not the meter reader? That's all I'm saying.

I am only guessing,but since he was at the crime scene they probably did take his fingerprints and possibly shoe prints,to rule his out against any other prints found.
If they come across anything linking him they may ask for dna and a lie detector test .I also suspect LE is checking him out completely. The defense will and LE wants to be prepared for the next round of BS thrown out there.LE has been very quiet about this entire investigation.We don't know yet how they are following up on the meter reader.
As for CA and GA,I was quite prepared in the beginning to go to bat for their odd behavior as grieving grandparents.It became obvious to me, a grieving mother,that their actions went far beyond that.I didn't throw them under the bus, but they sure seem determined to stand in front of every bus barreling their way.
I But if the stench in the car was as bad as the A's and towyard staff say it was, I wonder why none of the kids walking to school, nobody walking a dog, etc noticed the smell?

Did the MR say the bag was in the same location as it was the first time he saw it? I just dont understand how nobody else saw it if it was as visible as the crime scene photos make it appear to have been.

School lets out in Florida around Memorial Day so kids were not walking to school at that time.

The decomp would have occurred quickly and Caylee's body would have been skeletonized in about two weeks, so any smells would have occurred before anyone knew that a body could be the source of the odor. And swampy areas have all kinds of stinky smells so it doesn't surprise me.

I don't think the MR found the remains the first time. What he describes he saw in August and what was found in December are two very differnent things. White bag and round thing, grey bag versus black bag.
Did they ask him to take a lie detector test, did they ask for his fingerprints, or DNA? LE even had some of KC friends take lie detector tests to prove what they were saying was the truth. Why not the meter reader? That's all I'm saying.

They may have. I don't think that the police hearing a man calling in after discovering a bag containing the remains of a baby would just say, "hey man, thanks a lot." I'd hope they'd check him out better than that. I do think though that if they had the slightest inkling that he was involved, they'd have moved on it.
The decomp would have occurred quickly and Caylee's body would have been skeletonized in about two weeks, so any smells would have occurred before anyone knew that a body could be the source of the odor. And swampy areas have all kinds of stinky smells so it doesn't surprise me.

I totally agree. I think that if there was a decomp smell at the end of June, I'm sure the locals probably attributed it to a dead animal decaying in the woods. I also wonder how much decomp smell would have permeated through the double bags. I know from first hand experience that even when we double body bag decomp cases, you can still smell it on the outside of the bag but it's not as strong at the body itself. I'm thinking that the double plastic garbage bag may have knocked down the odor a bit. MOO
Or maybe he doesn't want to be in jail for the holidays. With everyone wanting to find out what happen to Caylee, why would the person that found her body want to wait until after the holidays to tell HIS STORY? That is so suspect to me.
Could you please explain what your suspicion is ,or your theory on how he may be connected?
Maybe it's something the rest of us haven't considered.
I just have no suspicion about him at all.
I know that some of you believe that the meter reader is just a "concerned citizen" and then there are others like myself that feel that the meter readers actions and statements are suspect. What I don't understand is that some of you are willing to crucify CA and GA for being "concerned parents" and LA for being a "concerned brother" and want them to take lie detector tests, DNA tests, and provide LE with their fingerprints. But when it comes to the meter reader being a "concerned citizen", some of you are so quickly to dismiss him. Why?? If the A's were subjected to fingerprinting, DNA tests, and lie detector tests, then why not the meter reader? The A's were not there when the crime took place, but yet we question them. Is it because we think that they had something to do with the crime after the fact(cleaning the car, washing the clothes found in the car)? The meter reader found the body! Why not question him also? I don't know if he's guilty of anything, me being a "concerned WS" at this point in the game who can we trust?
Very well put. I agree with you. The twists and turns in this case anything should be check out. Maybe he is a concern citzen and he obessed with the case, has eveybody on WS. I am pretty sure that they did question him. And they are following up on anything at this point. I still feel something don't add up.
But I am glad that little Caylle can now be at peace. What ever the reason or however the meter man turn out. Caylee been found. The questions should be answer later.
One more thing he know he was going to be media craze. So I do agree he should wait to talk until after the holidays. For his famly and the Anthonys they have a right for peaceful holiday season. (Not CA)JMO
I haven't read the entire thread so I don't know if this has been discussed.

First let me say that I believe 100% that KC is responsible for killing her daughter. But I am confused about the discovery of the body. According to what I've read, the MR reported the bag about a week before the storm hit and the area flooded. Tim Miller said he has no doubt the body has been there the entire time because there was no grass under the bag.
But if the stench in the car was as bad as the A's and towyard staff say it was, I wonder why none of the kids walking to school, nobody walking a dog, etc noticed the smell?

Did the MR say the bag was in the same location as it was the first time he saw it? I just dont understand how nobody else saw it if it was as visible as the crime scene photos make it appear to have been.

I have been wondering about this as well. The physics were out there in the same area on the same day and they did not see anything. So if it wasn't that visible how did the meter reader find it? He called 3 times to report a suspicious bag back in Aug. A suspicious bag? There was trash everywhere, what made that bag stand out amongst all the other trash? And then he returns in Dec and then he finds the body? It seems to me as if the meter reader was out in the area searching. But why? (I find Caylee right?) What led him back to that area in December. I think I read somewhere on this thread that the smell of decomp would not have been as potent in Aug. let alone in Dec. So what made him go back in Dec. and ultimately discover the body? If he went to this area 3 times in Aug and then back to the same area in December, what made him so sure of the fact the Caylee was in that area? Searches were done everywhere....JB park, near the airport. I am just curious and I am one of those type people that have a hard time trusting people.
School lets out in Florida around Memorial Day so kids were not walking to school at that time.

The decomp would have occurred quickly and Caylee's body would have been skeletonized in about two weeks, so any smells would have occurred before anyone knew that a body could be the source of the odor. And swampy areas have all kinds of stinky smells so it doesn't surprise me.

I don't think the MR found the remains the first time. What he describes he saw in August and what was found in December are two very differnent things. White bag and round thing, grey bag versus black bag.

I don't know if Elem kids would know that smell. but this was a party place for older kids. What about the two boys what happen to them?
I guess that he wants to negotiate the best deal possible for the i.v.. Also, I read elsewhere today, though haven't seen it confirmed, that he believes he is entitled to the reward money and that it is being looked into. Maybe he wants to wait til that is resolved?? And I should add, I don't blame him a bit for wanting some money for this. This is going to cause him alot of problems and stress.

Where did you read about the reward money? IMO about reward money If you care about a missing child any missing child or person. the reward money should not even be a issue. I would never take reward money or maybe I would and donate TES or a program like that. It should be your duty to report any finds or tips without even thinking about a reward. JMO

I guess it different if you are a bounty hunter?? That their paycheck. the reward should be that you brought that person back to their family. That to me would be reward enought. again JMO
I totally agree. I think that if there was a decomp smell at the end of June, I'm sure the locals probably attributed it to a dead animal decaying in the woods. I also wonder how much decomp smell would have permeated through the double bags. I know from first hand experience that even when we double body bag decomp cases, you can still smell it on the outside of the bag but it's not as strong at the body itself. I'm thinking that the double plastic garbage bag may have knocked down the odor a bit. MOO

ITA with you, I would also like to add the bag was most likely under water for a long lenth of time, due to the rains and the hurrican. The water might have also contributed to masking the odor. I believe the bag was probably torn open by critters, when the water levels subsided.
I don't know if Elem kids would know that smell. but this was a party place for older kids. What about the two boys what happen to them?

I am wondering if the exact location Caylee's remains were found in, is indeed the exact location that older kids are said to party in? Looking at all of the crime scene photos, I am not seeing anything that looks like party
paraphernalia they usually leave behind (beer cans, bottles, trash) etc. Also, I'm sure there wasn't much partying going on if the area was under water for most of the summer....And I'm with you about the two boys, I too wonder what happened to them?
I have been wondering about this as well. The physics were out there in the same area on the same day and they did not see anything. So if it wasn't that visible how did the meter reader find it? He called 3 times to report a suspicious bag back in Aug. A suspicious bag? There was trash everywhere, what made that bag stand out amongst all the other trash? And then he returns in Dec and then he finds the body? It seems to me as if the meter reader was out in the area searching. But why? (I find Caylee right?) What led him back to that area in December. I think I read somewhere on this thread that the smell of decomp would not have been as potent in Aug. let alone in Dec. So what made him go back in Dec. and ultimately discover the body? If he went to this area 3 times in Aug and then back to the same area in December, what made him so sure of the fact the Caylee was in that area? Searches were done everywhere....JB park, near the airport. I am just curious and I am one of those type people that have a hard time trusting people.

"Bolded by me"
I have a hard time with trusting some people as well, but I would trust this meter man 100 times more than I would trust Lee, George or Cindy.
So far, this guy hasn't been caught in a web of lies, nor has he changed his story (what we know of it).
I'm giving him a chance, a benefit of a doubt.
I don't feel this man is involved in anything to do with Caylee's murder or coverup thereafter. *But* something about the whole thing just feels "off" to me, and I can't quite put my finger on it. Like there's a piece of the puzzle yet to be revealed that will have us all saying "Ahhh, now I get it." I definitely feel that there's something yet to be told where the MR is concerned.

That being said, I don't think it's anything incriminating or illegal. Someone would have to be a few fries short of a Happy Meal to put themselves in the position he has done, if indeed he was involved in any capacity. I just think he's holding something back. And it may very well be for the good of the case as a whole, as per LE etc.
I am wondering if the exact location Caylee's remains were found in, is indeed the exact location that older kids are said to party in? Looking at all of the crime scene photos, I am not seeing anything that looks like party
paraphernalia they usually leave behind (beer cans, bottles, trash) etc. Also, I'm sure there wasn't much partying going on if the area was under water for most of the summer....And I'm with you about the two boys, I too wonder what happened to them?
Yea that true I never did see any beer cans, I just keep hearing about trash be throw there. Does Flordia not have litter law?
In the stae illinois i think it like $250.(Just a weird thought):waitasec:
Geraldo just called the OCSD keystone Cops & they do not have a Murder 1 Case against Casey

He said Caylee could have choked on her chewing gum for all we no

This is why Geraldo has been relegated to F*x ***.

As far as Geraldo's opinion goes, three words come to mind: Al Capone's vault.

The meter reader has given a press conference and is named and pictured in the Orlando Sentinel, so he has chosen to give up his anonymity.,0,6099139.story

One thing puzzles me about the meter reader's actions. When he saw a plastic bag last week, he picked it up. Why didn't he do that on the earlier occasions?


Have the reports not varied between "he kicked the bag" (in early reports0 to "he picked up the bag' (current reports) and a human skull rolled out?

Most certainly if this guy has a computer it has already been examined by LE. Plus his cell phone records. Plus his home phone records. I would not be surprised if he hasn't already voluntarily taken a polygraph.

I have a good friend who works for a water authority. The men keep their eyes out for lots of things in the neighborhoods when they are making their rounds - things like newspapers stacking up on a porch, etc. It kind of goes with the job when you are a person who is in a neighborhood regularly for many years.

I do feel sorry for this guy, since he will now be dragged into this whole mess by Baez as part of the defense of the worthless Casey.

I wish her parents would go to see her and beg her to confess and plead guilty so this madness can stop.

I think the last people on this planet that she has any respect for are her parents.

The meter reader met with a deputy on August 13th, but the deputy didn't find anything.. One of CA's friends was a deputy with the Orange County Sheriff's office who was fired around August 26th for lying about his relationship with CA. Wouldn't it be interesting if he turns out to be the deputy that missed the bag on August 13th?

ORLANDO, Florida (CNN) -- The meter reader who led authorities last week to remains believed to be those of Caylee Anthony called police four months ago, directing them three times to same site, authorities said Thursday.
In one of those phone calls, the meter reader reported seeing a gray bag on the side of the road, Nieves said. On August 13, a deputy responded to the site and did a "cursory search" but found nothing, Nieves said.

Link to story about the deputy who knew ca being fired on August 26th:

I've wondered the same thing.

I read 8 pages of this and didn't want to wade through the rest so forgive me if this has been brought up before.

Is it possible that KC and LA buried Caylee by the airport and then when things got hot he went back and grabbed the body and put it into a spot that had already been searched by cadaver dogs?

If he used KC's car that might explain the decomposition fluids and hairs in the trunk.

I'm not sure if this fits the timeline or not just sayin.

They did have a cryptic conversation while she was in jail that definitely was a code type thing. If he's Caylees father he'd have a big reason to help bury her where nobody could find her.

"Bolded by me"
I have a hard time with trusting some people as well, but I would trust this meter man 100 times more than I would trust Lee, George or Cindy.
So far, this guy hasn't been caught in a web of lies, nor has he changed his story (what we know of it).
I'm giving him a chance, a benefit of a doubt.

I am also willing to give him a chance just like I did CA, GA, and LA. I'm just saying that we question the A's, why not this guy? I guess, for me, if this meter reader would have stumbled upon this body on Aug 11 then there would probably be no doubt in my mind that he was not somehow connected to this. But the fact that he goes to this same area 3 days in a row being suspicious of this area and then he goes back to the same area again in Dec. is just not sitting well with me. I feel like something is missing.
I don't feel this man is involved in anything to do with Caylee's murder or coverup thereafter. *But* something about the whole thing just feels "off" to me, and I can't quite put my finger on it. Like there's a piece of the puzzle yet to be revealed that will have us all saying "Ahhh, now I get it." I definitely feel that there's something yet to be told where the MR is concerned.

That being said, I don't think it's anything incriminating or illegal. Someone would have to be a few fries short of a Happy Meal to put themselves in the position he has done, if indeed he was involved in any capacity. I just think he's holding something back. And it may very well be for the good of the case as a whole, as per LE etc.

I think so too.
I know that some of you believe that the meter reader is just a "concerned citizen" and then there are others like myself that feel that the meter readers actions and statements are suspect. What I don't understand is that some of you are willing to crucify CA and GA for being "concerned parents" and LA for being a "concerned brother" and want them to take lie detector tests, DNA tests, and provide LE with their fingerprints. But when it comes to the meter reader being a "concerned citizen", some of you are so quickly to dismiss him. Why?? If the A's were subjected to fingerprinting, DNA tests, and lie detector tests, then why not the meter reader? The A's were not there when the crime took place, but yet we question them. Is it because we think that they had something to do with the crime after the fact(cleaning the car, washing the clothes found in the car)? The meter reader found the body! Why not question him also? I don't know if he's guilty of anything, me being a "concerned WS" at this point in the game who can we trust?

Le said they investigated him. LE said based on their investigation he has no relation to KC or her family. How do you know he hasn't taken a lie detector test or a dna test? In fact, since he found the body it would be protocol for LE to take his fingerprints and dna since most likely he left the same there when he discovered the body and they try to identify all fingerprints and dna found at crime scenes. Also, as a county employee they would already have his fingerprints of file.
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